League of Legends General - /lolg/


Lamb butt edition

I wanna cuddle Jinx and destroy Piltover with her

what? twitch is a very common pick in pro play this split.

>about to fall asleep
>no Illaoi buffs or an Illaoi skin

>tfw no qt petite gf

Is Draven the ultimate Chad?

>tfw first time I got 4 honors
>the feeling of joy

feels good man league is fun again

Jinx skin this Christmas? What are the chances?

So what's gonna be the "Support MF" pick that teams are gonna pick against SKT? Leona and Blitz do not count since they're actual supports.

It's not about how small her chest is. It's about tight her butt would be.

No. Draven is a dindunuffin subhuman.

I need 4 for the dumb TP mission in NA

possibly ok

>black hair
no he needs to chad it up some more

xth for my wife Syndra

No, he's the ultimate retarded mongoloid who should be run over by a truck after getting poisoned in a bar and getting raped by disgusting stinking homeless aids-infested faggots. He's by far the most cancerous personality that has ever been created in a video game.

>5 tokens

enjoy the three-day vacation

daily reminder if I die and you spam ping my death timer I'm going to follow you all game and take your cs cause I only play waveclear champions

There's something odd about that picture but I just can't place it.

support mf is actually a good ardent user, so maybe you'll see her again as a joke.

Her jaw is too wide. Too masculine.

Do people actually do that often? From my rank games I seen like 5 or 6 people do that.

hey me too now we need 3

>being jealous of fabulous Draven


red pill me on how to play singed

Why are the highest DPS ADC's always the longest range? and in Tristana and Caitlyns sake, the safest? Why do the long range ADC's have escapes where the short range ones don't?
There's almost no incentive to play Short Range ADC's - Varus has very high damage output, but at the risk of being in engage radius of a lot of crazy high mobility tanks with no escape.

Would it not make sense for low-range ADC's to have a higher damage output?

>spoonfeed me

So /lolg/ why is lee sin the invoker of league?

>tfw no tight dragonpussy gf

rip me i didn't even notice

your meta and your women have been taken by the bbc lucian

I don't see it too often but it tilts the shit out of me when I do cause it's always some useless or whiny faggot on the team who does it.

People who spam pings deserve to be gassed
Fucking subhumans

This should be her Christmas skin.

everything is odd
her arm is short, the foreshortening on the forearm of said arm is wrong, her face it too big for her head which is too big for her body and also has a manjaw, her breasts are of different sizes and arent affected by whats supposed to be a very tight bikini top, her right arm is also very small and her torso is misshapen for the angle its at

Whats on the end of her titty? Did she get bitten by a mosquito or something?

How do I consistently hit GP barrel combos?

I feel like I always misjudge where the enemy will walk for a basic two barrel combo, to say nothing of triple barrel or phantom barrel

so is op.gg dead

Her bikini looks painted on even though it's clearly not


use slow cast

then why the fuck can't i open it

Pink Hockey jax, or Fisherman angler Jax
Which and why?

it's currently working just fine for me, so it's just you that's the problem.

Yes, but with a bow and mistletoe above her butt.

I've only been playing him for about 5 games, is it just a matter of getting used to them before trying fancy shit.

requesting virgin poppy vs chad tristana

Like this?

>tristana and cait have long range and scape tools
lmao riot

Renew your IP/DNS

Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Annie, Rek'sai, Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Lissandra Camille Storm Dark
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Tristana, Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana
Mid Tier: Jinx, Akali, Fiora, Caitlyn, Riven, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lulu, Poppy, Lux, Ashe, Soraka, Janna
So Submissive She Can't Even Talk Tier: Sona

I fixed the list. also rating elemental forms is dumb because there are tons of skins that are supposed to change a characters person.

>use ult on someone
>enemy flashes out of the way

>ping smite down
>team starts dragon anyway, won't pull it
>lee wardhops over wall, smites and flashes out

>8/0 Shadow Assassin Kayn walks through wall, 100-0s adc going b at inner tower while supp is dicking around mid or some shit

Seriously is the only real thing I consider going afk over, even with mute pings cause I know the dumb niggers are still fucking doing it

>make sense

yes. you have to think about the timing of the barrels, how the timing changes as the game advances, the range at which you place barrels, and the ranges of the barrels themselves.

Even Tobias will slow cast barrels from time to time to make sure he maximizes their range, although he can quick cast them at almost max range pretty often.

Fuck off pedo

>highest DPS
>cait, tristana
>jinx kogmaw vayne and draven exist

kill yourself normalfag


Maybe ribbons covering her chest, but slings are fun too.


kog is long range and has the meta at his side

jinx needs 1 kill then turns into turbo untouchable cockroach

Fuck "support Mf" picks, we need something like Faker busting out shit like Zilean.

Most of your post is just not true


Xerath support

Hockey Jax because when he gets a VGU in three years that skin will have an awesome ice skating animation for it's walk cycle.

annie is for breed

I love Camille

if you have mighty jax then use it
pax>mighty>angler>the rest

Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.

Reminder your wife wants to have sex with large numbers of other men.

Fisherman suits his theme the best, like flyfishing

my dick isn't inside of her in that pic

you never posted that picture which is your background

Pick the superior choice.

All girls do. All dudes wanna fuck large number of women, too. That's normal.

Nerf adcs already

I'm sick of this shitty meta

biology 101

>tfw I just tuned into meteos complaining about ADCs

meteos is that you?

>believing those jewish lies
Good goy
Women are pretty monogamus

Don't you mean large numbers of other girls?


Assassin meta when?
I want to rape some butthurt ADCs

Buff Caitlyn pls

Bruiser meta when? I wanna rape some butthurt ADCs and Assassins.

Legends never die
When the world is calling you
Can you hear them screaming out your name?

Legends never die
They become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness

Relentless you survive
They never lose hope when everything's cold and the fighting's near
It's deep in their bones they run into the smoke when the fire is fierce

Now pick yourself up because
When the world is calling you
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends never die
They become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends never die

Is that allowed?

I don't even play Urgot...

>tfw nasus mirror

It could be great too

Of course it is. It's only natural.

xtth for Cute Ashe

Ranked Night Edition

Probably, with luck

Only in the SG-verse. yes.Yuri can possibly even beat void cock

That too.

Implying other girls can bring even a fraction of the pleasure of big, studded tentacles, dropping aphrodisiacs.

I don't think girls are supposed to have sex with other girls.


Your wife is a slut, my man.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Not with that attitude, they can't.

>no puffy vulva outline

of course not. They experiment with each other definitely but for the actual sex they need do it with their boyfriends (aka me)