/ink/ - Splatoon General

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- Splatoon 2 Map Rotation: splatoon2.ink/
- Booru: booru.splatoon.ink/

> News
- Vampires have won the latest North American Splatfest!
- Stamina has won the latest Japanese Splatfest!
- Version 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 have been released! Check for patch notes below.
- Range Blaster releases tonight at 10pm EST! Sub is suction bomb, special is ink storm.

> Patch notes
- en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27028/~/how-to-update-splatoon-2

> Big S2 Gear & Weapon list (contains unreleased weapons)
- leanny.github.io/splat2/

> List of possible main abilities for gear so far (contains unreleased gear)
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18ip1HahYq8DRZRgSEXoRqa915aThLXPb79AFF91HCe4/edit#gid=0

> Latest updates on what the Splatnet store is selling
- twitter.com/splatnetstore

> Resources
- pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL

> Wiki
- splatoonwiki.org/

> Loadout planner with weapons, gear, abilities, and stat calculations
- loadout.ink/

> View schedules for stages, Salmon Run, and current Splatnet gear
- splatoon2.ink/

> View Nintendo Switch online services on your PC
- github.com/OatmealDome/LoungeChair/releases/tag/v1.0.6422.34538

> Add your FC to the list of FC below:
- docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrpLqYcIcxHjNbeVoBql4HDGqUseArmbUePz71gXqBgHlHtA/viewform?usp=sf_link

> List of FC:
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-zt8u4va5GuDYnX_ToKfRUFRHu-1izMtE6ifaRK4II/edit?usp=sharing

> Splatoon 1 Artbook
- archive.org/details/TheArtOfSplatoon

Speedy woomy is early!

Why dont more people use either power armors

New brush when?

Squid amiibos can't be bought outside 3-packs, so they're quite a bit rarer than boy and girl.

What if your woomy hissed at you when you reached out to pet her?

shit abilities

If it was possible to get them with different abilities, that'd be nice. I really like the design of the Splat2 power armor.

S-so fast!

Milky here with the day's milk delivery! On time today! Come and have some!


>No way to change main ability for amiibo gear
Please. I dont care if it costs like 20 snails

Has speedy always had a lack of legs like this or is this a new headcanon

We need to get ability to get any main ability on any article of clothing for, like, 60 chunks. Amiibo gear would get a discount. Main-specific abilities would need a combination of chunks, for example ninja squid will need 30 swim speeds and 30 cold-bloodeds.

Is Slosher useless? Sloshmo feels so much better.

Thats a shame, they got the best amiibo gear

Nobodys online. Must be deadzone again.

Well, 3 AM is about as dead as it really gets.

>murica sleeps
>yurop slaves
>japs hate gaijins
>strayan population is in single digits



Does anyone have this gear?
I'm looking for the Pilot Goggles with Ink Save (sub).

Willing to provide any gear for anyone that I might have.

>no code

Didn't think to include it, since I didn't know how likely it would be that someone would actually have it.

Do you have that piece?

The fuck is this new update with the rangeblaster? Details?

its a blaster

with extra range

Speedy Woomy isn't sure what to think of the new Range Blaster. She likes that it splat quick, but everything else is sloooow.

The girls said there was a game update besides the gun, as in system wide or something

There are no fast paced weapons in this game though

Small shooters and dualies are fast-paced, and Squiffer gets really hectic once you get gud enough.

Yeah but remember Splatoon 1's ttek

Bug fixes.

It didn't change. The only fast-paced weapon we lost is Aero because devs decided we can't have fun.

Inkjet is really sluggish compared to Inkzooka

Real fucking talk, this weapon has so much capability of being an area denier than any of the other blasters. What I mean by that is that it just denies players on the receiving end any ground at all. Slow as fuck rof but with that mid range and flat 50+ damage, no challenges this gun because if they get hit once, they're too afraid to challenge. At least with the other ranged blasters, they're all technically 2-3 shots for a kill.

>be a 3-liner
>just stuff their immobile face full of bullets before they can fire second blast
Every single time, be it 1 or 2.

the vanilla splattershot is LAME and also BORING!

>t. Splashed and Bombed

Range Blaster is braindead

It's not lame or boring, it's just too fucking good. Remember vanilla Splattershot in Splat1? It was lowkey one of the best guns in the game eventhough it had a pretty useless special (or alternatively, it had a great special but couldn't pack any abilities). Give that gun a useful special, and it's already top tier, but they didn't stop there- its special has better synergy with the rest of the kit (in particular, sub) than ANY other weapon with Splashdown. Video related.

Splattershot Pro or Forge? Which is honestly better?


yare yare daze, are you still hung up on that balloon gyro?

Not if you abuse all of the mobility options it has. Duck inkto squid form, swim around, press jump to boost quickly, etc. You don't just hover around and shoot, that's a waste of potential. Same thing in splatoon 1, you don't pop zooka and stand in place.

Feels like being shorter-ranged than Rapid works in its favour.

I like the Forge for TC and RM and the default for SZ and Turf War. If I had to stick with just one though I would go with the Forge.

Forge sucks.

Suctions are nice, but other weapons use them better. Particularly the ones that can paint fast.

Pro does zoning really well with Sensors and Inkstorm. A lot of people underestimate it, but the special is one of the best, and the whole kit has good synergy.

If you want bubbles, then Heavy Deco or CE4K

You know what? New Jet Squelcher needs Rain. Sadly every fucking new weapon is getting bubbles or rain so I doubt it. Or hell maybe it'll boost its chance of getting it.

>Sadly every fucking new weapon is getting bubbles
There is only one weapon left with bubbles though.

First time using a roller. I haven't had this much fun playing splatoon since, basically ever. Is the carbon's purpose to only do flicks and annoy since it can't run over enemies?

Unless someone's already hurting and you catch them off guard, yeah.

You sneak up on fuckers and flick at point-blank for kills.
Rolling isn't a smart way to kill enemies on any of the roller classes.

goodnight /ink/

Carbon is the quick draw roller. You have to try and be sneaky then use it's quick flick to splat people within range.

Woke up right on time
cute new milky art btw

Run speed up affect carbon?

no, especially with a flingza

Her feet look way too small

Only strawberry milk for me, thanks!


Does /ink/ play ranked in handheld mode all that often?
How about Salmon Run?
You try voice chat yet?

I play everything in handheld because I sold my TV and WiiU to buy a Switch.
No chat, hate talking.


Does anyone want to play some salmon run? Are there any rooms open?

I don't know your situation, but that seems a little extreme.
Were you in a situation where you couldn't get a part-time job to help pay for it? Or do you have student loans or other responsibilities?

>98 friends
>3 online
I hope freelancers can handle my 400 rank.

What noise does this cute creature make?


There is no fucking excuse for these threads not to be full of webms now that you don't need anything other than a switch and a way to post here. You can even convert to webm using a damn phone.
And yet, there's no more clips being posted than there were before when just a handful of anons had capture devices.
What this leads me to believe is that the vast majority of you are actually fucking shitters who are terrified to post video because you'll reveal yourselves.

>found out by complete accident that the switch has a video capture feature now

>filled with shitters
No, really?

you didn't post one either, user.

You sure you want to see "impressive" 30s clips fill up these threads?

It'd be considerably better than the thread being either dead or full of people jerking off to children.

Imagine, feeling this slithering into your butthole.

It's the morning on the weekend, people sleep in.
And video was just added this week. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I found out about this literally minutes before you made this post. I did think it was strange how many people were making clips so easily

>isn't a smart way
Then why is it that at least half of my usual 16-20 kills each match are from rolling over dumb fucks who don't see me coming?

>enemy is able to make a comeback in the last 5 seconds
Fuck turf war why do I even play this shit

In my case, the second the video capture update came out, I went from being great to being shit. IT always happens like that with me.

Turf War is bullshit for that, That's why Last Ditch Effort is great there and Opening Gambit is trash.

The first two and a half minutes don't mean fuck all.

Because they ARE dumb fucks that don't see you coming?

How to convert on a mobile?

I just wish people played together more often

We got a Splat Zones rotation with Inkblot and Snapper in about an hour and 15 minutes.
I'd be down to squad up.

how much do you need to lead targets when shooting with jet squelcher or ssp?
a tiny bit of like a full body length

>tfw finally find someone who wants to play but I'm mobile posting from work

I swear the Universe is conspiring against me

I wish there was some way to report people for lag switching but the game has absolutely nothing you can do about it.
There's a cunt going around right now, *YSHEM* is his name, legitimately teleporting around the fucking map, instakilling everyone and surviving direct splashdowns. I've been up against him five fucking games in a row now and he's actually unstoppable because you can't fucking harm him.
Even better, he's got a friend whose name i've forgotten now but also is bracketted in stars, that is lagging around almost as bad and they are ALWAYS on the same fucking team.
Piece of shit fucking game has no sort of ping or packet checking, no report function, no fucking anything.

You can report in the switch app, which you should have anyways to access SplatNet.

What converter are you guys using for webms? I have some clips but they end up at 52mb or 13mb.

4 hours late, but Splatoon 1 Pro and Forge were better than either one we have now. Splat Bombs would have been perfect with Inkstorm and the Forge could've had Point Sensors with Inkjet. Also Dualie Squelchers should've had Splat Bomb + Tenta Missles and Squid Beakon + Stingray.

It was called webm concerter for retards but they had to change it abd its now webm converter for bakas
Youll find it im sure

Fuck that, Use XMedia Recode, it does absolutely everything you could ever want and yet remains pretty simple and straightforward to use.

Webm For Retards got fucking neutered and half the features were removed. Fuck that noise.

I don't know if I can carry on playing at the pace i've maintained so far if they don't start releasing actually NEW weapons. We know they have them but they're just choosing not to let us have them for some reason.
Are they waiting for game fatigue to really start harming numbers before pushing out something "new"? That's incredibly fucking jewish if so.

Hard to tell
Just practice it's probably better to get the feeling instead of meassurements

I guess you mean me
And thanks for the tip i didn't know better

No probs bro, if you need any help with it just ask and i'll see you right. I use recode for both shitposting and work.

Let's go boys

>How you want your webm converted on a mobile senpai?