/civ4xg/ - Endless, Stellaris, Civilization and 4X

/rtsg/ /cbg/
Spread your gorgeous image across the stars Edition

>The Development of Stellaris
>Steam group

>Official and Unofficial Wiki
>Community Hub
>Planets Stats
>Ships Stats
>Horatio splicing guide
>ES2 politics guide.
>ES2 prequel


>Browser Civ Game, plays like civ2
>Civ IV XML fix
>Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE):
>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot:
>Civ 5 Mods
>Civ 5 More Mods
>Civ 5 Drafter
>District Cheat Sheet:
>/civ4xg/ steam group

>Essential improvements:

>MoO 2


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Horatio is a faggot

We should just create /horatio/.

Why do the lumeris have such big boobs?


PSA: A couple threads back someone was wondering about Endless Space 2 discounts. Well, Total War Access subscribers still can get a 50% off coupon just by requesting it here, you only need to sign up and link your Steam account.


The coupon works with both the regular and deluxe edition. I bought mine a couple days ago.

venom sacks

Paradox is my favourite american video game developer

Is Dawn of War 3 worth it at half price or is even that too much?

Don't you mean Somalian?

How much are you willing to pay to be disappointed?

I'll make an alien race one day with massive shoulders and biceps and a huge bulge.

Well I bought Stellaris and EU4 so more than £15 I guess. Don't really want to ruin my memories of Dawn of War with that abomination for more than maybe £3

It's fine. All the complaints are memeing faggots pretending the game became a moba or that heavy firepower can't melt a mob in the blink of an eye.

>50% negative reviews
>60% negative recent reviews
Do you freelance or did EA branch out?

>h-heh! people review bombed it so that means we are right

Got any real arguments over there? DoW II is far, far more like a moba for example. Not only was your hero a huge deal, you bought gear for it and babysat it all match long.

I bet you like SimCity 5.

Most review bombs come from a legitimate reason though, the metacritic scores are also really low and have similar complaints

>review bombed
You have no idea what you are talking about. DoW III got destroyed because it was dumbed down at every level.

Lying is bad, user.


>people are actively defending DoW 3
I want relic to leave the immediate vicinity.

>critic scores
Nice try shill

Dumbed down how?

why doesn' the bird just fly

just show this relic employee archwarhamemr videos about dow 3 and call it a day.
and now they're going to work on a AoE3. Jesus Wept, got staked and wept again.

It's been told it can't fly for this challenge.

why do you think birds fly?

Age of Empires 4

He's right about the moba memes. There are very real problems with dow3 but they aren't being more moba like than dow2.
It's like shitting on stellaris. It has a thousand problems but some memer decides to complain about some fictional thousand and first problem.

THE HELL am i meant to do as horatio after i finish the early game? just sit around and grow a population, developing science? gets real boring and i always start a new game early game is always heaps more fun in 4x anyway though. even caveman to cosmos was really interesting early on

Make the galaxy beautiful

Spiritualist FE got woke.

How do I build my fleet to smash their heads in? Got the 33% bonus against them, but I don't know what sort of weapons I should use.

Is it me, or Zelevas (Hail) got wider in Endless Space 2?

>watching Marb's inca cbp playthrough
>getting into the lategame where there's 2-3 main competitors left in the game
>wars naturally get stronger as powerhouses slam armies produced by 1/3rd of the continent against eachother
>war weariness sends him from +40 happiness to negative happiness in the time it takes to siege a single one of his opponent's 15 cities
I get that Marb brings it on himself by playing really, REALLY defensively at all times (he'd go through games without losing a single unit if he could) but even then it seems like the sheer amount of time it takes to bombard a city dwarfs the amount of time he spends dicking around picking off enemy units.

What are they running? I've decided I'm never using missiles again, so don't use those.

Plasma's good if you have it otherwise.

Also, my defensive pact partner is guaranteeing the independence of a juicy empire I'm looking to claim in a few years, if I attack will they join against me?

>random regular machine intelligence
>a large number of empires are machine, including a fallen empire
>Cybrex are precursors
>"gee I wonder what the crisis is"
>Regulators wake up
>three power blocks and neutral me emerge
>after THREE HUNDRED years contingency pop up
>Regulators wipe out fleets from one node, the other two blocks wipe out the ones from their's and I hold off the one next to me solo until help arrives without losing any worlds
>join the single galaxywide federation that forms
>wipe out all the nodes within 10 years
>win fed victory
I think I'm done with this game. It needs at least another two years work. Even before the crisis as I bored as hell.

Has anyone played Indonesia yet?

Report back.

Go to declare war and look at who will join them, but I'm going to say they will fight you

I want to cum on her nose.

what is going on in this picture?

You never wash your schoolgirls?


shit's boring

jongs cost 600 faith btw

What is the best FTL method before jumpdrives anons?

Also are defensive structures viable yet? How exactly did they get improved? just a massive HP buff?

Received this on Steam. Watched and read a bit about civ 6 and it feels like it will only be good after some expansions.

I am still playing civ 5, but I felt like moving on. I thought about buying civ 6. Now I feel like not bothering with it for one or two years.

What the hell is happening here?

Oh look. Another useless bitch that never did anything in her life, shorhorned into a game to cater to SJWs.

anyone know what game this is?

It's a wargame. It was posted last thread. Look in the OP, and Ctrl+F "wgg".

I don't how limited the recorded space, but it could be the height is too low for it to take off.

Too little army deployed compared to DoW1, too simple combat and no autismal RPG campaign compared to DoW2.

>to cater to SJWs
If only.
Judging by how they hand out coupons, most likely someone in higher-ups is stroking zem ego using the game.

no u

horatio is a generalist, he can go along any path depending on your start and what minor factions you spliced
usually it's prudent to declare wars every once in a while to steal a system or two so you can splice them, but if you start next to a shitty candidate (unfallen) you don't have to

I kind of wish the FEs would interact with you more, since it's really only the custodians, xenophile and materialist empires that interact with you.

>Spiritualist FE wants to send missionaries to your empire because it's concerned for your soul. However if you wind up accepting, a large portion of your empires ethos will switch to spiritualist.

Oh look, another underage pencil neck raging on the internet about the last thing that matters in this world despite Firaxis never claiming their leader choices have ever been based on some hierarchy of historical significance.

Nice try shillaxis, but considering the previous leader was a literal WE WUZ KANGZ WOMYN, it doesn't matter what they claim. It is blatantly obvious who is in charge of nu-Civ and what ideas they try to shoehorn.

Just report and ignore the SJW.

>waah waah civ 6 is too eurocentric
>waah waah why are you adding leaders that aren't white men

Considering Europe made history, it makes sense to have european leaders.

/v/ will bitch about literally anything.

>ess jay dubya
Fufufu, I accept your defeat.

>waah waah civ 6 is too eurocentric
Said, who?

hey, better than me, I set the damn thing to 2.5x and even the base fleets were 225k

In a universe where awakened empires had 150k at most

You mean China.

So you can't read, that's sad.

haha time for minerals

>FE ships clipped through a ringworld

Its steelpanthers: WW2

Why not just disassemble planets? Sure it would be easier.

what mod is this

Ishimura please.

It's definitely a Steel Panthers game. Not sure about it being WW2 since that image has helos & one of the vehicles was only created in the 1950's. Unless it's a modernised.

But anyway. Great game. Used to play it constantly when I was a teenager, along with games like Space Empires 2.

>guess if I got laid or not

Space Empires 2? That name sounds like the most generic game ever.

Steel Panther MBT, I think.

I don't think you appreciate just how massive the average star is compared to a planet.

Star Lifters.

Out of curiosity, how big if a star compared to a planet?

Stars are fuckin big, dawg.

Okay. That's, huh, pretty fucking big.
... I feel very small.

It was. But it was one of the more well known games in the genre (with the main two being Civ & MOO).

Only had the shareware version lol. Limited to Tech 5 out of 20 iirc.

MOO2 was a better game but it was still fun in the mid 90's when I was only in elementary school.

Meanwhile I played Dune and Skyroads.

>Even with eternal life and a FTL drive, you will never explore a billionth billionth of the universe before its heat death

What's the point.

>being defeated so easily by the simple vastness of reality
lmaoing at your life

Still sure you mean China.

That's entirely the point. They are too massive. It would cost much less to disassemble planets and yet there is no way to convert planets into 100,000,000 minerals.

>isolationist country
>any effect on history
lobotomy patients please leave


We need to get ready to kick Andromeda's shit in when it arrives, lads!

>They are too massive.
That's dumb. You don't need to surround a star to start lifting hydrogen from it. And the more of your star lifter you build, the more resources and energy you have to continue building it. After a certain point, it can basically build itself.

>It would cost much less to disassemble planets
Besides, the point of starlifting is not just "get raw materials". The point is that, once you're on the order of a K2 civilization planets don't have enough raw materials for the shit you're trying to build. Also, you're going to be using a lot of that hydrogen to fuel fusion reactors. The only other reliable source of hydrogen would be gas giants. Sure, they work, but again they're much, MUCH smaller on average, and once you get to the point where you need to tap a star for materials and energy, the engineering and resource expenditure required to do so is basically trivial.

>yet there is no way to convert planets into 100,000,000 minerals.
Of course not, that would be unbalanced. There is a way to get 200 minerals per month for a few decades though. (It's supposed to be shooting a beam though the planet but the planet I chose is so big that it started to clip into the structure lmao). Pretty trivial to make a profit with it, too, once you get some perks/techs to lower megastructure cost.

>stellar distances outside of ~2000 ly can't be accurately determined
>size can only be inferred from brightness, main sequence spectrum and distance
>theory of star formation is uncertain
>any error will invalidate the inference

>red shift is not correlated with brightness as hubble thought
>red shift is quantized
>high red shift objects appear in front of low red shift objects
>doppler explanation fails
>cannot use redshift to determine distance

>only a dozen extrasolar planets have been directly observed
>rest are inferred by variations in brightness and apparant wobble

>only 1 billion stars have been directly catalogued
>only 500k galaxies have been directly catalouged

you're welcome

I have two personalities:
The nicest person you will ever meet
Twisted fucking psychopath.

>That's dumb.
I didn't invent physics or economics, bro.

It shows, you understand neither.

My mind is too small to understand that.

do you know triangulation? do you know what doppler effect is? do you know what spectrography is?


Find your purpose and remove xeno

whats the source of this?

Nigga how new are you

I do. It's the "1 000x bigger than Earth" that I can't understand.

>overwhelming military
>at peace, trade agreement, and research agreement with the 2 other major factions (riftborn and fishtits) since halfway of the game (they are at ineffectual war with eachother)
>mop up the rest (fuck succs)
>time to win: ally with riftborns
>wait out the treaty period with fishtits, offer alliance with suggested terms
>they refuse
>offer alliance with the entire finished techtree and a shitton of material, maxing out the acceptencebar
>they refuse

Well fuck yo too then, enjoy your plantes cracking bitch.