League of Legends general - /lolg/

High elo players have autism edition

OT: eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


this guys slaps ur gfs ass
what do

Girls loving girls!

I'm a support main in Diamond!

My main supports are Bard, Nami and Rakan!

I like to play mid as Orianna, Lissandra and Brand!

I like to play MF!

Top is for autists and so is jungle!

>being this frustrated you couldn't get this season's skin

>Enemy jungler disrespects you as a champion


xth for my wife Syndra

xth for forever bronze

Don't have one anymore, but I'd question it. Or at least ask if it hurt.

>Top is for autists and so is jungle!
>I cant play the 2 most important roles in the game so theyre shit!!
get carried kiddo

>friends sister in law just plays aram
>she never invites me and just ignores my invites

how strong is ornn

Be proud of being bronze. It means you're having fun and don't have the kind of brain damage that compels a person to play ranked enough to get higher because they have nothing else in their life to be proud of

>misses Q
>Has no ulti
This Eve was awful and certainly had no respect

Knowing someone doesn't mean they're obligated to play video games with you, sperglord.

>tfw no qt petite gf

juNGLE IS FGORd DUIMB AUstist!¬!!!

See: streamers such as oddDDDonee and DOM

AND that little TURKROACH

why would I be proud, I want to be better and I'm a hyper competitive person

>be in bronze for 10000 games and 15 seasons
>still uses this excuse

obviously but we are pretty much family

I sidestepped the Q; she would have hit if I kept walking.

New champ teasers

>not oneshotting her
only betas go tank my dude

What do we think about the new cc, drowsy and sleep the new champ will have? Will they be released next PBE patch then?


>fear of death
beta detected

I guess you could say that the new champion is sleeper OP :^)

>hyper competitive

Oh boy I can already imagine the bronzord fraghunting Khazix hurriedly typing at his team that they're keeping him in bronze

>going one build every single game

A) Boring B) Not always effective


I don't type anything, I just le sigh irl

>not using pic related

Fuck off Vladfag you can't even shitpost right

>>Not always effective
>thinking about being effective
ur on the left

Reminder that bronze players are just like everyone else and deserve respect.

suck his dick tbqh

A Demacian, a Noxian and a Freljordian walk into a tavern.

why is lolg so gay

they all agree the lore is shit

You are worse than him just by thinking shitposting can be right in any circustance

Fucking degenerates all of you

Odds: Play ranked (just hit silver 1, gotta hit that gold 5)
Evens: Don't play ranked and enjoy my weekend

they deserve nothing more than being used as meat toilets


Whats the route you go for carry junglers like Kayn Kha or Rengar? I haven't played jungle in like a year

remember when that cringey idea of "summoners" that would summon all these dudes into battle

or is that sitll the official lore

i wonder

How long until lolisports are over?

Hey! This is the best non-professional ADC in NA! Tell him something nice about him!

>shitposts about shitposting
well that's very meta of you and all but at least be honest

>Buff bot side
>Other buff
>Gank or keep clearing

They're not on right now.
Feel free to trash up the thread with posts about your waifu and girl dick, retard

>low iq j4 method of eq auto ignite for kills all game
>instead of patrician splitpushing bruiser


Does EUNE have a discord? Wouldn't mind talking J4 with ya, Shady

Which one?

degenerate faggot kys

You'll be unbanned soon Tyler1!

rate my autism levels


Working on video format, would appreciate any feedback you could give me

post some old /lolg/ content

Why are 2D girls so much lewder than 3D?

Where to get a qt LEWD 3D gf?

At this point we can all agree that the new champion is going to be Lulu 2.0 in terms of theme, personality and lore, right?

Also, her name is Daphna and her title is "The Dreamer."

My guess is she's going to be seemingly cutesy-looking and cutesy-acting on the outside, but VO and some of her kit will reveal she's pretty creepy and disturbing, so slightly akin to Annie in this regard.

On account of her being titled "The Dreamer," my guess is that she's going to be some kind of champion that's sleepwalks/sleep-floats(?) and is permanently asleep, but still conscious and self-aware because she interacts with the world through some astral plane kinda shit.

Also I'm leaning on her being a Yordle from The Glade or a young girl from Demacia.

The thumbnail alone makes me want to warn your parents about you going neet for a youtube "career" also about you showing signs that you're secretly gay

You talking about the one banned until January or the one who got to rank 1 by waiting for the person at rank 1 to drop down?

Best streamer on twitch and a true personality to the site

I'll respect them once they play with their respectable victorious skin.

Very autistic. Stop playing LoL and re-evaluate your life.


I wanna go cuteposting with Lulu!

>shorter than a mexican manlet


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi Magma Fire
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra Camille Storm Dark
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Janna,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Xayah Soraka



Generic as fuck

>best level 2 all in in botlane
>best lategame barring twitch
>best towerpushing

Why exactly is a champ allowed to have all these three?

This thread is moving so moderately slow that no one will know that Taliyah is my waifu.

Is a milk cow

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!


Source please?

>tfw our ADC is rengar

He's leaving UoL.
He was entertaining to watch
He shall be missed.

Eu/Na fanboyism apart, I really liked having this man on Esports and his lack of shame

fucking cancer I got through 44 seconds before shutting it off

Your wife? Excuse me she's mine back the heck off

>implying it's bad to be shorter than someone who is at least 6'9 in that photo

I wanna cuddle ALL the Lulus!

Ecks dee

Post more like this.

Does leavebuster reset from one season to the next or something like that? I've been having some connectivity issues, got a 10 game 10 minute restriction just now, but only never had any leavebuster punishments before this month over the 6~7 years this account has been up.

So since Riot have no intention of actually fixing the problems in League that people are complaining about like Sejuani, Twitch, long term issues like Yasuo, things that are actually awfully badly designed like Swain but you don't see very often but when you do you're like 'hey this character is healing a lot and dealing a lot of damage all while pressing R and walking around that seems kinda dumb and imbalanced', it seems like instead of just trying to ban out all the cancer anti-fun characters, you have to basically join them. So here I propose the following list of cancer OP character that you should be playing and ya'all can join in and add/remove whatever you think belongs or doesn't belong here.

Top: Yasuo, Fiora, Cho, Swain
Jungle: Sejuani, Kayn, Ezreal, Nocturne, Warwick, Vi
Mid: Zed, Azir, Kassadin, Veigar
ADC: Twitch, Caitlyn, Tristana
Support: Lulu, Janna, Soraka

Imagine ragequitting in a video game


This list was made by a bronzie

>2 weeks until massive shakeup
>Why won't Riot absolutely gut 20+ champions that I think are op when the entire meta is about to be shifted around

They're intentionally waiting to balance shit until after Runes Reforged dropped because no one can predict what the meta is going to be. Just like every other preseason.

kassadin buffs when?

>things that are actually awfully badly designed like Swain

Swain is literally the next champion in line for a VGU?

These characters have been broken for a very long time. Stop sucking Riots dick you fucking stupid drone.

>Knowing how the cycle of game seasons goes makes me a drone
Stop being a newfag and realize shit is going to change

the hammer does most of the work, i just swing it

Only cho, sej, ezreal, azir, twitch, tristana and ardent are problems

Most are just over buffed and ezreal should't be jungling to start with. Swain is getting a rework and nocturne will need one in the future as well

You're talking out of your ass.

Swain, Azir, Veigar were all shit until literally two patches ago. Ardent Censer is being gutted so shut the fuck up about that now. Vi iand Kayn sn't even overpowered. No one gives a fuck about Fiora anymore. Yasuo is bullshit but is literally akali-tier bad.

Like the ADCs are the only "right" thing on this list. Go fuck yourself.

no we only have a club ;3

>broken for a long time

Are you for real right now.

Lux just needs to be massively nerfed and reworked.
There's absolutely no reason why she should be able to take off 80% of your health with one shot in the first 6 minutes of the game.

Or better yet, just deleted entirely.

>Cancer OP
>swain, nocturne, warwick

Oh, it's not a bronzepost, it's a baitpost. Nevermind.

Do you get reported by your team for afk assuming she manages to bind you?

What does through your head during that moment? Do you see your life flashing right in fron of your eyes?

She resourced to dark magic after falling from grace.
But can we consider her evil for not giving herself to servitude and wishing her "imortal" race to be free from "Kayle's tirany"?

I seriously hope Riot keeps her dress after her VU, it hads a distinct peronality to her: "idfc if we're in a battle I can handle this while still looking fabulous in my dress"

funfact: (cant confirm) but she maybe barefoot

How do we nerf J4 without gutting him?

Literally just learn to counter-pick and play an assassin into the squishy-as-fuck no-mobility champ.