/fg/ - Falcom General #119

Aniki and his waifu edition

Previous thread: Watch out: CS3 Spoilers in the thread.

>Cold Steel III Trailer:

>Trails of Cold Steel PC out now:


>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:


Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Ys VIII released, but PC release date delayed due to issues with the port: steamcommunity.com/app/579180/discussions/0/1484356232247880393/

- Trails of Cold Steel III is out right now, news/article translations: gematsu.com/tag/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-iii

- Sen III trailer has been subbed: youtube.com/watch?v=QGfoGCWHLgI

- Cold Steel PC guest blogs (written by port programmer Durante, of DSFix fame):

- Ys Seven is out on PC: store.steampowered.com/app/587100/Ys_SEVEN/

- Zwei II coming to PC via XSEED (Summer), preview stream: youtube.com/watch?v=3gVOBPNrNgU

- Tokyo Xanadu out on Vita, improved EX+ version on PS4/PC scheduled for late 2017

- Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

>Older news

- Check out these Trails FC & SC updates, re: translation improvements (xseedgames.tumblr.com/post/159288714430/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-series-localization)

- Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana brought by NISA. Please complain to Falcom, not XSEED (they're upset about it too). Good Japanese grammar is extremely recommended.

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt

Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

Other urls found in this thread:


How complete is the zero no kiseki fan translation anyway? I just finished cold steel on pc and I need something new to play.

Dead thread

Calvard when?

I want to mindbreak Towa and then take her to Paradise!

I love Klaudia

Fuck Nisa
Fuck Sen
Fuck PS4

for those who played the Evo versions, is she nerfed with how Mind is in Mirage, not water. and AoE heals are in Wind?

towa is for crow.

beware of erebonian curse propaganda


When are you going to stop holding back and annex Liberl?

Superior one coming through

>implying Musse is an actual Cayenne
>implying Musse isn't just using her mindhax on people

>implying that wouldn't just make her even more superior

fuck you kondo



I'd be amazed if all those characters stayed gone if Crow and Osborne is any example, They're just borrowing from Osborne's play book.

Any word on Duvalie and Ennea's backstories? If I remember correctly, Innes was a Bracer who quit her line of work because she lost a duel to Arianrhod and wanted to follow in the latter's footsteps.

DoBully implied something similar to Hamel happened to her hometown. Ennea was brainwashed member of DG-cult before Arianrhod

Valimar's theme is pretty good

It's not a lie, user.
Shikei's doujin says so.

S-craft when?


Rean's expression. Goddamn.

>Main script total: 1166281/1629086 = 71.59%+

holy shit, these guys work so fucking fast, it was 50% only 2 months ago.

Chapter 4 Soldat training makes my dick erect.
Altina's moan is fucking criminal.

Flame, the guy supervising the project posted that they could possibly enter testing phase around December.

Aidos bless Guren, the guy treats this translation as his child, don't want anyone messing with it

We should put Rean on Valimar in Ogre Mode and throw him to Calvard.

This is glorious

He always goes after the thing that pissed him off when he loses control, so i don't think that would work. He'd just fly back.

Is her nickname the Silver Streaker?

Just let some Erebonia civilian get slaughtered by Calvard army in front of him.

If I pull Kurt's mask off, will he die?

No shitpost after this point. Only cuties.

Reasonable demands.


Where's translator user?

reasonable demand

We didn't get Crossbell back!



So I'm assuming Altina says she is the heroine this time?

I hope Osbourne get his heart back in CS4.

>sen3 releases today
>main heroine change?!

>implying she was the heroine in sen2
She's the main girl but there's a difference.

Orbal Gears are cool


Why is Altina so perfect?

Crow was the rival, Celine was the main heroine (because it sure as well wasn't Emma no matter what Emmafags try to claim) and Alisa was the main girl.

Because she got proper screentime.



The most huggable thing in Trails since Tita.

>Rean decides to start using ogre mode in front of all his students in Einhel
>Altina immediately runs forward to stand beside Rean despite her fear, concern and doubts
>tfw Altina can understand Rean's feelings because of the guilt and the remorse they share over things like Crossbell and Ymir

+ she also hugs back so double perfect

Truly is there even a better daughter that Rean could ask for? Altina became the perfect daughteru in the span of just 1 game.

Who is the better daughteru between Renne, KeA and Altina?

All are good picks but I go with Altina on this one

KeA, the other 2 are sluts.

The real one.

What the fuck happened?

>Lost her chance to score with Dreichels Or maybe they did fuck
>Died and came back to life, and not even your Vampire witch friend knows why
>Wandered around for years, only to come back when Dreichels is an old senile man having a conversation with darkness
>Live for 250 years
>Enter a "Do whatever the fuck you want" organization that wants sept-terrions
>Still try to be just despite working with a bunch of psychos

Arianrhod had a hard life.

Did Japan like CS III or not? Knowing then they'll be setting falcom HQ on fire thanks to the ending. I liked it as much as Ao honestly.

not even a contest.

Even though their interaction basically nixed the theory, I still hope she's Laura's mom.

So far most people seem to have liked the game, except for the ending itself, which they felt was too abrupt.

As far as I have seen people seem to generally like it except how it cuts to ending.

Was it Aliens?

In the end, the thing about the salt pale being related to the treasure of earth was a lie, right?


Obviously Crow is helping because he's out of zombie mode, but why are the other two pitching in?

To stop Rean from rampaging i guess, and get back the sword.

Have anyone done a item/quartz/skills translation sheet for Sen 3 yet?

Arianrhod is in it to restore great power back up, and apparently needs Osborne for the moment, and rutger is paying back his revival to the gnomes.

Here's MQ and commands


Thanks !!

Mom. Great Grandmom. Either way is fine really.

I though it's cause they still need Valimar so by extension Rean too.

google translate kamikouryaku.com/sennokiseki3/

I shall change the fate of this thread, it shall not be erased.

Anyone got that "Millium showed Rean a see through camisole" image edit?


>Played Ys I+II, Ark, Oath and Origin all in 144 FPS
>Install Ys Seven
>Can only choose between 30 and 60 FPS
What is this shit?

Thanks user.

post worst loli

The 144 fps was mostly interpolation. Very few games actually run at those kinds of framerates.


cs2 altina.

Nep shit

I'm so sorry guys. I knowing its hard to accept. I've been lamenting this for days, going through sleepless nights trying to come terms with this fact.

But now i just have to say it.

Decisive collision (super arrange version > silver will (any version)

only in your dreams

Nope. Just listened to both again. It's still better.

Or maybe its just finishing sen 3 that makes me think so. Those last sequences and boss fights were pretty kino except the ending. Game almost redeemed the whole erebonia arc.

Shame you have to nerf yourself too much even in nightmare to make the challenging. Still it was pretty good.

It was never that good in the first place, it's easily the worst battle theme in Sen I, and it was so terribly misuded in Sen III it almost made me hate it.

The Decisive Collision isn't nearly as impactful as Silver Will, or a better song for that matter. Especially with the many memorable uses Silver Will got throughout FC & SC. Not to mention the use of The Decisive Collision in Sen 3 honestly felt really cheap. It should've been used against notCrow only.

Isn't crows theme blue destination??

Crow has like three themes. He loans them to others.

You've got THIRTY SECONDS to name five battle BGMs you like best, mortals.

I'm too dumb to have preferences.