Are Universities a lost cause at this point?

I honestly even hate mine, even though I'm going for a STEM degree. I've learned nothing of value my three years here. Literally NOTHING I've learned has helped me in my Internship.

Other urls found in this thread:

What are you studying? Take some helpful minor studies if you can.

welcome to the club

please fasten your helium tanks ready, breath in and relax

Internships are x10000 times more valuable than your coursework.

You know if you go looking for this SJW lo and behold you'll find it. I live in a large black community and my college has a significant black population, and you know what I've NEVER seen this shit. I don't like it either, but I don't go looking for something that aides to my misery because I'm not stupid.

College is statistically most people's best chance into getting into the middle and upper class. Do your time, learn everything you can in and out of school and you'll be fine.

>mfw planning on going into a trade
I honestly would care about my marks more, but considering uni is a meme at this point I don't know if I give a fuck.

OP I studied mathematics as a major and a foreign language for fun on the side. Went to a nice Ivy League school too.

I don't think it was a meme at all. I got exactly what I paid for, an education in mathematics and fluency in foreign languages.

Now I work as an actuary making big money and I apply the math I learned on a daily basis while studying finance and economics on the side to get even better at my job and make awesome investments.

What's your excuse?

Studying Statistics. I already have taken, and still take, some Comp Sci classes and some Econ and Accounting classes for fun and to actually learn shit. All my math and Stats classes are too theoretical and unapplicable.

I despise every moment of class. I honestly don't know how people could even get a Masters. How do they not see it's all useless bullshit

The funny thing is I could've done the work I'm doing at my Internship when I was 16 years old. And I've already learned plenty of it from my 4 months there.

Did you never see the countless flyers around campus promoting Feminist/LGBT/muslim garbage? I see them daily.

you're making the smart choice my man. It's not worth the toll on your psyche. Trades are especially good if you're entrepreneurial too

I've gotten my education in Mathematics and Statistics, and i dont know what you do day to day as an Actuary, but any real theoretical Math is utter bullshit. Proofs are actually useless to making money.

> that tweet

You're very dismissive and have the "I know everything" outlook. That attitude will take you far in life.

>Did you never see the countless flyers around campus promoting Feminist/LGBT/muslim garbage? I see them daily.

No and when I do I DON'T FUCKING CARE. Why would letting that shit bother me help me at all in life? I have bigger fish to fry then worrying about what people discuss in a free country.

Look clearly you don't value an education, and that's ok it's not for everyone, but you're already this far why waste all this time and money to go start over doing something else? Just having a degree opens doors and you don't have to do something related to it if you don't want. I've done labor jobs man, I come from a family of tradesmen, it isn't fun work and it's hard on your body. Jobs in trades are more affected by the economy than most degrees.

Do what you want man but you need to understand you have a shitty outlook and attitude, if you go the trade route the guys there will eat you alive if you act like that. I've seen it before.

I'm not saying that I know everything. I'm saying that what I've learned in College has not applied to a single day of my 4 month (so far) internship. How absurd is that? I've spent about 3 years of my life, 3 years that I could've spent earning cash or learning a trade or learning programming, sitting in classrooms for my PreReqs and other high level theoretical things. None of which is applicable to my current job. NONE

How can you honestly justify Universities dude? I feel like I've been scammed. I just want my paper to say I've served my time at this point.

>/pol/acks are to the point they are actually distressed to be in the company of liberals

I don't get this. I have my own political views. I share them with people who ask. People at work say their political views all the time, and if I disagree with them I just move the conversation in a different direction. I didn't even pay attention to that shit when I was in college.

I can justify it because I'm only 27 and I'm nearly making six figures, and by the time I hop to my next job in a year I'll be making a nice amount above that (I'm in IT).

You don't have to believe me man, go look at the statistics of earnings over a life time of those with a degree vs those without. All this information is available to you if you search it out, but instead you worry about what everyone else is doing and letting the chaff of the world get you down.

Go look at jobs in your expected field on Indeed. Look at the requirements, I'll put down good money that 95%+ of them require a degree. You won't even be considered for an interview without one.

Now if you're going to a non accredited university like DeVry or some shit then yes you're being scammed. However, quit thinking the shit that you're learning is worthless, learning is a noble pursuit. Only niggers think otherwise.

>How can you honestly justify Universities dude? I feel like I've been scammed. I just want my paper to say I've served my time at this point.

Welcome to life, kid. Everything is a fucking scam. Either deal with it or kys. Simple as that.

I understand a degree does, and will, increase my salary, odds of getting a good job, and generally increase the quality of my life. I just do not understand why such useless things are taught in University. If I was taught straight up R, SQL, SAS, Java, Accounting, Economics, actual real world applications, I feel like I'd be way better off.

Mind me asking what field you're in and what degree you got?

>I just do not understand why such useless things are taught in University.

To put it simply, it is done like that to thin out the herd. Universities are churning out more graduates than there are jobs at a ratio of 10 to 1. Those who can put up with the bullshit, may get a comfy wagecuck job at the end of it. Those who don't end up on /r9k/ for life. While an extremely tiny minority may get lucky and get rich by doing nothing but NEETing on youtube and being instagram whores.

You're not lucky.

This so fucking much. Don't bite into the "degree means success X:DDD" meme, the market is over-over-oversaturated already and employers are realizing the low value of a degree. Build something practical (like a github project under your name) and use it on your resume instead

> I despise every moment of class. I honestly don't know how people could even get a Masters. How do they not see it's all useless bullshit
I got a Masters in Biostatistics and a week before I graduated was offered a job at a company I intervened for making 120k + quarterly bonuses + 2% commission on all approved grants. I love what I do.

Maybe you're just an idiot?

BBA in Info Systems, I work as a Business Analyst.

There was a time when Universities weren't just strictly job training. You went in a B.S. I'm guessing expecting to learn business processes. That's on you man. I wouldn't worry though, all those things you've mentioned can be learned on your own and I'm sure your campus has labs where you can access the programs you need to learn them. If I were hiring and saw some of the courses you learned I'd be confident that you could easily learn the programs we use.

I've already explained that it's getting to the point that if you don't have a degree you're shooting yourself in the foot. Yes it's possible to bypass that but if you ever want to work in a large company shareholders want workers that are educated.

Programming and IT workers are still able to get around this but it's getting harder and harder, and yes employers do want to see your projects, however, if you never get past the HR filters you're fucked either way.

And I was taught SPSS as an undergrad, learned SAS in my Masters program, self taugh R in about an hour because it's free and easy as shit.

At my Uni I saw lots of MAGA hats and BLM shirt - I'm not a little bitch so I don't let either bother me. The only thing that matters in this life is winning for yourself and your family, and having a good time.

You fucking child. Go crawl in your safe space.

You can market yourself as a "Data Scientist" or a "Business Analyst".

Instead of looking what courses you have taken, you can look what you have accumulated as a side-product.

Critical and logical thinking?
Ways to do things more efficiently?
Verbal skills and reasoning?
Connections with researchers and experts in the field?
Skills to pick up new skills even faster?

It's kinda sad if you don't know how to utilize these.

>Ryerson university
Mudslimes and arabs everywhere shitting up the thing
Feminists out of the ass (local white, asian and indian tumlerinas)
Engineering classes 30% mudslimes 30% poos 30% chinese, 5% eastern european
Korean fobs never stay after dark because we got roaming packs of slimes at night and random niggers taking phones from people

Such is life in Cuckronto

>Are Universities a lost cause at this point?

Yes. For a long list of reasons. But let me sum things up in one nice example:

> 2 people, both aged 18
> One becomes a plumber after highschool
> The other goes to University to become a doctor

At the end of their lives, the plumber will make more money, have money at a younger age, and live a more stress free life than the doctor.

College bubble is as bad as the housing bubble IMO. By 2025 the Universities are gonna be in serious trouble, I promise you.

I am god dammed impressed at the amount of /pol buzzwords you were able to fit into one post

I am a lecturer at a university
>A guy was walking around with my country's equivalent of a 'vote trump' shirt (i.e. a political party who is perceived as anti-muslim)
>A muslim girl took offense and began screaming at him and threatening to harm him
>First I heard of this was when the university published a media update mentioning a 'confrontation' and the need for acceptance and diversity
>A lecturer left a comment under the media update saying how the poor muslim girl must have witnessed horrendous things and been through untold pain causing her to react in such a frightened and terrified manner to the cruel and evil man.
>She said the man, and anyone else who acts the same way, should be banned from ever entering university property again
>I got triggered after finding a video of the drama
>replied, outlining that the man did nothing while the girl screamed abuse at him for 5 minutes
>queried why the girl wasn't arrested
>queried why the man was being viewed negatively
>queried the meaning of 'acceptance' and 'diversity'
>queried why someone wearing a tshirt should be banned from university

Got an email within the hour by administration asking if I would like my comment taken down due to safety concerns

It was easy... because its true

>At the end of their lives, the plumber will make more money, have money at a younger age, and live a more stress free life than the doctor
Oh please, this is such a fallacy. Find one real-world example, not the stupid fucking viral blog post full of idiocy and retardation.

>already been brainstorming trade business plans
I'm liking the way I think

thanks user

>someone asks for no blog posts
>post a yahoo blog anyway

Look at the Professor of economics they quote IN the post you retard.

But you don't have to be a doctor and if you do well enough you can get scholarships to cover most of your bills. I graduated with only $10,000 in debt. I'd rather deal with that then literally deal with shit as a plumber.

You're also ignoring the toll that trades take on your body.

The rot in this country is deep. Universities are one of the first things the (((Cultural Marxists))) took control of.

A completed degree shows that you're a dedicated good goy who's willing to follow through 4-5 years of pain and misery and worthless projects.

Most of them are, indeed, just good goy factories.

Pretty much any retard can now get a degree, so it's become the new high school equivalent. You gotta have one.

Counterpoint: I'm 25 and make 140k a year. No degree. I'm also in IT

The trick is to become a consultant and start charging top dollar for your services.

Are you in the bay area or New York? That salary while on the high end is in line with areas like that. Or you're consulting on some niche shit.

IT is a field were you can get by without a degree but again it's only getting harder and harder to do that. Networking well can mitigate that however. That's the key either way.

>thinking 140k is good
Any big tech company will hire new college grades for more than that

I give you a real story from my own life.

I have two friends, one became a plumber right out of highschool the other is just now finishing up his residency to be a doctor.

The plumber was hitting nearly $100k a year by the time he was 25. He just worked hard, pretty soon he was overseeing a plumbing job at a major airport. Assuming he invests and lives properly he should have damn near 2 million by age 40. If he starts his own plumbing business, perhaps even more.

So the other friend did a 4 year bachelors (debt) then a 4 year medical degree (debt) then has to do residency for 2 years. I think during residency they make some small amount of money like $40k a year.

By the time the doctor even starts earning he's between $100k and $300k in debt and he only starts earning income around age 30. Even if he gets specialized and becomes one of those doctors that can make $300k or $400k a year, that person is still so so so fucking far behind. Not to mention the stress that comes with med school and the stress of being a doctor.

> the toll that trades take on your body

well if you're smart you use the trade simply as a stepping stone to starting your own business. By age 30 you're not doing any of the manual labor any more.

Stop by /diy/ and check out the trade thread discussion.

Apparently some electricians out in California are making around $150k a year.

It's not a joke.

But hey don't believe me. I work in the trades myself and it's just more money for me that people are falling for the white collar meme in 2017.

Oh AND I almost forgot the fucking interest payments on the loans.

Tack on another $50k to $100k that a person will pay in loan interest, depending on how long it takes them to pay off the student loan.

College is a scam for the most part. What we really need are apprenticeships for the actual job title you want. This would be MUCH more effective and fewer people would end up with worthless degrees because apprenticeship positions would match job openings to come extent.

The thing is, right now a degree is something employers require. They don't care that 75% of the courses you take do not end up helping you do you job,they are worried about that 25%. Colleges are the one's selling you on the BS "required courses". The whole system is screwed up.

College is worth it depending on your financial situation and what you are going for. Obviously there area lot of variables. That said, some careers that requires college degrees don't pay much more than a trade, sometimes less. Not all trades are so taxing on the body but most are. I've been an electrician for 17 years and I've had carpel tunnel surgery, it was $1k and took a couple hours. I also have a few scars, but nothing major. Because I don't like overtime I only make $75k a year in TX. Pay varies a lot by location and construction industries are some of the first affected by economic downturns. The first thing companies do is stop expanding/building. Basically, I would still suggest going to college if you research your major thoroughly, but the trades are not the worst alternatives.

>All my math and Stats classes are too theoretical and unapplicable.
>want to take Eon, accounting, CS

you're just a brainlet

If your parents are willing to pay go for the fun, there's dumb college girls everywhere you can take advantage of, but it's really gotten to be a commie Marxist circle jerk latelt

Otherwise if you're a white guy stay away, ESP if you have to pay

Every job has its own shit. Doctors see gore, lawyers see obvious criminals, engineers see math. At least with being a plumber, you know what you signed up for and that is to clean up honest shit.