What, you want to stay poor or something?
Last call to the spaceship price is a measly 20 sat.
Other urls found in this thread:
>What, you want to stay poor or something?
yes. now fuck off!
All of you no coiners will be crying yourselves to sleep in 2 weeks. You have no excuse, this is literally free money.
i bought for $100 at 11 sats
should i buy some macron as well ?
give me good reasons why i shoudl and i pump 200 in it
Why did the dev of either Lepen or MCRN start a new coin: bitcointalk.org
I've seen people discussing it in the chatbox.
What did dev mean by this? Are we getting rused?
No particular reason, I personally did it to diversify a bit because I thought it would be easier to sell two coins and not ruin it for everyone else by being a dumping whale.
+1 lepen is the death :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
if you want real trading, here.
>Not buying Lepen Immediately
if that happens i bite my dick off on livestream
It won't happen as big, but it will happen.
Any profit is good profit. I'm down.
The similarities are obvious. This will happen only 10x less the sats
if that happens i make 18735,66 $
Should i buy some MCRN at 25 sats ? will it drop more ?
It might, it did drop to 11 sats for a quick moment a few days ago. Put up a buy order, wait for a few days and see what happens.
You guys have 30 mins to one hour to sell your lepen gains once she gets elected
>implying i'll wait that long
As a fierce Trump supporter from EU I tell you no way she is elected.
t. ahmed moderati al behedi
Inshallah brother
I don't believe you
Why do you say this?
>t. 15yos from Burgerland room temperature IQ
No, I am French. I do not want this racist elected.
Lolwut. Lefty voting for right candidate? Keep your shit together, m8.
t. i support beheadings, but only if they're moderate
You are doing friendly fire.
Anyway, fuck that slut and fuck France.
>not wanting to get beheaded, bombed or hit by a truck is racist
ahmed pls
wtf no :D you really think that Lepen goes up? Max. 100sat, not more
Same here user, don't tell people so we can let other people hold our heavy bags.
100sat would still be incredible, but yes I think it will go higher.
The same people are pumping all the political coins.
Traditional candidates have not had much meme power. Macron will be low energy even if he wins.
(Lepen is going to win outright in the first round)
Picking events like this to justify hatred against refugees is like using Sandy Hook as a reason for banning guns.
really? you think that shitcoin goes up? :D
I don't have to "pick" anything buddy.
Every other day there is a terrorist attack in Europe, not on the same scale as Bataclan, but still. You hardly hear about them if you only follow liberal news sites where they only report major events like Bataclan and even then try to hide the ethnicity of the attacker.
Pic related is what your country has become.
I'm just laughing over here while you're literally getting replaced by niggers - assuming you're already not a nigger.
>implying sandy hook wasn't a poorly done false flag
>pic 1: people minding their own business
>pic 2: people also minding their own business
You're just cherrypicking so you can confirm your biases. And despite that, France still remains safer than the US. By the way, I'm not French. I just think you're an idiot who's easily spooked and manipulated by the same media your kind so much detests.
>I'm not French
right, I thought you were the guy I originally replied to, anyway
Ah I just love that word, any true fact you point out these days is considered cherrypicking.
>>pic 2: people
Stopped reading right there since you think those things are "people"
Let me tell you the differences.
>pic1: ethic French in their ancestral homeland
>pic2: subhumans from across the world that brought 3rd world culture and religion with them and refuse to assimilate to western culture and therefore disrespect the country that's letting them stay there
And France is still safer because US is only about 55% white meaning there is more "diversity". Huh, funny how more diversity leads to more social issues and crime.
If French were 55% white there would be public beheadings in broad daylight for the simple fact that their non-whites are not assimilated like the US non-whites.
But looking at your replies you're one of those "one human race" retards or most likely non-white so whatever I say is pointless.
Doesn't matter anyway, it's better for the far-right she doesn't win. Because things will get worse and bad times call lead for extreme ideologies.
>pic2: subhumans from across the world that brought 3rd world culture and religion with them and refuse to assimilate to western culture and therefore disrespect the country that's letting them stay there
And you got this from a single picture. Let me see your crystal ball for a bit. All I see you making huge assumptions but providing very little in the way of actual evidence. Hardly a "fact" to me.
>And you got this from a single picture.
Yes, take a look at them and tell me they look European in any sense of the word.
Evidence is all over that picture, starting from race, to clothes, to religion.
Simply put, they don't belong there.
Buy more Lepen ore pumb $100 in MCRN ?
>pic1: chaos, people walking in the fucking street!
>pic2: law and order, people only on the pavement
Pic number 2 looks like heaven. I am very proud of my new country.
>pic1: busy street filled with French people
>pic2: cleared out street specifically for the muslim prayer, probably with police escort protecting them
If you have a lot of Lepen and none of MCRN, put $100 on MCRN.
wtf is wrong with coinbase. why can't i send btc ?!
Why did /pol/ fuck up this thread all of a sudden?
>why is pol in far right nationalist
presidential candidate coin thread
Gee I wonder
Not to forget that you're getting rich off the said candidate's hype, so I can't see why you would complain
I put 1/3 of my lepen to sell in a order for 70 tamagochis
1/3 for 50 tamagochis and 1/3 for 40 tamagochis
I'm doing it right ? I have a only weekends work and I don't want to miss the french moon mission.
This is Veeky Forums, posts related to business and finance, if you and you're queer key pals want to discuss politics like autists, go to /pol/.
No one here wants to read this shit so fuck off.
Very good user, realistic margins. At TRUMP parity LEPEN will be 300 sats but I highly doubt LEPEN will reach that level of success, there is just so many different factors we have to take into account with this one.
>someone else uses "tamagochi"
top kek
LEPEN surging in polls! You would have to be a huge dumbass to not be getting in right now
>He bitches about politics in a political meme coin thread
Fuck off nigger, you're literally buying a political coin of a candidate that pol is trying to meme.
You wouldn't even know of Lepen if it wasn't for /pol/ and Trump coin.
So be a thankful little goy and fuck off to your reddit safe space.
why do people always load up only when its too late?
>jimmies russled
I'm not complaining about that, I'm complaining about my fellow /pol/tards going to other boards and shitting up something good.
...you're right, why am I surprised?
Because we don't believe when it's too early.
kms. I was literally there when it dropped from 50 to 15 and then to 5 tamagochi. I could've bought it up but I didn't believe that we'd see a 2nd Trump-tier happening.
I got about 1 million Lepens. What do you guys expect the price to reach before and after the election?
Definitely 50, 70 would be a safe bet, 100 would be ideal.
so you don't think it has any chance of hitting one cent?
I lost on Trump for being greedy, so I'll be pessimistic and humble this time around.
Sounds like a good idea.
you may have another transaction pending. cancel it
I like that the thread is bumped, but I hate pajeets more. Now fuck of.
Ez pz
It will absolutely hit $.01.
Don't listen to these dorks.
do you really think that is happening?
I do, the question is when. We might see it as soon as the first round, if not sooner. Keep an eye on it.
FOMO is building. Once these prices are gone, theyre gone.
What is FOMO?
Fear of missing out
Don't be tricked these coins are stupid and fucking worthless.
>mfw that's my whole life
that is my opinion too
That is what they said about Trumpcoin meanwhile many of us made 20-30x gains.
user, this yoin ist sticking at 20sat. you told me that coin is starting beginning april
Relax you guys. There's 2 whole weeks before the election. Things MIGHT move a little 1 week prior, but the real action starts days before the election, not weeks.
I agree that political coins are stupid, and for the most part worthless. That doesn't mean you can't make money off of them.
Turn on your TV. 99% stupid and worthless. Generates billions.
I bought the computer I'm typing this on and the car I drive with money made off of shitcoins. Are they stupid and worthless?
Probably not as drastic, but yes.
c`mon that isn´t the true und you know it.
t. mahmoud al fuddi
Then what will happen?
Lepen just hit 25 again. Time for Pajeet to do his thing and shit all over it.
Lepen is awakening. Smart money is moving in.
already got my orders set up and everything
>Middle sell order
Praise Kek
you just never know
praise kek
oh wowo lepen again 29sat and back to 25sat and user is on the hypetrain.... wtf
prepare for that 15 tamagochi dump i guess
Looks like it's going to be a wild weekend. Ignore the poos in the thread and get comfy lads.
You guys are going to loose. In france there is something named "Republican front" since the WWII
At the second round of the election, all people will vote against Marine.
Don't waste your money.
It will pump regardless memetard,
Le Pen has the most meme power,
only even better if she wins
LEPEN at 30 tams!
you don´t think thsi really or?
I do