/wfg/ - Warframe General

Mag the best edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png
(Due to a large influx of applications, only returning Warbros are currently eligible to join)

>Notable links
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: lunv.io/E2jK0U
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/854253-warframe-update-22-plains-of-eidolon/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/836927-hydroid-prime-update-2160/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Plains of Eidolon is a joke edition.

>Mad shitter edition

I want to ____ those toes edition

>warframe is hard
Jesus christ.

This is kind of fun.

autohotkey script for energizing dash if anyone is interested. cntrl+F1 activates/deactivates the script, V executes it.

>finally get the last cutter
>do a bounty5 run
>get like 100 gems on the way, praise smeeta buffs
>game spawns bolkors fucking all the time and between that shit and that random ass OHK bug in the plains im outta revs.
>play safe, mission done, furax W BP for the third time, god dammit
>go back to cetus, trying to get some ore on the way back.
>the minimap is too small while fullsize is too big to comfortably see the ore radar
>check options if you can scale the minimap
>game spawns a bolkor quite literally on top of me and drops me full to zero before i can even qujt the menu because it doesnt pause the game in the plains.
>loose everything

Fuck you too DE, im tired of this stealth sniper AC130 bullshit and im playing mesa for fucks sake.

anyone have lightning dash maxed out?
i want to see what the orb looks like


gay as hell no doubt but why bother doing anything outside of light exploration until they make the plains tolerable?

Note: If you are enjoying PoE you are an idiot.
If you ever used your operator for anything or think they are cool you are an idiot.
The mythical Tenno race turns out to be a bunch of enders game anime losers with terrible modeling.

Is Banish the only thing that good about Limbo?
>Banish enemies to stop them fucking killing you.
>Banish allies to make them immortal for a few seconds.

Because despite all its bugs and stupidity I enjoy fucking around on the plains, random crap poppin up to distract you on the way is cool.

But the alternate answer is because im not smart. Its not the first time this has happened.

i can't stand the kiddy shit either but you sound like a cunt m8

here's a map of some possible Cetus Wisp spawns.

>"is ur 2 on?"

If nekros can summon an army of the dead how come he cant summon himself up something to eat so he doesn't look like such a stringbean

This many next to geyser pond? You sure about that?

Thanks man

geyser pond is pretty crazy like that


a reminder that nezha is 110% sortie viable


So Zaws.

Are they any good?

Is there an ideal build?

Every single other thing you could be farming from PoE instead is better. Don't bother right now.

you can make the fastest dagger in the game so yea

With the higher-tier links, you can get very high status/crit chances with decent base damage, which is basically all that is required for a sortie-viable build given enough modding

they're a real pain in the ass to make, though

>decided to farm Ivara
>Friend took 200 runs
>I got mine in sub 50

anyone get m1 vibes from Astilla? the reload noise sounds somewhat similar.

Daily reminder that if you lust after a warframe, you lust after a preteen.

where do you think you are?

does WF not even check for AHK hooks? really?
I could fucking destroy people in conclave with it

good grief. i would have given up before that i think. on run 20 of nidus is starting to test me

Taters aren't frames. And 4channers aren't adults.


multi-twitch link for all you poor fucks:


Seems like investing in a Ryzen finally paid off

Do you guys have any tips on finding the Octavia Chassis room?
Is it guaranteed to spawn on some kind of mission?
Been looking forever and can't find it.

>218 mails


this multitwitch thing is weird, 8 streams, works fine, 20% cpu usage, try 10, fuck you 100% and seppuku


stop being stupid
2 tabs of 5 streams

thank you user

try not using chrome

This twitch loot shit was a terrible idea.

Just got my operator by finishing the second dream quest, what school should i pic?

Love warframe.market

zenurik gives energy regen
everything is trash compared to it

ok thx i guess i go with that. GG DE

zenurik for meme energy regen
marudai for passive dmg buff

you'll get to repick later anyway, but the quest gives you a lens, so its good to pick correctly

Does anyone have the image/googledoc showing the amp stats?

Or even better, what combo do I use for taking down the teralyst fast?

It was a fantastic idea. The rewards are barely worth the investment even if you're watching 20 speedrunners.

>marudai for passive dmg buff
its such a small amount of damage its not worth it

Fuck off.

from some nights ago

its working just fine for (((DE)))

>Warframe jumped in the twitch stats
> "i...it was a terrible idea !"
anhero, right now

>ash prime for 28p

ehhhhhhhhh sounds about right

>get mesa and volt
>stream drop is a affinity booster
well rip weekend

But Tenno, unread inbox messages make him i̴̝̟͓̳͙͍l͎̙̝̯̤̹̰l̹͍̪̤͔!

Ember is the true ass prime

most of these streamers I don't mind but fuck I hope that guy gets cancer.

I got 3 in the span of an hour. I'm hoping to get a few more, a few free weeks of boost are always nice.

ok I have to get this gun now

More like 110% boipucci ruinable.

Is the armor one still bad even though now it has armor shred? Sounds like void dashing into a group back and forth just nulls armor outright when maxed, and free flat armor % doesn't sound like a bad idea ether for extra survivablity.

>leave multitwitch open while sleeping
>200+ mails
>no boosters

the astilla is a shotgun

What colour do I make my frog?

Literally been topping up my hydrogate booster


i thought it was gonna be some plains bs to get but it was just a market bp which was nice.




brozime even mentioned using it in his latest focus farming video.
I guess it's fine.




Hyper viper beam secondary/Pencha Scaffold is all you need for Teralyst. Main shot is whatever you want, but Shotgun/Shwaak Prism been a fan fav. Juttni Brace/Faster reload is the only Brace worth a damn ATM.

He's pretty beefy for a skellington.

oh sorry, there you go.

Im thinking about formaing again and switching that hush for a crit damage mod, is my opticor build okay or nah


>still no Vectis Prime


Why Viral? Why not Radiation or Corrosion? Swap the Ice for Eletric, and hush for the Crit damage/Status mod. The latter even if you keep viral as it would do you better then Hush ever would

Ditto bro.

Just kick back and enjoy the forma and affinity boosters.

At least I got all the smoke a man could ever want.

Good thing I built the vectis. Damn plebs.

i got mine this morning on day 4 of multi streams. already bought the stock to finish off what i had for 20ish a couple weeks back tho.


Thought viral killed health bars quicker, ill get corrosion then and I already told you that I was switching hush for a crit mod dummy. Thanks user, preciated.

Getting back into warframe after decent hiatus, what's the current top-meme-tier weapons? I last played when tonkor was king, usually going with tonkor/twin grakatas/galatine, sometimes sancti tigris instead in main or a prisma skana with the new loki mod in melee. Usually played Valkyr, Saryn, Vauban, or Loki depending on the mission type. Any of that still viable or do I get to start the grind to gitting gud all over again?

Whats better to buy to then sell later on, Primed Heated Charge or either of the Prisma weapons? the mod is at 40p currently and the weapons are around 70p. i'd imagine the mod is more sought after?

tonkor nerfed get something else

Most underrated frame?
Frame you love to see in your parties?
Frame you hate seeing in your parties?



Fucking LIMBO

what is the less painful mission to farm Ivara Neuroptics?

Lol. He's is the one KNOWN for being unkillable. The next being chroma.