What do you think is the most pointless card in all of Yugioh? Like, a card so stupid it literally does nothing but actually give your opponent advantage?
Jackson Collins
Dark Artist is the only correct answer.
Austin Scott
Technically we were just confirmed a "coming soon" announcement but still no ETA.
Cameron Russell
dark artist everytime
Angel Morris
Purple haired girls are a miracle, bless Magileine
Jayden Anderson
>no CaC
I was about to make the same thread
Jaxson Davis
You guys still do tourneys?
Adam Gomez
>Special summons itself to your opponent's field >literally giving your opponent a big monster on purpose
I don't know what Konami was thinking, who the hell is gonna play this shit?
Oliver Rivera
Outta the way bitchtits
James Baker
>One even has an effect that negates card effects What a waste of cardboard.
Carson Perez
We're waiting for Links on percy. Everyone is scattered using different ygo simulators.
Jeremiah Powell
They aren't the worst there is, but the shit from Legend Duelist 2 is a fun look into overly specific messes that try too hard to be anime support Like Gearframe almost completely ignores anything not named Ancient Gear Golem just cause it's Chronos support
Jack Gutierrez
Oliver Garcia
New Snow/Ice Counter support fucking when? I love the deck play style.
Wyatt James
How do I wash a playmat? I realize that I actually don't know how to.
Jayden Ramirez
>Play this >It goes to grave immediately because it's not a continuous >One of its effects is literally impossible to resolve Gj retard
Angel Hernandez
Fill your sink with water and dish soap Dump your playmat in there Lightly scrub with sponge rinse Dry Done
Does it matter which Kaiju you run if you're just using it to remove an opponent's monster? Why do people always use Gameciel and not something like Gadarla?
Cameron Russell
Because Gameciel is the weakest. Duh.
Kevin Butler
>Why do people always use Gameciel Because he has the lowest ATK making him the easiest to beat over.
Matthew Thomas
lower atk moth might (not) get meme play
Luis Johnson
Run the ones you can RANK or benefit someway, like I run 2x Dogoran in Dinos with slumber and more two random Kaijus.
Ayden Fisher
Generally, people use Gameciel since it's the lowest ATK, and it's level for possible plays. I just use Kumongous because I'm not paying $5 a Gameciel for 200 less atack
Ethan Miller
Threadly reminder to run Dark Law in all DARK decks, no matter what the anti shills say
Anthony Cooper
I wanna run Dark Law in Pend Magicians so much but it's such a neg.
I might try it in my Cracking Dragon deck though
Ryder Martinez
What deck would Madara play?
Kevin Young
Links on Percy!?!?
Oh sweet baby Jesus, it's about time!
Adrian Lee
What cards and in what quantity do I run in my Deck in order to use Dark Law in Pendulum Magicians?
Mason Long
2 or 3x Mask Change 2 1x Dark Law
2 or 3 dpending on space and preference, not 1 since you're putting the effort of putting Dark Law in the extra so you want to actually see it.
I wouldn't play it in Pend Magicians but it's not a bad tech nesessarily
Jaxson Ross
Isaiah James
How much warping is allowed on foils to still be tournament legal? Does it help to bend them back over the side of a jar, or does this damage the card irreversably? Is the warping of a card ever able to be permanently fixed?
Juan Hughes
Gift of greed LITERALLY, Not figuratively, LITERALLY is a +3 for your opponent
Adam Sanders
Which is better against SPYRAL? Kaijus or Winged Dragon of Ra Sphere Mode?
Joseph James
Wtf archetype is this? That's not spooky.
Isaiah Cox
That's Madolche Magileine
Hudson Campbell
Is Dark Law good against Magicians? I'm worried about their destruction effects against Law, if it's easy to get fucked like that.
Isaiah Price
>vjumps sold out in 15 minutes buy security dragon
Noah Sullivan
at least it doesn't have a cost like upstart hoban does :^)
Liam Peterson
>bad sales meme was a lie all along
/dng/ btfo
Landon Garcia
can someone post a link for the discord?
Blake Reyes
xth for this card costs as much as the whole Cyberdark deck, and there is no reprint on sight
Jayden Bell
It's only a temporary solution.
Noah Kelly
Do you like Dinos /dng/?
Colton Allen
So you're saying it's a pay wall?
Eli Morgan
Is it good that good Dinosaur deck is filled with generic cards instead of archtype? I think it's good.
Elijah Moore
Brandon Jones
it's no sub required in japan
Jace Perry
You still need to buy the magazine
Brayden Mitchell
DBSuper sucks except for Jiren.
Carson Martinez
>Good cards are paywalls
Aaron Nelson
You still have to buy irl packs and cards you idiot. Is the entire game a paywall then?
David Jackson
we need free shit
Christian Bennett
The first structure deck i got was the dinosaur one, granted it was some shit but Dinosaurs were the tits
Bentley Cruz
>Be me >Couple of weeks ago went to Gamestop >Decided to buy the Kaiba 2017 tin just to get some good cards >Got 2 Secrets out of each 3 packs >Thought it was nice of Konami for doing this now >Couple of weeks later >My brother decided to check the wikia page >Found out you're suppose to get 1 secret per pack >Should've been 1 secret, 1 rare, 1 super and 1 ultra >Decided to check my tin >Found out I got no rares out of the 3 packs I can't tell what my luck is now.
Robert Cook
What secrets did you pull
Aaron Clark
Zoodiac Drident Zoodiac Broadbull Zoodiac Barrage Dimensional Barrier Magicians Navigation and Sea Monster of Theseus
Jose Phillips
I'm so sorry.
Anthony Ramirez
Well my luck had to balance out someway. Still happy I got 3 decent cards though.
Caleb Gutierrez
How do I fix this mess of a deck
Jayden Price
>2 Priestess >2 Fate >2 Master >1 Power >Running World Nigger what?
Dylan Campbell
Am I a shitter if I get turned off of playing yugioh because of all the negation? It seriously feels like if you don't negate the other guy turn 1 or stop their play then you just auto lose because they will negate your plays
Jace Wood
Matthew Foster
Henry Russell
Hello denial-kun
Logan Nguyen
>go to /v/ >see Yugioh thread >hurr durr Links killed the game Do these fags ever fuck off?
Christopher Hill
At least /v/ threads sometimes have people who've played the likes of Tag Force or Legacy. Can a Veeky Forums yugioh thread be good?
Samuel Green
I don't know. Let's find out.
Lucas Carter
Nah, Turn 1 unbrekable boards are shit and got even worse with Links
Jace Cook
>/v/ >not filled with casuals and nostalgiafags
Pick one
Nolan Rogers
They did you shill
Hunter Reyes
>Synchros killed the game! >Xyz killed the game! >Pendulums killed the game! >Links killed the game! every time
Ian Wood
I don't remember Synchros, Xyz, or Pendulums blocking me from Extra spam you little shit.
John Scott
>he actually said Extra spam
Links is just trying to fix the mistake that is Xyz toolbox
Robert Cooper
That's what the banlist is for you shill.
Andrew Nelson
>banning half of the entire Rank 4s
Kevin Hill
>deck goes from 55 cards to 12 by the end of the turn Linksworns were a mistake.
Julian Jones
Links isn't the only thing Konami shoved in order to survive MR4 and some archtypes naturally could still function without Links even if just barely. Just saying.
Colton Phillips
>losing to a non generic link 3 Lmao
Anthony Wright
They banned half the dragon rulers
Zachary Myers
>join discord >the mods like Rick and Morty Aaaaaand it's garbage.
Caleb Scott
what's wrong with R&M?
Gavin Gomez
Well you have to have a certain IQ to really appreciate it's humor
Isaac Thompson
The only Links I've lost to are SPYRAL though. And ABC I guess but Decode is just there to spam ABC effects.
Michael Jones
Percy MR4 update can't come any sooner, can it?
Bentley Smith
How new are you?
Aiden Sullivan
All I know is the news just announced recently along with offline AI being temporarily disabled. How is it now? or are you saying it's all lie?
Levi Anderson
With Lithosagym banned, how are you supposed to go into this guy? What are you supposed to mix with True Kings?
Water has Nimbles and Fire has Fire Kings. Is there anything else?
James Ortiz
I saw some TFK guy use Diagram to pop Hitler and summon Magma Dragon to revive it, then summon the searched Agni and make Very Fierce Dong.
Asher Perez
I don't know what any of that means.
Carter Price
Wait, go into Yazi to bring out Magma. But what do you Xyz with Agni?
Daniel Ramirez
I hate it. You aren't even safe if the opponent has no backrow anymore. You can spend all your resources on making a combo and then your opponent will either negate an effect or summon and then you sit there completely open with all the wind taken out of your sails. Then the opponent will make a board with like several effect negation or "during either players turn destroy a card" monsters and set cards.
If you don't play a super consistent Tier 1 deck you are going to lose. Now you might say: "what do you expect playing pet decks? people play to win" but in other games like fighting games with enough skill the lowest tier character can beat the highest tier. In the card game there is no heart of the cards. If your cards are weak there is nothing you can do...
I guess card games are just not for me.
David Lewis
Top 5 types in terms of generic support? Aside from zombies at no.1