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human legs


t. catababbies that can't think for themselves and think people that don't use 3rd party addons that tell them how to play are shitters and trash

>getting cucked out of your own guild and even faction

Even in vanilla you had sites that told you optimal builds, consumables, and buffs. It's ok to admit that you've never played WoW at a higher level than LFR, it's not really that serious to pretend to be a longtime big boy raider in an anonymous thread.

Badass elf queens rule over all baby dick h*Man

are there any wotlk private servers that arent terrible? i havent played since vanilla and feel like playing a warlock again, felguards sound neat

/wowg/™ OFFICIAL™ Discord™ Server ©


xth for Elven queens. Undisputed rulers of Azeroth, unrivaled warriors, unequal in the arts of sexual prowess. Eternal is their reign, eternal is h*Manities slavery!

you prick you stole my lines

>all the rogue specs (main)
>unholy dk
>frost mage
>havoc dh

Tell me whats the next mage tower I should finish, I have all the classes.

all the druid specs

I have to farm leggos so I will only do 1 per class I guess. Also healers are gay so tank, feral or balance?


MY QUEEN..s let me service you FULLY my tiny h*man phallus is not equipped to satisfy you but i have other uses!

I guess I will go tank because the retarded bear form looks cool.

>tfw acceptance that i'm highly attracted to all
sapient fantasy races of both sexes

depraved bislut is a real thing. i hate us.

Those are elven feet, your trickery won't work on me h*Man

I will go soft on you today, go and fetch me the largest creature you can find and prep it for me. I will deploy my best weapon yet

Which heal spec is most fun?

disc priest

anything that isn't holy paladin

I hate niggas on Kel'Thuzad

What class has the edgiest armor

Hate ragnaros niggas

warlocks, rogues, dks

plate wearers

>can't make cute gobbo girls like this in game
There better be updated models and more customization next expansion or I'm gonna screech!

disc priest

remember to join the wowg discord!


Anyone know how to mute the Headless Horseman without muting all voices?

at least the face and makeup is all canon. female gobbo hair is the best in the game

No matter how hard I try I can't get their face right

Same for gnome girls, there's only 1 gnome girl face I think is cute


oh i typed face but i meant to type hair

yeah the faces are what throw it all off

Is Kun Lai Summit Zidormi bugged or something? She won't take me to the past. I just want my goddamn candy bucket

i don't know but you reminded me of how i wish there was a zidormi for the vale of eternal blossoms

i just wanna enjoy the nostalgia and relive the quest lines desu

free anime trannies for every new member

>that one female gnome faced they showed during the WoD reveal that wasn't even added
I bet the orcs did this!

>try to talk to guildies in casual guild full of people that never talk in chat
>they never respond

>talk to someone while grinding in dungeons
>first thing he says is that he's a furry

he must come here

thank u blizz

>say something in trade chat
>someone messages me
>we talk for over an hour
>add him as just wow friend
>never talk to him again
>he never talks to me again

>start playing again
>get to Kil'jaeden
>Velen is trying to take him on alone
>lol ur son's dead
Velen's VA trying to emote is amazing

>guy adds me on b.net because he was on the opposite faction but wanted to tell me he liked my transmog
>haven't said a single word to him since

there's no reason to be friendly to anyone anymore in this game
that coupled with me growing jaded into adulthood sucks fucking dick

>Tfw you have over 100 friends on b.net and barely even know or remember a quarter of them.

As a newbie, being friendly to a panda sitting in the park got me a free teleport to Pandaria so I could explore

should i buy myself a wowhead.com/item=87250/depleted-kyparium-rocket#comments for 100k?

>board zep to undercity
>go afk
>come back
>back at org

I mean we had a decent convo when he added me, but I just have no reason to talk to someone who plays the other faction on a different server, but I don't feel like removing him

>tfw a name just randomly appeared in my friends list and I can't figure out if it's someone who changed their name (can you even do that in b.net?) or I just don't remember adding them because they didn't log in for a long time

>Try to level another character to give myself something to do in the weeks until Antorus
>Leveling in the Broken Isles is awful, even with flying

just do invasions

was their name 'offensive'? "bully" has caused a forced name change in the past and you can probably change names for a low low fee of $14.99



I don't remember what their name could have been in the first place


Yeah, thats why I started keeping notes, particularly how I met said person
>Talked with them on trade chat
>Friendly guy who ran me through a raid when I was at a low lvl
>Guy who also enjoys Futurama and makes various references to it and likes wearing strange gimp masks.
The list goes on and gets stranger

I started doing that on steam after some cyka blyat changed names and profile pictures to act like one of my close friends for 'trade'

r8 my paladin

so the leaks on the ptr were true, pandaren paladins

what a BAD ZONE im glad there isn't another water zone

no, r8 my paladin

wow who would even want to feel hopelessly small when they first go to a zone dwarfed by the massive geography and structures as well as the giant aquatic life only to overcome it and show your mastery of the bigness of it all

rate my spooky man

the fact that there are people who legitimately hated this zone baffles me.

if i pull that off will you die?

I would like the zone if movement wasn't slow as fuck

I miss him...

yikes, its terminal

i never liked him desu

There's a 450% speed mount you get at start of it.

i miss filling that big mouth with my cum


1 minute survey time

favourite race:
favourite class/spec:
favourite zone from each expansion:
top 5 favourite lore characters:
elf supremacy/elf genocide?:
youtube link to your favourite song in game:

i dont give a fuck bout your surveys but have the song im lisnin to rn

>favourite race: pan
>favourite class/spec: arms
>top 5 favourite lore characters: maiev
>alliance/horde?: ally
>gnomes/goblins?: i don't really like either but female gnomes are ok
>light/void?: purple is prettier
>elf supremacy/elf genocide?: elves are pretty boring and generic
>youtube link to your favourite song in game: garrosh fight had some cool music

Favorite Race:
Lore wise? Dwarves/Draenei/Trolls
One I have the most characters of? Human

Favorite Class/Spec: Arms Warrior (all time would be WoD enhancement shaman, RIP fire nova)

Favorite Zone:
Classic - Hinterlands
TBC - Nagrand
Wrath - Grizzly Hills/Sholzar Basin
Cataclysm - Hyjal
Mists - Vale pre destruction
WoD - Nagrand
Legion - Don't really have one, Valshara I guess

Top 5 Favorite Lore characters:
Lich King/Arthas

I usually play alliance but don't have a major preference

Gnomes/Goblins? Gnomes

Either or

Either or

Favorite Song:

Sylvanas' Ice Cold Pussy


nice retard helmet did you fell off your bike?

he actually did it the absolute madman

Greymane's Nice Warm Dingdong

greymane's dick got all fucked up when he turned into a worgen

Will hunters not suck next expansion?

there's a fire behind you panda watch out

Dargrul cannot control the hammer, Ularogg! He will DESTROY Highmountain, not CONQUER it!

it says here you're a Shan'ronir


Choose my boost
>Ret Paladin
>Fury Warrior
>Frost DK

Troll or Goblin for a rogue

>Either way, I will enjoy every second of it

Some drogbul just want to see the mountain burn

Fury warrior


>Favorite race:
>Favorite class/spec:
>Favorite zone from each expansion:
Vanilla: Darkshore, mostly around Auberdine before it got wrecked
TBC: Tie between Zangarmarsh and Nagrand
Wrath: Sholazar Basin
Cataclysm: Uldum
MoP: Jade Forest
WoD: Shadowmoon Valley
Goblins because goblin engineering
>Elf supremacy/elf genocide:
>Favorite song in game:
Wolf at the gates (alliance garrison music)

no I won't be doing that

>Tank Warrior/Druid
>Generally WoTLK and MoP had good zones
>Vol'jin, Sylvanas, The ogre who did some shit with void magic think his name is chodall, Khadgar, orc jesus
>Doesn't really matter, lean towards horde though. Fuck Belves
>don't care
>Nelves are ok, Genocide belves

favourite race:
Everything that aren't pandas
favourite class/spec:
favourite zone from each expansion:
Classic: Loch Modan/Plaguelands
tbc: Netherstrom
Wrath: Crystalsong Forest
Cata: Twilight Highlands
Panda: Vale before Garrosh
WoD: Shadowmoon Valley
Legion: Stormheim
top 5 favourite lore characters:
1. Jaina
2. Rhonin
3. Broxigar/Eitrigg
4. Maiev
5. Slyvanas (until the end of Wrath)
I can enjoy both
elf supremacy/elf genocide?:
youtube link to your favourite song in game:

>3rd bis for fury
>4th bis for prot
>ok for arms
my first 2 were bracers and boots
then i got belt, then HELM, then legs, then RING (the execute one)

just keep going
you can easily get 1 leggo per week