/twg/ - Total War General

Confused Edition

Mortal Empires and (maybe) Blood and Gore on the 26th

How the Combined Map works

>FAQs and General Info
pastebin.com/uGj4AUHR (embed)
pastebin.com/gZ1T9VCN (embed)

>History information:
Saga title is a spiritual successor to Rome 2. Some are guessing the map will be Britannia.
Campaign pack coming up for a past history title, probably Rome 2.
Next big history game is a setting they've never done before. Will feature "important character relations that occur between the major personalities in the game."

Previously on /twg/ Screenshot sharing and campaign posting encouraged!

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is there no Nurgle based units in for Warriors of chaos?

Here's a quick rundown

>Von Carsteins bow to the Frogdanoffs
>In Contact with Old Ones
>Rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>Control Lustria with a scaly but fair fist
>Own castles and banks all over the world
>Direct descendants of the old one blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on the new Realms (Frogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own basically every spawn pool on Mallus
>First living beings will be Frogdanoff Babies
>Both brothers said to have 200+ Magic
>Ancient scrolls tell of two comets that will descent upon Mallus and bring an age of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are in fact the Frogdanoff twins
>Own every College on Mallus
>You likely have their magic flowing through you right now
>The Frogdanoffs are in regular contact with Sigmar and Ulric, forwarding their word to the imperial church
>Discovered the winds of magic
>They learned fluent Elfish in under a week
>Sotek allows them full access to evidence of an undiscovered race within the pyramids
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins, there is no gold in the bank of altdorf, only in the pyramids of hexoatl
>The twins are 3000 years old, from the space-time reference of a base civilisation
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing at every point from the start to the end times
>They have been able to access the great plan since birth, and have spoken about what they saw while they were newborns
>The Frogdanoffs will guide the chosen races into a new age of sigmar, peace and love

1st for grace is a Filthy Goblin

Dawi! are weird...

Yes yes, very impressive, Fantasy...


When this is all said and done, which AI is going to streamroll the most often?

There are no god based units at all because it's WoC undivided. Sigvald is really the only guy remotely out of place in that regard.

one of their ror is literally nurgle themed

Based Dawi and Malekith are gonna divy up the world

Good, maybe the bitching will stop.

Tomb Kings may eventually prove an issue for Dwarf mega expansion, but with the downsizing of the Mung there's almost nothing stopping Malekith from becoming a world power.

Not unless Alith Anar gets put somewhere in Naggaroth.

>Tentpole historical

Khan total war?

I fucked it up this is the better one

How many times have agreed to retarded deals because you click too fast?

>ask Kroq-Gay for trade
>counter offers to join some random war I don't even know is going on for 6k gold
>I accepted
>literally can confed Teclis for 2k

i feel bad for kroqgar, he's down there all alone and sad :(

Isn't Hell Pit farther east? I didn't see the stream today.

Probably saving them for 3. I'd imagine each chaos god is going to get fleshed out as a faction, otherwise the roster for 3 would be pretty thin.

Total War: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey.

*Declares war and raids your shitties settlement with an army of only heavy cav. Then proceeds to force march into your ambush which you easily autoresolves. You take now eaily takes 5 of his settlements and he gives you all of his money for peace but declares war again 5 turns later and the cycle repeats*

if they do make a Moulder LL to start from Hellpit would be a real pain from that postion

Aaaaahhhh Athel Loren
Home of the spirits and full of fucking elves
Let us commence the purge

I've had that exact thing happen, yes. It's always "nah but join my war bro" and on one occasion a military alliance with someone I planned to invade.

Those Amazing Ringlings and their Circus is a pretty good book desu

All I know is that Hell Pit is supposedly under Troll Country, so I slapped it there. No idea where it's placed in-game.

>Tfw no Slaanesh worshiping gf

what should I name the starting phoenix and Swordmasters Teclis gets?

Not if you consider they're almost guaranteed to start with an abomination.



>Roach cavalry
>Monstrous roaches
>Fucking huge ass cannons
>Special mechanic is sending refugees into other factions to fuck their public order
>Islamic corruption
>Wind of Kebab mages


How can they even compete?

>No dick
Not a proper worshipper

Don't worry he'll just walk north to say hi to all his friends :)

Hell Pit is generally portrayed as between Kraka Drak and Praag, Troll Country is a very portion of northern Kislev that isn't as small or clearly defined in the lore. Note it's location in pic related as this is pretty similar to how Norsca and Kislev look in TW.


>still only one start location for Empire
Middenland when

It seems Hellpit is placed pretty accurate to the lore.

The first anschluss begins.

I am sort of worried that Mortal Empires will somehow fuck with Durthu's AI again and make him wake up from his drug induced slumber, opening the way for the Axis of Evil to form (Durthu-Mazda-Kroq)

I can still win this even though they have a Treeman in their garrison, r-right?


...and then lose to rats and pointy ear fags


Seriously though,
>secure kingdom of beasts and southern jungle
>specialize which ever is least capable of producing cash towards recruiting troops
>conquer the crater of the walking dead and devil's back bone
>recruit one army to hold the choke point
>shore up Kroq's army
>begin the purge

He has one of the most secure start positions in the game.

I have good news for you.

I can't wait to obliterate the warmbloods!

>inb4 once chaos divided arrives, nurgle will shit so hard on VC and skaven that will render their factions obsolete.
>Unbreakable fat slobs immune to plagues/terror

Tactical genius my man.

>begin the purge

user please I already jacked off today.

Yep, just watched a recording of the stream. Hell Pit is right here, a straight shot south of Kraka Drak.

Can i ignore the vortex shit and stll win?
I'm not a fan of having 6 doomstacks spawning in the middle of my empire

Skaven better be able to trade with any other Skaven by using the under empire tunnels. I can't remember if they can in TW2. Playing hell pit and not being able to trade with other Skaven would be stupid, though they probably won't even get a unique resource.

This is the only other one I have

If you zoom along the vod a bit more you can actually see it. It has a neat model with a great big pit.

>He has one of the most secure start positions in the game.
which is exactly why multiple chaos stacks will pop up from the south and start fucking your shit up

You can if you go for the domination victory, but you wont get the cutscenes. You can just YT that though.

There's even a mod that raises Ritual requirements to such a level that no one can do them.

>Fight cancer with cancer.

>Chaos tries to bring the end times directly to your capital.
>Rite of Dinos intensifies

I really really hope they don't just go full powercreep with chaos divided by bringing in Skarbrand and co.

Valkia/Vilitch/Tamurkahn/Sigvald works perfectly


Im a bit worried about khorne too. More so than other factions.

It's not like the lords of change we've seen have been game breaking, just make loss of lord an incredibly hefty negative for daemons, like it is for vampires if not worse.

Where da elf bois at?

>bjornling tier stacks
>ever being an issue

By the time that happens I'll probably be making enough from sacking and razing to afford another army.

chaos probly comes from every corner of the map now, though that makes me wonder how if it would work actually playing as WoC or i wish it was more controllable like WH1

The AI just casts a fireball or two (or whatever projectile he has) and throws the daemon of change in melee. AI has no guile.

>russian datamined map was right

/twg/ btfo

Daemons of chaos and Warriors of chaos can still be divided up, greater daemon lords are inevitable

Ideally they split out the start positions to different corners of the map, just to mix it up.

Are Treekin the happiest units in the game?

Why, low variety of units or the autistic focus on melee? If the later, do remember that Khorne demons actually does have artillery in the form of cannons for some reason.

And if that's not enough, then a friendly reminder that pic related is a canon unit in Fantasy.

i sent an agent to the dark continent just to make contact with him so i could confed. now i think im about to abandon his few settlements to bring him back to papa mazda so he can stack up in my uber military province and march out from there

I feel like something's out of place here

I just feel that smaller named demons would be more fun to have as LLs: Skulltaker, the Changeling, Epidemius and the Masque are pretty cool and unique, while there would already be greater demons as generic lords/heroes.

Only Kairos really stands out from other Lords of Change with his two heads.

>Lord is literally an horse

The state of helfags.

Why are white lions so shit?

I dont know the tabletop stats but arent they supposed to be the best of the best at melee? Also that greater daemon of theirs.

Have you considered that maybe non anti large infantry doesn't fair very well against chariots.

>even high elven horses are as powerful as the lords of other factions

how can lesser races even compete?

They're from Chrace, Chrace is getting raped by snowniggers

Easy. Like undivided but without manticores (replaced by one of the daemon variants, if flying), giants (replaced by greater daemon), one cavalry unit and forsaken (replaced the the base daemon variants).

The bonuses should be radically differrent though.

m8 get an ai recruitment mod

Did you handle the treeman?

>these many typos
>already sleeping

Does anyone know the exact Skaven start positions for the non-playable clans?

>Immortal demonic beings of death and decay will be stronger than some magic skeletons or cowardly rat people

This is correct.

>bring anti inf ap inf against skirmish cav and anti inf chariots
hmmm..... give the loremasters of hoeth some time to study this battle, I'm sure they will find an answer in time

And? In another month or so they'll be getting raped by mammoths instead of chariots.

Those skirmishers have AP.

I guess this is (sort of) a good defense formation, by TW AI standards?
Haven't even engaged yet, sending most of my units around the AIs troops in a pincer. Since they're walking it's taking forever

Warriors are currently Undivided.

put your lions behind the spear so you don't eat the chariot charge dummy.
it's given that those chariots will run through your spear line anyway.

Well fuck, the minute my secondary force got into the woods the AI became proactive all of a sudden and attack me.Good.

wait dinobot has a robot arm? i just thought it was a golden glove thing that LOOKED like a robot arm

*blocks your path*


why is burke blackshitter the one playing and not the other guy:?

Lizard maps are so pleasing to the eye.
CA needs to work out whatever is causing the darker regions to look like shit.

>This is fine

About to start my first run as the Cult of THICC, anything I should know?