Ace Combat General #354 - /aceg/

Ace Combat General #354

Electrosphere Edition

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Release moved to 2018:

Port confirmed:

E3 '17 Trailer:

Gamescom '17 Trailer:

Here's everything we know about AC7:







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guess when I leave the thread dies

when is 7



Not again

s m o k y

>guys what if we keep the crappy engines to create smoke screens to hide our bombers

McDonnell Douglas was thinking along similar lines.

Up until not too long ago you could usually tell for the same reason when an AA or United flight had left the airport here

>mfw checking the forecast

>its still supposed to stay in the 80s
remove subtropics

It keeps happening!

There's only one thing that can keep this thread alive, and it's the Best Girl in all of Ace Combat.


You mean the fivehead, man-hands trash whore that's bland and uninspired in every way imaginable?

Sure thing kid, whatever floats your boat.

delet this

Just like your shitty waifu got deleted when Cohen shut down the simulation?

The real version of her still exists, and she doesn't fall for the sublimation meme so she'll never be deleted.

Real best girl coming through


No gore on this general please.

When you're playing AC what kills you more, getting shot down or crashing into the ground?

What actually kills me more is flying into bomber/jammer wreckages.

At the end of that mission in AC5 where you recon Mt Schirm I died by crashing straight into Grimm when they appear at the edge of the map.

This general is as ded as Beatrix.

I'm glad there aren't many ML fans in the general. It'd be pretty horrible if pic related happened here too.

That's an East German roundel, right?


Good morning /aceg/
What are you up to today? I wanted to go fly but the flu got in the way.

Look at that, decent german for once

The wingmen have hitboxes?

These posters were the best things to come out of the /a/ threads for Schwarzemarken.

I think it might just be in that mission, because they technically aren't wingmen in that one. But you could probably check in one of the formation flying levels if they have collision.

Perhaps, but I'm more surprised you manage to hit such a small target. Which makes me wonder if you can hit Bartlett in the tunnel too

That's some weird ass propaganda Hans

I heard there were drawfags taking requests in this general. Is this the right place?

Sure, what's the request

I'd like to have a Draken in A-Wing livery. How does that sound? Cheers from /k/, btw.

Sure I can try that, good taste in fighters. The blue or the red livery?

I prefer the blue one. A shame it wasn't used in the movies due to blue-screen tech at the time.

Rebels used it to some degree. But yeah I like this one too. Perhaps just because of the Quarrie design too. It looks less squashed and tiny than what they ended up using

I can't say if I'll manage to do it this weekend, but I'll just post it here when I'm done

Thanks in advance. I guess I'll lurk and keep this thread bumped if need be.
Are there other Draken enthusiasts here?

I crashed like three times in the very first mission of AC5 because nagase flew into me when she changes formation

To that guy in the last thread where I said running out of ammo wasn't so bad in AC5. Correction, I just ran out during the pearl harbour mission too.

The wingmen are a lot more useful than I remember though.

I think there's at least one swede in here who had a ton of pictures of it. It's top tier aesthetic

SV-51 lineart completed. How does it look?

Can someone draw an aircraft piloting a human instead of the opposite?

How did you even come up with that, tovarisch? Sketching something.

Looks great like I said before, maybe the right canard on the fighter should point in a slightly different direction, but I won't pretend I'm good at those angles either.

Dogfight between stealth jets in a nutshell

That's a very nice drawing, Buddy.



Too bad it got wrecked by one of the antagonists at the end of the first dogfight scene

Well it was to be expected, at least it got some Fulcrums before that.

I still wonder why the Anti-UN forces used that cross as their symbol. Maybe it's like chaos ever since Moorcock, "[eight] arrows radiating from a circle, each aiming in a different direction", to represent that they aren't aiming to create a united world.
Does that mean the UN emblem is the single arrow of Order?

That would be my best guess.
The UN logo might as well be a few paths comming together like the peace sign.

And yet every plane Shin piloted ended up either as pile of wreckages or being transported magically into another galaxy far, far away with him in it.

>finally beat AC5 after almost a decade sitting around, memory card failures and Four Horseman frustration

So, with the exception of 3 and AH, I've beat every Ace Combat I could. Is it worth getting a 2DS just for AHL?

Well, I guess he just never really got used to the VFs after flying regular planes for so long

Well why not just play 3 then?
Apparently AHL is pretty good, but I don't have a 3ds

I'm planning on buying some games during Steam Autumn Sale. What do you think about Strike Vector EX? The only thing I know aside from it being a fast-paced arcade combat flight with transformation stuffs it has its single-player campaign with storylines. But is it good?

Story seems to just be a bit of a standard cheesy thing, but I only really played through one or two missions of it.
The game itself is fun though, and EX has bots for the regular matches so you can just play it whenever.

Hey, some of the storylines in Ace Combat series have some cheesy stuffs in them and they make the saga very fun to follow.

Sorry, I didn't mean that in a negative way, but you know. It's embracing it, is what I get from what I've seen.
Sort of what Galak-Z does, but for a different genre.

That said, I think most of the missions will be variations on DM or CTF since that's what the game has. But for how little it'll probably end up costing it's well worth it. The only thing that's really kind of annoying is that it takes forever to unlock any ship parts for the customisation

And how does it compare to Strike Suit Zero?

What about BGMs? Do most missions use the same BGMs or each of them has its own?

No clue, never played it. Gameplay in Strike Vector is FPS controls and mouse look. In EX the Vector is in hover mode by default and holding space is using the jet mode. If you let go it goes back to hovering
Left mouse button is the left gun, right is the right gun. And that's about it, unfortunately they removed the ability to equip different weapons on the two hardpoints. Not that that was all that useful anyway but still.

It's a 6DOF arena shooter if you have to put it into a genre. You have decently sized maps, some indoors and outdoors, one in space with some pseudo floaty physics.
The city one is neat too where you get to zoom around the buildings

No clue, I think it just keeps using some rock tracks that work well enough but not much memorable stuff. Mostly in the menus I think.

I think that youtube has the entire soundtrack of the original game on there at 17 minutes probably speaks for itself. I don't think EX added anything in the soundtrack department

No offense to Brady and the other slavplane buddies that may post on /aceg/, but holy shit, proper slavaboos must be the dumbest fuckers on the face of the Earth.
Looks promising

Here are the Yellow squadron SV-51s. I'll be shading it in a couple weeks when I get a break due to having mid-terms comming up soon, unless you'd rather have me leave it as-is.

I hope it'll compile the first half and rewrite the second, but that might be asking for too much.
I'd say it is. If you feel like you aren't getting the bang for your bucks you can always get more 3DS games, there's plenty of good ones to choose from in it's library over a lot of genres.


That went faster than I thought it would. One Draken with the A-Wing livery

Looks great. Best of luck with those midterms then
That said no rush on it, your call on if you want to continue it or not. I think both works just fine.

Eh, just got this message after a NTDM match
Did I screw up?

Awesome stuff, thanks a ton. A shame it's not easy to make starfighter/fighter equivalents like these with Star Wars.

Looks cool

Probably just some salt, I used to get messages like that all the time.

Thanks, no problem.
Well it depends on what you mean. They don't tend to have super direct analogies and are usually generic in that they just have a role. But something like the Y-Wing and P-38 fit pretty well. Or the Clone Headhunter and the F-5

Or whatever Grievous' fighter was called and a Corsair


Good thing AC7 will emphasize more on the single player campaign

>gf checks local second hand electronics shops
>the one near me has a multitude of PS2s
>one copy of AC4
>one copy of AC5
>the shop a town over has AC0

I've not seen her this hyped in a while my dudes.
Im so proud

Make sure those aren't PS2s from the initial production run, most of those broke down very quickly due to Sony getting additional, lower quality, factories working to meet the demand.

I think they're slims, so those are a later set right?
Then again the first gen slims were kinda iffy werent they

A very quick sketch, but here you go.
All hail our planefu overlords.

First gen slims were nowhere as bad as the initial production run, you're safe even if you end up with one of those.

Got a slim here and it's been working fine since I got it


Awesome work, buddy. Thanks a million.
Our planefus are our masters. Our masters control our way of life.

Paris Games Week will take place on October 30th. Any chance of more info about Ace Combat 7 at the event?

Are you sure?






The reference density is off the charts.

>using a Camel to go strafe shit
The fucker had it comming

What exactly would /aceg/'s squadron look like?

>grumpy old man flying an F-4
>goofball handegg jock flying a Flanker
>a horde of several dozen S/MTDs
>Piaggio P.7 modified to hell somehow keeping up with everybody
>B-36 buzzing/roaring along
>small formation of various Eurocanards
>bunch of VFs from Macross jerking off about how cool each other look

Who else?

>implying only the VF bois would be jerking off
Also there's overlap. The VF guys would be also in the Flanker and Piaggio.

Alright, then VFs that look like a Flanker/P.7

>VF Piaggio
Oh boy

>Phantom and Flanker veer off course because the pilots are arguing over which plane is cooler

>the flanker VF stays at the base because the pilot is too busy painting liveries for the rest of the squadron

>other Flanker gets in trouble with command for repeatedly calling out kills as 'touchdowns'

Me and my S/MTD wife