/tesg/- The Elder Scrolls General

>Is Skyrim Special Edition worth it?
Soon™. SKSE is in Alpha and not intended for all users, but SkyUI 5.1 is working without bugs and more mods will come with SKSE.

>Should I play Skyrim Special Edition or Legendary Edition?
Legendary Edition for mods now, but SE is the focus of future mods (Beyond Skyrim among others)

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Elder Thread:

Let us die.

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Post your newest screenshot!


>The whole of the rest of the game looks like total dogshit
>”b-b-but weather occlusion so it has better graphics! please pay for your mods!”
Can we all agree that SSEfags are less than human at this point?

Accurate. Mostly. Skyrim still looks good after six years. Oblivion just looks like ass in comparison but the graphics aren't nearly as dated as Morrowind. Getting into Morrowind for the story would be cool if I could stomach those graphics.

Improved weather occlusion and improved water flows are something your ENBs will never be able to do.

>muh waifu
>muh enb

Stopping my eyes from bleeding is something SSE will never be able to do

>please pay for your mods!

Are Oldrim faggots actually this fucking retarded? Do they actually believe people have to pay for the mods up on the Nexus? Do they think people are forced to use CC content any more than they are forced to use any other given mod? Help me out here.

>mfw i already modded that


Giantbro reporting in.

Any mod recommendations for cool mage robes?

guys I need a cute follower so I don't have to use the smelly putrid piece of waste that is Serana all game

Sorry for liking to be able to use SKSE, all the mods, and not having to put up with CC horseshit.

>muh eyes r bleeeeding dese graffix thooooooo

Oh my fucking god the melodrama with you autismo waifufaggots is beyond tiring.

queen and mommy are my favorite waifus

Its okay to be poor my man.



>having to put up with CC horseshit.

It's fucking true. It's actually true that Oldrim autists seriously believe that the purchase of CC mods are somehow forced on people playing SE in any way.

I mean you sacrifice everything just to be able to use the version with CC access so I assume you’re deluded into wanting to buy them like a braindead consolecuck.
I got SSE for free you retard

CC changes how the .exe behaves.



It’s not. I just don’t even want to look at it or acknowledge its existence. Is that so wrong? How can you sleep at night, tolerating the biggest cancer to pervade the gaming industry right now?

>weather occlusion

RealShelter is a laggy piece of shit that doesn't even cover all of Vanilla Oldrim and doesn't even touch DLC areas at all, which the developer said he'd fix before abandoning the mod altogether since SSE does the same thing but much better

>water flows


>we dont care
>shills oldrim for two hours straight

Trainwiz, please stop using /tesg/ to shill CC, thank you

There's a mod to hide it for special retards like you.

How can you shill something that the publisher hid from the store? I think it’s more about making fun of how retarded SSEfags are. There is no argument left that works in its defense. The windows 10 update was the final nail in the coffin. There have been a lot of nails beforehand, but still.

I like her


Okay? But it’s still affecting the exe, which breaks mods, and me playing it is telling Bethesda that it’s okay to re-release an inferior version of the game when they look at player counts on steam. Not to mention the fact that I would be enjoying it less because it doesn’t have my mods.

I chose the wrong time to start modding Skyrim, there's nobody left to help with mod issues because all the mod authors are on SSE.

>Oldrim autismos drone on about muh ENB and how important visuals are
>Are perfectly content with much more blatant visual shittiness such as precipitation clipping through everything/lagging with the use of an unfinished abandoned mod and blatant and generally retarded water flow

You know lads, sometimes it's okay not to have things to post about. Just don't post. Shitposting about some arbitrary bullmess isn't doing any good.
How do clothes work for the Giant race? Do they just scale up automatically? OP site has some bretty gud robes and such, don't really know what you're style is.

>he fell for the oldrim in 2017 meme


don't steal my bait retard.

>weather occlusion is the only leg SSEfags have left to stand on
Truly the nails are in the coffin


More like bait general

I know, right?
>muh visuals

Oh wait, that's oldrim autismos

>SSE visuals are better in 1 out of 100 ways!
muh graphixfags amirite

>repeating my bait in the same conversation

guys pls

I wish there was a way to limit how far your character can roam when he blacks out from drinking. Kind of hard to reconcile how my dude roamed from Wilhelm to Dragon's Bridge, butt booty ass naked in less than 6 hours, with Frostfall enabled.

Not too hard to role play though honestly. I'm assuming he stole a horse and rode it half to death, then stripped in DB. Burst into the inn half frozen and nude, so the innkeep sent his son out to look for my things while he dumped me in a pile next to the fire, covered in blankets.

Is this an altmer and why haven't you been posting her?

>tfw both versions installed and use them for different things

>Replay the game
>Realize my waifu is literal garbage
>Her prototypes were much better but I deleted them
Why didn't you guys warn me?

They do happen to be better, and in the most blatantly obvious ways. How does one so obsessed with graffixxx manage to autistically nitpick the nuances of ENB fidelity but that same person can put up with raindrops and snowflakes falling straight through solid objects? Or walking by a river that has absolutely zero logical flow to it and not be perturbed?

Well, I guess you'd never notice these things if 99% of your playtime involves standing around in custom cells with meticulously-placed light sources designed to highlight your shitfu's buttocks in various poses

look on tesgeneral?

Fuck, forgot pic cause I'm a retard.
Gotta keep legacy presets saved my man.

Don't have any pose mods nor reason to do more than a random shitpost.

Same. The fighting over it all is silly.

I did but there isn't much info aside from a headshot. though I found one and /tesg/ starts memeing about her so now it'll feel weird if I use her

There's tons of followers on the OP site, pick your poison. They're all bretty gud.
You should at least adventure post. We need more adventure posters, less fun posters.
Fuck that, use who you want. I've always been partial to Evelynne, I think, the mage redhead that hangs out as the college. Qt3.14.

I think they scale up.

Looking for something civilized, I want to RP it as a "Genius Bruiser" trope.

>h-how dare you do things in your game that look nice
Literally the sourest of grapes


If you want a """game""" where you create a shitfu for lewd poses just download honey select, it's much better for that sort of thing

I tried to make him look embarrassed or taken aback but attempting to conceal it.

Im surprised the waifu fags dont just play second life or something? They seem to enjoy circlejerking and its a much better game for character creation.

I was testing out a enb

I tried her out too and she's a possible candidate. I seem to be partial to redheads myself. I tried Ailean as well but she attacked everyone after I stole her bread.

Kaarina I think was her name.

>unironically eats shit that is Skyrim gameplay

face scars would look better with some depth

>Kaarina I think was her name
She’s great, good looking waifu with a thoughtful story, you should download her. There will always be mentally ill retards memeing just about anyone.

last in the folder

I know, but I don't know how to edit msn files in PS

The fuck are you even doing here you dumb faggot?

Testing UnkoENB.

>T. Haar

>letting bants decide how you play a 6 year old game
Smdhtbqhwy familamidingdong.

It's just bants lad, play with and how you want. I like Kaarina personally.


>t. Retarded faggot
Is it jealousy? Why would you try to stir up drama about one of the chillest posters here? Post your waifu.

why would I be playing a 12 years old game?

I like the Elder Scrolls. You apparently don’t, so why are you here?

Jesus fucking Christ it really is shitposting hour

>Chillest posters here
Stop it haar

so far she's at the top of my list. I did feel like her story would fit well with my character so I might anyway

>I like the Elder Scrolls. You apparently don’t

Where have I indicated this in the slightest?

Im sorry, i try not to respond to shitposts but sometimes they need to be called out on their shit. Need to reconsider their lives if they’re spending their Saturday trying to start fights with people who are just trying to enjoy a game.

But it sucks

By supporting the downfall of the series.

what is your favorite spell

Happened with Oblivion over ten years ago now, get over it.

What? They never had Special Oblivion or Creation Club.

Reminder that no one cares what version of the game you use except for autistic shitposters

Reminder that name-calling anonymous posters is the highest form of cancer

>he wasn't around during the micro-transaction controversy

>thinking anyone here actually played a TES game before skyrim

I was around, and it never came to fruition. What kind of retard do you have to be to use this as a defense for current Bethesda, anyway?
>it could have happened in the past so everything is fine now!

>CC worse than lootboxes
>CC being any different from horse armor which is the industry standard bonus content these days

>Happened with Morrowind over 15 years ago now, get over it.

you understand that bethesda created microtransactions, yes? that before bethesda did that it was perfectly reasonable to pay full-price for a game and it WOULD be a full game, no DLC nonsense later

>I was around, and it never came to fruition.

The fuck are you talking about, newfriend? DLC did happen. There was a big outrage over devs "milking" video games with content that "should have been released in the base game". It has since become normalized within the industry.

Come now, we both know it's a lie because the term DLC includes things that used to be called expansions and those DID exist.

Who /utterfuckingcancer/ here?

I bought horse armor and all the DLC houses for Oblivion on the 360 too.

No one cares /v/ermin