/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

Banjo Jackson and the Pyro Boys

Last Thread: >Jungle Inferno Update Day 4

>Jungle Inferno Update Day 3

>Jungle Inferno Update Day 2

>Jungle Inferno Update Day 1

>New SFM

>list of good comm. servers

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BP check: backpack.tf
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Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
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Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
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Daily reminder to use more gun


>first pyro contract asks for 4 reflect kills
>no soldiers or demomen to reflect
>reflecting dragons fury shots doesn't count
>on rare occasion, see a soldier
>exclusively using the righteous bison
Class limits, when? I'm sick of these 10 Pyro games already.

How do we stop the Dragon's Fury from getting nerfed like every other Pyro primary?

it deserves a fucking nerf to the ground


valve needs an excuse to activate class limits
they will be a thing in a week

Who here's killed with this thing, yet?
Got an unsuspecting heavy.


no it doesn't

How do you extinguish someone with the thermal thruster?

go right fucking next to them
left click
hope to god you dont accidentally go too high and it just fucking puts them out
>tfw finally finished with that godawful contract
>just to find out hothand is garbage and does like 20 damage a hit

Just as it blasts off. It helps to stand back a bit so the leap catches them and you don't wind up going in another direction from the burning player.

>8 Pyros every match
>By the time you're jumping for the Thermal Thruster they're already not on fire

>f2ps extinguishing teammates

What's the speed boost like?

Brazil sucks. The Point is so easily spammable

I like how they just mashed the keyboard including brackets

>Brazil sucks

user, this thread is about tf2

>game still full of cp_orange_x servers


>just got the update
>new layout
>new music
>new maps
Holy shit. I've never been on an update before this is exciting

by buffing DR and AMBY

no, it shit and die spy main :)

hey guys, im new, what does the m2 thingy do?

You don't it's OP as fuck
Either the speed, range, or damage needs to be nerfed, but only one

>achievement_idle and cp_orange make up half of the server browser
and they say this game is alive

>tfw will never get that goldrush update feeling again

How the fuck do I make my hud and transparent viewmodels work again

Some guy on a community server was playing the banjo a lot faster with steam around his hands, how the hell do you do that, using the gunslinger alone doesn't work?
Pic related, guy on the right
Or am I stupid and was it just some server plugin

update is good.

>ameriburgers are asleep
>thread has no shitposting
this is why amerilardia needs to be bombed

Tell me about the butthurt, how is it

its fast, but its way too short. thats the whole problem really, you can hit them 5 times and they wont die even with crits, but you know that last hit would kill them and by that time the speed boost is gone and you cannot catch up

or make it so it requires even more accuracy because nerfing it in a way such that makes it have lower dps while still requireing higher accuracy than stock would be retarded. this thing has the same dps as flamethrower but higher burst damage so it just seems like it does more when it two shots scouts. it is not overpowered, you literally need to git gud

why the fuck does it take so long to get into a game now, the game has more players yet it takes more time?

how many snipers have you guys farted on yet?

What's a good micspamming program? HLDJ doesn't seem to work anymore

well, after 1 year, finally an update

brap fortress 2

>immediately shitposts

They got rid of the K/D?

Amby nerf needed to happen, but spy honestly just needs a buff in general. It's been a long time coming. He is unironically the least viable class.


you're a fucking faggot

>gotta shill out 5€ for new shit

does gaben think I'm rich or what
he's already stolen thousands of hours of my life

Hahaha, get it? He used a cutsie abbreviation so it automatically devalues him as an individual ahahaha
off yourself.


It was already six feet under.

how long does it tick afterburn on hit?

It doesn't


>Just need 1 MVP for my contract
>In 3rd place but get crit
>the 3rd person in the literal furry 6-stack on my team gets 1 point ahead of me at the last second
>Next round the server crashes
I fucking hate this game

no way. You're fucking kidding me.
They actually opened up a way to make it useful when they nerfed afterburn, and then did nothing with the weapon? All you have to do is make afterburn tick for 5 damage for like 8 seconds or something on hit and it'd be just fine.

Just go engi.

>these thermal thruster bonus challenges
why didn't they just do something like
>Kill a player within three seconds after landing a blast jump

give him grappling hook to replace pistol, and other spy gadgets like a sapper alternative that if the engie takes too long instead of destroying a sentry turns it against their own team. make pistol always perfectly accurate but lower the dps. make backstab cone thinner, no more sidestabbing, no more vertical stabbing (jumping off a tele should not give you enough leverage to backstab an engie looking right fucking at you). dr nerf was too extreme, now the only usage it will have are with ambassador spies as they cannot risk getting close enough. it should get less metal from pickups instead of none at all, like broken buildings shouldn't behave like an ammobox for him but more like how it behaves for engineer 10 metal a piece. remove diamondback guaranteed crits, replace with anything else (minicrits engineers without any buildings including currently sapped buildings as destroyed or something i dont know)

Haven't gotten into a game yet, but do you get the new items for free if you complete the contracts?

yes but the melee weapon is a bitch to get

even when you finally do get it it's contract while rather straightforward is just a pain in the ass

>same DPS
this is literally wrong unless you have huego.lopez2003 level of aim.
You can consistently rapid fire so long as you keep hitting, and it two shots light classes and three shots everything else that isn't heavy, all with longer range than stock. And it's not like it's particularly hard to aim, the projectile is huge and fast.

>nerf damage
>remove airblast
there, fixed dragons fury or whatever that autistic trash is called

>thinks the deadringer nerf was too harsh
>rather than not harsh enough
Opinion fucking discarded, braindead spy main garbage

just use the phlog at that point

The airblast is already pretty trash on it, that part is fine.

yea exactly

soo how do i see flames

game isn't fine. not by a long shot. the stats on steam are inflated as hell. turns out roughly only 1/3 of the reported number is actually playing the game and not idling or trade botting

>didn't launch the game for at least a month
>update hit
>launch the game, topscore in a few matches, close the game
>feel nothing but emptiness and boring inside
I guess this is end of line for me.

if you can't MVP on demand every game you need to git gud
especially when a furfag beats you, you fucking suck

Did you at least do the contracts?

>valve replaces casual mode menu with the "modern" ui
>effectively hides worldwide casual player count
really gets the noggin joggin

Not interested.


This update was a huge nerf for the pyro

>"biggest update ever" hits
>warframe has more players

to be fair warframe also just had their own "biggest update ever"

look at this dude

>mfw would've been a red badge tier 2 but they took away my 400k xp for no reason

>completing the paid contracts by going funslinger and wrecking all the pyros

The "Your match is ready" popup should tell you what map it is

shitframe got a ton of new players after normalfags realizes destiny 2 is trash
it'll go down after they realize shitframe is trash too, but it'll take some hundred hours before they do that


Does abandoning casual matches actually gives you a penalty again or is it the display wrong?

I havnet played TF2 in ages
but holy hell queing for casual is fucking cancer, how are there still people playing this game WHEN YOU CANT PLAY THE GAME


great time to be an engineer. god i never made people so mad as i did today top scoring having 8 doms and saying "i love pyros :)" in chat

>someone put this on the market for £20 less than the next higher price

Nice, nice

Has it occurred to anyone that these contracts are essentially just achievements you can purchase?


Except you''re not going to have your flames perfectly on someone the entire time. You're both going to be moving, and inevitably some are going to miss.

I like this heavy update we got.

that payload race banana train is pure shite

PLR was never good friendo

I played Mercenary Park for the first time and the entire team went to C because they literally could not find A

shitty map design desu, not clear enough

Merc park is an abomination dude.

equal playing field, that is the case for both weapons, and if you miss even one shot with dragon the dps plummets. it is a lot easier to keep a steady stream with flamethrower now with this update, so with that in mind i would say it is fairly balanced. i think the best change for the weapon would be to make the shot even easier to miss rather than perform worse as it isn't much better than stock

>I cant follow the big red arrows with the big red letters
okay then

>valve made map
be glad it loads

>I can't quote
okay then

I can't find event servers, only normal ones