/drg/ Danganronpa General

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Previous thread Normie Bullying edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NUDE*
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - In-depth gameplay mechanics and information
pastebin.com/M1sg5ftn - Danganronpa V3 Bonus Mode starting guide

>Danganronpa: Nigger Happy Havoc/Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:

>Dangangranpa V3: Killing Harmony:

>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>Danganronpa fan works pastebin *contains links to fanart, fan-fiction, and dr-retarded autists*

Other urls found in this thread:



I love Kirumi!

Giving Tsumugi a lobotomy!

Maki is cute!!!!

Kamen Rider Saihara

Good morning. Posting best giri.



Angie and her beloved baka normie!

...What the hell happened while I was actually sleeping?

Reminder that Mahiru is true best girl. Accept no purple-haired imitations.

Real Ultimate Child Caregiver.


I heard Kyoko likes farting on people she likes.

what other dangans would you fuck i gotta find out for investigative purposes

Nah dude, thats Saihara the unclefucker.

I'm replaying DR2 now. Mikan is just as perfect as I remember!

Me irl

moe-tan moe-tan

She is pretty great.

literal unbeatable character. even after 3 games, nobody comes close


Saihara is a squishy vanilla boy

>Can't you just let me sleep for once instead of doing it every night in front of me?!

The hands look like Saihara is holding a scythe.

>C'mon, Shuichi, join in! It's a new kind of training.


Spooky boys!

I want to fuck Kaito.

Not my type, but I respect your opinion.


Not Moe-tan, sorry!

I really need more of this.

What the fuck?


me 2bh

Junko's smelly sister decides that it's too much trouble.

Kino isn't even remotely looks like Saihara.

>tfw no fem-ouma abusive trickster gf

>people unironically like Tsumugi

stop it!

in order it goes, from most fuckable to least fuckable: mondo, gundam, komaeda,
leon, hagakure, nidai
i haven't played dr3 yet, but i can already tell i like gonta, shuichi, rantaro and kaito


Yes and?

You aren't even isn't remotely doesn't aren't look like not Saihara

As a fellow saikibo shipper, this post warms my heart and soul

Boys being girls and girls being boys.

I never cared much for 'Giri but I felt awful after this.

can I get some sauce on this buddy

I wish Maki and miu had their tallents swapped.

Souda, Ishimaru, Boozeman and Haiji should be top right.
Mondo and Gonta should be considerably more attractive.
Jataro and Nagisa are far cuter than Daimon.
Yuta should be bottom right.
Amami is fuck ugly.

Have you ever realized that Shuichi's pointing sprites look weird because he's left-handed.

what the fuck i didn't put that pastebin there, fuck you keyboard

Another day, another struggle.

Even as a girl, Kaito is still garbage.

She wrote your favorite V3 character.

I got huge folder from Komalove a long time ago, all of the images are like this. I have no clue why

Why is it that whenever someone draws r63 art, all the girls become metrosexual twinks?

mmm... Shuichi's eyes ^q^

>no Maki in the back
Talents or "talents"?

Which is the true evil: the hope that drives people to host killing games, or the despair that convinces people to end them?

Give up, skeleton

Mada mada da na~

It's probably the Japanese letters not rendering properly.

Oh shit, I never actually realized this.

That's true.

what is this soulsposting doing in my christian dr thread


There's no god here


No she didn't.

Please never post or remind me of this again...


Angie died

Did he stumbled in a trap?

haven't fucking played it yet and i had a hunch he was gonna be one hell of a character
i fucking knew it

She also got them killed

Ooh, that's probably it!

She deserved it

Isn't your autism test scheduled for today?


Is it a good idea to add a contact information and FAQ page into the modding guide? Should I include screenshots of stuff too?

>that FTE where Rantaro holds Shuichi hostage with an hour long lecture on phrenology and the white man's burden


Posting best girl!

I swear to god if I had a picture of ouma in mahiru's outfit I would post it.
Mahiru is best SDR2 girl for me anyway, I've warmed up to her a whole ton over the years. besides, all girls can be best if you love them enough

I love smugi.

There's honestly not a single girl in the entire mainline franchise that I dislike. They all appeal to me in some way, even Sakura.

That smug looks like it was drawn in a hurry with Paint.

Not the original user but why the hell not, it'd be easier to contact you that way if there's a problem and you're not around.

If the people who the information belongs to is alright with it, yeah.
The FAQ and screenshots are good ideas too.

Wrong, I unironically love Smoogie

No, that's on Monday. But checking for autism isn't on the agenda!

This is an awful image.

Even Akane?

>mondo and gundam at the top
Hey so you're literally me, sick
i think hagakure has a certain charm to him looks wise, and I'm usually not super into bara but i can appreciate gonta and nidai. not to mention all the v3 boys you listed are solid, great taste all around

>even Sakura
implying sakura isn't one of the most wholesome girls in the entirety of the franchise's cast

Akane may have been useless, but she was also hot as fuck and funny at times.

No, this is an awful image!

Sakura is as pure as it gets.

I haven't seen this in a while... filthy bastard.

Well, okay, sounds like a plan though.
I have the urge to swear and make jokes on the guide too, but I have to keep it professional I guess huh, don't want to put off any people.

It's mostly going to be my info, but I should probably credit the tools used as well, right?


Sexy Confident Mugi!

Oh yeah.

This would be the case for me if it weren't for a few having a personality so shit I just can't like them. It's difficult for me to look past a very shit personality, even if they look good.

i'm glad to see someone around here also has some decent taste in big buff men with soft hearts
gonta and nidai are more along the lines of 'i want them to carry me on their shoulders and spoon with them at night' rather than just saying 'i wanna fuck them,' yknow?
its not that i wouldnt, i just feel like they're more attractive romantically than sexually
i love hagakure simply because he's the biggest dumbass i've ever seen. he has his moments but there's something so catching about a guy who's completely unaware of the realities around him. not to mention he's a total pussy and that's kinda cute to me
komaeda is probably the only one i actually have a mild dislike towards and that's not actually because of anything to do with him as a character but the fact that i'm pretty biased because he took over secondary antag spot from one of my favorite characters really late development so i'm pretty bias on that