Fighting Games General /fgg/
best costume
Muscle Tower and Kame House are in the game. Kid Goku and Kamesennin are coming.
what are some good BB tracks i can add to my merk playlist
Nargacuga dlc when
dear mr k dilkington
you are one of our most valuable customers
Why do Capcucks get so mad when you remind them that Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite is a (((Hollywood Disney))) advertisement and they paid $100 just to advertise other products and to have their favorite series disrespected and desecrated?
Hitomi is garbage, if you want cowtits look up Yumeno Aika, she's also 100% natural.
pick the character that makes your pee pee biggest and then learn combos and setups, then 2A pressue your opponent to death.
I really need to learn monhun but her good combos involves that shit ass hyper hop bullshit. MonHun and Memesis will be a good team.
Can't bring her back in a Disney ESPN game, sorry bro. You'll have to sick this circumcised dick raping your favorite game series and pay $100 for the privilege to watch it happen.
The Felicia Mika mod is now public
I want lilith
i unironically already have that song in my playlist
>ESPN won't let me.
Stop making every OP some stupid sniff or whatever you kids call them.
what the f*uck is his problem?
>Muscle Tower
Hachigo confirmed
God I can't even imagine how boring she and Bucky will be. Chris and Spencer 2.0
what is the redditest fighting game?
fucking racists nigger
didn't he cry at EVO?
None, they just streamboar.
>A Karin player complains about Rashid
The irony
hasn't recovered from EVO
kolin mod
What could Balrog have done here?
its the only matchup where karin cant press buttons for free LMAO punk is a bitch
*sword fighting noises*
have white skin
The hair is so much better.
i agree with him. if this character wasnt so obviously broken, not a single pro would pick him. the fact that they pick that obnoxious hideous character or even necalli shows you that hes broken.
call obama
Isn't it a good thing that so many people feel there are broken characters? That just means it's balanced.
Punk is a bitch.
this looks pretty good
also notice how good the hair looks when its not made out of playdough
what are you talking about Necali is low tier
Daily reminder that people defend how broken Cammy is
Can somebody explain why Rashid is able to hit me after LP spinning mixer, despite the fact that it is -2 on block ?
When throwing a 3 frame button it always trades at best.
I don't get it.
its not always -2
Because it is minus two not minus three
hes the most dishonest and broken character in the game, and somehow he also has the best crush counters in the game despite everything else.
You mean her command roll? Map it to a macro if it bothers you.
That is some pretty hair. Also, Ed looks pretty good without the fringe.
because it can be spaced not to be -2, jive was a mistake
He's broken
there's also birdie but he doesnt seem to mind.
Are there any other games where you have to learn nerdy shit like frame data just to play at a competent level?
get outta here punk
every game at high level is just abusing whatever broken shit you find so no
Yes that's every fighting game. Don't be lazy.
no I mean low to the ground super jump shit. It's super hard on pad.
You don't have to study learn frame data unless you want to play live tournaments.
You can learn how to punish what in action.
And that's why going for clay-like hair was a bad idea.
street fighter v
He should be at the second startup frame of his 3F while I'm starting my active frames of my own 3F.
But it pushes you, you can't space it correctly, it pushes him in your face.
How ?
Anyone play X here or know a pro player that does?
punk is scared of the karin nerfs because he knows he would become irrelevant
>that guy who won a for honor tourney by just abusing an unblockable glitch that ubisoft was too lazy to fix
Is broski or anyone at this red bull thing?
Ah ok. I didn't know MonHun needed hyper hops. Good luck man.
how is he scared of karin nerfs if he himself says karin is easy mode and deserves nerfs? stop deflecting, rashidcuck
It's not hard at all you're just a fucking idiot.
>But it pushes you, you can't space it correctly, it pushes him in your face.
i told you why it's not always -2 there is no magic it's framedata and hitboxes go to training mode and try to space it, anyway it's scrub shit watch top rashids they don't press buttons after lp mixer
looks like karin beats rashid from that
Karlin is broken
Play succ.
But Emma doesn't have ice powers. It would make more sense if she was an outfit for Urien.
how is there so many games? wasnt there only like 60 people who entered?
it's the whole season 2
what is the modeling method that capcom uses for these? It looks like the tits are bolt ons and not actually part of the body. I can imagine that image without tits and it's a great Lilith.
The SFV models are like this with their legs too.
Was there even any reveals at arc revo?
>alphabetical order
for what fucking purpose
>roo 0-2
>alex 0-2
>menat 2-9
I have no idea. But knowing capcom, probably whatever was the cheapest or easiest.
What's yours. You type like an idiot.
how would you order them?
Now im even more mad that they cant model hair like this
That model looks great
Being the alpha of the pack.
fucking racist nips
>What's yours.
Is that a question? Fucking r*etard.
By winning percentage obviously
lmao jivers
Bro, she's a fucking butterface
>60% wins for Juri and FANG
>birdie is top tier because menaRD dominates south america
Hitbox is the future, stick users need to evolve or get left behind.
Please go, and stay go.
t. Gooktechs
That is not conducive for people who are looking for particular characters. Not to mention sample size is too low for some of them so it wouldn't make a lot of sense.
How come Dormammu doesn't shrek everyone in MVCI?
hitbox won't be the future until they are competitively priced
Sorry weebfag, I'm literally going to stay forever.