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Leddit overreacts edition

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If you like doing the task, sure.

kimberly plz leave

is everyone spinning to win?

Why are osrs players so unsettling?
And why do they not consider bonds p2w?

if you like em or you're hunting for the soul yeah

Its because they're all 13 year old edgelords who wouldn't know a real combat system if it kicked their dog and ran over their mom

also pic related, its from a discord server im in

The majority of players who would really leave over mtx is long gone, so there is a diminishing returns effect on subscriber loss due to increased mtx. The mobile market has different purchasing habits than the traditional RS model accommodates, so it would be reasonable (from a business perspective) to adapt their monetization strategy for the new players. They might lose a little more of their original base, but that will be easily replaced by a new one that is more willing to spend money on mtx. They also won't stick around as long as the old base did, but that works out perfectly: if they stay for too long, they'll want new content. The optimal balance keeps them around long enough to purchase mtx products, but short enough to minimize the need for new content. This is the mtx end-game. The more money they make from mtx, the less they need to rely on game developers to entice new players and reduce churn. The whole "more money from mtx means more money for content" angle Jagex PR pushes has never been true because it fundamentally conflicts with the business model. Perhaps the game will eventually die as a result, but even after five years of mtx power creep, they've never been more successful.

They've already conditioned RS3 players to accept this, but they'll probably need to start slow on OSRS to minimize loss on that end. Bonds are a great foothold because they can say that mtx have already existed successfully in OSRS for two and a half years. It also helps that OSRS has been running for a while now and the core playerbase has invested many hours into their accounts; they will be less willing to quit. Ironman mode is also a great net that they've erected: older players who are finally fed up with the mtx will be encouraged to play this rather than completely quitting.


>tfw ran out of rc bxp
Aaaaaaand the skill is shit again.

Jagex is a company, right? Surely they understand the fundamental business practice of a cash cow - you can't milk it all at once or it'll be impossible to milk it again. You have to sap money from the players slowly and subtly, so it can produce a hell of a lot more money in the long term, rather than being useful for a few minutes and being ditched.

I doubt they would go for "buy a level 90 account" or "quest waivers" like said. That would enrage too many of their already waning player base; the thing is a lot of MTX whales lie to themselves about their participance of reckless spending. They like chalking it up to a "little treat for payday" or "a birthday bond for myself", something like that.
So in the end, radical changes like that would make them mad, too. I guarantee everyone whining on leddit *right now* has spent at least £30 on MTX, if not more.

Another thing is that Jagex prides itself in "being the most community interactive game company" (It's absolutely fucking not) and they kiss too much ass. It might take some convincing, but at the end of the day they'll suckup to reddit and their whining and things will go back to normal again.


Lmao i spent at least a grand or two on mtx so far already

Better panic buy pink skirts for anti-jagex riot in Falador on w66 tomorrow

I haven't been able to get a single hour of sleep since Tuesday

I went a bit over the top with because that's what I hope they do so that the game hurries up and dies. I would rather have seen the game continue its terminal descent in 2012 until its subsequent death than seen the addition of mtx, but reality is not so kind. They certainly are moving in that direction, however, and increasing their pace won't necessarily kill the game much faster. You might be right about them sucking up to reddit and actually slowing down a bit, but that would only be temporary before they pick it back up again. I still think the diminishing returns concept applies here, and Jagex has managed to make five years of mtx powercreep very profitable, so they're obviously going to continue that process.

Quest waivers might not be accepted, but I've already seen sentiment shift in favor of things like stat packages. TH fundamentally supports this by trivializing exp. People already get millions of exp during promos while they're at higher levels, so all this would do is apply the same concept to lower levels.


Good goy.

I don't believe you.


Which one of you guys did this?


>tried out ded content mode
it starts out pretty fun
>killin zambies
>gettin gear
>working toalone

you now remember drez, akemi homura hex maniac, chell, kanso, altona, push-ek and sakurafish

rip gamers, miss you forever

I thought akemi homura played on another account now?

This is just from this month so far.

Really? I asked a month ago or something and an user said he lost his house, pc and everything.

Can anypony give me some suggestions on what to alch on f2p worlds?

what happened to him? i miss that turbo autist

We should compromise with Jagex.

They can keep pumping out promotions at the rate they're going at now, but in return they have to drop all non-RuneScape development and focus all their resources on RuneScape and RuneScape only. Put all their eggs in one basket.

well then rip, didn't know that

spider legs

jesus fuck man you have problems

One of the deals they made when they were sold to the chinese investor was that they're would start developing a new MMO aimed at chinese demographics, so not happening.

mystic robe tops

We're screwed.

You're bullshitting me.

I wish I was, I wish.

>Said Rod Cousens, CEO, Jagex:
>“Having visibility in China, which is now the biggest gaming market in the world, the new entity is a compelling and attractive proposition for western businesses seeking to broaden their reach in a fast-rising, rapid growth region.

>It will enable them to tap into a creative and development talent pool to design and develop content for the Chinese consumer and engage with, and expand, a global community.
>design and develop content for the Chinese consumer


I bet you put it in there yourself just so you could take it back out and get an image to post in this thread

can you do that?

Are gublinch canon?

they're still in the game ain't they

Akrisae is still in the game.

Sliske just forgot

>tfw when you get saggitarian bow but already have it bound

also this
pls @

sag bow is common as hell, I got like 5 drops before even hitting 99

No qc no @


>not 120

All the hex hunter bow drops are worse. Jagex must have upped the drop rate after making them useless just to induce more suffering.

hexhunter will rise again bro, though not inside dungeoneering probably

what would be some good places to use a hexhunter bow?

according to jagex it will be the best bow against magic enemies weak to arrows

so it would be better than sgb?

sounds that way
we'll see


Jagex anounces tomorrow that Treasure Hunter will be removed from the game forever, but everyone's account will be reset, just like it happened when OSRS was released.

Would you continue playing?

The new MTX is party hat overrides
How happy are you?

Wouldn't mind.

Only if they revert the combat system back to pre-EoC too.

No. It would be the exact same game we have today.

Probably. I'd play an RS that resets on a yearly basis with quadrupled xp gain. Sounds like a pretty fun gamemode.

As long as I can get my partyhat back and keepsake it again.
Don't even care if it's valuable. That shit is MINE.
I would not like it though. Given the option between staying how it is and such a reset, I'd choose to stay.
I'd totally play 10x XP beta testing worlds with frequent full resets. Oldschool style private servers don't interest me, but 'at least modern' would.

>As long as I can get my partyhat back and keepsake it again.
It would be sold at Solomon's for the same price as a Keepsake Key.

>beta testing
Whoa now, let's not get carried away with completely impossible premises.


Tomorrow's like Groundhog Day:
Will we get 6 more years of MTX?

we all know the answer to that
no, the game will have died by 6 years from now

MTX is a good addition to this game and will result in better content eventually.

No it won't. Jagex isn't investing the money made from MTX back into development of the game.

I don't believe you.

good goy


fuck questing, though


Well yeah. That's just my 'would totally' condition. As stated, 'at least modern' is good.

I was just mocking the idea of Jagex testing anything before release.

Look, I love questing.
But the thought of having to complete every single one of them once per year is just too much.

what's the discord for this I'm permauted and need bros to play with


>649 rax kc on ironman
>been ranging with nox the last 400 kills
>spider bitch drops 2nd web after first 2 nox bows
>4 webs, 0 eyes, 0 fangs

Never before has a rare drop given me such unfathomable rage.

It'll be ok, user. Here, have some dwarf weed seeds.

shut the fuck up asspeon go back to rwting and scamming little kids for pokemon rsn

don't no me faggot I'm way coolerthan you


statement when??

mond... good question

during the updoop time probably

We all know the statement will be a load of steaming shit. The question is, what will happen as a result of it?

did memester get an update recently?
feels like they key price rose a lot

Yeah. I forgot what they changed but it made it easier to kill.

leddit stays butthurt about it for a while, after realizing that change won't come a select few quit the game while the majority relegate themselves while still bitching occasionally

>We're Listening™
>promo frequency reduced for one month
>leddit rejoices
>promo frequency ramps back up again and the power creep resumes
>11 months later
>leddit outrage
>We're Listening™

is soul wars dead?

on a semi-related note, is there any MG that isnt dead -- or rather is populated when not spotlighted?

castle wars maybe
there's always some compfags trying to trim


Stealing Creation is still pretty popular for boosters on W99.

>castle wars
Worse than dead. The people "playing" it to trim just afk at the base area without actually playing the game. I legitimately wanted to play a game and accidentally stumbled in on some afk/boosting operation or something and was harassed for "crashing" them. I just wanted to play Castle Wars.

blame the guy who forced it to be a trim requirement

All mg's are dead, use forums to find games.