/ss13g/ Spessmen on a Spess Station 13 General

The Security Team Needs You Edition!

Last Thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>user makes some rad Gang Beasts-like SS13 thing
>IC lolspeak on the rise, ahelp on sight
>pAIs on mechas when?
>Clarke Mech added, might be old news I barely play anymore

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client
Reminder to download ver. 510 if you want to play in Veeky Forums without the viewport bug
>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:


ayyy el em ay oh

>stroll into the pub
>dual of undersized baseball batter starts playing

good post frogger

>it's a jjenjr is the only admin and he's afk for the entire round episode again

too many reruns of that one

pretty good but I think ayy l'mayo is catchier

>Tfw even the shitposting isnt keeping the thread alive anymore

>Set up a TEG for the first time because singularity ate everything else in engineering
>Get about 2.5 MW before fucking off so it slowly loses heat
I only pick engineer on deadpop with no one else on to set up power, was that any good?

if you want to make a ridiculous 5ever burn chamber, steal the miners from the derelict

>tfw building and getting a SME operational on the derelict

Felt pretty good. When clicking around and figuring shit out the shard started to delaminate so I panicked and drug it out of the chamber and obliterated the other MoMMI and myself but I got it working in the end with cooled plasma and everything. I adore learning shit like this.

Now I just have to figure out the singularity.

>tfw made the mistake of going onto the subreddit
Only good post there was that of Veeky Forums related content.

You win the lottery and have 1 trillion billion dollars, BUT you must set up a ss13 server and have it running 24/7 for the next 2 years.
Describe your server
>RP Level
>Headmin (any admin, even non-admins)
>Head coder
>Discord, yes or no
>Veeky Forums, yes or no
>Forum, yes or no
>Anyone you would ban on the first day before they even break the rules (rule 0 never lift)

Lifeweb and CM but open source. Use the money to sue the fuck out of Lifeweb and CM. Then use what's left to myself via a tax loophole.

Our current rotation, but no weighted vote and can't play the same map twice.
The one we have.
>RP Level
Light. No TTT or /me unholsters weapon.
>Headmin (any admin, even non-admins)
Uh, I guess ArthurDentist.
>Head coder
>Discord, yes or no
No. Only reason I'd make one is for the ahelp bot.
>Veeky Forums, yes or no
Is this even a question? Yes.
>Forum, yes or no
>Anyone you would ban on the first day before they even break the rules (rule 0 never lift)

Help, the role player's about to escape.
Get your hands off me, you dirty hippie.
*gasping* He can talk!

He can talk. He can talk. He can talk. He can talk. He can talk. He can talk.
I can taaalllk!

Ooh, help me Dr. Celt!
Dr. Celt, Dr. Celt. Dr. Celt, Dr. Celt. Dr. Celt, Dr. Celt. Oh... Dr. Celt.
Dr. Celt, Dr. Celt.

What's wrong with me?
You want to roleplay.
Want a second opinion.
This is TTT.

Dr. Celt, Dr. Celt. Dr. Celt, Dr. Celt. Dr. Celt, Dr. Celt Oh... Dr. Celt.
Dr. Celt, Dr. Celt.

Can I emote and say anymore?
Of couse you can't!
Well I could before.

I hate every hippie I see
From Killete1 to Killete3
No you'll never make a hippie out of me

Oh my God, I was wrong
It was VG all along
You've finally made a hippie
Yes, we've finally made a hippie
Yes, you've finally made a hippie out of me
Yes, we've finally made a hippie out of you
I love you, Dr. Celt!


I'd make it the most bare-bone no fun-allowed server and keep the money. You autists don't deserve shit.

My server would be just like this one, except it would have baby's day out mode.

Open Source

Imagine how different that round would have gone if the trader were the average trader toting flashbangs and shit?

not to much i mean he immediately closed the shutters and stayed up there plus he had the thermal mesons so he could see where i was going

I main medbay
from now on your rides wides will be especially wild


enough to power the station, but entry level

I prefer to put my burn chamber in atmos

>Ghettostation, a sprawling 2 z-level maze of randomised prefab maintenance tunnels with well stocked ghetto versions of all departments except R&D, with random looting required to find machine boards
>Veeky Forums codebase featuring humans, plasmamen and martians as the selectable races all others require snowflake genetics or surgery to acquire
>Hired moderators who only enforce the rules, special busmin day is once weekly
>No official discord
>Veeky Forums thread enabled
>forum for forum stuff
>Selecting Vox or catbeast (choosable in character creation autobans you,
>banned players can still connect, but they can only take the convict role that is auto-valid and spawns with an explosive implant the captain and HoS have the remote to
>convict players can only redeem themselves on bus day, during a parole hearing in-game
Doomed to fail?


It seems the recording got messed up a bit at the end, that part doesn't happen in-game.

one last thing to add

on the final day of two years, the last round will display a message from central command implicating that they are terminating the station's contract, there will be no end conditions for this round, it keeps going until the server crashes and never ever comes back

looked like a feature to me. ACK ACK

It was one of those "AI broke its laws because it didnt side with me in the issue of 'nomatter what it does someone gets harmed'" things.

so who is in the wrong?

Currents maps, with bagel only allowed if 30+ players, Packed if Codebase
Ours, obviously. I'd spend a generous amount of money modernising it.
>RP level
Light-medium, the same we have. No OOC in IC, not too much greytiding. The rest is up to the players to decide.
>Head coder
>Veeky Forums
Yes, it creates a real sense of community. Only problem might be metafriending/metagaming
>Rule 0 ban
I hold no grudges against anyone here.

Asimov for inventing the lawset but not convincing people to read his books so they know why its a bad lawset with flaws.

Asimov are robots and not borgs
Our borgs likely use the brains of convicted criminals

Colonial Muhureens is based on BayCode, right ?
Most of the knowledge I have of our Medbay is applicable there, isn't it ?

90% of your time as a doctor on CM is doing bone repair surgery.
Everything else you have chems for.

I joined a round to observer
Their health analyser interface is ugly as sin

Speaking of ugly as sin, you know what we need to steal?

Polaris's nanoUI for silicon interacting with doors. It looks so clean compared to our white text box shit.

I do not play s*licon, but I can understand that
Even whiteUI for character setup gave me visual aids on CM

I've been coughing up blood and generally feeling horrible for an hour or two now
with my final breaths i ask that you lynch the virologist.

i've got two important questions
are you human, and is the virologist nonhuman?

but you can't be sure until the suits removed
I just threw up blood and mucous onto my favorite pair of pants. Worst fucking shit. Eat your vegetables kids.

>need surgery
>doctor tells me to sleep
>don't sleep because i am a rebel
>doctor gets pissed after failing the first step three times in a row and leave the operating room
>round end see that the doctor was a traitor

>always get anti tox before surgery
>docs try to sleepy pen me
>get up and ask em what the fuck their issue is
The reactions are priceless, let me tell you

You played yourself user.
He needs to up his assembly line skills if he wants to hack it on other servers. On CM my record is 60 surgeries in one 2:30:00 round. And I don't even put people to sleep for any of my surgeries.

>Sleeping penning someone that already stunned themselves for you
You can paincrit someone with a couple clicks during pretty much any surgery.

I witnessed a pentabortion the other day on CM

>Airlocks now make a small screwdriver sound when you screwdriver the panel on them.
(for those who don't know, airlock panels are bugged so if you scredriver the panel while the airlock is open, you aren't notified.)

That was more or less what my operating rooms looked like, Though I had more blood everywhere. Shoot em up with painkillers and keep clicking until it works.

(although I'm still sad about hacked airlocks being slightly harder to fix now)

It always amuses me seeing someone performing surgery normally with anesthetics and cauterizing and shit and then you have the veteran MD walk up, spit on the open wound, jam a screwdriver in there to set the bone and then shake the guy and tell him to get the fuck out while ramming antibiotics down his gobbet.

>walk into bar
>battle of lil slugger starts playing

Arthurdentist is your headmin,
>Who is head of trialmins?
>Who is head of bus?
>Who is head of silicon laws?
>Who is head of space law?

>the guy who plays Arma

Give me one good reason why there shouldn't be a MoMMI fabricator on the station in the MoMMI nest on every map, with an appropriate cooldown.

mommis are horrible shitters

Shitters are horrible shitters. Ban shitters, problem solved.

Has nothing to do with MoMMIs

MoMMIs were a mistake
Silicons were a mistake

Actual reason : ghosts would go MoMMI and "accidentally" get themselves emmaged and "accidentally" cause trouble on the station.

>ghosts would go MoMMI and "accidentally" get themselves emmaged and "accidentally" cause trouble on the station.

Easy to detect. Silicon ban them. Again, not a MoMMI problem, as that kind of shittery can be done with any of the other methods of coming back into a round as ghost.

Unrelatedly, I don't think MoMMIs should even be emaggable, personally.

I wouldn't mind it if mommies couldn't be emaggable and if admins banned the bad ones (to be fair, I haven't seen any bad mommi play since the "turrets in the hallways" mommi got banned, although I heard of the other incident with the mommi delivering a staff of animation to the crew)

Another problem it might cause is mommis in relation to their lawsets

Like let's say someone telebombs the station: how long is a mommi supposed to wait before they start repairs so they don't interfere?

>Easy to detect
Less so than a Diona named "My body is on the asteroi" or shit like that
Again, they could just get emmaged and perfectly legally kill people. A diona being a shitter is easy to detect and illegal. A MoMMi offering itself to a tator is harder to detect and to check.

CM is fun

>my body is on the asteroi
gets me every fucking time I swear

It's not
The interface is ugly and you move 2slow compared to Veeky Forums

>easy to detect
It's not about being easy to detect, it's about a thin grey area of not being bannable. Borers already hunt down the antags to get their second-hand valids, it's meta, but nothing is done about them.
What's up stop a ghost from becoming a mommi and "working around" an antag? The mommi is clearly being meta, but won't be banned.

>Again, they could just get emmaged and perfectly legally kill people.
In which case there's no problem, nothing else considered.

>A MoMMi offering itself to a tator is harder to detect and to check.
Anyone intentionally getting themselves emagged is only a problem if they try to do it on more than one round, which takes nothing more than spectating to reveal their shittery.

Banned, easy.

I very seriously doubt enough people do or would play mommi even with an on-station fabricator for this to become a major problem. And if it became enough of a problem to become noticeable, then it immediately becomes obvious and easy to detect and ban over.

Controversial opinion: Emaggable mommi fabs when?

>It's not about being easy to detect, it's about a thin grey area of not being bannable
>What's up stop a ghost from becoming a mommi and "working around" an antag?
Vast majority of mommis I see who aren't shitters run away from antags who approach them with flashes and emags. Any other behavior when it's glaringly obvious what's happening is very hard to miss or mistake.

We could also always just make fabricated MoMMIs unemaggable, and/or spawn with a special law to keep abuse in check, like the derelict mommis.

Adminhelp any mommi who acts differently around antags to preserve their ability to play in the round
They should let themselves be emagged so they get lasered by anyone who sees them

>I very seriously doubt enough people do or would play mommi even with an on-station fabricator for this to become a major problem.
That happens with the derelict mommi fab, and those niggers can't even get back to the station. People tend to want to remove that sort of recurring AIDS from ghosts instead of adding more.

Plus taking jerbs away from the crew is dumb. If you want to play in the round, either don't observe or don't die or sign up for a posibrain or or or or or

>got a job recently
>no more time for spess

Feels bad man.
I could play during high pop but low pop was always way more fun.

That's actually a good, if poorly worded, point.

Is a MoMMI actually obligated to sit still and not resist if someone wants to emag them? Is it involvement to run away from their plans for you, or is it involvement to submit to their plans for you?

>That happens with the derelict mommi fab
What does? Unclear what your'e talking about here.

>Plus taking jerbs away from the crew is dumb. If you want to play in the round, either don't observe or don't die or sign up for a posibrain or or or or or
Yeah there's already plenty of alternatives and methods to get back into a round already, but a restrictive yet accessible method to simply come back as a MoMMI without having to wait on or rely on crew would be nice, in my opinion, for those of us who want to get in or get back in just to autism or fix or power the station on low pop rounds or some shit.

Realistically, I'd like an on-station fabricator that you could only use once per round or on a long cooldown, and using it spawns you as a regular station MoMMI with the key difference of being unemaggable, and dropping no brain/mmi when killed.

A lot of times there just aren't enough people to get folks back into the round in a timely manner, or at all. Or the crew just don't notice or understand posibrains or severed heads in hidden locations.

Also, not being able to enter an ongoing round as MoMMI is lame.

tfw no caldwell bf

Mammi can probably make Mommi's if the coders are worth their salt.

I haven't played in a while, what does that mean?

If you are a big enough baller to make a Machine to Man Interface instead of just lil bitch Posibrains you might be able to turn those into Mommi's instead of borgs.

>What does?
Some smartass camping the MoMMI fab which suddenly accrues 10 trillion new MoMMIs which unfortunately become emagged by no fault of their own surely. Antags gonna antag, but manifested ghosts were removed for a reason, and while you can still achieve similar results with processes that still exist, that's no excuse for piling on the horseshit. And on the other hand, I also don't see a particularly compelling reason to permit an unlimited flow of MoMMIs repairing sabotage they just happened to come across plausibly deniably. I've had to deal with that as a wizard before by telling the AI to state over binary to the crab not to rebuild chem dispensers that I ripped apart, because that would be INVOLVING ITSELF in my affairs, which I also ahelped to ensure the crab wouldn't just ignore it; I don't feel good about having to say that shit once every three minutes to bind the hands of any ghosts who become a MoMMI to spite me.

Getting everything you want all the time devalues that thing you want. Limits exist for a reason, presumably.

So you meant MMI, not "mammi"?

Yes, mmi with brain can be turned into MoMMI.

No thats a Man Machine Interface.
Machine to Man Interfaces require lots of tech and lots of resources, but let you put posibrains inside human bodies. And presumably, also into Mommi's.

MaMMIs are a thing, actually. Machine-Man Interfaces, you can put a posibrain in one and implant it into a human.
You wouldn't need one to make a MoMMI, though.

It's a custom that the MoMMI can and should run away from the emag as good as it can

>if this thing lets you connect a mechanical brain to a human made of meat, it should also let you connect it to a robotic crab
What kind of logic is that?

you can also build a MoMMI out of a posibrain

Well I mean, Presumably you cant just put a posibrain into a Mommi, since by nature it requires a MMI base...
Goddamnit coders.

If you put a MaMMI into a MoMMI though, wouldn't that make it a MoMaMMI?
Or are you saying to put a posibrain in a MaMMI and then put that into an MMI and then put the MMI into a MoMMI?

We need to go deeper.

>Laser a Mommi
>Borg pops out
>Laser the borg
>A mommi pops out
>Laser the mommi and a CLARKE pops out
>laser the clarke and a MMI pops out
>Dump the MMI and a MMI pops out
>Dump the MMI and a posibrain pops out
PBU-321 states, "And were the aristocrats!"

Clockwork Cult when?

When you go back


Don't worry about him, he's autistic

>Examine fellow crewmember
>See this as flavortext

im on nofap, dont post that shit ffs

antag datums

/r/ picture of todd howard with antag datums shopped on and 'dont believe his lies'

>Well I mean, Presumably you cant just put a posibrain into a Mommi, since by nature it requires a MMI base...
Pretty sure you can do just that, actually.

Hence the 'Goddamnit coders'

I'd slap her ass and announce that we're hitting those showers