I love my darling husband! What the hell. Did someone try looking for my disc hoard?
Charles Garcia
Brandon Torres
Charles Scott
Jonathan Morgan
This is Tenko to Himiko
Jonathan Johnson
Cooper Cruz
I love Maki. I want to have lots of children with Maki.
James Flores
Stop projecting onto Tenko user
Christian Davis
Miu big family
Adam Butler
I love Ouma! Why does Oumabully keep talking about me when I'm not here? Is she trying to falseflag?
Brayden Brown
Post underappreciated Dangans
Camden Jenkins
New thread, new Tenko! I love Oumabully edition!
OK goodnight for real
Cooper Wood
Rantaro nii-chan and Shuichi-kun!
Henry Harris
Not a rarepair, never a rarepair Anyone here buy V3 doujins or anthologies yet?
Gabriel Smith
She's very tsundere for you.
Kevin Rodriguez
My real life is like being Ryoma trapped in Gonta's body.
Brandon Peterson
Night Tenkogal
Grayson Rivera
disc hoard?
Ryan Gray
David Smith
>implying youre buff
Gavin Cox
goodnight, tenko would be better with those clothes
Tyler Campbell
>tfw the manlets want to be tall and the fuckhueg people want to be manlets Height was a mistake.
Sebastian Morales
This is my daughter, Oumabully. Please say something nice about her.
Blake Collins
Carter Phillips
>fuckhueg people want to be manlets This will never not be truth, I wish I was a foot or two shorter.
Benjamin Peterson
>Another Friday night spent at /drg/
Oliver Rodriguez
Because I hate you and your shitty pancake filenames more than anything, you might as well be the leader of these fujoshitters. And stop calling me a girl so I can participate in your fantasies bleeding cunts.
Ryan Cooper
She's cute!
Christian Nelson
Perhaps you wanted to join the normalfags then?
Nathan Martinez
Zachary Lewis
If you could've had a different ending for V3, would you want it?
Adam Anderson
I want her to bully me.
Nicholas Murphy
Time to sleep. And dream that I'm Naegi. See you tomorrow, guys.
Jackson Rodriguez
Bye Naejun
Julian Fisher
One where nobody actually died and everyone lived peacefully and cuddled.
Parker Murphy
See ya friend, funny enough, Junko was in my dream.
Hudson Bell
>another night spent shitposting I dunno bros, it's not looking good.
Ryan Parker
Everything is the same but Kiibo doesn't explode.
Luke White
What a bad night... dizziness again... Goodnight~
Nathan Wilson
What would you rather be doing, user?
Ayden Myers
Everything is the same but Mugi survives too
Jose Sanchez
Night Poyo
Kevin Morgan
Mugi is a toilet for all girl surivivor cast. goodnight
Grayson Jackson
It's very flattering, in a way, I guess?
Isaac Butler
Half of those pairings aren't canon
Caleb Green
Himiko dies instead of Tenko.
Isaac Rodriguez
Fucking a hooker in the ass and getting aids probably. I'm wasting my life away on this chink board, and I can't stop it.
Kayden Cook
Bentley Gray
t h i s Would make the ending a 10/10 instead of a 9/10.
Mason Campbell
Just finished the game. I thought I was spoiled, but I actually misread or misremembered the spoiler. I thought it was just a killing game show, didn't see that "this is all fiction" shit coming. Guess I'm with the crowd that hates the ending. If it was shorter, I'd still hate it, but it wouldn't be as annoying. I liked so much about the rest of V3, it's a shame.
Anyway, I want to titfuck Miu.
Zachary Williams
Kaito impotence
Dominic Hall
The board game and dungeon are much more fun than I originally thought. Is this a good pull? Currently at stage 30's boss and I wanted to prep myself beforehand.
Oliver Bennett
Yes. The ending was shit. People will guilt you into thinking otherwise. Don't give in.
Brayden Torres
The killing game is actually a repeat process of determining the absolute ultimate talent through a series of killing games.
Each game's winner moves on and on and on, or the surviving duo are mated to produce more Ultimate offspring.
All of this is a research project to identify a great innate talent beyond that which was made artificially in Kamakura.
Christian Carter
Tenko wouldn't want that.
Easton Green
>Kirianon is a low IQ poster Wow, stop the presses!
Cameron Myers
Good post
Tyler Edwards
>Anyway, I want to titfuck Miu. Me too, and I don't even have a dick.
Eli Butler
I wouldn't have minded the "it was fiction" ending if there was more to it.
Shuichi just says "fuck it, let's die."
Nothing clever just making the ending be shit so the series gets cancelled. And then even afterwards he lives, completely destroying any shred of authenticity from his argument, and making the others look like idiots for going along with it.
Wyatt Kelly
Why exactly was Saihara comparing himself with Amami in chapter 1?
Henry Ramirez
He's a cuck.
Aiden Thomas
I'm noticing a trend but I could be wrong. A lot of people like the ending but not those who just finished the game. I was kind of in the middle and then I grew to like it more as I thought about it. I could easily be wrong though.
Jaxon James
You but you liked the last Argument Armament right?
Angel Price
I think her losing Himiko would have been awful. Himiko eventually "woke up" and you were able to see Tenko's influence on her with that dramatic of a shift in character.
I don't think it would have worked the other way around, Tenko would have been sad but really wouldn't develop much.
Asher Turner
Did Himiko develop?
Henry Scott
If someone killed Himiko Tenko would just flip motherfuckers until she knew exactly who did it.
Sebastian Flores
Fine I take it back. I will respect Tenko's wishes.
John Adams
>he doesn't remember the "tree-trunk dick" comment
Caleb Smith
He's a fucking cuck. Why else would he do that? It's literally what Kazuichi did with Gundham.
Isaiah Bennett
Miu is the worst influence a child could have
Benjamin Campbell
Koko! If I were to write something DICE related, what would their names be?
Henry Howard
Why did you cut off your dick?
Nathaniel Martin
Strangely specific opinions?
The Truth Blade vs Sonia is 2-5 was better than the Truth Blade vs Shuichi in 3-6
Alexander Peterson
Psyche Taxi is a god tier mini game and anyone who disagrees is a snowboarding pleb.
Tell me about your OCs, /drg/. I know you have them, you filthy little sinners.
Chase Gonzalez
Someone post the virgin taxi vs the chad dive.
Jordan Gutierrez
I think of cucumbers and how kappas steals souls from people's asses!
Hunter Scott
I've only ever made them so I could participate in online killing games.
Ryder Flores
A grey face
Jonathan Harris
I have lots of OCs, most of them I use for board games.
Michael Taylor
Things will change one day. For now, this is your Friday night, but who knows what it'll be in a month or a year.
Lucas Brown
I'm guessing none of them lived long.
Evan Kelly
No I don't, what the fuck is wrong with you faggot?
Hunter Price
No space?
Andrew Martin
If you enjoy your fridays spent online, is there really anything wrong with it?
Andrew Taylor
OCs and RP are for autists
Ryder Gray
I have over 20 OCs that aren't from any specific thing, but only 5-7 of them are semi/fully developed. Coming up with ideas isn't too difficult since I'm already pursuing a path in the arts. They're also a lot easier to draw than fan art.
Daniel Barnes
Truly inspirational senpai. I am wiping my tears atm. Thank you. No need. I already know no one else likes Psyche Taxi. No need for memes.
Isaac King
She does. Although nothing major, you can see definitely see more activity in her words and actions (For instance, giving Kaito the crossbow in CH5. I doubt pre-Ch3 Himiko would even bother).
Yeah exactly, then Tenko would just move on forward and feel sad and move on Akane style. At least with Himiko surviving you can see how the killing game has changed her.
Christopher Sanchez
To be able to post here on a Friday night means you are probably safe and have some degree of personal comfort. I am grateful to be here.
Hudson Edwards
>turned monotaro into a better person almost instantly Wrong