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What about that newish rogue that's running around that runs stuff like eviscerate and golakka instead? I've heard it's pretty good..

Why did Anduin get a boobs implant?

That's just tempo rogue.

>He doesn't know best waifu Jaina

>old hag

Pick one.

Looking at deck lists it seems that tempo rogue has become synonymous with prince rogue so it's a bit weird since I can't find that list.

Also I refuse to craft patches fuck patches


ok well if you don't want to craft the strongest cards for your deck then it's not gonna be as good and you're just gonna have to deal.
crafting keleseth opens up 2 good decks and 1 meh one while patches goes into and significantly improves more decks than I can name off the top of my head.

lastly, tempo rogue is a meta answer to keleseth rogue, and basically strictly worse against anything else.

>people don't use quick shot to damage themselves so they can play molten giant on turn 5
Are you a shield bearer?

>Strongest cards
I just don't get why patches is considered to be so good. I get that it could be good in keleseth rogue but in practice it's just the equivalent of getting a stonetusk boar out for free. I don't think I've ever seen a patches turn the tide of a match either for or against someone.

>turn 5 molten giant
you mean bitter tide hydra?

Vicious Fledgling needs to be completely removed from the game, yes/no?

What's up with those weird dreamhacks decks? Aren't the decklists open?

It's pure early game value. It wins the early board and that's useful to literally everybody.

It sounds like you're not very good at card games.

Make it a 4-mana 4/4, Priests cry.

patches is strong, consistent value.
A lot of the time, he reads "the first minion you play this game gets +1/+1 and deals 1 to your opponent's face"

a decent equivalent is zombie chow, which was always a dope turn 1 play
the difference is patches can be even better if you pull him off of captain, or slightly worse if you draw him.
In summary, it's a small effect that noticeably bumps your winrate and improves the baseline powerlevel of your deck.

You forgot that it thins your deck

>It wins the early board
Does it though? I get the idea that it skims your deck by a card assuming you don't get it in mulligan / even draw a pirate. The issue I have with it is nearly every class can just deal with it immediately after or even passively through stuff like righteous protector. 1 damage might make a different in 1/10 games if you're lucky but normally if you're that low you don't have board control and are fucked anyways.

deck thinning is statistically negligible.
they dont play fetches in mtg because they thin lands from the deck, that's just a marginal benefit. Theyre played because theyre already good to begin with.

>Does it though?

Yes. More stats lets you kill more things.

>The issue I have with it is nearly every class can just deal with it immediately

The issue you have, to be clear, is that it provokes a response from your opponent?

You are very bad at card games.

>bringing up mtg
>the game where you can have your deck as big as you like but everyone knows the smaller deck is better

>Drawing a 1/1 boar instead of doppelgangster doesnt matter

>The issue you have, to be clear, is that it provokes a response from your opponent?
So does literally any other 1 drop. Mana wyrm, fire fly, righteous protector, flame imp, etc. all do the same thing but better. I get that it's a useful card but I really think it's overvalued.

it's a small effect, but it's also a free effect with little deckbuilding cost. That's why it's auto-include

no he's talking about the wild hunter deck that uses naga sea witch to vomit out giants
ironic to mention shieldbearing when you play a deck only seen in wild casual matches

A patches play on one has more stats than every alternative you listed. Patches sees play in decks with everything you mentioned except mana wyrm, and the only reason it's so good is that it often sticks and develops into even more stats.

If you can't see why the highest stat one drop in the game that's resistant to removal is popular, you should probably take up a new hobby.

I never said it wasn't popular I was questioning why it's valued so much to the point where people will say not to play a deck without it. It requires two actions to remove assuming you play a n'zoth or swashburglar but assuming someone just plays a fucking firefly it has the same effect regardless of that extra 1 attack in stats.

No. the comparison isn't between patches drawn vs patches not drawn.
on turn 6 assuming youve drawn no extra cards and no dopplegangsters and are on the play you'll have 21 cards in your deck.
if you play patches and thin your deck, you have 20 instead.
1/21= 4.7% vs 1/20= 5%
that's marginal af my dude.

>Amnesiac gets Keleseth on 2
>but also draws patches in the mulligan

rng evens out

But drawing a boar is always bad. Not only turn 5.

actually i only calculated around 1 dopplegangster so the difference is more like .5% instead of .3%

I'm new here. Is this thread always completely filled with retards?

Usually it's dead and / or only has people bitching about random things.

I'm not denying that, I'm saying that the difference in odds of drawing a specific card from a deck of 21 cards or a deck of 20 is really small.
the consequence of drawing patches is like, the only balanced thing about that card.

This post doesnt make sense

It's not about a specific card. It's about your win condition and not having a dead draw.

is someone here really a trap?


would you rather run 2 zombie chows for 1 drops or 1 corsair and patches
the corsair can be used as anti weapon tech all game and the patches can be used as a boar at the very worst, but at its best its a turn 1 2/3 that thins your deck and has a guaranteed 1 dmg in charge
that chow is a 2/3 on one body with a drawback and then you just have another one floating in your deck that could potentially lose you the game if you enter topdeck mode and draw that instead of removal or a big taunt

i think you fundamentally don't understand what my posts are saying. deck thinning is a really tiny little upside of patches and doesn't compare to the other stuff he offers.


But in Yugioh deckthinners are ran for the sake of deckthinning.
See: Upstart Goblin being ran to bring your deck effectively down from 40 to 37.

What are the rules for the dreamhacks tournament? Do you need to kick out all 3 deck choices of your opponent?

this whole discussion started because someone literally said "i don't understand why patches is considered good"

that's lesson two

Can't wait for HOF.

I don't know man. We need a 0 mana "draw a card" card to check who is correct.

Its here

Not on EU.
Fucking Blizzard.

Im EU though

>I'm on NA
It's not up for me either. Why must you lie?

it's a bad sign when the best part of this dreamhack stream is the chat.

casters are awful and players are making it boring as fuck by roping every single turn.


Why do asian people have the ugliest men but the prettiest girls

>Play bittertide
>It hurts me more than it helps
Every time

>that thing pretty
come on user seriously now

>roping even in tournaments

why is everyone who plays this game so god damn slow

he must have really long legs


Should I drop a bonemare for a stormwatcher? I feel like the deck needs an offensive bump but I'm not sure where to get it from.

you should drop bolvar for a grook fu master

The packs are arriving but it will take some time for all the people to get em. I oughta thank Purple for the 120 dust i guess

but the bolvar dream is so funto make work. Surely he isn't so bad he's drop-worthy? I got him in a pack recently.

he is so bad hes drop worthy

>that name
>10 grills in the deck

I just put it because It's like the only list I could homebrew that seemed halfway decent without relying on murlocs.

i didn't know trump liked trannies

>Should I drop a bonemare for a stormwatcher?
Either drop one bonemare or one steed, you don't need 2 of each.
Also consider running spellbreaker and some draw. And I assume you don't have Wickerflame as it's generally better than Chillblade Champion because it gives you 3 keywords for Corpsetaker.

Spellbreaker probably isn't a bad choice but I really don't know what I would drop outside of apparently Bolvar. Wickerflame is a thing but I don't really have the dust to craft him unless these upcoming packs that Pavel bustered out for have a big surprise.

is there any meta decks I can run yogg on

If you have Quartermasters you should consider giving wild a try if you want to play an otherwise cheap but very competitive non-Murloc paladin deck.
Bonus: the name will fit perfectly.

was someone able to get the Warlock gnome using emulators?

are there any meta decks you fucking uneducated monkey

On the other hand you're running double equality cons and double aldor so you could probably live without spellbreaker.
Typically, decks like this run keleseth and/or handbuff to get the max value from your divine shield shitters and corpsetakers, which is why you tend to cut spells and weapons except the absolutely necessary and run cards like spellbreaker to make up for fewer removal options. Not sure where you want to go with this deck though.

Yes. Many people. It's just buggy as fuck and will take a lot of attempts.


I honestly just want to make it work. I love the idea behind it but it really seems to fizzle out against things like raza priest. then again most things do I don't have the dust for meme prince but I'm not against handbuff. Once again though, I don't really know what I would drop to make it work. I like the control heavy style of this deck but the lack of damage puts me in a bad position a lot of times.

I am playing that new one with Corpsetaker and its pretty fun.

Yogg is not fit to be in a deck unless you're a kooky cray streamer

not right now but you can always make one

>Jade druid still exists
>Game is called an esport
>Tournaments only become playable after being able to ban one third of the games classes.

Uh blizzard sweetie?

>complaining about Jade Druid post Innervate nerf
git gud you shieldbearer

If you want to make bolvar work then control doesn't seem to be the preferred style.
I used various versions of this deck to climb and it's decent, though still firmly in the realm of meme decks.
### bolvar bubblr
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (1) Acherus Veteran
# 2x (1) Argent Squire
# 2x (1) Lost in the Jungle
# 2x (1) Righteous Protector
# 2x (1) Young Dragonhawk
# 1x (2) Crazed Alchemist
# 2x (2) Fallen Sun Cleric
# 2x (3) Divine Favor
# 2x (3) Rallying Blade
# 2x (3) Steward of Darkshire
# 1x (3) Wickerflame Burnbristle
# 2x (4) Blessing of Kings
# 2x (4) Corpsetaker
# 1x (4) Lightfused Stegodon
# 1x (5) Bolvar, Fireblood
# 1x (5) Stand Against Darkness
# 1x (6) Spikeridged Steed
# 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim
# 1x (8) Tirion Fordring
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Alternatively, go wild like says.

>open golden legendary on my Asia account i dont play at all
>80 dust on my main
fuck you Pavel

Jade druid isn't really a problem anymore but I get you're point.

The issue is blizzard is fucking stupid and doesn't want to take any advantage whatsoever of the fact that the card game is digital, which allows them to easily buff/nerf cards. And instead they want to just milk money the same way physical card games do, by just printing more and purposely packing expansions with dead and useless cards.

I'm not too hurt on making Bolvar work. I can drop him if needed. I just mean this deck archetype in general. I thought about dropping bolvar and an acherus vet for blood knight for a potential power spike but I'm not sure.

>still no packs

I voted Orange, how much pack ill get?

Why are you guys still here playing and discussing this game after literal proof of ActiBlizz patenting rigged matchmaking?

Is it stockholm syndrome? Sunk cost fallacy? You can leave and do something better with your time; you'll feel alot better if you do.

Divine shields even on weenies beat a big blood knight every single time except for that one time warlock gets a perfect defile instead of siphon soul, that's just not even debatable.
The archetype you're trying to make is just not something I see working because you have a bunch of cards that don't work that well with each other, ie. why do you want aldor if you're trying to focus on divine shields running cards like scarlet crusaders and bolvar, or why would you pick double truesilver instead of BoK if you're trying to make corpsetakers work, or why are you running double equality cons risking concede hands in a non-control list.


fuck off back to /r/hearthstone duder

But I actually like the game

I'm not against dropping Truesilver for BoK. What would I drop Equality / Consecration for then? It's saved my ass quite a few times against decks like Keleseth Rogue and Midrange Hunter.

>not playing on 3 servers
Fucking casual

But its one of the 3 best decks in the game rn?

Is pavel 2 or 3 packs? I've yet to get mine.

I'd say you need to decide what kind of deck you want it to be.
You want a control deck? Drop all the divine shield shitters except Tirion and maybe Righteous Protectors, add doomsayers, wild pyros, draw and healing like Lightlord or the DK.
You want a midrange deck without murlocs? Make sure you have the best possible curve so you don't end up with double equality and a truesilver on turn 1 or cards that do nothing for each other like aldor into corpsetaker.
You want a handbuff deck? Cut all the extra spells and weapons except rallying blades and a steed, add handbuff cards, spellbreakers, some draw maybe.
You want a divine shield deck? I've posted a sample list.
You like the deck you're playing currently? Then continue playing it and tweak it depending on what's working out for you.


reminder priest and rogue being dominant are just blizzard's way of taking attention off of their golden child druid
druid will be given broken cards in the next set because "lol something has to counter priest/rogue" but then it will counter everything else too
and if that doesn't work they will nerf tempo rogue and highlander priest but druid will stay broken like it always has