/twg/ - Total War General

Soon Edition

Mortal Empires and (maybe) Blood and Gore on the 26th

How the Combined Map works

>FAQs and General Info
pastebin.com/uGj4AUHR (embed)
pastebin.com/gZ1T9VCN (embed)

>History information:
Saga title is a spiritual successor to Rome 2. Some are guessing the map will be Britannia.
Campaign pack coming up for a past history title, probably Rome 2.
Next big history game is a setting they've never done before. Will feature "important character relations that occur between the major personalities in the game."

Previously on /twg/ →

Screenshot sharing and campaign posting encouraged!


Here's how I think Araby-Bowl is gonna look

Nobody gives a shit about what you think

fourth for elf fucking

Would be fine with that. Although I'd hope the TK expand a bit further

Fuck off

>Tomb Kings still not announced.

Well nobody gives a shit about you period

It has to be possible to code a model importer for Warhammer, maybe by modifying the Atilla importer. Anyone know a forum that wouldn't ban you for talking about it?

>code/modify a model importer to accommodate the new animation files
>import fully compatible custom models into Warhammer
>put them in a pack file and run the game, playing with said models
This is possible. What's the best place to start?

Are you still going on about this you retard

It's not going to happen, deal with it

Here's what I think

Land of Assasins, Coast of Araby and Atalan Mountains are for Araby expansion

Land of the Dead, Ash River, Shifting Sabds and the two provinces above Kroq-Gar are for TK expansion

Great Desert of Araby is shared between TK and Araby

Sprinkle in some redshirt Bretonnians, Dorfs, Imperials and Vampires and you have a fun start for two fun races

>be me on the 27th of Red October
>boot up my Mortal Emirates saved game file
>Tanukhids have secured the entire Badlands and parts of Ulthuan
>reinstall Steam

Nobody on the entire fucking planet will do this without you paying them an awful lot of money.

So how long will it take for the modding for Mortal Empires to pick off ?

Reminder that Chorfs and Ogres WILL be DLC for Warhammer 2

Approximately 6 minutes and 28 seconds after release

Expect "Radious - The Full Experience: Mortal Empires Gold" on day 1

Explain to me why Warcraft and Starcraft are more popular than Warhammer and 40k.


Fuck off with that bullshit

This is stupid, you're stupid.

So by telling us what factions are where are they admitting which ones will soon be the playable ones?


Did you actually make a picture with greentext on it to support your bullshit theory? That's weak


>watching Dogbert's ME campaign stream
>framerate drops to 0 during AI's every turn

is this real life?

Fuck off, that's not TW related

Because warcraft and starcraft are based around video games and games workshop keeps stupidly trying to make this model meme work and it will never work.

>russian datamine map was right
>/twg/ was wrong

ummm care to explain?

People here are redditor imbeciles, if you haven't figured it out yet

Get in mah killbox Thracian fucking shits

we already know which ones will be playable it's obviously going to be Moulder, Skryre and Scruten, though it's possible they give Thanquol a warlord faction like Rictus instead since Scruten isn't generally considered a military power.

>Warhammer 2 DLC
>That you could only use if you'd also bought Warhammer 1

>DLC for ME

Think about this for a second.
>Game 1
>Game 2
>Sell DLC for Game 2
>DLC needs Game 1 to use

Nope. Will never happen. Such a dumb idea.

Nah, they're saving the best for last.

There's nothing to explain. /twg/ will continue peddling its pigheaded theories about a single Daemon faction and Cathay making it in until they are shown the truth that will correspond exactly to the datamine. The day the starting factions for TWW3 are revealed is going to be a glorious, glorious day on /twg/, perhaps the most so since WH1's announcement.

>Empire VH, about turn 30
>Secessionists wiped out, actually am able to take Marienburg cheekily while their forces are off fighting somewhere
>Some orcshits keep raiding me, same with beastmen
>All the VC factions have confederated and have wiped out every human faction southside of the river aside from me and Wissenland, bringing their borders right next to Reikland
>Strenght ranking 1, I am something like 30
Vampire fucking shits. Seems like it's purging time. If Wissenland just would stop declaring war on me, cant they see we are the last hope for free humanity.

>5 days until Queek retakes Eight peaks for Clan Mors
>5 days until he adds the heads of Beggar nohammer and Skarshit to his trophy rack
>5 days until he marches on Skavenblight after his conquests, defy the council and declare himself eternal Tyrant of all Skavendom like a rattier, bloodier Julius Caeser
>5 days until he shoves dwarf gouger up Archaons ass and show hat the Horned rat is greater then the Chaos gods
>5 days until he set sail to the Lustria to kill more Lizard-things and destroy Clan Pestilens so there is no clan save the mighty Clan Mors
>5 days until he stops by Ulthuan on the way to piss on the elf-things shiny cities
>5 days until Queek moves to the Dark elf-things empire after taking Lustria eager to wipe out all empires save his own
>5 days until he takes Morathi as his personal breeder, fucking her for centuries to come as she slowly submits more and more, forgetting her previous life and becoming entirely devoted to Queek and his cock
>5 days until all the world has been conquered by Clan Mors, all previous civilizations forgotten as the rat-men consume everything in their path, turning the entire world into nothing but ruins all for the Great Horned Rat and his mighty living representative Queek Headtaker

Only a few days until the Vortex campaign will never get played again.

Same with WH1. Basically i only got WH2 for the combined map.

Is Grace a vegetarian? I want to know what her girlpucci tastes like

historyfags go back your own shitty general.

I thought I sent you to loverslab.

>/twg/ was right
>we get to laugh at the retards who thought CA sells a game with 4xChaos based on an outdated datamine

>/twg/ was wrong
We get to laugh at daemonposters who paid full price for WoC reskins abd thought they got a good deal

Sounds like fun either way

>Tfw if Skaven wiped out all threats on the planet, they would've taken to the stars and formed a Ferengi-esque Empire but more warlike

In the year 40000, there is only rats

> Meanwhile, desperate pleas to the Empire by the few holdouts finally reach Karl Franz
> He studies them, calmly strokes his chin, and sends a response
> Back at the fortifications of the slaves-to-be, already under siege by the armies of Mors, a lone messenger arrives, barely alive, but still clutching the reply
> As the courier breathes their last, their final duty complete, the wearied leaders of the resistance tentatively break the seal and unfold the letter

"Skaven are not real. Enough of this meme". - Franz


Saga has to be about Britain's Viking Age, right? God damn I want that, and I want it to be good.

>15 turns in
>Clan Mors have been obliterated! There is nothing left apart from the echoing laughter of thirsting gods

Is the vortex campaign going to be the least played campaign in TW history? It's redundant once ME comes out.

>Is the vortex campaign going to be the least played campaign in TW history?
No, its not Rome: Alexander

Why would you play the Old World campaign on its own ?
Especially since a lot of improvements from WH2 are gonna be carried over into Mortal Empires

>pouring warpfire into dwarf ranks


>this guy again
fuck off m8

>Mazdamundi = easy
>Kroq gar = Normal

I'm pretty sure it should opposite

Have anyone found any Ogre teasers? There's several teasers for Daemons (Mortal Empires announcement, N'kari mentioned in the Lizardmen epilogue) and there's a legendary dwarf building that mentions Zharr Naggrund.

What's wrong sperg-kun?


>implying DLC for DLC

you do know Queek isn't the leader of Mors right

ME is not DLC technically since it's free
But yes, no way they going to make dlc for ME only, you need to be retarded to believe that

nothing, I want zombie pirates

Gnawdwell claims he is grooming Queek for command of Mors since he wants to retire, but ultimately doesn't beleive Queek is cunning enough to handle being a lord of decay.

It says something at the end of the lizard vortex campaign about something else coming, is that in WH3 or what?

Didn't they confirm that the new races weren't going to be in the vortex campaign/have vortex mechanics? So they would have to be for ME

you guys alright with ca cutting out a THIRD OF THE FUCKING MAP?

No, just that Old World wouldn't get the Vortex Campaign, nor would they get Rites.

>giving up power

U wot

They going to be in vortex campaign but just with different mechanics/goals

They could cut it all and make some stupid 20 province Island where all the races washed up somehow and I would still celebrate it as long as they didn't put the fucking piece of shit vortex mechanics in it.

I'm not okay with it, but what am I gonna do about it, not buy it? CA have me by the nuts here.

They said the new races weren't going to interact with the vortex. There's nothing in that statement that implies they won't be in the vortex campaign.

I'm fine with them taking out the western parts of Naggaroth and Lustria, I'm not fine with them butchering the Southlands

>he doesn't know

this desu

the ocean being so small triggers me far more

I dont really care. As far as I have understood they just cut out unimportant places. Sea being so narrow is pretty sad, but at least there is no need for spending 5 turns at sea.

>You can land on Ulthuan from Naggaroth in 1 turn

What were they thinking

I would've prefered the whole thing but to be fair, most of the cut stuff was pure filler.

Only blow is that they cut out so much of Lustria, and I don't even fucking care about Skrolk or Teclis but I can clearly see they got fucked. Otherwise there was nothing down there worth bothering over, except a few Lizardmen structures that would have been nice to be able to claim. The Southlands can go get buggered, anyone who cries over a place that was just filled with random bullshit by CA is a redditor. All that was supposed to be down there was Lizardmen, nothing else. Yet they still saw fit to put in all sorts of retard shit. As it stands Kroq has more than enough room and can easily deathball due to his isolation, and although the Araby and Kangz area is rather small that isn't really CA's fault. More GW's by deigning to put a few fairly large factions right next to one another in a small ass location.

Too much water

Closer to 45% of the map.



Im not alright but how they've managed to balance everything is the real make or break of the campaign.
But of course, balancing so many factions is going to be harder when you've cut out so much breathing room.

>they just cut out unimportant places
>entire southern hemisphere missing
oh user...

>crying about made up factions

Yes, Kroq and Queek should have been given the entire Southlands. Surely this would have no ramifications.

doesn't know what. I just want some fun campaigns, the only way to do that right now is to disable half the shit.

Why couldn't they have learned from what everybody loved about bretonnia. You spent a little bit building up your area then picked a target and went on crusades. It was fun as fuck. You didn't have to expand if you didn't want to, but you could if you did. All they would have had to do was have the Vortex shit be stuff you do quests for, like a ritual site in the middle of the ocean that everybody tried to get to first then camp out at for 10 turns holding off chaos, and any other forces vying for the vortex. It could have been amazing but instead it is the most tedious, unfun, and linear experience in the world.

Except that's wrong you idiot.

Video games that used to be good and gained cult status, even.

Name a single thing in the Southlands that was worth keeping that they cut. Go.

No it's not, once you take out what they've taken out of the north east of the map it's easily 45% GONE.

You don't have to do the Rituals. You only have to win the final battle that procs.

>5 days later
>star game as Queek
>Greenskins declare war
>Top Knotz declare war
>Karak Azul declares war
>Last Defenders declare war
>necroshits declare war
>Durthu declares war just because
>all within the first 10 turns

you still have to do the rituals, you can wait forever, you can destroy every other faction before, but you still have to do the rituals and watch as armies teleport into the middle of your shit and fuck everything up. Best thing to do is just sit an army in each ritual site and do them all in a row, but that is even more tedious. it is a totally shit mechanic

Gnawdwell is pretty unusual, chooses to live on an estate on the surface and reads a ton of books. Being immortal probably changes skaven priorities over time.

>it's the year 2017
>you largest army in a strategy game where you're literally conquering the world has less then 900 units
well, so what? so what they castrated the map. so what cities aren't even in the game. so what there's no naval combat. at least it's still fun, right guys? r-right?

i'm gonna go refund this trash.

How bad were wood elves at release exactly? I heard a little about it but now they pretty much never leave their settlements

Except it's more like this.

You gotta remember that Southlands is stretched weirdly in the vortex map.

Tor Elasor


Wood elves would ally with Chaos, if you left them to their own devices they'd own large chunks of Brettonia and the Empire before Chaos even shows up