/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, and eventually PC. pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳MH:World's Proof of a Hero: capcom.co.jp/monsterhunter/world/audio/bgm/bgm001.mp3
↳TGS Trailer 9/19: youtube.com/watch?v=xtT5GIViSXo
↳Demo Gameplay 8/22: youtube.com/watch?v=WBg6KnkpaXU
↳Weapons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC

>More News
-Monster Hunter Stories is out now! youtube.com/watch?v=r46Jbq-ZNok
-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. is out now, region free. youtube.com/watch?v=Urb9cJcwAUA
↳MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4: my.mixtape.moe/glpowg.png
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App: my.mixtape.moe/ezwmnj.png

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread


let it die

>Dunno why people claim Frontier has good balance, I sure haven't noticed any of it.
what content are you tackling?
for zenith content, parry weapons do have a defensive edge, but nothing a little git gud can't solve.

How many areas do you think world will have? (not including arena ones like sanctuary)


Is there nobody talking about Stories anywhere? I have so many questions about wtf I'm doing.


ask away



I would say somewhere between the two

good work jeanne

I want to give Milsy-chan a big, wet, deep adult kiss!

I hope your can will have actual customization instead of 4U's praying to find one worth a shit that also has Blast/Poison/Para Edge

>using anything but stealing cats
>using cats

Well duh I only used Stealing cats. They rarely pull the monster's attention away, and hey free gems.

>using sns vs gravios

The only weapons gravios "counters" are Lance and GL because they have to get Guard Boost or Evasion

You don't need Guard Boost for Gravios
Might be a good safety net for Black Gravios, but you can break his back in some quick mount spams and then just stay under him all day

Which genes stack and which dont?
I know bingos don't stack, but I'm not sure whether resistances/element ups do

When you are married to a weapon, you use it for everything. EVERYTHING.

>back breaks
I don't know about all this new verticality kiddo.


hi where the xx rooms :-DDDD

tfw my pc sucks and im gonna have to play mhw on lowest settings...

same name = doesn't stack
Speed + Thunder S doesn't stack with speed S and thunder S (but I'm not 100% sure on this one, i am on same genes though)

What a thrill

His name is Chat?

You can get L, M, and S of the same skill but two Ls won't stack.

It used to be Chad when he was a famous Gunner

Jin Roh
Hope you like commies getting btfo



Go to sleep, cowardlos

ded gaem

thread killed

don't you die on me!

If you people would stop playing 4U and move onto XX like you're supposed to then this place would be alive with posts just like the discord.

4 decide my main weapon for MHWorld

Combo Greatsword

link to discord?




Holy fucking shit
I even have two of them. Is this nothing special anymore or what the fuck is going on?

Why would people play a spin off tho?

Why not just play 4U until the next main line game comes out

But Nintendo doesn't want me to play the game

If I wanted to fight old trash, I can just boot up an old game instead. QOL changes don't matter when newer games spend more dev time wallowing in the past than going forward.

I like how you can clearly see and hear the teeth spark.
Fuck her tracking charge btw, too smart for me

V i e w q u e s t d e t a i l s


I solo'd FU with Bow.

I wanted to but I also used LS.

T w n I n t e g r t y

Maybe if XX wasn't so shit we wouldn't still be playing 4U

>not maining

Now THIS is a Kirin Butt

Most of the time she just charges in a curve. At least this was my experience in FU. Only tracked if I was really far away when she started charging, but she seems pretty safe to stay close to.

holy moly the spiked saber (sand barioth sns) seems pretty overpowered for the point in high rank you can make it (only requires a couple seregios/zinogre parts)

210 true attack with a little bit of natural white (a lot of white with s+1)

kinda wish it didn't exist because i feel like i'm intentionally gimping myself by using a different weapon

I like how it's looking over its shoulder in disdain.

l i t t l e m o n e y

I want to ____ a Kirin!

>Now THIS is a Kirin Butt

I added scoutflies so that people will know where to find the joke.

Very good.

i don't get it

Add the Handler advices. I never have played a MH game before, I don't know what is happening here.
Of course I'm joking.

>casualizing your comic

>every weapon without a parry feels bad
Holy shit, the ultimate state of Gen babies.

Yeah, that's a reason we think nu-MH is shit for shitters.

Literally just stick to their hind legs and mash buttons if you just want to kill them, occasionally dodge. Braindead monsters.

Now head-sniping them is a bit different.


I want to fuck drawings, animals, little girls and women with penises thanks to the internet and Japan.

You can literally kys on the flame aura though

parry weapons just require less work with learning the timings and hitboxes of various attacks, which is why they are so popular
the actual damage of the weapons is well balanced though, in the hands of equally skilled and equally geared players.

That guy is dumb.
Anyways just Tri+Cir into their head when they do the turn and roll perpendicularly. Punish the flame thrower and yellow particle clouds by comboing the face.
Works better with a dragon-element SnS but you can easily start chaining knockdowns if you got good timing, breaking the head and then enabling you to just dance at the hindlegs.

You mean right stick up?
The flame aura does hurt a lot.
Now look up the selection of dragon SnS.

Right, I forgot that you are not the guy that bind buttons to analog movements.

uuuh not sure these are things you want to be saying

>Now look up the selection of dragon SnS.
I just said that it works better that way. With the decent damage modifier SnS still has you can do just fine with a water or even raw SnS. No need to farm Fatty or Lao.

Im just saying if you stay forever on her ass (which you can, she does zero chip on turning and can only hit you with the backhop) you will die to the flame aura

Wow, the icons were different back then.

You are aware that staggering teo/luna/kush through the head will knock them down and dispel their aura, right?

Silly that only works with dragon on Luna
Or so I seem to remember, haven't actually done the fight in a long time

You can cause a stagger with and sort of damage, no element required.
You only need dragon to break the horn which will permanently remove her ability to start up the aura, but just taking potshots at the face until a stagger is very doable with SnS' mobility.
Teo is even easier because he doesn't do curveball charges at close range as often as Luna does.

Alright I was wrong then, sorry

>move onto XX like you're supposed to
if you arent baiting you are the ultimate biggest faggot in this thread right now

>not baiting
they raid the thread regularly.

I'm betting on CB's being easier to use on a Dual Shock. Guard Points are sometimes a bitch to time on the DS controls. Heck, I think everything will be easier to control with the Dual Shock

>CB/IG with grandpa analog attacking


If Zorah Magdaros is anything like this I pray his equipment is not worth farming. Putting me to sleep here.

Is fighting Rathalos with lance supposed to be this miserable or am I just a baddie?

When the shit is the next news dump?

we told you already, PSX

>come back after not playing for 3 months
>just a bit of g-rank to finish up
>get pride on the line first try
shit time but i was pretty happy, i was about to grind teo if i couldn't make it

what the fuck should i do with the last panel and should i leave the text there

needs one more panel of the kula yaku reaching for/grabbing the egg

add the quest failed graphic and remove the text imo

it's on the pastebin newfriend

Rathalos had diarrhea