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We need a new a new OP copypasta edition

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Reposting because I like the idea

Let's talk about a character that doesn't need to be touched but I have a neat idea for him anyways so let's talk about it.

What if fengs dash ability could be held, kind of like sparrows long ranged arrow. If you tap it you get a short dash but if you hold it for a certain amount of time you get a long dash (same range or more as current dash) BUT the advantage of doing a short dash is that it gives you a bigger crit bonus. Now he becomes bursty (though doesn't exactly need it) in fights but at the risk of losing his escape if the tables are turned or losing is ability to chase if a hero gets out of his reach. I just want to make my own fucking moba, I keep coming up with neat ideas that I know will never get into Paragon because of Cams ULTIMATE VISION

Stop playing this dead game. Play the superior Overwatch and Heroe of the storm by Blizzard Entertainment.

>can't easily contribute to the threads because banned

Are you guys ready for this game to become a straight up brawler? With the insane amount of CC everyone has it's gonna be really easy to fight people now. I can't wait guys, especially when they add 1v1 and 3v3 modes

Were you insanely toxic or something? How do people even get banned in mobas beyond sperging out

Not him but Epic is going crazy over people saying negative things in game. If you say any kind of mean name and get reported there's a chance you'll get banned

>If you say any kind of mean name
If you can't refrain from calling people faggots and niggers then maybe mobas aren't for you

is the new update with gideon this tuesday?

Hot damn

Like seriously CC in this game is so fucking autistic, just fought a game against a fucking phase, crunch, iggy, and aurora. It's so FUCKING retarded when aurora comes and ults, does her ice shit, iggy comes in and throws down a couple turrets and starts his ult then crunch comes out of nowhere and knocks you up while phase is there to secure any runaways

no, next week
this week is hopefully some balance adjustments

when I play aurora:
>enemy is team is smart, they stay scattered, adc stays in a safe position
>steel/narbash/riktor keeps his stun ready for me

when the enemy has an aurora:
>my team clumps up as 4 while i desperately ping them because we have no vision on aurora
>our support steel just ults in with no regard to peel
>aurora gets 4 man ult and wipes team

Holy fuck I'm glad I already gave up on this game.

Walking suicide bomber deck, it's fun.

of course you don't tell who you are so we can see what do you mean with suicide bomber deck you thin skinned faggot

When I play tank:
>Have 2k health at 20-30 minutes
>Casters take over half my health in 2-3 spells despite having 30 or more bonus ability armor
>Enemy team always manages to escape before I can kill them

When the enemy has a tank:
>Always has 3K health
>Ganks at every opportunity and runs away with a kill at 60% health or more
>Takes virtually no damage from casters and ADCs
>Shits out enough damage before my team can escape
>Has most farm and most kills

He's the Howie, your own character is always top left and highlighted a bit.

I just went up against a Grux who only had Growth Totem equipped and he was next to impossible to kill for some reason.

Is jungle the worst role?

>Constantly bitched at for not ganking
>Get yelled at if you gank and don't get a kill even if your teammate basically does nothing and doesn't bait
>Always underfarmed because of having to run all over the map being everyone's bitchboy when someone has to back or when your team has THREE FUCKING PEOPLE DEFENDNG ONE LANE AGAINST NO ONE and right lane is pushing into a tower

That's what I should've added. It always seems like the enemy tank isn't running anything particularly good or unique but they're still always tanky as fuck and doing more damage than me.

Nah, it’s offlane

>get bitched for losing tower
>brain dead teammates won’t stop pushing your lane or fuck up your set up
>jungler/mid never comes to help when pushing
>have to play against 2, if not 3, faggots were at least one of them has a stun
>have your only bright side hindered by some faggot soaking half your xp

So yeah

> Playing against a Phase support as offlane

>tfw haven't spent a dime on this game and have 60 skins (not counting ones you get through masteries or you get through events and stuff) and 10 emotes
I'm so glad I kept all my chests and loot crates and opened them all when they decided to put skins and keys in gold/diamond chests

When I play a normal offlane I just sit back and farm constantly. As long as I don't die my teammates typically don't care. I really only hate offlane when they're duo won't fucking stop fighting my lane when i'm trying to farm and my teammates either don't push the other lanes enough or don't come and gank

Yeah, I played against a Possessed Sprykin Phase/ Twin today: couldn't do a damn thing to stop them alone. I know Plague Lord is the solution, but that's something you have to work towards.

Oh shit you can't be serious. I guess I have to chill out because I have been incredibly toxic of late.


epic doesn't do anything unless you're horribly racist or offensive. achido calls people idiot retard dogshit players every single match and never has anything happen to him. just dont call someone a nigger or a faggot and you'll be fine

>only yin & grux skins left


>Want to roll golden loot key
>Only thing I want is coins
>Risk rolling against 4 iggy&scorch skins; have everything else
>Be super happy with 900 coins
>Be super upset with a skin for a char I don't care for
>can always wait for loot crate update
>Probably won't have a better chance at 900 coins again though
So this is how gambling addictions are made...

the new skins that got datamined are a t2 countess and t3 wukong along with varients if you wanna wait

Rolling for something I'd want definitely sounds better than risking 1/4 and being upset with the 3/4 outcome
Thanks user

>t3 wukong
Why do they give all the braindead characters not only the most skins but also the best ones

>t3 wukong
fuck right off. This shitstain just got a halloween skin and its making all the kiddies plague my games. Now he's getting a t3?
Fuck right off

>t3 wukong

This doesn't work anymore stop putting it in the OP

>"popular" paragon youtuber suggests Paragon rips Smites legitimate brawler mode
I'm dying, just like this game

>We need a new a new OP copypasta edition

This you shouldn't be playing video games period if you have to resort to this childish shit.

It's not even just EPIC tons of games devs have been stepping up to remove this kind of scum from gaming culture.

>remove this kind of scum from gaming culture.
>this kind
>gaming culture.
nta and I'm not defending stupid shit like that but can we cool it on the buzzwords captain planet?

Been banned twice now, was a day 1 founder, plat before the v42 update. Played pretty regularly since the game originally came out. You get permabanned with ZERO warnings or tempbans beforehand. My second account was "EPICBannedMyMain" and my current account is "IGotBannedAgain". Good opportunity for some funny names, but honestly if you care about hero progression, you better not tell that level 6 rampage who's 0-9-0 at 25 minutes to stop playing like a girl (she told me she was going to personally email EPIC and I was banned within two days).

My theory is honestly that the community size is dying down, so it's easier for them to sift through and ban offenders.

And to add onto that, usually the worst things I say are shit bait at the start of the match like "if you wouldn't fuck zinx you're a faggot" and "the best thing about gay people is they don't reproduce". I just like getting the "OK, I'm on it!" responses.

>better not tell that level 6 rampage who's 0-9-0 at 25 minutes to stop playing like a girl (she told me she was going to personally email EPIC and I was banned within two days).
>"female" actually getting upset at their garbage play and getting butthurt at being compared to playing like a female since they actually are a female
the keks just sort themselves out in mobas, huh?

they don't reproduce but they send their gay to their adopted children

>Act like an edgy 12-year-old
>Get banned
I see no issue here.

Here's the conversation, I shit you not.
>be me
>playing riktor jungle meme second game, just started him
>lose second-tier at mid
>"Come on guys, let's stop playing like girls, we can win this thing"
>level 6 rampage with 9 deaths stops moving instantly at 25 minutes
>"Excuse me?"
>"How exactly do 'girls' play?"
>"Like level 6 rampages with 9 deaths at 25 minutes. Come on we can win this, they're bad"
>"Okay look, just because I'm not having the best game, doesn't mean you have to resort to blatant sexism"
>"Ok then show me how girls can play, I just want to win I don't care if you're a girl or not"
>"Well obviously you DO CARE since you would let your inner pig out. What are you going to do when we lose? Call me a bitch?"
>"8 years"
>"Of what? Being a sad man?"
>"I'm reporting you to EPIC and emailing this conversation, thanks for showing your true colors"
>proceed to die 5 times because she afks in base
Permaban. Picture VERY MUCH related. Worst part is she was typing ":D" faces the entire time until I used the word "girl." Like wtf. Dodge at all costs she is utter shit.

>fun is bad
What website are you on, again?

Correction, I was offlane and she had 8 deaths, not 9. Not that it should even matter at that point.


>>>have shit game
>>>already tilted because you're shit
>>>use simple insult as an excuse to throw game
And people wonder why female pro teams never make it to majors

> RL name as in game name
> of course worst stats of the team

that's a girl alright, skilless bitch because they'd rather get attention and defend their genders than prove that we are wrong.

>8 years

How do you actually go about this? If this kind of thing is all it takes to get banned from the game, I probably could have got at least a dozen people banned for non-insults that don't even offend me

I've just never gone to the trouble of reporting anyone. Do you actually have to screencap and email a conversation or is there some in game report thing?

1: Be a girl (not a woman)
2: Have contact with Epic
3: Tease them and tell them who offended you

There's the in-game reporting after each match, but there's also a "community email" where you report people and faggot cunts just attach dumb screenshots and type a paragraph of emotional trauma I imagine and people get banned. Especially since she had the "muh sexism" card, I imagine the HR-esque community managers really felt her pain.

>What are you going to do when we lose? Call me a bitch?"
Jesus Christ that projection.
You can tell she was expecting and looking for any excuse and reason to lash out like that
I don't get it

Two term trump meme

the game is launching in china soon

>/pol/tard gets banned
And nothing of value was lost

>recognizing that girls suck at games is a /pol/ thing now
Okay pal. Also, /pol/ supposedly fucking hates any game that isn't hearts of iron or ck2

We need a Lu BU hero then so people can spam Don't Chase That Hero.

Heh, I appreciate that.

63rd for best girl


Nah, I probably would've called her a shitter myself. I call people shitters daily in this game. The difference here is this guy(or you) has already been banned before, and judging by the comments, I'm 99% sure it's justified.
Epic doesn't just ban you for nothing, or I would've been banned long ago. You really have to fuck up or already be on their shitlist.

Ah that's what I thought at first, wanted to be sure.
Keks have been reassured

Seems to be a lot of newfriends today.

> My second account was "EPICBannedMyMain" and my current account is "IGotBannedAgain"
Guess this means I have to re-add you. That didn't take long.

>infringement on speech is ok
What is it with most non-whites and nu-males and feelings?
If I get called a retarded faggot for making a bad play in-game, I ping sorry
If it goes further I mute. If it's worse (messaging) I block.
Perhaps you should uninstall and join some hippy-dippy camp and be high all day, away from normal people.


Mind your P's and Q's.

yeah, it's just PS4 shitters and redditors who come in and shit on the thread. Keep on telling them to git gud.

>muh reddit
Keep getting banned, retard.

>infringement on speech is ok
>What is it with most non-whites and nu-males and feelings?
Yea, you tell me since you're the nu-male bitch ass commies whose feelings get hurt by a private company doing whatever the fuck they want in their videogame.

nta but pic related


I didn't say anything about Reddit. You kids and your boogeymen.

I'm a PS4 shitter.

It's their right to do so, but I'm calling you faggots for having the same belief.


Playing Carry is tough some times

>We get one T1 (offlane, thanks to me and Steel)
>Entire team decides to run around and roam
>They constantly get caught in bad situations or make very poor rotations constantly ending in 1-3 people dying in dumb situations
>Get yelled at for not being in team fights and not doing anything
>Decided to help out more, because of everyones poor position we constantly get collapsed on and/or singled out and die very easily. Every. Fucking. Time
>Team just won't stop roaming and looking for kills, at this point we lose mid inhib, right t2, and left t1 while we only have two of their towers down
>Decide my team is retarded and have to be the dedicated lane defending/pusher
>They get into constant teamfights while I push the lanes and put constant map pressure on every lane
>Team eventually gets one good fight and my constant pressure and lane setting allows them to take right inhib while I get left and we eventually win the game
>after game all of my teamfights go on about how bad I am and how I was never in teamfights
>mfw teammates too dumb to realize that we won because I was the only one pushing and defending lanes while they're constantly roaming and looking for fights
I feel like this happens too often, people just don't fucking know how laning works and too often don't have the map awareness and/or foresight to see that they need to go defend a lane until they fucking here the game say that our tower is being attacked. Too often this is how I lose games, if it wasn't for both teams being retarded and wanting to constantly teamfight we would've lost 20 minutes earlier

That was a longer greentext

tl;dr too many people ignore laning phase after 10 minutes/a T1 ends and my team couldn't realize that we only won because I was setting lanes and constantly defending

Does v45 come this patch or next patch?

2 weeks. 31st

Too often people play this game like a TDM

I feel you. As said, too many people think they're playing tdm and not a moba.

which waifu has the darkest nipples?
weekend ded thread bump

Mori of course


What the fuck guys. Why are you letting the thread die?

I'll keep the thread bumped until Monday. I just slept almost 24 sickly hours.

Nigga, it's been TDM since Monolith dropped. The best thing to do is deathball (without a carry and have 2 tanks and lots of CC and burst), get 2-3 dead and take objectives during their respawn. It's also the most fun unless you like farming for 25 minutes.

And if you team with them and lost nothing changed, they still call you a shitter.
You have to play for yourself and have fun, whatever that entails.

Bless you Tails

You may not say that if you knew the image.

man fuck iggy

Who were you playing as?

ps quadruple pro pve only gaymer here
am i autistic?

i was thinking about that but i wasn't sure

I played PvE only during my early legacy days other than maybe one PvP a week. This was my first moba other than Awesomenauts .
I sometimes, especially for weeks after 42 dropped, only did PvE for dailies/weeklies.

If you're doing it for these reasons or to just avoid douches, bad matches, or trying new things I would say no.

>gold key from vault shits out green heavenly focus kwang
Fuck it might as well. How should I build him to best slowly chop people to bits?

Try in offlane.
Use Possessed Spry-Kin, Cyborg, and Thorned Yomi until you're at 7/25/3 and replace Yomi with Withering or keep Yomi or whatever idgaf.

belica. i was actually positive kd and killed iggy a few times, but he can just zone out everyone and its so hard to push against him. we lost.

I'm not even good but why is rampage so fucking FUN. tanking literally everything, the long range boulder kills, hes fucking rad. Is there a deck I should be using other than pic related?

Will do...when I wake up.

Smashing a boulder into some poor fucker is immensely satisfying.

A lot depends on your team and if your carry, if you have one, is intelligent enough to take out the turrets first.
Have you ever tried a Kallari approach of getting behind him, combo-ing, them running, essentially poking him out of lane so he's not strong late game?
What about that 7 Vit Knowledge card that blocks 85% of ability damage and chase him for the kill when he's low on mana?

I can't think of much as I have played Belica maybe twice (suck with casters usually and hate mid) but consider opportunities and builds like this in the future.

I love fighting an Iggy with Shinbi since when he ults I just dash into and keep stacking, them dash out when I hit my cap and ult to finish him.

>(suck with casters usually and hate mid)
yeah i do too. but i was last pick and i have the belica halloween skin so i've been playing belica when i've been forced mid.
the bad part about our game is that our support and carry were not doing well against wukong in their lane, so once wukong got up to speed it was game over because it was all i could do to hold off iggy, and then with wukong pushing on top of that it just wasn't happening. but thats good advice, i might add that ability damage blocking card to my deck. i know what you're talking about, just forget the name atm.