> News - Versions 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 have been released! Check for patch notes below. - Range Blaster has been released! Sub is suction bomb, special is ink storm.
Re posting in this thread because the last thread just died.
I don't come here often, but I enjoy the game very much. I main the main brella and have since it was first unlocked. I've tried some of the other weapons, but to me they feel too slow, or samey and couldnt find a nice build with them.
Since the last update, there have been many buffs, and I've seen a small, but notable increase in brella players. I came here to see what you all thought about it, but I can see that none of you have much to say about it. I thought you'd all see it as a meta.
So, how do you feel when playing with or against other brellas? Do you feel they contribute to turf war in a way you like? Are they becoming too strong and too frequent? I'd really like to know what I could do better in order to avoid being "that guy".
I never thought about run speed actually, just swim speed to recharge my ink because of how fast the brella eats through my ink. I try to play a little more defensive until I get my special and then push hard.
Isaiah Nguyen
>wireless headphones on the switch
difference is insane. even the off the hook show music sounds loads better and their gurgle voices sound different from each other
Isaac Hall
I've changed them since I've figured that they're cursed, to the point that I switched to my shitter but luckier gear. That didn't work either.
Elijah Myers
Soft Tacos > Hard Tacos
Juan Gray
Recommend me a wireless headset
thanks for reminding me
Brody Cruz
Does anyone else still need to do SR? 4678-9102-3511
Adrian Evans
The best stats for Brella are ISM and Run Speed. The weapon is great but not meta defining in the same way P90, Sloshmo, Rapid Blaster and Aeroballer RG are/were. Have fun.
Thomas Thompson
>swim speed to recharge my ink because of how fast the brella eats through my ink You want ISM for that
Isaiah Anderson
I've already got my super bonuses but I'm up for playing for abit sent a FR
Isaac Jenkins
Alright, fuck it. I'm desperate now.
Any inkopolis squids want a "partner"? We could just squid around or perhaps something more if it was right. Any age and gear, tall short fat thin doesn't matter so long as you're not a yebbie. you've just gotta be fresh and okay with me being spike
Colton Kelly
Not everyone's sound setup is fucking trash you know. Though I must admit, mine is a tad untidy looking.
Dominic Young
Give me the fucking triple subs I asked for first.
Jackson Cooper
what if the salmonling your woomy hung out with had clearly pissed in her overalls and no one had pointed it out or done anything about it
Colton White
yebbies shall infiltrate
Ryan Thomas
>not using the dark theme
Anthony Wood
hit my 1200p, so I'm out, good games
Ian Morales
Lucas Davis
GG mugen great games
Ryan Edwards
gg Mugen
Blake Murphy
Oliver Reed
>Implying I don't switch to dark during the daytime and light at night
try to reach my level
Carson Lopez
Got a killer clip of me lobbing a nade to take out a flyfish from behind from it all.
Benjamin Parker
ISM is something I had considered, but I've been very unlucky with ability chunks and wardrobe
Asher Campbell
Colton Rivera
Henry Collins
>tfw still haven't set up output to my speakers >still using monitor built in speakers ree
Dylan Price
user your desk is a bit messy
Asher Ross
It really breaks my heart when I have to step back and say to myself, it could be much much worse
Christian Rogers
>Yotsuba B >not Tomorrow
Jack Richardson
heyo heyo here comes the mayo
Charles Clark
Got a decent pair of headphones? Just plug them into the Switch, unless you're also on Discord in which case monitor speakers are usually okay. Usually I use headphones when playing TW or ranked and use monitor speakers when doing SR with friends
Nathaniel Cooper
you're lying if you wouldn't help Pearl shoot her mayo
I cleaned it up a bit. Here's your (You) Running HE400i right now, I'll see if the switch can run them properly.
Joshua Wilson
>A hole in the wall
stopped reading right there. I know she's gonna get "stuck".she could have spit some ink and turned into a squid to swim through it and avoided getting stuck all together
Joseph Phillips
Hey there fellow stinger bully victim.
Noah Johnson
As long as you won't force me to vomit, I'm down
Juan Bailey
voluntary sticking, lad keep reading
Dominic Adams
She wanted to be stuck
Adrian Peterson
Headphones on a Switch sound surprisingly good. I use a pair of Senn HD 598SE and it sounds quite good
Aiden Morgan
GG koopa crew but gtg hope we can play again soon
Bentley Wilson
Samuel Parker
Samuel Bailey
It can't drive high impedance cans well but yeah, the headphone output is fine in terms of quality.
Owen Stewart
Any SR rooms still have space?
Levi Campbell
>someone actually turns one of their monitors in portrait mode
Holy fucc
Jordan Morales
What a group of fearsome individuals
John Thompson
How the hell else are you supposed properly to enjoy all the high res vertical pornographic images?
Joseph Watson
Portrait mode is really good for internet browsing in general, and fantastic for Veeky Forums. It's also good if you're a weeb and read manga on it if you don't have a tablet
Xavier Price
He isn't the only one, I have three screens, two horizontal one vertical. Some websites are just so much fucking better vertical.
Anthony Mitchell
This is New World Order levels of bloated
You got a bunch of jobbers in there instead of just a few important people.
Jace Thomas
Only like five of those are using Octobrushes so the rest are just chumps
Noah Campbell
that image needs some serious reorganization
visually, it is incredibly unappealing. I bet at least 5 of these nerds don't even play anymore
Jacob Collins
teams are full of important people. gangs are filled with henchmen
Elijah Wright
>important people lmao
Mason Brown
We already won, so fuck it.
Michael Miller
Not that user, but once you have a portrait monitor, there is no going back. You wouldn't believe how useful it becomes sometimes.
Cooper Adams
>Jewy who >Leonavius who >Poppy who >tay who >Idiot who
Hudson White
who are you?
Tyler King
Who who who who WHOOOOOOO ARE YOU
Cooper Brooks
kuro your image it's fucking garbage and most of these fags don't even play brush or just stop playing long ago
John Gomez
>42 eggs
Ryder Parker
Any SR rooms open?
Carson Baker
Jackson Cruz
Doesn't look like it. Want to start a 2/4?
Elijah King
Can I still join?
Sebastian Morales
Anthony Ross
Suddenly I want to drop my brush.
Wyatt Parker
Sure, MUCH better than being stuck with randoms!
Add me: SW-5726-7548-4294
Bentley Clark
Knowing that i'm being tarred with the same brush as these retards makes me want to never use it again.
Carter Lee
Hoo, sudden unexpected attention. Where are you niggas suddenly coming from
Yeah I'd like to reorganize things. Maybe space em out. I'm not too sure on removing anyone yet really. Dunno how I'd go about it.
I've played with everyone listed besides Jewy. Poppy even posts here semi-often.
I can promise you a good most of them do play brush. Whether they're still active is up for debate.But I do know some are just in because there's no specific gang for them yet which is why I urge people to make their own.
You sure can friend, just drop a pic of your squid with a brush and your name.
Daniel Walker
Added! Would you mind hosting it?
Jordan Edwards
Nathaniel Reyes
Kayden Wood
Orion is a good salmon runner
Andrew Cook
GGs crew. It got tough, but we made it through with no wipes.
Thomas Brooks
Don't worry about it user, it was a forced meme last month that turned into that image at one point and hasn't really been posted lately. You do you
Noah Stewart
And a scientist
Dylan Nelson
is this cropped porn?
Lucas Ross
>when there's nothing good to drink
Grayson Wilson
Jacob Peterson
Liam Lee
well it should be
Elijah Martin
I'm being silly. who are you trying to defend, squiddo
Nathan Clark
>never use snipers because they seem useless for teamplay >my face after playing a match with the scoped sniper for the first time