Final Fantasy General DCXCII - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
The Wiki:
What version should I play?: Information:

>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Out 10/31
A New Empire - Alexis Ren in "Join the Adventure":
New XV Universe trailer:

PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
Latest Trailer:

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF:
Upcoming Banners List:
Friend Codes:
FAQ Pastebin:

>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
Friend Codes:

>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
FAQ Pastebin:

>Other game information


Other urls found in this thread:

Injecting ruined FFBE

first for injection help desk general

>Locke OP
And all is forgiven

>Is only this general giving a fuck about injection?
Yes, because this is the only place the german can shill due to the shitty moderation.
He's desperate to make more people inject because the injection community is basically dying and this means less money to him. He has to make up lies like "my discord has 400 people and growing" when in reality it has 50 random people and only 1 developer. It's pretty fucking pathetic.
We are making a big fuss over nothing. Just report the github links for advertising and don't reply to his posts even if he samefags it. It will eventually die.

Should change the date of when FFXV Comrades to be out in november instead of saying 10/31.


never had this much fun before

killed algaion ELT and sheratan hard, without doing any stupid strat of 8 hours or whatever

I will now kill mmalboro ELT, and then wait for bahamut

injecting is great

You're literally being an attention/reverse-attention whore. This is called shitposting, user. It's against the rules. I hope someone will inject a report to your post.

Why are silver haired guys the best boys in FF games? with the exception of VII

>Save for OK USBs, Orlandu USB, and 3rd Anniversary like the rest of us.


>Party Haste, MAG/MND/RES +30%, Quickcast Magic 3, self EX Mode "Sage"
>12xST Critical Holy/Dark physical dmg, self Critical=100% and EX Mode "Sword Saint"

Why is this so good then? What does Sage and Sword Saint do

can't ruin what's shit to begin with



what's with all the reddit formatting posts lately?

the only people I know who don't inject are on reddit

if you don't like injecting, stay there, thanks

Gamefags/plebbit tourists looking for cheats.

retarded german poster

Why no one playing arena?

Also possible bug, earth veritas provoke ability hits 4 enemies instead of one

>tfw 30.88 clear time on fenrir

>Tell the shills to fuck off
>No you are the attention whore!
Fuck off kraut

Could be the literal redditors coming to the injection help desk

>never farmed ribbon
>only thing I need to make witch Fina perfect

Fuck off burger

just inject


With the exception of three games, pretty accurate statement user.

Fina would be sad if I did, so no

How important it is to max Luneth on FFRK? I don't really like him.

Why would you even take that win?

Should I be saving for the FFX banner with Tidus' shit or the FF3 banner with OK's shit?

Considering his final RM has a uniquely higher exp boost chance over everything else in the game? It's important. Max him, then dump his ass if you want, you never need to use him for anything.

I'd inject Fina with my cum

Do you have his BSB or USB? Then max him user. He's silver haired so he is best boy.

OK. The X banner is dogshit and Yuffie's fest banner would be better for water even if nerfed.

You seem to want to draw huge attention, as early into a new thread as possible, about something no one cares about. Drop it. And I won't be responding to feel free to respond to me how ever you wish.

I didn't think my team would even be capable of sub-30 so I was just going for the clear to try and use stamina and hopefully get some enkidus to 99 him

I'm saving for Tidus because I really need water, his USB is incredible, and I like X. I'm not worried about OK, but his USBs are also top notch if you already have him leveled/moted/his BSB.

>you can even inject arena wins

Pull on both!

Which do you need more, water stuff or generally OP stuff for speed clearing magicite?
This user makes a good point though, Yuffie is the undisputed god tier of water when she gets her new stuff, laughing man got cucked hard.

Why is OK's USB so good? What does Sage do?

I'm not into amnesiac waifs.

X and XII?

Are there any decent waifu banners coming up any time soon?


>TWO ahrimans spawn
oho im a luckshitter now!!!

Yeah, but that showed you can do it. While the boss is flashing you can still S/L.


Just inject more ahrimans.

>There are people still grinding Kingsglaive

>Won't respond to this post
>Will definitely post about injection and encourage the touring redditors to use this general as a help desk
Wow, what a fuckin' hero

wrongly replied, meant to reply to this:

Can I stack demon killer with destruction from cursed mouthpiece for 100% dmg increase on demons?

Yeah maybe

I miss when the internet had real content. I had to go watch the Mario Western Show after being reminded of this.

>german has been doing the same thing for the past threads
>"stop, I'm the only one allowed to do this! don't ruin my injection propaganda!"

There's one right now.

Since I don't have ribbon, what's more important to guard against?
Confusion or paralysis?


Loving girls, loving girls

So is gilgamesh's divider comparable to Luneth's Cut through now? I forogt to check during his ability awakening

Yes, killers stack if they're from different sources like the ones you just mentioned. Apparently it has diminishing returns after a point, but I don't know the numbers behind that. Either way, if you want to kill demons more dead, stack those two.

That's a cool IVth season opening.

>bees, frogs, big cherries, peter pan, magic cheese

No he's weaker.

No freckles edit when?

Otoko is NO NO!

You can stack up to 300%.

delete this

>EX: Ninja
>ATK +30%, cast speed x1,30 plus x0,30 for each attack used for the duration of the status, up to x3,40

>EX: Sage
>MAG +30%, BLK attacks deal 15% more damage

Alrighty then
Thinking about it I can cure paralysis with tilith's esunaga and then top everyone off with ritual.
Confusion would just waste fina's turn no matter what.


when you stop being a homo


I obviously don't mean BE. That game doesn't let you use waifus unless they're benefactors of power creep.

What if this hoe powercreep cunny sakura as a mage?

Don't worry, she'll be a 4* base.

She's 5* base you retard

>actuall ff character being good


Mages are worthless anyways

So, what the fuck is gumi waiting for to give us 3%?

Will they just get mad about injectors fuck up something and ban half of their players like they did with BF?

So OK's USB turns him into a mediocre black mage?

Isnt Terra or someone else with double cast LMR just straight up better?

If GL follows JP then she won't since the best mages in JP are lolis

>He doesn't know

Ninjas man, they're like the best thing in the game for the hardest endgame content.

Who else got all the tickets and the gear from the King Mog shop and stopped playing the event already?

Onion gets doublecast black magic & celerity from his legend dive

He comes with a buff and his BSB commands are instacast, retard.

>the gear

Are you fucking retarded?

Are you?

>tfw you don't have normie tastes in Final Fantasy so your favorite units will never be good


When we get Ramza's

> got BSB from free 2nd Anniversary draw
> Finished his motes with the thanks of renewal banners
> Finally gets the OK she deserves

doublecast LMR are NEVER better than native doublecast LMs
Celes will always be inferior to Squall, Bartz and (lmao) Reks


Ages ago my man, you're late


I guess Cloud is inferior to whatever too huh?

Nah, I finished before maintenance

His doublecast LM is native dumbass

Cloud has a native dualcast LM too, are you mentally retarded?