Anyone else keep getting 3 stars and items on their pawn rentals?
I've had like 4-5 in a row come in with decent RC(70k-100k) but all the shit 3 stars and no items.
I wonder if they are just trying to fight death and getting my pawn killed over and over...
Xavier Miller
Either Death or cliffs/jumps. Pawn's have a habit of jumping over a chest to their death in bbi
Jace Parker
So when is Madeleine gonna repay me?
Ryder Martin
When you save her from Grigori cut content
Brody Long
>Looking at stats >see that my pawn is doing ~400 less damage than she could be >already max lv with a shit ton of beastiary/questknowledge/rc >have everything gold rarefied >had her as strider since the beginning because of pawn training meme The aughtism is getting the best of me anons, should i start all over or stay as is
Jose Nelson
>generic riftslut #89034546 Start over.
Oliver Morales
Nah don't worry about it user, you don't need to start over, that 400 more damage won't help her against the brine anyway.
Benjamin Adams
Fight the aucosticness! Once you give in its just a downward slope! First start over and do a Veeky Forums run.
Caleb Hughes
Anyone have a stat build to use all vocations? Or does it not matter?
Samuel Evans
I can agree they're all shit choices really. Except Quina I suppose.
Bentley Perry
It doesn't really matter. Ranger gets the best overall stat gains though, including the highest gain of the most important stat and one of the only two that arguably DOES matter much when leveling, which is stamina (the other is health, which it has decent growth in).
Ryan Allen
Quina, Selene and Julienne are all good.
Noah Young
>ne freudian slip, I meme about him being best girl so much I've started spelling his name as the female version
Jordan Martin
Julian is as empty a romance as Mercedes though. I mean, if you're just thinking with your genitals, sure top-tier. But of all the options, Quina has the best connection with your Arisen, and Selene would have the best connection with your pawn after you bite the dust.
Henry Robinson
Carson Scott
>honourbound to you >owes you his life, literally >knows he is entirely your inferior and now serves you >unlike mercedes, openly addresses that his concerns previously were more petty than he realised and that he belongs by your side not even close to being as shallow as she-goat, if he were a girl he'd be 10/10. Quina's your fucking sister anyway
Luis Ramirez
We are clearly forgetting just how nice of a rack Madeleine has.
Jeremiah Taylor
Who is quina?
Tyler Morris
I'll give you that actually, he is better than she-goat. >Quina's your fucking sister anyway I don't see a problem with this.
Jose Torres
Don't you remember cos? >letting something like gender stop you If he's so great, then marry him every time.
Robert Miller
How does one raise the vocation of a pawn? Do I just kill stuff with her around or should she be doing the final blow?
Jace Gray
as user in last thread said, all the romances are basically just who you want to stick your dick in the most, so by all means, go for Madeline.
Thomas Scott
then consider putting on clothes
also pawns can't level as hybrid vocations so the difference between best possible pawn attack and 1-200 strider is only 300
also the pure strider has like 40% more stamina, which is more important, especially for striders, rangers and sorcerers
Parker Jackson
Just kill stuff with her around. There's a ring that makes it accrue faster that you can get in bitterblack if you're a brave boy and know where to look.
Luis Powell
>Quina's your fucking sister Adopted, doesn't count, still had sex lol
Tyler Wright
Quina isn't your sister just your childhood friend you were only raised together after both your parents died but you weren't young enough to attach yourselves as siblings just childhood best friends and even if you were siblings that would just be hotter
Oliver Diaz
absolutely no one will give a fuck about your stats at level 100+ anyways, because pawns are basically just there for company. Fashion, skills and inclination in that order are what most people hire based on anyways. And inclinations aren't even looked at by a lot of casuals. You can be a riftslut, but you have to find someway to stand out as a riftslut.
Henry Ortiz
the run-on sentence of ultimate rationalisation
Jason Phillips
>The girl who opens a shop has the best rack
Deepest lore.
Jack Martinez
Ah oh i remember now wow she has like zero story interaction besides that one quest. good waifu in terms of pureness.
Btw how do i save screenshots on the pc version (pirated version) f12 makes picutres black and in game photo mode doesnt seem to make the folder for screenshots (when follows the instructions in the wiki/internet). in4 piratefag >I bought it for the x360 version from eshop for 40 bucks, fucking sue me for not doing it again
Nathan Campbell
>they didn't get Ophia the bandit queen to fall in love with them dressed in drag then surprise her with their dick at the end.
she actually has a bit more quests after the first escort to witchwood, where you take her to the abbey in cursewood and then eventually help her leave the land.
She does have the most personal message to you on the walk to the Senechal too.
Isaac Watson
For romancing best options are for looks Julian and otherwise Fournival, let his dumb ass daughter live alone
Ethan Ramirez
Does she have unique dialogue with male as a beloved? I was under the impression only the main girls get unique lines.
Luis Perez
what the fuck really? In 6 playthroughs i just recently found the abbey but never managed to understand why its there with like zero quest interactions while the location itself is top tier. Ive seen mason there a couple of times so i assumed it was some kind of support pillar for his character development. like when you kill the last cultists dude, mason tries to go back to good times without that thievery bs or sth. How does one unlock that quest? Need to do hardmode anyway for the duke outfit.
Outside of being pretty despicable as a person to even get there, nope.
Dominic Collins
Who is the best random npc to romance and why is it Philppa
Levi Reyes
Find Quina in the witchwood and complete that quest then you'll find her later in the Abbey.
Christian Cox
you have to do her escort quests at each stage of the game. You get to see her in a nun robe if you do them. look at the quests portions, it will tell you when eachone is available. It's easy to miss quina because her quests are on the Cassardis quest board. I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
Noah Gray
He's implying that you trick her into thinking youre a girl by romancing her as a Male arisen. This is fine only if he admits thats it's wrong for trannies to trick straight men into sleeping with them
Jack Allen
she also improves her skills as a mage as you do more of her quests. she's pretty easy as far as escort quests go because she actually can heal herself.
Ethan Gutierrez
Weird, i always do her quest and have been in the abbey in the day and in the night, havent seen her around, maybe there is an other trigger? ok i thought i have just missed her quest because i never visited the major house ever again where she probably hangs out most of the time. thanks
Jeremiah Gray
>"Arisen, for the price of a single life you may get..." >Let me be the seneschal, here you go. Kill whoever you want. >"B-but" >I made my choice, didn't I? Possible plot for DD2
Grayson Brooks
what a faggot.
Dominic Smith
I didn't do any of her escort quests, only the Witchwood quest, and she still appeared at the Abbey for me.
You probably missed her because she's dressed like a nun instead of wearing Cassardis type clothes.
Cameron Richardson
Why is the Olra we talk to different from the spirit Olra that shows up after beating Daimon for the first time?
Hunter Edwards
Traps are gay. Trannies are just deep under cover.
Cameron Martinez
I'm fairly sure the whole Daimon business is the reason Grigori now makes a specific offer (ruler of the land) rather than any wish you like. If I was ruler of everything and something like Daimon happened I'd make sure that shit didn't occur again.
Jayden Walker
Has anyone modded the theme song from the original version of Dragon's Dogma into the PC port of Dark Arisen?
I've tried Dark Arisen on on consoles, but it just feels empty without the weirdly incongruous J-rock song.
Jaxson Robinson
but she would have had a quest symbol no.I mean, i did like over 100 quests and checked the boards on a regular basis in the past 60 hours really weird that i missed her quest. Anyway wiki should help. gotta kill that flying asshole now good night
Jaxon Mitchell
>fulminated a drake to death in ten seconds
Austin Cruz
Oh I agree, I was calling him a faggot for getting offended about tricking a virtual female, who herself is a violent misandrist anyways. Olra is a reincarnation of Grette who herself used to be a pawn that went through the transfer of spirit. The dragon at the time was Ashe's mother, so he was faced with the choice of either killing his mother or killing his beloved (Grette). He got pissy and shouted some curse the heavens shit that the dragon took seriously, giving him the power to end the cycle of not giving him a way to (by banishing him to bitterblack isle) and taking his beloved's life. But Grette wanted to help Ashe break free from his curse, so Olra starts getting visions of her past life. By the time you kill Daimon, the spirit of Grette comes back to Ashe, which makes me think she managed to separate from Olra.
Jaxson Wood
Apparently it can be any wish, but your specific arisen's wish is someone. At least that' last part is what the Dragonforged says.
Christian Sullivan
What? No, no no no, it can be any BOND. As in what you sacrifice in exchange for the wish. For us it's out beloved, for someone else it might be their kingdom, for someone else it might be their fortune. The Dragonforged does not say it can be any wish.
Cooper Wilson
>MFW for me it would probably be my laptop. Fuck this. I'm facing the Dragon.
Carter Hill
>the sound when you crit on all hits of the jumping heavy attack with the iraklis
Brody Roberts
it's too bad there isn't any content taking the dragon's offer. There's implication that the God-King Leonhart took the offer and used the power/immortality of being an Arisen to conquer the world. Would be bretty cool if after taking the dragon's offer you had a series of quests taking over the contitent, then at the very end of it all, it shows someone else slaying the dragon and your ass turning to dust.
William Miller
Dragons dogma wouldn't be a bad setting for an Isekai >Fight the dragon or return to the real world Surprisingly no fan fiction for this game especially with how Austic it's Fanbase is
Logan Robinson
I can never choose between julien the thot slayer or brown she goat
Bentley Rivera
user, Grette was his mentor. Olra was the pawn he fell in love with. What I'm asking is, why are there two Olras?
Kayden Stewart
Your ass doesn't turn to dust it only returns your heart therefore you age. Like how Duke cuckbane becomes an old man but the dragonforged Ashes.
The God emperor of Dragons Dogma most definitely took the deal becuase the Arisen is the first person to defeat the Dragon in recored(not missing) history as NPC will comment on this with the sky becoming fucked along with the world
Luke Sanchez
technically we know Savan also defeated the dragon at least. But I meant that after you finish your conquest it would show you centuries later, sitting on your throne and dying when the dragon is slain. Olra is being possessed by Grettes spirit isn't she? and at the end Grette leaves Olras body to reunite with Ashe.
Lucas Foster
you're all wrong valmiro is best boy AND best girl he is sweet and pure
Dylan Wilson
Nope. That's the other Olra. Grette does not show up, aside from the voiced flashbacks and her personal story
Ethan Morgan
oh fuck I've been mixing up names this whole time. Grette is the name of his mentor. I meant to say that Current Olra is being possessed by Past Olra. It's like in the Mummy Returns movie, where there was current day Anucksunamun, but Imohtep had to bring past Anuck into her body for it to really be her.
Current Olra is a reincarnation, but not the same exact person. She feels herself being possessed by something which is the past Olra, who eventually manages to separate from Current Olra to reunite with Ashe. That's the way I interpreted it anyways.
Adam Bell
Dragons dogma 2 has you import your save and if you took the dragons deal this would happen
Daniel Reed
>dragon's dogma 2 Heh, that's a funny joke
Bentley Wood
actually fuck me I'm wrong. Apparently Olra's spirit after being sacrificed, found a dying Arisen that coincidently looked exactly like her. In which case I don't exactly know why there ends up being two of them. I think perhaps Olra leaves her current vessel (the Arisen's body) to reunite with Ashe, which is why she looks different, its the way she was whenshe died. However, she ends up going back into the vessel because she feels something preventing Ashe and herself from being fully released, which is Ur-Daimon. What the Ur-Daimon is, is probably the dragon forcing Daimon's soul back into the demon body, and then trying to off you if you slay Daimon again.
Brody Lee
It's not going to be like half life 3 right? right?
Logan Ramirez
No, it'll be like Duke Nukem Forever, coming out more than a decade later and satisfying no one
Adam Howard
Post Arisens and pawns.
Oliver Young
Christopher Sullivan
Aiden Taylor
shits dark outside
Sebastian Jackson
Adam Wright
>coincidently looked exactly like her Not quite. Had the same name but looked completely different. Pic related is olra the pawn, she was ugly as FUCK. Grette was one of those memers that makes ugly monster pawns, and Ashe was fucking blind I guess.
She leaves the vessel Arisen, whose corpse she presumably possessed bringing her back to life in the process (her account is that she remembers losing her pawns and growing weary, then seeing a bright light, and then nothing until Olra the pawn possessed her, implying Death put her to sleep and claimed her), and passes on. Olra tells you that the spirit that was possessing her is gone now, and mopes a bit about how her own willpower is like a guttering candle next to your glorious sun or something like that, then says she wishes to remain on the isle to aid you, because it's the closest thing she has to a purpose. shame you can't beloved her
also Grette (the dragon daimon) bids you to "hone your spirit, refine it." It's a parallel to the main story, defeating daimon was, to grette, merely a rite of passage to prove you were worthy for the true challenge, which was traversing the dungeon at its most dangerous and fighting her. Because of this I believe she fights you over and over to make you stronger because unlike Ashe and Grette you can actually leave the Isle, meaning if they transferred their share of power to you, you would actually be able to accomplish their goal (ending the cycle).
Daniel Gutierrez
I always thought in canon Pawn look however the Arisen who summons wants them too. Not that the Arisen creates a pawn but like how humans have 8 billion of us and are so diverse the there is literally 8 billion choices and some end up overlapping and looking alike(know a few people who could pass for twins)
Evan Hill
Joshua Hall
Parker Lopez
Is the elite lantern supposed to run out of fuel faster than a regular one? Because it is.
Oliver Robinson
It doesn't. They both last roughly half an hour
Christian Rodriguez
Did you have the augment that conserves lantern fuel and equip something over it? They run out at the same rate iirc.
Carter Diaz
No, that's a waste of an augment.
Evan Butler
Is it normal if I took all the villagers saying "coz" very literally and took Cassardis as an inbred fishing town where everyone was related to one another?
Adam Perry
Post a pawn for a Daimon run. Celepahis, Iszera and SourTrails' have been sent home with some gifts~
Kayden Smith
Take her only if you have room, I don't need riftbux or gear.
Connor Jones
Crap, I forgot to mention, on PS4 - I've yet to hit 200 myself so that'd be a little expensive on the riftbuck side
Liam Bell
>Difficulty mod >Everything is fairly nice except hounds and skeletons. >Suddenly, fight cockatrice at bitterblack >EVERY single gray blast petrifies. >MFW
Jace Wright
I could use riftbux if you don't mind taking Catherine along w/you
Ayden Cox
Why not? It makes romancing anyone from that town especially Quina that much better
Michael Nelson
>skeletons, direwolves and grimgoblins with that mod
Bentley Edwards
Got 'er. come watch
Henry Campbell
on my way
comfy inbound
Connor Martin
Skeletons are damn hard but still beatable. Every fight with those feels like a miniboss. But those fucking hounds won't even die. Grimgoblins were fine on my playthrough. They hit hard, but that's about it. Going solo on BBI was a mistake.
Justin Brown
my pc is back but, i lack the motivation to play it anymore