Old thread: "At least i got the Poro Icon" Edition
Old thread: "At least i got the Poro Icon" Edition
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New player from old thread here with probably dumb question: there's no real way to earn Riot points, right? It's the Premium currency that requires actual shekels?
>about to fall asleep
>no Illaoi buffs or skin on the PBE
xth for hot and heavy HAND HOLDING!
why is red kayn so fucking strong
jesus christ it's so annoying that he can heal for 30% of his health with any ability
You get a few from leveling, but not enough to get much.
>tfw no qt petite gf
tfw waifuposting on a friday night alone in my room where did everything go so wrong
Yep, you'll have to shell out for it.
Hey, have you gotten the free Hextech chest at level 5 yet? Guaranteed to contain a skin for a champion you own worth 975 RP if you haven't opened it already.
>I'm too aggressive
Pantheon, Swain or Darius top
Warwick, Xin Zhao jungle
give those a shot
Talon, Draven and Blitz if you're looking for the other three spots.
None at all. Any site that says you can is a scam
The only way you can get free RP is by drawing a picture and requesting up to 50RP from support to have enough to buy something in the store. That's only once per account too
is there any way to turn channeled abilities into 2 button presses? Like galio W or vlad E? I don't want to have to keep it held down, I just wanna press it again when I'm ready for it to end
I love Camille
>literally so close to knocking out skt
they could have picked blitz in game 4 instead of buying a mejas and choking ffs
*suddenly changes target to the minion u were about to last hit*
heh... nuthin personell champion
And the patch after that has skins for another big champ!
>plays top
>complains about losing
I know how this ends.
Where would I go to find that? The chest, I mean.
So is TF good?
am I the only one who likes triforce on blue kayn?
Listen carefully
It's Blitzcrank! He is here to pull mispositioned bot laners and enact justice!
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
>This could be a cheap skin a lot of people would buy
>But riot doesn't like doing those anymore
Still waiting on the void monster skins too
Do you play all your games with no toplaner?
yes, it just sucks when someone can dive u
Loot tab, it'll be one of the two purple chests
>ashe champion shard
>garen champion shard
>sherwood ashe or sanguine garen
will be inside one
>skin shard for champion you own worth 975 rp
>some random crummy ward skin shard
>800 orange essence
will be in the other
if you don't own any champions yet go look at their skins
it's guaranteed to be for an owned champ, even if you only have one
Why does Froggen never ever fucking look happy when playing this game?
"what's that? you auto attacked my champion once? I'M GOING TO FUCKING RUN YOU DOWN TO YOUR TOWER FAGGOT" - Enemy Minions
"What's that? the enemy is attacking you? i don't give a fuck m8 i have a lane to push." - Allied Minions
How long to e-spurts?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
man hashinshin is so fucking washed up, i believe playing so much has caused him brain damage
like 2:30 hours i think
I thought it was all the radical leftist politics
Ah, there we go.
Got the skin for Ryze. So is there a way to convert it to RP?
My dick is gonna go swimming in Lulu.
now you wait for key fragments
and get s- or better in pvp matches for chests
then hope they contain something shiny
good hunting
They'll be released along with the new Star Guardians for their event next year along with SG Xayah, Rakan, Irelia, Sona and Evelynn.
Why didn't anyone ever tell me miss fortune is this fun? What is the best build on her, I currently go lE>lethality item>Black Cleaver>Maw/GA>Deaths Dance
Aaaaahhhh, so that's how you can get champs? Random chest openings?
>Trying to play Nu-Eve
>Charm takes too long to proc to gank with
>E range is minuscule
>Have to rush mobis to get anything done
>Can't actually assassinate carries in teamfights because of charm build up
>relegated to shredding tanks
This character is fun, but man I feel fucking useless at every point besides when I've just hit 6
>8+ skins at once
The madman. Have they ever done something like that before?
xth for my wife Syndra
Is there any reason for me to play anything other than blitz/alistar/trundle if we really need an ardent censer champ?
Fuck laning and fuck csing desu
You can disenchant it into orange essence which you can save up to later turn a different shard into a skin. Not as good as RP but better than the shard if you don’t care about the skin.
Alternatively, you can save up three shards to turn into a random skin permanent. I don’t recommend this as there are a lot of skins that you probably give zero shits about, you could even get a skin for a champ you don’t own and just be forced to sit on it until you buy the champion.
uh you can get champion shards
>costs X essence to turn into playable champ
>can be disenchanted into Y essence which can be used for the above
otherwise it's the 50-200 influence points per game to buy the 450-6300 IP champs
You fuckin' know I would get the Vel'koz one.
Thanks doc vel'koz is the best idea I can think of.
Nope but I'm pretty sure they'll definitely release all these skins since the Star Guardians skinline is a gold mine for Riot.
REMINDER that all Star Guardians regularly get fucked by massive Void Cock with 0 protection. If you waifu one of them you need to accept this.
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi Magma Fire
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra Camille Storm Dark
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Janna,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Xayah Soraka
> washed up
> average elo still higher than almost 100% of lol's population
how does he do it lolg, especially when most complain about shitty players in Silver
go for critical, if your teammates are retarded then the game will go to late
Sup, virgins. It's me, chad. I'm gonna grab your waifus by their pussies. What are you gonna do about it?
Being impregnated by the void.
Even ezreal?
>Get worlds orb
>Pick Pocket Twitch
Name one league ship cuter than Viktor x Cass
LITERALLY da best.
loving unconditionally
I get banned every time I post that for off topic.
Blitzcrank pulled your Lulu! He is gonna use his massive fist to knock her up while you are forced to watch! What do you do?
>tfw no waifu
I got an Azir skin!
>2700 games in under a year
jesus fucking christ
It's a good skin.
Even if the Revolver still fires bolts.
i watch his stream, he makes some terrible mistakes, also thats not hashinshin NA
Get a massage
Which one?
I already have Medieval
After watching all the other girls getting breed Ezreal starts to subconsciously want to be like them and experience that happiness. And his SG powers start to rebuild him to achieve his dream.
SG Ahri ain't no weak ass shit that loses to void cock.
Its a bit off topic but is there any hope for us to escape the Twitch, Tristana and Kog meta?
I wanna see Lucian and Jhin come back.
I got banned yesterday from his chat for saying hillary isn't liberal but a neocon and it was good that she lost. I mean I expect it since hash is from chicago, and that place is so bluepilled you would think its the setting of a dystopian novel where the city is completely broke but enslaves its surrounding populace to pay for its opulence that it can't afford and the surrounding populace attempt to rise up and break free from control
only in our imagination sadly
I'm usually the Lulu who then turns Blitz into a kill for someone. Can't wait for that new skin and to see whether solo laning Blitz will become viable.
But eating them is better
that's still better than 99% of the population though, and he's multi Masters and Challenger.
He does this all playing a shitty champion like Jax.
Ardent Censer is being gutted.
im not american, isnt chicago a nigger city? is that hashinshin plays video games 24/7?
Thanks for bringing me closer to your carry to get them polymorphed for a jungle gank.
He's in white liberal chicago, where all the money is.
>a shitty champion like Jax.
But that's wrong.
Sly Cooper skin
I like that about it.
The most distinct one with the best soldiers. I wouldn't say it out classes the other skins, each has its strengths and weaknesses.
Implying that she wouldn't be doing it because she's a slut for big cocks.
All his skins are good
Even SKT since its unofficially called Azir: 76
>Caitlyn wondering be in my bed tonight or any other night
Another climb into an empty bed
>Posts Syndra who's gonna be one of the main breeding sows for the monsters
Oh how wrong you are.
>nerf lucian items
>nerf lucian abilities
>still strong as fuck
>even strong late game because hes able to snowball easy
what the fuck
the south side in chicago is indeed below the standard of some central american countries in terms of safety, healthcare, opportunity and probably IQ. The north side is quite rich however, since its a big hub for many bank headquarters. Also yes, chicago is broke, and is usually touted as the most politically corrupt city in the country because of much money is siphoned from the rest of the state into this city. And most of it is for nothing
Reminder i've played this game a month and im already better than most of you
>be girl
>better than 90% of lolg
is this the current state of lolg these days? lmao
if you are playing in an elo where lucian wins lategame you need to uninstall
>>even strong late game because hes able to snowball easy
This is 100% false. Lucian falls off like a rock especially in tanky team comps. If he's ahead of course he's gonna do well regardless of late-game or not.
>literally shits out auto attacks at double the speed of every other ADC's
Damn. You type the right thing an auto correct ruins it. I think I might disable this worthless feature. So many words get either changed entirely or changed tenses
But the worst player in my friend group is the only one in diamond 5.
Anyone can brute force into that elo.
user I hate to break it to you, but your waifu is regularly being used to breed the next generation of Void invaders.
I miss bronze, where you can play lucian and stomp. These days if I play lucian even in fucking platinum I lose because how bad this shit is. Fucking lcs assholes ruined him
She'll be able to resist turning into a cockslut, even if she's getting impregnated by void cum.
reminder that iq tests are heavily favored for middle-upper class traditional white guys, who also created the modern tests
the tests are very skewed and if you have taken one you should know that certain parts of the tests are very biased