Frugal General

How do you guys go about being frugal and generally just saving money on unnecessary shit? Morally dubious methods are welcome.

Some of the tactics I currently employ:

>buy a super thick duvet, throw on floor, cover in blankets as needed and use as a bed; faster and easier to make than a bed, costs only 5% as much and is just as comfy
>pretty much only ever drink water, healthy and free
>take caffeine tablets instead of drinking coffee, if coffee is desired buy in bulk and put in a thermos rather than buy super expensive shit while out and about
>split wifi/internet bill with next door neighbour, don't own a TV or landline because who needs that shit anymore
>buy ingredients on their own and cook your own food rather than buy stupidly expensive ready meals
>pay for prostitutes rather than have the constant financial drain of a girlfriend, also more free time to work on your career
>don't have any friends so no need to waste money and time on things such as fun or hobbies
>library passes these days are practically free, use it as a place to work on a laptop for free, no unnecessary expenditure on heating, lighting or electricity, some even have showers or will allow access to a gym shower if you really want to be a scrounger
>steal money from beggars

There's plenty more out there but those are just some sensible ones to start.

Other urls found in this thread:

>>steal money from beggars

Thanks brah, will try it the next time I'm out.

Some tips:

>live at home with your parents
>buy a cheap Honda Civic that is 10 years old and drive it until it dies
>invest in da stock market
>live a spartan/minimalist life
>go to the strip club and pay for 1 beer; instead of getting a lap dance just go near a stripper and sniff her pussy.

>>buy a super thick duvet, throw on floor, cover in blankets as needed and use as a bed; faster and easier to make than a bed, costs only 5% as much and is just as comfy

Buying a fucking $1000 bed is a meme (maitress + bed frame) just get the duvet is great advice.


>buy a used 3 years old flag ship phone for a fraction of the price ($200-300)
>Don't put a SIM in it, instead just use wifi to call
>Get a pernament VoIP local phone number for $5 per month using Hush App
>This tip alone saves you thousands of dollars

>pay for prostitutes rather than have the constant financial drain of a girlfriend, also more free time to work on your career
A prostitute is pretty expensive where I live so I'd go with a girlfriend also because men here aren't expected to buy them shit because they have their own money.
But if I was you I'd probably change the prostitutes with boipucci or fat women
>don't have any friends so no need to waste money and time on things such as fun or hobbies
That's sad :( Friends are good to have! it is possible to have fun with friends without using money.
>library passes these days are practically free, use it as a place to work on a laptop for free, no unnecessary expenditure on heating, lighting or electricity, some even have showers or will allow access to a gym shower if you really want to be a scrounger
this one's pretty good.
>steal money from beggars
Rude! That is so sad

I will add:
>never buy food out! prepare food at home for work etc.
>buy food in bulk to save money when there's cheap offers.
>buy used clothing in second hand stores and used books on amazon
>look in the ''forgotten things'' box for new clothing and accessories
>use the gym at your work/school instead of a regular gym membership
>Don't go clubbing
>don't do drugs
>use a bike instead of bus or car

It's a good idea to use a duvet. you could also put a pallet under so that it is lifted just a little bit above the floor

>charge all battery powered devices at uni or library
>use public wifi to torrent
>make the computers at uni mine cryptocurrency
>rescue old uni computers from trash bins, salvage components and sell them on ebay
>dig trash bins for free food during winter
>don't use fridge during winter
>visit mom/grandma often for free lunch and some "money for bus"
>walk/bike everywhere
>wash clothes manually
>only buy meat when it's on discount
>don't use lights, laptop screen lights the room
>use piss to give plants free nutrients

>go to the strip club and pay for 1 beer; instead of getting a lap dance just go near a stripper and sniff her pussy.

>make the computers at uni mine cryptocurrency
You can and will get kicked out for this if you read your student charter.

>charge all battery powered devices at uni or library
This one's good
>visit mom/grandma often for free lunch and some "money for bus"
RUDE! That's kinda heartless
>walk/bike everywhere
This one's good
>wash clothes manually
Does this really save money?
>use piss to give plants free nutrients
I'll try this one

I decreased my electricity bill by 5 euros by unplugging wash machine completely. It consumes electricity even when it's not doing anything.

Unplug every device that is not used at that moment. Those "sleep" and "stand-by" modes are insidious.