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I wanna cuddle Jinx
Today at worlds, the 10/10/16 adc lost against a 31/5/11 adc if we add all scores.
PS. Hope that boipuccy is kicked and replaced by forg1ven, what a fucking waste of an adc.
xth for Syndra
I would rather have old runes be free than have all this reworked shit. I don't wanna bother with learning new ones.
posting another blast from the past
>being a brainlet in 2017
I want to [verb demonstrating degenerate affection] with/on/in/for [champion's name].
>tfw no qt petite gf
>tfw star guardians will never be real
Masteries have already been completely reworked like 3 separate times.
Just think of them as new masteries with runes getting removed because that's pretty much what's happening.
What's their favourite sexual activity, lolg?
90% of old runes aren't used though
I want to find the hero with Poppy
Learning new shit is fun. Having the game stagnate with minor balance changes every 2 weeks is awful. Preseason when they just fuck everything up is the most fun this game ever gets.
>stuck in D4 another year
>all those old icons and splashes
a simpler time
>play game
>be silver 3
>be against a gold 3 orianna
>weird mmr shit going on
>they've only played 10 games
>placement games
>they were diamond last season
fuck renek stupid fucking alligator
don't make fun of the french you racist
Pick trundle and watch renekton player brain struggle when he can't beat you.
>tfw no tight dragonpussy gf
>dragonladies will never be real
What is this? s3? Remember the trinity of Jax, Shen and Renekton.
>tfw you're actually excited for the season to end since you know what roles and champs you can do well with | Just interested I started in s6 I feel new
If adc isn't the most based role how come the two best streamers play it?
>making dinner
>still no Illaoi buffs or skins
Gross Gore and Tobias Fate play mid though?
>FIVE skins to date
>none of them show her FEET
I've played this game for so long I've had a chance to main every single role.
>Tfw only one or two handsome tall male young albinos in the world
>Might as well not be real
something about that style was so calming to look at, the new artstyle feels a bit too clean and sterile almost
Same, the only one I wouldn't be abolutely confident after a few games of warmup is jungle.
I thought albinos had red eyes like my chinese cartoons
zzrot is so stupidly good in silver it's not funny
>enemies and teammates start skirmishing in some random retard place
>drop portal and go help my teammates before they complain about me not helping
That's even rarer
>this shit gets trips
what a waste
alt tabbing in and out of the game to play hearthstone or something is stupidly good in silver because that's just how easy it is to win at that elo
Garen top with zzrot rush is some funny shit I recommend it.
is rekkles still on stage?
>want a Caitlyn girlfriend but english women are horrid looking
Life is truly too cruel
Yorick with zz'rot in silver is so op.
What would you do with Syndra's feet?
Why are you so interested about if her feet is revealed or not
sniff them :3c
I want to lick syndra's salty toes.
Do you not have any fetish? I'm not a feetfag but I can understand
>they don't like cute girl feet
uhhh... anons?
He's farming. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
ironically the hardest part about silver is getting people to keep playing the game, there's a crazy number of DCs, ragequits and people spending more time arguing than playing
>lose because j4 wasn't banned
ahahahaha nice game
>the massive waste of potential that is that doujin
Im still upset
He's farming reddit pity posts
why would forg1ven want to be on a team with Broxah, Jezis, Caps? And even Soaz sucks 90% of the time.
>blaming j4 of all champions
Come on
That Invasion gamemode is going to be awful without ardent censer
Ryze , Zac and blitzcrank are cool
>reminding me of the blunder of the century
Why? What's the appeal of that?
I do but I'm a girl and not into girl feet
there's a reason why he's one of the best champs in the game right now. he's the only good diver to counter ardent
Jungle, Top
AD """Carry"""
He also farms that? Wow. 1k creeps at lcs the dream bois.
iirc he just wants to play, and Fnatic needs someone who's playing league, not farm simulator. Albeit who knows what will happen to eu.
>main top, jg is secondary
you mean ardent censor without the hp drain
Top tier
Ad carry/marksman
Bottom tier
All other rolls
ADC main here, I approve this list
pick one.
I just want to play affliction warlock in this game :(
God Tier: ADC
Won't necessarily be killed on sight: Jungle
Shit Tier: Everything else
swain until rework
What's the hottest thing in League?
adc, mid
Only now do I finally see the skeleton profile.
>Riot patches in a sleep mechanic to the PBE with data that shows a "Daphna the Dreamer" after teasing a bubble champ in the last roadmap
>Let's the community sperg out with "concepts" "leaks" and "predictions"
>Reveals they're entirely unrelated to each other way later
I just want to be able to dress up an elf female character in this game
Yeah probably Swain is the closest one
nigga its been in the game since release
This is the skill required list, right?
If so, I completely agree.
can you guys please post some hot brand memes my support gf likes those
I think Reabe was memeing :DDDD
>Enemy picks Wukong
>Instalock Yi
They should change ie's passive to increase crit damage by your crit chance instead of a flat 50%
>varus disconnects randomly
>1 min goes by
>talon says "where the fuk is varus"
>2 mins go by
>everyone still doing fine, support MF just got a double bot
>talon disconnects
>varus reconnects immediately after
>talon never reconnects
holy fucking shit why do faggots give up so easily
Literally the only minimal appeal that doujin had was the brief moments where Ryze and Blitzcrank did stupid shit.
I'm female
>What's the hottest thing in League?
Lee's Muay Thai splash
That's Plat
It actually increases in gold value as your crit chance goes up
>tfw want to play WoW but unable to play it without becoming an addict in less than a week
>Enemy picks Yasuo into Azir
>Yasuo builds 2 crit items
>does triple damage mid game
Nevermind how bad it would fuck with Jhin.
And I thought that people finally stopped being this retarded even when doing it ironically
>sleep mechanic
I can't imagine how riot would implement this
>acts like a stun but also denies vision
>any damage will break the sleep
Imagine a champ like Bane in League
>-70 ad debuff
>over 5s sleep/stun that makes anyone attacking the affected target put to sleep
>ult basically like malz one
>300 nuke that steals life
I liked playing Bane in Dota is he the same in D2?
I've never realized that it's supposed to be a skeleton since 2002.
Scary snake is pretty fun. Once you get a rylais you're unstoppable.
>try out a new champion
>enemy picks your main
>enemy proceeds to kick the shit out of you and your team, effectively 1v5'ing
>spams mastery
>spams ping
>spams gg ez
is there a worse feeling that having someone kick your ass with the champ that you love the most?
Anyone in euw wanna play sometime? my friendlist is kinda dead
>I can't imagine how riot would implement this
Have you ever played wow?
>Sleep "stuns" you but breaks instantly if you take damage
That's it
It will probably have like 3-5 second duration or something and will be shittest form of CC outside of pro play and 1v1
The heels really ruined the schoolgirl look.
just sounds like something they'd add to make a champion more unique
Am Vladfag looking for a high gold duo partner.