/assg/ General

Still not yet

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Holy shit, is that a dead thread?!:

Other urls found in this thread:



>somewhere else in this planet there are 4 guys who have nothing else to do that to spend a saturday night griefing killers on a $20 low budget game
how do we fix SWF /assg/?

Our boi Marth88 has made it to rank 2 no perks wraith! Lets give him our energy to get to rank 1!

give killers way more bloodpoints and a free addon of choice after the game

>our boy

What was Freddy's power?

>Fix SWF
You don't.

Freddy's power wasn't revealed yet .

He's eating a bag of chips. That should give him enough energy.

Have you seen what he looks like? He's definitely /ourguy/

Where's that from? Looking official.

He tickles the girl survivors until they pee their pants.

It's fanmade, I got it off the artwork page on steam. A lot of the stuff posted there is usually pretty good when it isn't stolen or meme shit.

Prepurchase where?

>when the SWF that tried to meme you all game starts telling you how to play the game
they have 0 shame right?

>devs check reddit for feedback
>could be used to report bugs and give feedback
>decide to check it
>it's full of memes
at this point I rather go to the steam forums

What do you expect from Reddit? It's an awful place for awful people, with awful design as well.

They had a rule against memes and shitposts in the past and it was 99% cries about camping and "OP" items and add-ons and 1% actual suggestion. Then they removed the rule and it's 100% memes. The mods actually read the reddit and passed ideas along, too.

Holy fuck what is wrong with these developers. . .

Just ask your best players how the fuck to fix this mess.

I rather read people crying 2bh

>Ask a bunch of 2k hours losers how to balance your causal party game.

Yes, you are retarded.

If you want to rank up as a survivor in DbD you have to get chased and unhook teammates to pip? Doesn't that mean you want to play bad or save bad players?

>casual party game
>has visible ranking

They should choose one.


>I'm a SWF player and think every game is a casual party game.

Can you be more obvious you beta nu male fuck boi

>I'm a SWF player and think every game is a casual party game.

Can you be more obvious you under aged nu male faggot. There's only a ranking mode with no casual play in a competitive game.

Shut the fuck up and go play league you cuck.

I mean it goes to show how good marth is, not how easy it is to get perkless to rank 1

You have to understand that killers will complain if everyone plays super stealthily too, because this game is about the chase.

The problem is, most of popular streamers who know the game inside out already tell the devs major problems in the game but they keep ignoring them. They do whatever they want.

>Play against strimmer
>Never see the killer all game
>Accused of hatch sitting because the other 3 played musical hooks all game
Never gets old.

>bing bing wahoo! This computer game of glorified hide and seek is serious business!

Learn to compete IRL and not in cheesy indie comp games, you utter beta samefag

Remove it, or separate the queue, which is basically removing it.

He has inspired me to play without these training wheels. All my killers are level 1 now anyways.

Killers don't have crutch perks.

The problem is that killers have no training wheels.
The only perk that could potentially carry you is noed.

>safety pip against good survivors
>double pip against retards

I'm inspired

>DbD's gameplay experiences have a huge potential to disrupt a player's personal life and their overall mood state

True, but overwatch does the same but 50 times worse for me, I can't bear playing it more than 10 games.

explain why?
I don't play many MP games but I gotta say that some of the people playing this game only exist to break down other people and that's kinda scary.

Does frank's demise work with LF's chainsaw? Or just regular hits


Dbd can be stupid frustrating sometimes but I wouldn't say its everytime. I got used to it, played it for 1k hours after all.

Overwatch is a complete different story, after they nerfed hog the game died completely for me, just because some shitters kept crying about him just like survivors cry about killer perks and killers themselves. You dont have much of control in overwatch, it has to be combined with rest of your team. If someone in your team is retarded window/hanzo/genji that does nothing but opposing team doesn't you're fucked, literally nothing you can do to carry. There are so many design flaws and unplayable heroes because other heroes completely counter them. Its unbelievably frustrating.

It used to work with LF's and billy's chainsaw and hatchets, but they've changed it to m1 hits only despite the fact that LF kills franklin with his chainsaw causing him to drop his flashlight.

M1s only

Fuck machine gun. First couple days Remember Me will work on hooked survivors.

> First couple days Remember Me will work on hooked survivors.
I'm praying for this to happen

I hope it has no cap on it so we can apply hour long gates.

unfortunately they did mention a max, but I hope it's really long. I'm betting it'll be something like 10/15/20 seconds max addition

If its 20 seconds that's "wow it's fucking nothing" tier.
>spend entire perk slot
>for perk that only activates after gens pop
>that doesn't affect 1 player
>that you have to go out of your way to get counters on
>there are two gates, going from one to the other regularly takes 20 seconds alone
>there are other perks that give you more than 20 seconds in the mid round where it actually matters a lot

>its a P3 player with a BNP or purple flashlight gets downed a minute in and DCs before they hit the floor
Losing items is part of the game. what the fuck is wrong with these fags? I've only been playing a month and it happens at least once every 3 games

Also, how come when I get a legitimate disconnect due to a power cut I lose all my good add ons?

wow its like you don't get it.

>hunt guy the whole game before finally sacrificing him
>genrushing cucks think its good they are being ignored
>they try to open exit gates but takes forever
>they are crying and screaming at this point how its not fair while they are hunted
>they finally open it
>lol sorry bloodwardens
>survivors go full on diahrrea in their pants while screaming on steam forums
>it all gets nerfed a week later to be like 1 second additional exit gate time and bloodwardens lasts 5 seconds

The circle of life.

How does she do it?

Depends, you could ignore gens and just tunnel down the obsession, even if they do 5 gens within 4 minutes you are Fired Up, NOED is active and Remember Me is probably stacked up as well.

Bloodwarden is only good if it activates because someone is hooked while the gates are open, not because someone is being hooked.

Yea, I've always wondered that too

The male killers have the strength by default, of course. Huntress makes sense, since she's a full time hunter, and Nurse uses her telekinesis.
Hag on the other hand doesn't even carry a weapon, much less a survivor.

They're all supernaturally empowered by the Entity. This is why the Hag is capable of moving at all, despite..... everything.

She's been possesed by a cannibal spirit according to her lore. Maybe it also makes her super strong.

If it's 20 seconds, watch me be 100% right about it being crap not worth equipping.

Sounds juicy, will not work reliably if it's not like up to 1 minute gate opening time.


Just don't let me get an "open x gates" daily when Freddy hits the market.

Do you have any idea how long 20 seconds actually is in a game like this? You will be sitting there for an eternity trying to open that fucker.

>finally get bbq
>go from 10-20k a game to 25k-45k a game

>player DCs at round start
>worthless no mither faggot gets downed immediately
>look up to see bbq and chili LF running at me
Nope, fuck the BNP I'm not sticking around for this.

make it a hex perk...

What is that from? Is that a quote?

Why? God forbid the grind is less grindy...


>I'm a Doctor main

make yourself a hex perk

I'd be fine with this so long as the totem only affected the aura part of the perk. The bloodpoint bonus should not be disabled even when the totem breaks.

Ruin guarantees that and frequently way more at a time where the game is not as skewed against you as it is when the gates are powered. Think about how many times the gates were open for more than 20 seconds in a match. The perk wouldn't have mattered in them.
Picking 1 survivor up and bringing them to a hook alone is already all the time the perk gave you gone, and that is not accounting your chasing and walking back and forth. 20 seconds additional gate time is not significant enough. Sure sometimes it could give you a chance at a kill you wouldn't otherwise have gotten, but that's not worth a slot over perks that can consistently do that.
If you make a build designed to win after gens using like NOED and Deerstalker and Nurse slugging for the win, it can be strong, but even then, I think 20 sec's really not worth the slot. We'll see.

Any perk that activates after the gates are powered is trash.



>first time using aplunderer build with ace
>nothing but brown items all game
>one person gets mori'd as gates are powered
>claudette chased away from gate as im searching hest
>uncommon flashlight with common battery
>claudette gets downed as I open gate
>don't fuck up the timing for once like I do with the stronger flashlights and get a rescue
>instead of runnning with me to the exit her and nea want the points for the other exit
>I get chased out and decide not to tempt fate
>specatate afterwards
>both get chainsawed at the exit and hooked

I guess its a better idea for me to start with uncommon flashlights instead of going for rare with rare addons like I usually do.

>I'm a Feng main

Saved up 1 million points what killer should I waste it on?

>cute af in art
>second ugliest in game
How did this happen?


I'd suggest waiting for Freddy but you can probably get another million before he is released. Which killers haven't you leveled?

>waits for lobby counter to reach 5 seconds
>leaves the lobby

I never get why survivors do this. Do they get some enjoyment from forcing others to 3vs1?



I'm rank 14 and I'm in a 3-man SWF lobby that did the last-second switch bullshit. I'm the odd man out and they told me not to leave if I die. wut do?

All level 1 except for Leatherface who is P1 Level 1

Level up Nurse for that Nurse's Calling.

>last second switch
As a killer I honestly don't give a shit what tool you bring.

They also switched to prestige skins, though.
I ended up playing it out. They did a lot of pallet-looping, instablinding, they used meta perks like DS, and they ALL teabagged. One eventually got saced, the last in the match decided to get greedy and loop the killer some more after gates were open. He got got, and DCed when the Trapper picked him up.

Whats the survivor meta like? I haven't played ofr a long time

Palletlooping. Perks are Borrowed Time, Self Care, Sprint Burst, Decisive Strike. Bring a BNP if you have it.

Self Care and Sprint Burst are still meta. Loop pallets to waste time and block killers with mlga

She's not that bad, depends on lighting and angles like with most people.
The in-game lighting and expressions are just not very flattering for any of these characters. In the teaser she looked better for example and it's the exact same model, just with less dead eyes due to lighting/high fidelity rendering and stuff.

I miss ultra rare perks.


This teaser, that is.

>want to learn how to use Flashlights so I begin brnging an uncommon with common add ons
>get dodged 15 times
I don't get it. I just equip lightborn. Wha tthe fuck is wrong with these people?

Where do we send profile links + screenshots to report faggots?

You can contact a mod on steam.


Did somebody camp you?

>tfw too retarded to use Paint correctly
NVM too late
No, but a Myers did camp the shit out of someone he got just as the last gen popped. Then he started throwing an autistic shitfit in chat after, calling us cunts and such, which is what the report would have been for.
I just kms when I get camped.

Report the killer for being mean. That is a bannable offense.

You can just leave a report after the game. One case of someone having the grumpy dumpies won't interest a mod unless they were threwing around nigger or making death threats.