/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

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old and gay:

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weekend /xivg/ is always so entertaining
kudos to you all

Shisui gear was a mistake.

Easiest primal yet

Beware of crazy cats this halloween

xth for friendly facade

is po ru a po yu alt

>tfw rolled a 4 the only time I saw it
put me in the grave, I want my stinky fart dog

Leviathan is the one true god.

>femroes are ugly lol fuck them
>why you posting my discord chats
>lol im not mad have my smug response in the thread
>*bitches in the discord*
every time with you passive agressive betabacks

The only good FFXIV hentai

NO!, Fat Cat is the one true god!

Fuck it, i'm joining Mateus. How do I get into the secret ERP clubs?


>tfw won with an 81 on my 2nd clear ever

I think I used up this year's luck...

At least wait for me to post c@ first

doin gods work

and other lesser races

What stats are best for improving fishing? I'm about to buy some new gear off the market but I've honestly no clue, I only remember that gathering increases the chance of fish baiting, or something like that.


From personal interaction:

Nice tier:
Always a quirky sweetheart that makes bad puns
Right up there with Meria
We chatted a bit at the bench, he's a nice kid that likes to meme
Is more into cute stuff and making buds, got more shit than he deserved for poking fun at Squid's laugh
Literally the nicest, loves penguins and books, still trucking even though thread dwellers meme on him

Eh/literal who tier:
>Renko, Reina, Felix

Deserves their spot tier:
Toxic, derisive, obsessed. If he didn't have mean shitpost to make he'd probably post once a day.
Habitually talks shit behind people's backs, not just femroe's. Everything.
Pretty much the same as Putt, but he wants to be liked, has been caught out shitposting user.
More or less grown man gay garbage, heavy drama in his past
Stalker, harasser, attention seeking, psychotic. Like he's actually on anti-psychotics.
Pretty awkward in private conversation. Mutual friend told me he said shit behind my back.
Pretty open about his dislike for Liora. Also pretty bad at the game. Glad he transferred.
Doesn't really care how many people he treads on to get his way. Likes to make inner circles. Socially stunted.

Isn't that one of those servers where you just walk into the quicksand to get molested? I imagine there'll be people chilling in the goblet public pool too.


I've heard from a mutual friend too that he talks shit behind peoples back like all the time

I think if you can be namedropped you should leave the thread and unsubscribe.

where do i go for nude mod pics

I've been thinking of recruiting too, but I'm eternally dithering over it. You just never know what you get until you get it, you know? Even with rigorous vetting. ANd I'm too fond of the FC as kind of this private space to really let just anyone in.

Into the sea.
Just step into the water and keep walking until you find what you're looking for.


No this is pretty accurate you delusional fuck

no the lizard bubbles dont have nude mod pics, i already checked there

How do I get Beepy to stalk and harass me...

:S yike

My friends and I are going to pick up this game. Which is a good US server to avoid you fags but still find erp

Turtle since some faggots JUST ruined it

>he finds lakshmi hard

Look in the mirror and hug someone that isn't your EB and see if you chimp out on yourself

this looks awful now

>check gardening
>for the big shit you need quite lot of 50~ seeds for crossbreeding
>they are all from nodes that spawn only once per eorzea day and only one seed per node

What the hell. Can you garden these for more seeds or something?

Reminder not all cats are sluts.

it always was haha

Are all sluts cats though?

Stop trying to bamboozle me

>can't read

Are you the person who said they just wanted to do housing, but were raiding and couldn't post?
If so can i see your house?

Roegadyn IS a wonderful race and fat sweaty cat posters are in the wrong here.

how do I join this

I wish I could be a slutty catgirl but I don't have the confidence.

be a tranny or a writer

It's not that hard, just really throw on the slutty persona. Just don't take it too seriously or you'll become one of the so called '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ebins''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

What about Jeph Irving and Madotsuki Yamoire? Are they friendly facades or is it mostly overblown bs?

Some of them, yeah. There's a gardening site that has all the info, check there to see if you can improve the yield of the plant with shroud soil.

hey chemo

oy vey the ebins know
shut the downs

>all this drama in a single post
If you're so butthurt that you need to complain about your discord shitposting on a mongolian image board, you should probably commit sudoku.

get cucked at least 5 times in video game relationships

why do you guys keep obsessing over other equally crazy people,the fact that i see so many people name dropped here so often is insane

Lethe will die.
Purge the friendly facade.

Would anyone want to run a quick Sirensong on Aether? Just hit 61 on DRK and want to see how well I can do in a SB dungeon.

because everyone here is insane

they're both genuinely nice people and i've personally had 0 issue with either. they keep to themselves

I haven't unlocked 50+ content yet but if you feel like running some potd, I'm always up.

nope, wrong person

post pf details and ill be on to help in a sec

Chemo is aligned with them? I don't get it.

Cease posting ally of the diap.

Under Z.B. pw is 3131

>Mutual friend told me

How lose all credibility

So basically someone going autistic mode on here then?

zettai? if so do not join

Post deserty glams please. I need inspiration.

>tfw dead and forgotten

>let me just out myself while simultaneously throwing my friend under the bus

No, sorry. Who's Zettai?

Talking shit isn't unsurprising here desu


Making an Alt.
What Race and gender should I make the fucking thing?

you're one of those people who talk shit guffy lmao

about as surprising as your o4s clear

Male duskwight.

well if its a fucking thing cat girl

Highlander whatever, name of Pal Amigo

Tfw terrible sleep

The new swimming areas in the goblet are really nice, they remind me of my Turkey vacations

That didn't even make sense. If it's not surprising people talk shit then you're saying you wouldn't be surprised if Guffy cleared O4S, which is praise. I assume you don't want to praise him.

It's really pleasant. I need to visit the other housing areas some time and see what theirs are like.

case in point

it's just some dude or dudes that hate them for some unknown reason. everyone i know that has talked to them or befriended them has nothing bad to say about either of them.


>swimming with armor on
You're gonna sink.

ACT with the pretty overlay plugin sometimes causes problems with the fps, is this normal?
It goes back to normal as soon as I disable the plugin.

I had the same problem a bit ago. I had no clue what was causing it and it went away after a bit. Maybe restart your computer?

I've yet to go to the lavender beds, the mist and Shirogane are pretty basic though
It's cloth, dingus
Which one? I think I've had similar issues before but I don't know if there's a way to circumvent it

It's the bitcoin miner

Most of the time I confront people instead of talking behind their back

underline on "most" because you'll take it as a "I never talk shit"

God I wish you'd confront me.

Gathering till you have enough to catch the fish you want. and then more gathering because fuck fish they get away anyway. I'd say you pobably want enough gp to do patience 2 and a precision hook off the bat though, that is comfy.

>Turkey vacations
My sister keeps taking her daughters to Turkey for holidays. Every time I half expect to get a phone call saying they've been kidnapped or worse.
Is there a similar swimming area in the Gridania housing area? I haven't explored it at all.

you talk shit about meria all the time

I don't think Turkey's that bad, though it's been ages and I do remember some stuff looking shady and whatnot but that's pretty normal on vacations

Looks pretty neat but I like the closed space one in the goblet much more

The only place where I interact with her is one discord and when I say something that could be taken as talking shit is directed towards her