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1st for hibana best waifu

2nd for campi plz get back and stay back

>more waifufaggot art
>as the op picture no less

3rd for i swear hitboxes are fucked at times, you see their head jolt back and a large blood splatter but no kill?

Fifth for Anime fags ruin every general.

oh yeah man such a great "waifu" mmm baby

but she is nice. also very good operator

shes ugly as fuck and overpowered, get some taste and or play a real character

is it the gun that makes her op? i never understand what people whine about. yeah she's a must pick due to being 1 of 2 reinforced breachers but surely she isn't that bad? is it the 3 speed?

You snooze you lose, ḟἏⱮ

You sleeped you weeped

it's all of those things you tard.

it's that she has great guns in her primary and secondary slots, is three speed and has a incredibly useful gadget.
basically it's all of the things you said

She is a one-(wo)man-army who can breach anywhere and anything, has a rifle for long ranges and an autopistol (or whatever that's called) for close ranges, and she is a 3 speed unhittable phantom on top of that. Currently there is literally no reason not to pick her and win every ATK round.

Let us come together in fellowship. Or shall I say...fellowSIEGE XD

>hibana's nose

Could someone post some in game pictures of Ying? There’s literally only her promo art available as reference. I wanna draw her some more but I’m at work and can’t look at her in game model.

Girl with a Dragon Tattoo wannabe

>3 speed
>good primary
>wicked secondary
>top tier gadget along with all of the above means she outclasses the only other operator that does the same job
It's not that hard to figure out

>safer ability than thermite, can do essentially the same or open 3 hatches
>has one of the best assault rifles in the game alongside a pocket smg, in addition to said great ability
>3 speed

then ubishit act as though theres some worthwhile choice to be made between what reinforced breacher you want, unless you need to open a garage or important wall, hibana can do everything thermite can and more, not helped by the fact they both have the exact same gadgets (flashes and claymore). at least give him fucking breach charges or smokes to differentiate the two slightly, i mean come on, you cant find two characters that are more comparable and yet they let one be outright better than the other, its trash balance and more or less everything wrong with this game.

She's got almost every advantage working for her.
>Reinforcement breacher
>Able to take out not two, but three hatches
>Very tough to destroy her X-Kairos pellets, a defender must shoot up to 18 small targets at once to nullify the gadget before it goes off, compared to 1 shot on a large target for the exothermic charge
>3 speed
>An outstanding rifle, even with the 20 round mag
>Has access to a machine pistol, which are an overpowered broken mess insulting to this whole game's design
The only thing she doesn't have is frag grenades.

Give me one good reason switching Thermite and Hibana's speed wouldn't be a great change.

I can't say it'l be a bad thing, but I can't think of a reason why it would be a good reason for Thermy to be 3speed.

It heavily conflicts their appearances.
Thermite wears moderately heavy gear, meaning he has medium speed while Hibana wears very lightweight gear so she can go speedy weedy

though i agree thermite running around like sonic would look retarded, echo is 1 speed, so theres no real consistency here. hibana shouldnt be 3 speed in any case.

>It heavily conflicts their appearances.
I think at this point it doesn't really matter. People thought Echo was going to be a 3 speed and he doesn't have a helmet. Plus Krapkan is going to be 2 speed. I highly doubt the developers are going to remodel him to look like a 2 speed.

>6 seasons
>not a single gas mask DLC operator

What the fuck? We even had a dude that deals with toxins.

>The only thing she doesn't have is frag grenades.

Don't give them any ideas

i'd rather they make hibana 2 speed and remove her secondary smg

>tfw you want to play as based best boy Thermite but you know in your heart you'd be at least twice as efficient if you just picked Habanero

i know, ying would've been kino with a gas mask. prime chance to add two operators that complement the sas design wise and they wasted it, but then any sort of consistency in terms of character design flew out the window a longggggg fucking time ago. its even worse when you notice pic related on their uniform.

The SAS operators already took the gas mask theme

stay strong thermitebro

Hey guys I found an Ela cameo in another game

>stop using shields
T.E*a main
Fuck you i play what i want.

If he was an Ela main he would want you to keep using shields, since she can just run laps around your slow ass and shoot you

Are they nerfing ela? Haven't played the game ever since since she came out and ruined the game

yeah they are "nerfing" her

>be blitz
>step in e*a mine
>she sprints at me for some reason
Every time. It even worked on FoxA who then bitched about shields in chat.

who is FoxA

An ex pro player who played for excellence

guess he wasn't so excellent

eventually they're going run out of different ctu "themes", surely theres only so many times they can go with the quick response casual wear meme, but that doesnt stop them adding yoga pants and other trash. i really fucking hate whoever is designing these dlc ops.

Remove Ash from the game.

So they aren't eliminating the reduced se sensitivity thing.


>not having a DPI profile switch on your mouse you can turn on to have crazy high DPI to counterbalance Ela's mine memes

>when Ubisoft doesn't nerf an operator so you nerf her yourself

You still virtually can't move while ela'd, your vision is fucked and you can't hewr anything. It's just not fun.

Oh and shooting the trap's stick doesn't destroy it, you have to shoot its base.

user already said last thread there is a hardcapped turn rate in-game though

>eagle eyed for all things hibana

So the jager elite skin drops this week tuesday right? Gotta get ny wehraboo on.


>implying noticing a nose of that size makes you eagle-eyed
Don't make me laugh

>often has to cross open areas to place his gadet while hibana already has range and safety on her side
>his holes lend themselves to foot assaults moreso than hibana's peek-oriented holes
>slightly sub-par AR becomes much more effective through the speed gain alone
>rewards thermites (and their teams) who successfully use both charges by giving you a 3 speed fragger with no risk of utility-loss for the later parts of a round.

I wonder if any of the Siege map designers ever tried making the Bin Laden compound

What do you think her hair smells like it? What kind of feminine shampoo does she use? Loreal? Herbal Essence? Tsubaki? Garnier? What does her shampoo hair smell under her hood mixed with her sweat?

I don't honestly think Hibanana looks like a 3 speed. In terms of bulk she looks in line with most 2 speeds.
Besides, the visual differences between Pulse and Thermite are just a helmet and a couple of pouches, and half of the DLC ops don't even match their appearence in speed anyways. Capitao and Echo look like 2 speeds, and somehow ying is a 2 speed while Mira is a 3 armor with almost the same amount of visual bulk.
And like some other user said, Kapkan's about to be a 2 speed with no changes to his appearence. It really doesn't matter anymore

It's been made pretty clear that there's a hard cap, stop pretending there's DPI switch meme way to counter Ela

it's all I can see now that I know it's there

Yeah it should be, unless they push the update to Thursday or some other gay shit.

>clubhouse, bomb
>defending bedroom weigh-room
>niggerfaggot teammate is AFK in front of exterior wall
>can't reinforce because niggerfaggot is in the way
>kill him and reinforce
>tk's me every round after that
Truly these people are worse than Hitler.

>tfw playing on border, where Thermite still manages to be useful against almost every site

I pick him anyway

>can't look at Thermite's portrait or world model without seeing the frag and being reminded of what used to be

Just noticed two nights ago that Castle has three whole frag grenades on his vest.
Pre-alpha balance changes? I can't at all imagine they ever actually gave castle three frags in-game, so even that seems unlikely, but why else would he have them?

you expect me to do that shit you fucking nerd

No excuse though, is it

3 speeds were a mistake

>3 speeds = 5 meters per second = 100% speed
>2 speeds = 4.5 meters per second = 90% speed
>1 speeds = 3.5 meters per second = 75% speed
1 speeds should absolutely move at 4 meters per second. No ifs or buts about it.

Echo gets two drones, but get this: they share a sonic burst pool

Art team and game design team didn't work together
It explains a ton of visual inconsistencies in the game as well as the ingame screenshots on the website.

>as well as the ingame screenshots on the website.
except that's more because they just gave some interns Siege's equivalent of Garry's Mod and let them go wild. I seriously doubt they'd waste the actual art team's time on posing models in-engine for some throwaway promotional screenshots that most sane folk aren't going to think about a second time after buying the game.

Anyone have the pic of the anime girl tied up with the breaching charge on her stomach?

Is there a away to report for bug abuse?

based Thermite/Smoke bro

I play recruit on defense because I like having a nitro-cell and barbed wire, as they can be a devastating combo
am I cancer

here you go buddy

hong kong is literally british territory
they'd be better called SHKAS instead of whatever they are

It's only cancer if you go full Plebbit and rename your Uplay to Recruit_M4in or some retarded shit like that


How did ubisoft get away with stealing Ying and Buck from paladins?

Friend unlocked blitz as his first op. What do I tell him?

You better buy him a bullet proof helmet.

tell him that he's cool and stay friends with him for life because judging by his choice of first op he seems like a real bro

Don't tell him anything, just be happy you have a real based friend


thanks user, too hilarious

Tell him that Blitz is a dead weight operator

>it's a "fuze kills the hostage" episode

Ela is an idiot! An idiot!!!

Tell his that he's getting buffed next week

So it keeps being said, but I'm still yet to see evidence

>living under a rock

>muh evidence
or you could just keep up with the times gramps

Well they announced that a fix to the castle glitch would be coming with another update, and they also announced jager elite uniform, and the blitzbuff was planned to be added in the reinforcements, is it too hard to count 1+1?

stop using that shit artists work as OP images

>they announced that a fix to the castle glitch would be coming with another update,
Yeah, the fucking Year 3 update at this rate
Apparently to Ubisoft updating the game and fixing exploits as they become existent is not allowed during seasons

what a disgusting image

you what?

why can't I add myself to my friends list