>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Fae with Triangle Adept 2, boosted by Fortify Dragons, and next to her ally support wasn't enough to tank the blue lancer
>tfw I could have beaten the last enemy left in Arvis Infernal if she had Triangle Adept 3 or was merged into my +DEF 5* Fae
Was there anything I could have done to win in this situation?
Making Morgan with Lucina!
>see Julia
>want to rip her dress off of her, toss her nude onto a bed, and mercilessly fuck all of her holes until she passes out
>see Deirdre
>want to cuddle, hold hands, and lightly kiss while feeling her long fluffy hair
How did Kiyotaka make Julia look so ridiculously sexy and Deirdre look so pretty, soft, and comfy simultaneously? What is his master plan here?
Got a +Spd/-Def yesterday. He worth keeping around when I already have a +3 Setsuna and a +1 Blyn (and a Jeorge for no real reason) hanging around... or should I just snag that CA?
>Mia, Neph or Lute
This is the new roster for FEW. Discuss
>no brand in the eye
Time to kill the image limit again, post 'em.
How do i build her??
Also, if i marry her will she stop talking about her lover? ;_;
>he even has to ask
Rein is /ourguy/ literally
Why are staff users such chestlets?
Make CA lyn for cancer.
It's probably Chrom in drag trying to trick Robin into giving him the dragon cock.
Suddenly the game is actually worth playing.
>Arvis is everything I want in a Red mage
>Using him would violate my 1 character per game rule since i've used Julia since her release
>Only other red mage I could think of being good is Lute
>Tana is my Supported character
G-guess i'm sticking with Raigh forever
Making Tailtiu :D always!
That older women needs to be cuddled?
Maybe Spur Def seal. I usually keep it on Ninian.
>my 1 character per game rule
I know what you're expecting people to say to this
blue titania
hope you have heks to burn
>Tiki twice
>Lyn twice
>not using Camilla for axe
I read that as Binding Blade Runner.
my wife
What the fuck I love Warriros now
It's the dress
I know it's a meme, but fuck Julia's dress hugs her body in an unbelievably sexy way, you can see every inch of her curves and it's irresistable
Deirdre's dress is more soft and fluffy
Plus exposed shoulders/collarbone compared to covered up
Why does Xander like to fuck little sisters so much? He's almost as bad as Ephraim.
Nopan slut. It's like she wants me to rape her.
*deep, steady, lengthy inhale*
What's the sex like?
Lukas calm down
Can I change the time on my Wii U to affect SD's Online Shop?
>Also, if i marry her will she stop talking about her lover?
No. Clive is eternal. The best thing to do is to give her weapon to him and S rank him yourself.
sasuga oneesama is best
kys nigger
Be nice, I have paper skin and glass bones
sacrifice Arvis for Def Ploy
>9 swords
>3 axes
>4 Lances
>6 tomes
>1 Bow
>2 Dragons
How does the actual roster compare?
>owning a Pee Poo
When are they going to add my wife so I can S support her with me and her sister?
Travant did nothing wrong
I actively avoided to repeat units. Staff users are all ironing boards. Breath users are practically all little girls.
You really couldn't find someone bustier for lances?
>fighter suck
>so do pirates
>Doing anything short of 5*+2ing the emperor of flame
Pretty good, except for Raul crying and fingering himself outside the window.
I just want to feel both of their soft bodies pressed against me as they hug me.
What does this mean?
have her sprite in my castle it makes me smile
It's time for PLOYS BK has Panic.
R8 this pairing
Kys you memeing fuck
Is the entire roster still clones?
Do the shitty OCs still act as the MCs?
Are the supports still stupidly predictable?
Does the game still look like graphical ass?
Is the game still a generic Mosou with FE drawn over it with crayon?
These are all questions I would need answers to.
>not Sonya instead is S!Camilla, Camilla instead of S!Tiki
Fuck off
My only real concern is that my arena defenses are so few and far between (and I always win them) that it seems pointless to use an ability that's only useful for the defensive metagame. I mean, there's not much actual offensive use for it, is there?
please calm down ephraim
RD Boyd is awful though.
If I remember correctly, the best fighters are
>PoR Boyd
>Some guy from FE5
And that's it
He did kill the man who wasn't going to continue his father's autism feud with the lower half of Thracia.
But Quan would have been cooked in the BBQ of Belhalla anywayso I suppose Travant technically didn't do anything wrong.
Me on the right.
His best IV. You can also run Guard on him to cockblock all mages. A RES based Lukas.
Which one is getting BLACKED?
>killed Ethlyn
>nothing wrong
I strongly disagree
>Resorting to Griffith tactics
I am going fucking crazy here. Did they completely revamp the AI or something?
My Arena Assault runs are a total mess.
Will there ever be a better pair of siblings
It means marry her, pair the two of them, and MMF.
No, but I feel people wouldn't notice those things if the roster was like
I've been playing the game since early September, ran out of story orbs since and have rolled about 30-31 five star units so far. Was my luck good, or is this a normal amount? Several of them were dupes (Julia is now +3, Inigo +3, Axura +2). I can't tell how many units I've rolled total, but I've definitely foddered/sent home a lot.
She was really cute. I hope the remake gives her more content.
Jesus I completely forgot this maps existed. Man I remember Camus' taking a fat shit on me until I found out about the flier in the corner strat.
BK's sexy muscular chocolate husband!
When is IS going to release a green Lucina alt?
BK is getting GRAY'D
Name his team
>no Jugdral
It's shit.
>But Quan would have been cooked in the BBQ of Belhalla anywayso
It's not like everyone there died.
Why is Hinoka so fucking terrible?
>NO, ME!
I hate you.
Pretty sure like 98% of the men died.
Well then fuck that then, I ain't touching it.
Hoping for a bit of advice still.
>let's see that bastard Arvis take my wife now
Don't talk about her that way
Whenever Camilla!Lucina becomes an actual thing
So you don't feel guilty about saccing her for SI.
i do have hector and i don't use him anymore (no armor emblem, and i feel that fae does a better job)
should i go for this meme build and regret it the rest of my life?