/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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"cmon catch up! why are you so slow?"

Erica Mendez sounds just like Laura Bailey. Really surprised how well she's doing with Lucina in Warriors.

Did Chris Savino write the plot of Fates?

Who's that?

>they got rid of Alexis Tipton

My bad, I don't know why I thought Erica Mendez. Got my VAs mixed up.

Post unpopular opinions. I'll start.

Ike is unarguably better than Ryoma.

Black people are human too

Both are shit compared to Ayra so who cares.

Haha well no

Brave Roy is the best unit in Heroes.

Last thread

Ayra honestly isn't as good as she is on paper.

She's honestly the most satisfying unit in the franchise and the reason I like Manakete as a race for years.

Tfw FEH killed itself in less than a year with the Ayra incident

Hector is A+ tier at least

I'd agree with this if Reinhardt didn't exist.

the fe4 tt should have started on saturday like the por tt did

Who is the Malcolm X of Fire Emblem?

I honestly don't know what they were thinking.

>two married couples get to fuck up the Tempest
I'm ready for Monday.

Kill yourself.


Don't marry Sigurd to Tharja, he's had enough curses.

It will all depend on how they act after this.

If they right the course again, it will be fine.

If they continue to be jews, the game's going to be dead by next year.

Ayra actually and unironically has too many points wasted in speed and isnt even that good overall.


So are you all just newfags or simply don't remember this shitstorm?

I saw this posted earlier and wanted to see who drew it.

Then I found out that it's fucking Cipher art.

Why the hell is Seliph holding Julia's hand like that? I was under the impression that his hinted love interest was the Genny knockoff.


How shit is my taste?

Naruto isn't that ugly. He's kinda cute.

Reinhardt is extremely overrated and isn't even that good nowadays. He's going the way of Takumi.

She's the reason I bought Sacred Stones. I saw a dragon on the player side in a magazine preview and I was sold immediately. She'll be the reason I reinstall FEH.

We'll find out if its dead for sure on the next tempest. They clearly tested the waters here, Anna appearing on the bulletin board again especially makes that obvious.

That was small time.

>liking saggy boobs
Shit taste user

We didn't get teased as hard as we did with Ayra


Seliph has some yaoi hands.


Why does Raigh use so much black in his art?

>No dagger
A bit over 50% isn't that bad.

Seliph is just being nice and holding her hand. Julia wants to be fucked by Ulster anyways.

My man. You get one and I'll get the other.

The Hero Fests haven't introduced new characters along with old chars though.

I loved Julia until I read this post.
Can somebody who played Genealogy shed some more light on this? Hopefully prove that it's bullshit? Julia didn't strike me as a Mary Sue.

True, but you still have to run something that can fight him. Which is a lot of stuff now, but still.

/feg/ is actually capable of reaching consensus

I hope IS gives us options on the AI on Defense so I can make my allies Smite this big guy into the enemy






W - H - E - N

>Why the hell is Seliph holding Julia's hand like that?

Because Deirdre's incest genes are strong

ISIS are trying their damnedest to try and deter people from using him with new skills/seals/units that directly counter him as well as ridiculous res inflated horse killing weapons in GHBs, and he is still very relevant after over half a year.

that's the artists style

it's very prominent in the Etrian Odyssey games as well

Some people are posting truth but i disagree here, he still cleans shop for me in arena and in pve content.

Hey fuck you buddy, you can't speak for me.

Why the FUCK are Sigurd and Deirdre looking so smug? Shouldn't Sigurd have problems with his son fucking Arvis's kid? Shouldn't Deirdre have problems with two children born from her looking at each other like that?

And where the fuck is Lewyn? I thought that he was supposed to be these fuckers' guardian.

Hero Fest 1 was scummy but what they did with Ayra is next-level.

>have a long-awaited banner drop with a bunch of fan favorites
>put one character who is especially well-liked into the game along with some new units on a banner, the same way all F2P units get added
>without any warning stick her on a banner suddenly
>while sharing focus with an older unit for the first time in the game's history
>who also blatantly powercreeps every single unit of her weapon/movement type besides 1-2 despite IS swearing up and down they were trying to avoid powercreep
>in the middle of a content AND F2P orb drought

Like, imagine if, in the last Tellius banner, they shoved BK onto a banner with Sanaki a few days later. That's how bad this is.

She gets brainwashed and you need to rescue her so no.

Fuck off memer

>new units are powercreeped as fuck
>only get GHBs once every two months
>new units will likely share banners with old units

Sigurd has a different mage wife

>Loves fliers
>Doesn't like any archer enough to call favorites
It's like poetry.

That makes me feel like a massive waifufag now.
At least most of my top 3s have some guys in them.

Why does /feg/ hate Tiki?

All this really was was a jew tactic for Arena meme players. People mainly freaked out because they thought IS giving away these units meant the game might be shutting down.

Ayra was just a straight up asshole move to Dolphin players. Buuuuut, I got her as a free unit so I don't care.

Sigurd is not that good. He can survive hits but he still loses a lot of health.

I agree on Celica in A, but Katarina's where she should be.
Fir could be in A, but S is overshooting it.
I could see an argument for Mist in A, but still think B is more accurate.
Palla's gutpunch grunt makes her a solid A, regardless of how good her first line is.
No way Tana deserves higher than B.
Lucina doesn't sound like anything other than taking damage, and Elincia in B is iffy.
B might be better for Ayra, but I'm not sure how much her art is influencing my judgment. I'll stick her there anyways.

So here's the list updated with suggestions. If anons wanna double down against my opinions above, I can make the changes though.

She's not. Listing a bunch of disparate character traits like that doesn't make her a Sue. Is every character that's ever had a crush on the protagonist of a story a Sue now? Christ, as if it wasn't obvious the term's lost any useful meaning it had.

>a banner with increased on-banner rates and the best heroes in the game (at the time) was a bad thing
Putting it after Ike was clever, if a bit dickish.

Ayra, on the other hand, is a lot of different types of bullshit in addition to being unannounced after a popular character banner. It's not a single thing that makes her bullshit, it's a cornucopia.

Snacki would've been more tolerable than Eldigan. And specify BK with increased BST


I don't know if it's because I've been playing the 3ds version but FEW on switch looks a lot better than it did in a lot of the prerelease materials in this webm.

Julia is objectively the most powerful entity of her continent as long as she uses Naga's book. But aside of that she's not really a sue.

They should just nerf him. Instead of trying to beat him (and by entension 99% of the cast) with power creep, just do some actual balancing buffing/nerfing whoever needs it.

fuck your terrrain
I haven't really built caeda but I'm not feeling it without a +atk IV


Give up, /feg/ is too tsun towards Rein.



I don't think datamines count.

I don't think he'll ever not be a good unit to use, but his threat to ruin arena runs has gone down significantly. Because it isn't actual pvp, just about every unit is viable as long as it serves some niche.


>Have the perfect IV Caeda
>Elincia Exists
>Feel no need to build Caeda

ayra was in the banner video and the paralogue



that banner

>+hp -atk hector
>+spd -atk azura
>+def -spd ryoma

i was so happy when i didnt know about ivs

Half of the C tier is good enough to B or even A -that should tell you how shit the list below S+ is.

>Doesn't realize we migrated to unused thread that was still up
>This stupid and angry

That Camilla is something else, what merge is she?

She appeared in both the trailer and the new paralogue and wasn't on the first banner.
We had reason to believe she would be free.

She wasn't stated to be on a banner
They didn't show us her skills
For all intents and purposes she came out of nowhere even if we knew she was coming there was no one who wasn't surprised that morning.

Should I use my feathers on a +spd/-def Nino or Arvis? My only other build green mage is Cecilia and I don't have any offensive healers atm.

Who cares you big baby.

caeda is still perfectly usable (with some heavy investment)

now that she's off focus, elincia is functionally impossible to draw

Depends on who your bonus unit for the TT will be, and which of those two you can see using after the TT.

>Blade S.Camilla
>Using Hinoka
Not sure why you'd use Caeda with Elincia or Palla. At least Palla can have a niche of sorts.

I know people are mad about the Isaachian thot but I'm still in complete awe of how they took someone who has been exceedingly mediocre to shit in nearly every previous appearance and made him the best red in the game.
Feels so good as someone who has liked him for over a decade.

Do I have the best taste in this thread?

Apple and Cinnamon

Not an argument, ISIL

Damn, finally managed to beat SA 4. Had to figure out a way to finish map 2 without using any of my best units so I could keep them for the last map. It was definitely fun though, I like that kind of challenge.

Remember when banners used to be 4 new heroes? Now we get a banner with 3 new ones and a banner with 1 new hero who shares a focus color with al old one. I hope you all have sent feedback about this. And not the good kind.