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Why is he running away from a little girl?

Will Switch have an upbeat jazzy main theme like Mario?

I wanna FUCK Arvis

I like Warriors.

We know Deirdre

I'm building a meme team of Eirika, B. Caeda, and Nino
Who should the 4th member be

I'm trying to save up most stuff since i'm still new and don't know whats good or bad. The core gameplay is easy to pick up, its just making sure I don't waste resources early on that gets me stressed. It's not that it's not "fun" per se, but i'm not super into the fate series and only really like maybe 1 or 2 characters so i'm just not very attached.

Fire Emblem Warriors sold above KT's expectations.
How does that make you feel?


All you need to know is that the game barely gives any Quartz, so you need to save that shit up. Make sure to start doing Halloween, since it's limited and you get some really rare materials.

You DID complete all the new developer maps, right /feg/?

Sorry, I meant for me. No necessarily Mario Kart itself. Yeah, it's a port, and I'm sure some people actually did by the Switch just for Mario Kart, but I wouldn't.

Those expectations must've been pretty low.

Post cuties!

I have a younger "sister" named Olwen .Do you have any siblings ?

If that means we get a sequel with more people I give a shit about that's cool by me


This isn't even Lunatic. What the fuck.

Reddit may have won with Ninian, but they got BTFO by FEW's success

Still sold like shit didn't it?

People are going around calling 60k+ copies sold "exceptional", but that still sounds like pile of shit levels of numbers. Indie games made by literally whos sell more than that.


Dudes check my new image


Sex with Cordelia!


I never thought Cecilia would be so scary until my TA3 Snacki could barely dent her

Yeah, they didn't even require all four units to survive. I was done within minutes.

i need more stam but have cleared all lunatics

Roll for Ayra, Sigurd or...Eldigan?

You need somebody with panic ploy, shes holding a gronnblade+ with full cavalry buffs

>wasting stamina on something that'll be around for 2 weeks
>not spending stamina on something that'll be gone in less than a week and less than a day for double SP

Yeah, it also takes like 3-5 times per quests to actually get the damn things. It's a good time sink when I don't have anything to do or nothing to farm in FEH. I think i'm currently at like 10 quartz again? I keep getting free ones every day that I log in and i'm on the second map (or world?) right now. farming the quests. I'll probably end up rolling a 10 on the halloween banner once more before not doing it again.

>cropping your name
i beat them all right after the daily reset and got a +spd/-hp deirdre with the orbs

Zigludo on bottom right


Would make it next to impossible for F2Pers who might have joined just the last couple of three months.

Nice, hope for a more polish sequel. I can see Warriors 2 with focus on PoR/RD, Blazing/Bindind and FE Switch.

>green beats blue

Geez, lol!

these new maps just show the sad level pvp is in right now

>2x horseshits
>dc on every second unit (but the only legit reason dragons are good atm with their inbuilt ones)
>mass 5* limited SI

at least the AI is still retarded so its easy to beat

Watching my wife Cordelia have sex!

>he doesn't know about the secret Summoner Level feature with free stamina refills upon level up

Eph if your Beada has a bladetome

It's not worth doing the main story now. Halloween gives a bunch of stamina potion equivalents (You can't get them from other sources, so they're absurdly rare) and some materials. To ascend servants in F/GO, you have to farm up to 24 items with a sub-2% droprate, but this event means you can just buy them. I highly recommend playing Halloween ASAP.

>Devs are cavshitters

>Throwing a low res blue at a close counter bladed up Ceclia

What exactly did you think was going to happen.

>tfw I have'nt S-Supported anyone on heroes yet.

Splatoon 2, Disgaea 5 and Pokken have been eating most of my time lately.

Dude......thats like.....epic dude

That's why i now use the reinhardt

Nino had a good run, but Tailtiu has officially outcuted her.

>He doesn't S Support whoever so ge can have a S with everyone

What the fuck did you expect with a blue unit with no res against a green caster with decent defense?

Did you see the ammount of effort that went into the game? Why would they expect for it to sell any better?



Does anyone even care about Nino anymore? It seems like she got thrown in the wayside alongside other former top tiers like Ryoma.

Oh wow, I didn't know that. I'll go check it out, thanks for the info my dude!

To be honest, so did HW.

I am going to sleep

I still find her pretty useful

Yeah dude fuck ayra you should use the rein

Only if it's with a horse.

Next banner is Warriors followed by TMS a week later

Why wasn't this playing on his GHB map?

Just ask /fgoalter/ for assistance in what to do. With your Stamina Level Ups, you should be able to get a bunch of farming done.

Blade tomes are still good, but being infantry isn't so good

Axura, Blade Lilina/Sanaki or +spd Tharja.

Panic Ploy saved my ass on that final Cecilia, I let Ike take and counter that hit. That Peri is fucking scary too.

She's still a decent unit on her own, I'd say. It's just that people prefer to run a defensive green mage nowadays that will counter Rein/Lyn.

She's still the best green mage.

Yes, but thank you devs, for reminding us how UTTERLY BROKEN are cavs, and how you need to be a whale to thrive on the middle eschelons of Arena.
Last map on lunatic was cleared with infantry, since RNG hates me and refuses to send me any decent 5* cav unit. And I enjoyed tearing through fucking broken as shit 230+ rating fagshit cavs.

Jesus fucking christ, I'm angry. At RNG mainly though.

I didn’t go deathless on lunatic of map 5. And then immediately after I straight up lost to a horse emblem team in arena. Fuck.

Eh? Nino is still good. She's still the best infantry gronblade user by a mile.

>300 orbs later I finally have a naga mage
>this happens

I'm still glad she's home

I've asked a couple of times but they keep saying i'm a reroll account and then ignore me, so i'm just like whatever. I'm not really sure why they even need 2 different threads for the same game, even if they're different languages.

She's still overall the top green mage. Though Julia and Deirdre are better defensively.

>warriors has already become irrelevant even before Odyssey came out


I though next banner was halloween followed by binding blade banner

Favaro are you tripping ?

Then he kills him.

That would be Inigo, buddy

Post shit IVs that you still use
>+Spd/-Atk Sigurd
>+Atk/-Spd YTiki
>+HP/-Spd STiki
>+Atk/-Spd Camilla
>+Res/-Spd PAOlivia
>+Res/-Atk Genny

She is still very useful to me, the only reason i don't use her is because i already maxed her HM and SP

Trully Reddithardt

It wasn't too hard, but that's to be expected with blades and a dancer. DC on Eirika was super helpful against that fucking Cecilia.

Is there any room for unused cav units like Roderick or Matilda or is it basically magic and innate DC only?


What are they going to play on the final TT map? Final Holy War?


>Julia with a perm

fortress defense but with a spd penalty instead of atk penalty when?

imao it will be Fateswakening 2

Inigo can dance units and doesn't need to be babysat like Nino, f@m

Doing my _Est

Roderick is the most frustrating unit in the game to fight against. that's his niche.

You can use them if you want. Natural DC isn't even that important for cavs, look at how Camus basically stopped existing and Xander now has a ton of competition.

Time to help my boy.

Roderick is a fucking nigger in TT, goddamn.

So question, did anybody actually did an Anti-Sigurd build on Arvis and managed to kill a Sigurd with him?


-res +spd reinhardt
-spd +hp katarina
-atk +res lancina
-res +hp julia
-res +atk sonya

i pulled my first Julia +atk -res while summoning for Deirdre (whom i also got 3 summons later).

her entire base kit is garbage so what's the recommended skillset to run? i guess using her as a Green/Blue mage check so GTomebreaker and TA?

>why are they yelling so loudly
>my feet hurt