/dg/ - Anthem & Warframe General
Other urls found in this thread:
>D2 will sell poorly on PC because of all the recent negative feedback from console players
>Bungie will use this as an excuse not to make D3 for PC
>>LIVE EVENTS Royal Pools > Calus
Nightfall: The Pyramidion - Torrent // Timewarp: Zero Hour
Flashpoint: Titan
Xur: Titan - Sweet Business // Winter’s Guile // Doom Fang Pauldron // Raiden Flux
Trials: [Cancelled until 11/03/17]
D3 will never get made because Bungle will be shut down soon and absorbed into Blizzard Activision
anthem will be better than destiny 2 no matter how shit it is
>tfw no Failsafe gf
>the ride is finally over
RIP Destiny
>he actually bothered to make a new thread
buy more ______
I want a lewd /dg/ user to sit on my face!
Thread Theme:
well fellas, it's been a fun ride. i hear /wfg/ is accepting destinyfags
Hi. I work for marketing in the gaming industry. I just though you'd find it interesting to note that most companies know better than to pay any heed to internet forums. They rely on focus group testing and financial analysts who do market research using old fashioned methods like statistical projection based on scaling models that use data points from prior or similar ventures.
That is all. Carry on shitposting.
W-where is my Rumble and 6v6 PvP?
/wfg/ is actually pretty welcoming to newfags desu
How about buying some ______? You know you want to
indeed. also rember you know what do!
>salty af console user didn't keep the updated clan section
o i am laffin
Stream recap.
>4 seasons per year.
>1 Balancing patch per season.
>Starting with season 2 you'll be able to buy gear directly from vendors using legendary shards + Tokens.
>Starting season 2, event armors like Trials, IB and Faction will have challenges attached to armors which will unlock ornaments if completed.
>Starting season 2, all the Bright Engram Emotes, Ships, Sparrows, Armor Sets and Shells are getting phased out and replaced with new ones, so you only have until season 2 to get whatever you want.
>The Dawning will be in the game with its own (Presumably Bright engram obtained) armor set, ship, and sparrow. No mention of Sparrow racing so it will probably revolve around something else.
>Season 2 will introduce new Iron banner weapons to fill in the missing archetypes (There will be no replacement for existing sets)
>Season 2 Trials weapons will have new models but get a shiny coat of paint.
>If your Clan hit rank 6 you get a dragon dildo banner staff for the start of Season 2 ( Make sure to join CUTE GIRLS [MALE] )
>Deej hinted at addition of new weapons to match existing meta as opposed to nerfs.
>There will be new shaders.
>you will never have a lewd /dg/ user sit on your face while wearing panties and smelling slightly of pee
>implying you haven't
>implying you won't
Only a few days until they're entirely irrelevant!
I have purchased well over my wife's son daily allowance. But it was well worth. So remember to purchase your daily dose of silver!
[01:39 AM] Zippy: So it's decided. We move on to Anthem. All in favour?
[01:39 AM] Corbinek: praise alpha
[01:39 AM] Pandox: praise alpha
[01:39 AM] enji: praise alpha
[01:40 AM] noobish: praise alpha
[01:40 AM] Bob: praise alpha
[01:40 AM] Don: praise alpha
[01:41 AM] Zippy: it's settled
[01:41 AM] Zippy: praise alpha
Is there a place to watch the stream now that it's over? I missed it completely and don't want the summary. I want to just suffer.
What's the snowball fight shit? My stream crashed when they went over it
Yeah, bungie.net next week during TWAB.
Everyone's stream crashed, it was from Twitch side. But literally nothing, you'll be able to throw snowballs in the tower/farm during the dawning.
we missed nothing
Why didn't Bungie do anything like pic related? Why did they remove the entire grimoire and replace it with a dozen mediocre, half a paragraph long exotic weapon things and sentence long scannable nothings?
fucking rip. thanks
Do it you dumb faggot
Fuck you
>implying PC users who actually aren't poor like console users and who have had microtransactions for years longer won't spend infinitely more on Silver and as such become lead platform
Because that looks like shit m8.
To anyone in DG3 pc clan an extra spot opened up on DG2 if you want to move up
Why did you make this shit so early retard
I already sent out an invite, I'm swift
To create confusion and hopefully aid in killing the general
stop complaining
When does Iron Banner return?
Like the widespread cancerous faggotry in the general alone isn't enough to kill it? People who know about /dg/ have been posting on other boards looking for others to play with because this place is such an insufferable underage drama circle-jerk.
2 weeks
Exactly. Just how bad can it be? They are coming so late into the game they can just look at all the failed MMOFPS type games and figure it out. But they probably won't. Just like D2 from D1.
>silly goy of course you can get all the loot in game from free bright engrams
>destiny 2 gets casualized and crashes and burns right infront of their eyes
If they have half a brain Anthem will cater to the grindy nerd playerbase hard
they dont have half a brain though
>couple weeks ago
>STOP COMPLAINING. Just because bungie hasn't said anything about festival of the lost doesn't mean we are not gonna get one. Lets upvote this post so bungie sees how much we appreciate them!
Anthem isn't even due out for a year, and you know it will probably get delayed and pushed back into Q1 of 2019 at least.
Ah yes, that's the one
Different skins
That's what we wanted mmmmhmmmmmmmm
We jumping to Sea Of Thieves, right boys?
See you folks in 2 weeks then.
Nah Monster Hunter World
what's your favorite warframe /dg/
chroma or saryn
>tfw frost prime is literally perfect
thank you twitch
Well, might be too early to celebrate. but I popped opened my PS4, replaced all the transistors I had replacements for on the power supply. And it booted up. backing up my saves to online storage right now just in case, but It looks like this fixed it for now.
take a guess
>fixing your own shit instead of sending it off
good on you, user. Well done
I'm a big boy now. A real cute girl [Male]
you too?
The one that lets me skip hours of grinding and repeating survival level 200
soma prime too baby you know it
Volt and Oberon.
farming for volt is hell
it’s unironically easier to go for volt prime instead of regular volt
I played during a time where only Volt, Excalibur and Loki were available, so I honestly wouldn't know.
>Bungie buys freedom from microsoft
>sells soul to Activision
>proceeds to destroy it Legacy
suicide when
they did it. they said exactly what they needed to say about the seasons.
I was truly worried about the future of this game. like drastically upset that I was gonna have to quit destiny forever because so many people were talking about bungies only caring about the casual they don't listen etc. but after hearing everything they are bringing with seasons like new faction rally IB and trials gear including new ornaments to add to the gear by doing certain objectives and having new rolls on old weapons and new weapons altogether for these events. and each season having a theme. I am super pumped to see what all this brings to the game every 3 months and season 2 is just over a month away!
straight from a reddit post
those people actually have no fucking dignity and suck up to a multi billion dollar company so much
people asking to join LXIV-III (current PC extension), you need to accept the invitations, it's not something that happens automatically
Zephyr for a long time, but its been slowly replaced by Nidus.
What is the best frame I can get without spending real dollars
You can totally get every frame (except for Rhino Prime and maybe a couple of others) without spending anything.
You can get any frame without spending money. The only exception being Excalibur prime because he was a founder exclusive.
You can get rhino prime. You can trade for blueprints of vaulted primes. And vaults open occasionally letting people grind for them.
Also what class do I start with in Destiny 2? I'm guessing it doesn't matter since builds probably aren't a thing.
>You can get rhino prime. You can trade for blueprints of vaulted primes. And vaults open occasionally letting people grind for them.
Ah, word. Thanks for the correction.
is there an archive where? I missed the entire thing
Potential PC player on the fence here. I missed the stream, did they say anything at all about taking all the criticism they have been getting into consideration? I'm not so sure what the summaries mean, I never played the first one and don't know the game structure or anything like that. Every single place I go to look up information about this game people are almost unanimously shitting on it. And the people trying to defend it sound pathetic even to my layperson's ears. And Bungie is completely silent about it. Not even a meaningless platitude about valuing their customers or something like that. I was really interested in this game and it sucks that it apparently sucks. Guess I will stick with traditional MMOs.
this isn't the place to ask for actual feedback and advice.
>look at this microtransaction shit
>lol hockey shit
>time to play snowball fight lol
>reskins, reskins, reskins, reskins
>buy silver pls
This is all they said. Game is dead. Game is shit. Save your money, mate.
actually keeping prime junk and turning it into ducats can also pay off big time if you're patient
good primed mods from baro will go back to 150 to 200p a few weeks after he's had them, so you need like 3 of those to get an Ember Prime set which is by far the most expensive prime to get and totally now worth it, just wait for the unvault SOON (TM)
actually useful prime frames and weapons are often dirt cheap
>turn into a 3v2 really quick in my favor
>But my retarded team mates (who are a 2man) keep running directly into the enemies teamshot
>the enemy is literally as far back on shores of time as you can be with midas
>i can't push them alone like that
>we lose because they have more lives thanks to my team
HOLY SHIT I HATE SURVIVAL. I would have rather 1v2'd so I could at least get them to push into close quarters. Even when we had the point lead and it was clear they weren't leaving their hidey hole my teammates kept making solo pushes. I have never been so frustrated.
>farming artifacts and selling the prime components you get from them for plat.
Are people still incredibly autistic about this?
I remember having no idea what was the worth of prime components years ago and I still don't since I stopped playing shortly after, so in trade chat I listed what I was selling and made it very clear that I'm very open to propositions because, again, I couldn't find a universally agreed price-lists.
I had multiple people spamming me with "how much for X" and when I told them to make propositions they sperged out.
To this day, I'm still confused about this entire ordeal.
I know its kinda late now but, since my PS4 is operational again (pending). Anyone on Playstation want to do the Rat King nightfall?
we have warframe.market now
you can get more in trade chat if you're patient as people like to undercut themselves on market, but it's fast and easy plat if you need it as you'll just get PMs in-game from buyers
Stop liking random rolls
>it's kinda late now
What's worse is that you're ahead of me by far. I still need to do patrols. I'm never gonna get this thing out of my inventory.
the absolute state of this loathable community
Stop using reddit.
I look bad but my Titan is raid/nightfall ready.
Oh jesus. I want to do the nightfall with you just so you can get better gear. Fuck. How are you so low with the raid and trials gear too?
Whats /dg/s opinion on the live team?
>has trials scout and raid rocket
isn't socialism the best
just do public events until you're 265 then do milestones
>that light level
>has the best raid weapon in the game and a trials scout
this game is a fucking joke, entitled, lazy players ruined the series, pathetic
Just take your time dude, I just recently got to the last step and I've been getting each step completely by accident, just play with people bruh.
you've been baiting both active threads for a couple hours now
So are any exotics from D1 in D2 yet?
its working
the shit ones