/ddg/ - Dragon's Dogma General

what does she do with them edition

Previous cycle >Tips for new players
You can change vocations at level 10 at the Gran Soren inn or BBI.
Character appearance can be changed later on.
Dont miss your sidequests: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Side_Quest_Progression
Further info on "Must Do" sidequests: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qS9A47duONEwozGu8A6_oX_HyCxgBwbquGmlZqEQqqg/edit?usp=sharing
Understanding the romance system: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Beloved
Hard Mode doesn't change enemy AI, it adds higher Stagger/ Knockdown resistances and increases Stamina consumption and Health damage recieved. More info about it in the wiki. Recommended for NG+

>Wiki you lazy shit


>/ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Stat Growths

>RC Calculator

>In-depth Beginner/Advanced Player Guide and FAQ

>Character Creator Sliders

>Mods available
pastebin.com/jcbPgLdj (embed)
pastebin.com/XqfsTx3G (embed)

>Hotkey Script for PC Players
pastebin.com/7gju0zt8 (embed)

>Modding on console and old pawns
pastebin.com/NMTBXnxA (embed)

>Guide to get DDO
pastebin.com/mx95PT0w (embed)

>DDO Beginners Guide
pastebin.com/xgzbcXNg (embed)
pastebin.com/338KVa5X (embed)

>Screenshot Guide
pastebin.com/6YtfNbcb (embed)

>Make webms
pastebin.com/4ipnGRND (embed)

I can perform this service, for but a few rift crystals

While attacking ghosts with my mystic knight party. I think it was a DD crash rather than the mod's fault.
>Escort quest
>2 salamanders and 3 Golems
>Still manage to pull through, kill the monsters and complete the quests.
Skeletons mostly feel like a bossfight though. Can't wait to see post-game.

>implying she isn't in cahoots with the desire sensor to get as much rc as possible

>the fucking gargoyle in the Gorecyclops fight

>trying to run through and get a moonbeam gem for the DP ring
>skellies spamming Ingle
>gargoyle with it's ridiculously accurate aim always catches me
Fuck gargoyles

There's lots of fun to be had in Bitterbutt:
>Wraiths in the Rotwood Depository
It's ok, I didn't need to be able to see anyway

>that one part with the Elder Ogre and Eliminator
>getting dropkicked by the Orge then pinned by the Eliminator

Besides the Souls Series what other dark fantasy titles are out there that are similar to Dragon's Dogma?

Any suggestions as to what weapons to use as a pure buff/support mage (pc not pawn?) My pawns dont really struggle against anything on their own, least of all small enemies but bigger ones are a pain in the ass without beastiarity knowledge, i want to ease the fight for them. What is better torpor/poison or silence (overall) or something else entirely?

I thought Hellhounds being annoying was just a meme...boy was I wrong.

What does the r stand for in those sliders?

Even at lvl 180 I still dread encountering those fuckers. They never stop being walking colostomy bags

Tarpor is the most OP debilitation in the entire games. Makes even hard mode super easy. It's most easily inflicted by a stider or a ranger using their their multi-arrow firing skills combined with a gold forged rusted bow.

Well, that's lewd.

Maybe Darkest Dungeon or Hollow Knight? There aren't a lot of 3D ones I know of

Messiah: Might and Magic is the only one

ok, will try a rusted stave. Sielence sounds really interesting too tho, especially against magick enemies

Starting a sorc as my main character. What augments do people usually go for?


Gravitas, Inflection, Attunement, Acuity, Articulacy and Stability.
All except that last one can be gotten from Mage and Sorcerer I believe. Just out of curiosity, what's your Pawn gunna roll as?

What would be the graphical setting equivalent of the x360 be on pc?

I haven't decided. I've never run a full party of sorcs and considered it for the laughs. If not that probably a fighter into a warrior eventually.

Ferocity for boosting holy focused bolt
1280x720, low-medium. Not pick related

It has to be gold forged rusted (anything below that level will do almost dick), and I think your mage literally has to hit something with their melee attack for the trick to work with that class. It works so well with the spammy archer attacks because each arrow they shoot in an 10 arrow attack has a chance to inflict tarpor. So 2 or 3 bursts from a Ranger's Tenfold Flurry is like your mage hitting an enemy 30 times.

Pull out your graphics card and use the motherboard's on-board graphics.

Multi Sorc takes a while to really get going so you've got time. Don't be afraid to jump around classes though, for both the Health/Stamina gains and to break up the monotony.

I tried it but cant remember the pop in to be as aggressive as low distance scaling, hdr low seems to be the og lightning, i dont know about shadows, i just leave them on medium as the grass density. vsync on, textures medium. Am i forgetting soemthing? (kinda purist, really just want to play in 60fps and kinda find hdr high ugly anyway)

Mage has some spells that inflict silence/blindness that hit in quick succession. I hoped that with a rusted/gold weapon, i could just add another status effect for free and watch my pawns do the rest but yes shit, i thought gold would be more effective

jokes on you750ti is is probably as strong(weak) as current onboard cards

My 4690k's Intel HD4600 struggles to maintain 30fps on 720p/low

thats sad, have you tried turning on and off?
I get steady 60 fps 1360x768 everything medium,. could go high but this introduces mictostutter thanks to the inability of the 750ti to work with high res textures and my dying hdd. So if you want a good budget 720p 60 fps gpu, 750ti is really great for that

>found an Explosive Bolt/Ninefold Bolt Band
>seriously considering switching from Ranger to MA just for that
Why does Capcom tempt me so

Anyone got a bestial eye to gift? I can trade any piece of damion or anything any dragonkin can drop (bar ur)

Isn't ranger GOAT though? MA is too ez mode anyways

I've been hunting Garms for ages. I'll see what I can do.

Yeah, I'm torn as fuck
I was thinking about playing MA but not using some of the most broken

No Richochet, because it's too skillless, maybe no Immolation
And in fairness Ranger, while powerful and cool, I feel is just a Tenfold machine gun anyways

Yeah I just got one, but still if there's anything you want pal let me know

Anyone know the name of this mask?

Nobody cared who she was until she put it on

Good thing too, cos I'd somehow only gotten a single Eye after farming 20 Garms.

I'd ask for a rent of my Pawn because I'm not short on materials, but that feels a bit much.

Is this a bleach reference?

Was not understanding the reference part of your plan?

What the fuck could he have possibly meant by this?

what augments should i be using as a sorc?

That's a big reply

Unavailable to the player.
You can still retexture one you can equip...

>not knowing well that he knows what you seek to know

It's a red version of the bandit mask (which is only available in beige to the player)

Post psn, I got a free space

for (you)

PSN is Bupernox, and thanks in advance.

When I catch up in levels I'll return the favour.

Dude's calling you out for reading the Wiki page on how to find him.

Why the fuck would you need the wiki? The game tells you where he is.

Does anyone else enjoy throwing random pawns walking around off cliffs?

yes especially ones in the princess dress

Is warrior truly complete shit?

worst vocation in the game, still fun

Playing Warrior is like going to a bar full of 10/10s and landing the only 9/10. Technically, you got the ugliest girl in the place, but she's still a fucking 9.

basically this but she's 8.5

Those who know what he knows are already in the know but those who don't know don't know what he knows or knows not.

No its aesthetic and fun. Not the highest dps but surely the sexist.

It's the "worst" vocation in terms of not as good as every other vocation. If you play it it's not like you're crippling yourself. Warrior has Arc of Deliverance which can be pretty OP actually.

Well fuck. It seems like a fun vocation and I just picked up the game the other day and am now diving in and can't decide what the end game goal is.
Yeah yeah I know I'll end up trying all vocations, but trying to decide what my main one will be is a struggle especially seeing as some vocations are just better than others. I'll figure it out. Thanks

Haven't played in over a year, how dead is this game?

>trying to decide what my main one will be
There's no need to have a "main" one. You can essentially completely ignore your stats in this game.

The only exceptions, if you can even call them that, to that rule are doing extreme things like playing 200 levels of Assassin and then deciding to play a Mage, or playing 200 levels as a Mage and then deciding to be a Warrior.

You don't need a main. That's the fun of Dragon's Dogma. You need to play all the classes to unlock all the skills that you Frankenstein together to make your best build.

just go with that you enjoy yeah, MA is the strongest vocation in the game but i find it boring as fuck to play. the bow gameplay anyway, jumping on shit with immolation is rad

>MA is the strongest vocation
Only in a hallway*

no idiot, warrior is super fun and has awesome dodge its just like hes not that dps and more knockback/stagger which was made knda redundant inpost game and or hard ugh

What bow skills do you even run as Ranger?
I feel like I only ever Tenfold

Is Invasive worth it? I don't really know the bonus
I guess maybe Fearful Din to stun annoying fuck harpies or Great Gamble for style

singleplayer game amounts of dead

What awesome dodge? You mean that i-frames hack that everyone uses because he can't dodge dick? It makes zero sense that he takes no damage when performing the Exodus Slash, but it's better than nothing I guess.

i still say they're the best all around, other vocations can burst shit into confetti with blast arrows but that doesn't work for living armors

I really like endecad shot but it's more useful up close which is counterintuitive to being a ranger. They don't have a lot of fun bow skills imo, deleting things with tenfold gets old quick

I personally love Deathly Arrow if timed well. The insane knockback/stagger values are really fun. I managed to stunlocked Daimon 2.0 to death with it, and sent Death into the abyss in one shot a while back.

Does great gamble scale on total stamina pool or just percentage of the bar? I'm running a warrior/ranger build so I'm just wondering if it's worth it.

its actually way better than assasins sword dodge skills, on par with that of the warrior in terms of quickness and response and better than yellow vocation dodge roll in terms of i frames. its really good,if you dislike it ok, but itsfar fromshit

Good thing throwblasts are a thing or just running past them, damn. Oh wait, Magic knights can deal with armors too. Looks like they aren't the best

I just like Ranger's style of play
Very defensive, trying to create distance as you very extremely lethal volleys

I only run a mage and a sorc for ghosts (because FUCK ghosts), so I tend to get focused a lot and fights are very active

That's actually an interesting question. It could make Stamina-gouging a thing if it's total stamina consumed.

yeah MKs are great too and my favorite but MA outshine them.
>running past them

Ranger gets the most stamina per level up out of all the vocations so it would make sense.

If it were announced, what would you like to see in Dragon's Dogma 2? Lore, gameplay, etc.

from what I've seen people say, it's a percentage based multiplied by how far away you are from the enemy, then multiplied again by if you hit a critical spot on the enemy or not

What augments?

a bigger world with bigger dungeons

Pretty much everything from warrior.

If you already have one, why not just start forging it over at the Black Cat?

Who does it better? Assassin or MA?

Is running pure solo assassin a meme?

Add a Magick Lancer class (Think Warrior but with Magick abilities)
Allow enemy spawn randomization
Augments and items that don't have flat out wrong descriptions or effects
Some form of online co-op, maybe like a Rotunda of Dread kind of arena for optional funsies
Let wolves hunt alone so the Pawns have a stroke trying to comprehend it

I want throwing spears centric class.

Fable non combat gameplay gameplay and character interaction, more clothes, buying and decorating houses. More vocations, more armours and weapons. Bigger world, bigger enemies.
Being able to sit down and share drink with your pawn like the concept art.
Different seasons as was intended.
And most importantly
clean consensual Christian hand holding with your beloved

More towns/cities
Be able to glamour armor and/or dye armor pieces
Let us have save files
Give us the option to make all of our pawns instead of one
Ride mounts

Does what? Dish out damage? Solo runs? They both okay, while MA more versatile i think.

So you guys want a Lancer class that uses runes?

Ur-Dragon boutta die nigga! get in here!

More colors of the silver chest piece and silk lingerie

More defined ass sliders so they're not all so flat

MA is better compared to an Assassin without blast arrows and conquer periapts.

I mean, nobody solos Assassin without those things so I guess it isn't a meme?

yo the only good beloved is the witch chick

that's fucking gross, dude