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>Halloween Event: Adventures of Screaming Pumpkin Castle! October 17th 3:59 UTC to November 1st 3:59 UTC
>Halloween Pickup Summon Date: October 17th, 7:00 UTC - November 1st 3:59 UTC 5* Tamawhore 4* Old Hag, Tamamo (Pure) 3* Gay Clown, Giganigga III 5* CE Little Halloween 4* CE Halloween Arrangement 3* CE Jack-o'-lantern
First for Liz is absolute trash, kill yourself you faggot waifunigger
Aiden Jackson
>says the old hag whore Liz Love!
Ryder Fisher
Who /comfy/ here?
Julian Martin
>tfw you killed Atlanta and she dropped the CE but you accidently withdrew the mission
Why am I so stupid?
Grayson Murphy
>all those fucking drops Kill yourself
Owen Barnes
Reminder that 2030 is right around the corner and Halloween Princess wont be worth much by then.
John Hughes
Elijah Wood
>About to drop $130 on quartz for Tamamo >See all the failures to get her in these threads >Pre-order her figure instead
Feels good.
Bentley Martin
>hating on /ourdoragon/ Dumb scatfag
Nolan Foster
I really hope this CE drops
Bentley Cox
>mfw keep falling for the memes
Zachary King
I want to hug cute little girls in swimsuits!
Dylan Turner
and yet...
Kevin Ramirez
>600 quartz >no Tamamo >not even a single SSR
Nathan Fisher
Owen Carter
>not rolling for your waifu. Shame
Easton Phillips
>those faces Why are those two so perverted?
Juan Robinson
keep one of those quests around. just proceed to farm normally and once you have everything you want but are still missing the CE, you can use your AP for the rest of the event on grinding that quest
>little sister is medusa >not being a pervert Medusa was meant to be sexually bullied
Bentley Thomas
>you probably won't see another drop that's inevitable self-hatred tier of fucking up
Thomas Rogers
I'd rather have a physical copy of my waifu.
Michael Sanchez
>200 rolls >she didn't come
I can't believe I used to like her.
Bentley Adams
Who /finishedpumpkins/ here?
Jason Sanchez
>implying it's listed I ain't counting when one of you autists has already done it.
Jackson James
Pure girls only
Evan Sanders
>6 pumpkin drops away from being done with this event >8 days left until I go back to having zero luck getting mat drops for sushi/cu/medusa
Daniel Lopez
Fluffy Servant
Colton Sanchez
What if I have already five Iris? Can I try Atalanta to drop the maid? Or she will not dropen anymore?
Joseph Kelly
I'm free
Sebastian Gray
To be fair, user would need to spend three times that amount to have a good chance of actually getting her.
Justin King
Grayson Perry
berserker monuments left
Nathaniel Flores
I only need Candles and cupcakes anyway. I'm already done with Pumpkins and Bats, Ce's, Liz and whatnot.
Chase Miller
Only quests which drop pumpkins have a chance to drop meidocat
Josiah Taylor
How are people done? They had to have spent something for AP
Nathan Foster
>already got the Iri CE drop day one
I don't need to worry about the Atalante quest right?
Tyler Russell
holy shit that fucking terrible weld
Gabriel Thomas
>he fell for for the "withdraw for the CE drop" meme /fgog/ here you guys are fucking idiots
Wyatt Rivera
Noah Myers
extra CE, using apples or tier A++ luck with the pumpkins
Liam Foster
>tfw idiots wasted all their apples on farming >mfw I wasted none and I'm done with both bats and pumpkins >mfw 9 days left of the event Dumb male masters
Joseph James
Or they're just higher/lower level and have more AP/more level ups
Nolan Phillips
>I ain't counting when one of you autists has already done it. There's five new guerrillas each day. There's nine more days. You get to do that math.
I started late so never. Although at this point, it is just CEs I don't need and pieces/monuments, so I'm not going to worry too much about it.
Parker Anderson
I used a few apples. I have 20 left though plus more from upcoming party quests. I got lucky with drops and had three little devils
Oliver Allen
Caleb Sullivan
I finished clearing everything.
I'm just doing guerrilla/party quests in between xp farming now.
Brayden Anderson
Took me 1380 quartz to get Tamamo
Ryder Collins
>mfw when I barely finished all 3 maids
I think I used up all my luck getting a Maid CE + Tamamo from 5 tickets. Have only gotten 3 or 4 pumpkin drops on every single other day combined though.
Adam Harris
Not that I'm complaining but why are there 2 stheno??
Dylan Richardson
I just need 2 more Berserker monuments. Fuck the pieces.
Aiden Nguyen
Owen Bennett
Dumb dragonnewt poster
Ian Cooper
Having 3x Little Princess CE's certainly helped + support fourth. Assuming the Pumpkin Lord didn't fuck up I got like 8x pumpkin for each 30AP run.
Evan Green
Used 0 apples and had no level up AP. Cleared everything for candles/bats/pumpkins except 5 reverse scales, the Trick or Treat CE, and the monuments/pieces.
Oliver Sanchez
I really like this post
Blake Evans
Landon Jones
Will there be 12-13 lunatic party quests with Atalante?
Justin Torres
>using apples before the last two days of the event
Liam Harris
I saw this image and the exact same filename posted on /trash/
Jeremiah Perry
I want to use her moons as pillows
Samuel Myers
H-How much money user? How many spooks?
Kevin Stewart
Any other black servants I need to watch out for? I really don't want my real servants being around them for too long so I try to get rid of them as soon as possible.
Brandon Richardson
Logan Stewart
Jaxon Murphy
be honest user, how compatible would you be with you favorite servant if you were in a HGW? besides mana transfer of course
Luke Mitchell
>using apples at all
Chase Cruz
Are we ever going to get a 5* Liz?
Dylan Nguyen
>tfw patiently waiting for my next paycheck to try and np2 my Tamamo . . . .so. . . . . .this is. . . . .the power. . . .of. . . . . . .the gachapon scam. . . . . . . . . . .
Aaron Carter
What does Riding A++ feel like on your dick?
Angel Ross
You're favorite 5* servant is secretly black. You'd better burn them for rare prisms before you go back to
Nolan Thompson
Owen Bell
Should I even bother farming Atalante if I got the Illya CE from a lucky summ ticket?
James Bennett
all money
Jason Mitchell
Nero? 100% compatible.
Samuel Diaz
Liz will be the grand lancer!
Liam Jones
darius is a bro
Jason is the niggest nig
Adrian Nguyen
Ok you hipster piece of shit, post that servant you are rolling for that no one gives a fuck about
Ethan Morgan
I have a fuck ton of lancer exp shit but the only lancer I have is prototype CĂș Chulainn Is he worth it lads?
Matthew Jones
yes, it's going to be summer Carmilla!
Caleb Wright
Wrong cup user
Levi Thomas
Only if you're autistic and want to collect everything and mlb it.
Angel Evans
no save for actual CU
Andrew Nelson
Hudson Nguyen
just get a trip already
Jeremiah Butler
Grailing her to level 100
Jeremiah Martinez
>falling for it and actually spending ap on the halloween event bait >when you should be farming qp dailies You idiots will regret this.
Justin Hernandez
Andrew Cooper
Men, fuck this jewish game. I even killed Atalanta and Orion, not expecting anything (and being right about it) and not giving a fuck with a 1% game. I seriously cannot wait for the J.Alter rate up to see how long and much my saltiness would be and last before just saying fuck it. And the worst thing is that there will be anons here who would suffer it as if they have losed a big part of their life... Gacha Mobile Games were a mistake Also DONT WASTE YOUR PAYCHECK Somebody post that Francis Drake bankrupt homeless post shit
Easton Reed
halloween soon >inb4 first non liz welfare
Michael Richardson
How much AP do I need to spend to get Atalanta to drop the CE?
Leo White
You already posted him.
Austin Long
Juan Gray
How many and what 5* fags you got along the way?
Thomas Nelson
they are all legends and I am some random dude. But contrary to most of the other dumb masters I would actually listen to my servant since they do most of the work anyway.
Joseph Martin
>Doing QP when it's not half off
Juan Roberts
>Saber Alter 50% at most.
Joshua Nelson
I want to terrorize the Indian Ocean and the straits of macau with Blackbeard-san