>EoR III Rate-up 1 news.fate-go.jp/2017/7kengou/ >Musashi and 3* Lancer are always in the rate-up. 4* Archer: 21-26, 29-1 4* Assassin: 23, 27-1
>News view.fate-go.jp/ >English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog >Monthly items: Unlucky Bones, Chains of the Fool, Yggdrasil Seed.
How many event Servants do you have? >3 Retarded dragons >Caster Tamamo >Carmilla >Kiyohime
Good spread thankfully
Nicholas Powell
So is liz gonna be a rock n roll/heavy metal chick now she as a berserker?
Ayden Kelly
Ushi a cute.
Anthony Reed
Why should I care if I'm just going to smash through with a team of my choice? The event roster is shit.
Nathan Morales
Just the lizards, regular Kiyo, Carmilla, and Yan Qing. And Kiyo's not leveled.
Aiden Anderson
>fucking Liz again >no Semiramis >SMT V announced for Switch Today is a terrible day.
Dominic Peterson
Enjoy the extra grinding then
Elijah Lewis
2 lizs, retard cat, beach fox and kiyo
Carter Roberts
I rolled Tamamo while trying for Danzou So now, all of them
Hunter James
It'll be a damage boost.
Brayden Ross
Just missing Yan Qing. Should be a pretty easy jaunt through the event. Key word should.
Lincoln Hernandez
She deserves headpats!
Grayson Scott
Do I raise my NP2 Lancer Alter or keep using my NP2 Karna?
Logan Ward
>tfw will never make half oni descendants with her Why bother living if I can't wake up to this someday?
Joseph Morales
>tfw no Cleo
Thomas Sullivan
Only carmilla and grailed wu, i have underleved kiyo and pent though. I hope im going to be okay.
Hunter Phillips
>Everything is worse than Hyouka-like type of life.
I see. Did your country at least got Heaven's Feels on theaters? Im pretty mad that ANYTHING japanese animated somehow get's over here, except fucking heaven's feels >pokemon >yugioh >dragonball >constant reruns of miyasaki stuff >animated romantic movies But no fucking fate
7 out of 13. OG Tamamo, Retard cat, All of the liz (including carmilla) and Berserker Kiyohime.
Jaxson Reyes
Brave Shit Liz Beach Fox Regular Shit Liz Cass Fox Cass Shit Liz Cleo Carmilla Retard Cat Rehular Lewd Snake
Xavier Foster
Have Brave Liz, normal Kiyo, Tamamo Lancer and Wu. Only have Tamamo and Kiyo leveled up though and I'm sure as fuck not leveling the others, maybe Wu but I dunno
Austin Gutierrez
Levelled: >Cleo >TamaCat >This semen demon assassin Have but not levelled: Camilla, the Lizzes, Kiyo
Austin Thomas
Last time she was a Berserker, she still had same idol shit except she was much more deranged. It's hard to tell how it will go.
Hunter Smith
Levi Campbell
>SMT V announced for Switch Wait, what?
Isaiah Myers
Has anyone here burned a limited Servant? Welfares count
Camden James
Nathaniel Walker
>whale only event Sasuga DW.
Logan Murphy
Pent, Wu and Zhu. Pent is grailed to 90, Wu is maxed and Zhu is at 70. God I hate 4* Assassins, even the new ones. Especially the new loli, even if I like robo-butt enough to level her up. When's Semi coming, I literally feel sick from how much I fucking hate these shitty F/GO original Assassins. I get angry just thinking about them, especially Kerry. I fucking hate Kerry and I have three copies of his useless fucking ass.
David Gomez
Benjamin Carter
Everyone who isn't a newfag? What the fuck else are you doing with your 6th copy of welfares from reruns?
Ethan Cruz
Every single Liz
Lincoln Scott
Leveled: Caster Liz Both Kiyo Smart Cat Loli Assassin
Unleveled: Chink Lancer and Saber Liz
Quite decent, maybe I should level Saber Liz.
Carter Parker
>>pokemon >>yugioh >>dragonball >>constant reruns of miyasaki stuff >>animated romantic movies
>He has Animated shit in threaters >complains We only have like one of those twice a year even DB is bombing hard right now because people watch it on shitty sites like JKanime and AnimeID
Daniel Carter
>Welfares count Yes, all of the repeat event ones.
Aaron Ward
It doesn't count unless you get rid of them all user
Caleb Sanders
That's what you get for being an E-rankshitter
Dylan Lopez
>believing in aliens makes you retarded >believing in god and jesus doesn't Murruca!
I might keep another NP5 Shiki though, if they'll ever rerun KnK event.
Alexander Moore
Summer marie to buy last copies of mona lisa.
Jonathan Evans
I burned Rider Rin. If I had rolled the Archer version I would have burned that too tbqh
Robert Young
Jeanne is praying
Connor Watson
I didn't realize it until now but you're right, it's just like summer with almost all the event boost Servants being gold and not a single bronze.
Brayden James
Oh and Liz. I like Liz, she's a good girl.
Where are the veins?
Lincoln Gutierrez
Cameron Perry
Don't you have some sucking to do bitch?
Dylan Morales
All except the summers, Wu and Camilla
Isaiah Barnes
Woe is you. The non-American animated stuff that gets to my local theaters can be narrowed down to Ghibli movies, Kimi no Na wa, and a sparse few local productions about cartoon animals teaching kids to be nice to each other.
Luke Ward
None because I'm using a bought waifu quartz account. Eh. No big deal, I already missed Liz in NA from being sick. Fuck it.
William Richardson
Can't be anymore ready friends Just wish the event had a well deserved Tamamo Nine Welfare instead of Liz
Julian Morales
I have them all except Cleo, but only the Tamamos, Penth and the welfare Lizzes are at max level. Got some grinding to do
Logan Smith
I can't tell if that thing at her left is her tail or a giant sword
Angel Hughes
Wyatt Smith
All of them aside from Lancer Liz, though the chink Assassins are in storage.
Adam Taylor
>look at banner >buildings and clearly a zerker monstrous Liz "Godzilla event?" >Build-climber "wait, King kong?" >Tamamos, Kiyos, and all theliz plus a bunch of chinks give bonus
what, i can't really guess it anymore
Jason Hernandez
I have all the 'Mamos, all the Lizards, all the Kiyos, Carmilla, and Wu.
Asher Williams
Who's read for Elisabeth [True]?
Landon Green
Is Nasu actually a lolicon and the reason he hates Carmilla is because she's a reminder that his beloved Liz won't stay small and """cute""" forever?
Jaxson Gomez
Beach kiyohime , pent , retard cat , carmilla , cleo the two welfare retarded lizards , normal kiyo and the gay assassin from ebin of filler 1 . Fuck you Tamamo you whore
Jeremiah Kelly
I cant wait to burn the new liz.
Caleb Bell
>ywn shitpost about game with Tomoe
Eli Brown
The reason Nasu hates Carmilla is because he pushed all of Liz's evil onto her, and he hates actual evil characters because they are harder to fit into happy go lucky friend events, and he can't just make Carmilla a dindu like Liz because she was created to make Liz more of a dindu
Adrian Edwards
So Berserker Liz is up next?
Oliver Long
Tfw it's Liz in the Berserker armor with the Dragon Slayer sword
Hey Cirno can you add me? Im short on friends and I like /fgog/ celebrities Azalea won't add me
Camden Richardson
He doesn't hate Carmilla. He just doesn't believe in making Carmilla waifu bait because he likes all the yuri art she gets and more events would require waifu baitery.
Luke Thomas
>he pushed all of Liz's evil onto her But Liz is evil. She was evil in CCC and has never really stopped being evil. Even saving the world is said to have only made her karma be a bit less in the red. >he hates actual evil characters Doesn't he like to write people like Kiara and Kirei?
Thomas Thomas
>CCC Character arc that led into GO, plus it's probably been retconned >Extella Corrupted by velbar
Andrew Watson
My theory from last thread >Himeji castle spawned on top of Pyramid from last year on top of Castle Csjete from two years ago >Tamamo and Kiyohi~ are Bonus event servants thus somehow story relevant >Himeji Castle is part of the Event Title >Himeji Castle is related to Osakabehime-chan >Osakabehime-chan is a Penpal friend to Tamamo and Kiyohime
Expect something like that
Brody Morris
FINALLY the last Liz's event. I hope I won't see her ever again.
Jaxon Price
>Doesn't he like to write people like Kiara and Kirei? Nasu hasn't written Kirei in what, 12 years?
Aiden Rodriguez
Sorry, i got no slots left. t. azalea
Hudson Gutierrez
>final Halloween chapter >no liz to look for next year
What's the point in keep playing FGO in 2018?
Sebastian Barnes
Jeremiah Hall
> Implying this is the actual last Liz event and not a ruse
DW wants her in every class, at the end of this event they'll have her go "Did you think this was the end?! JUST KIDDING!" And we'll get Assassin Liz next year.
Caleb Thompson
>switch emulator never ever
Hudson Butler
Her character arc is literally "I try to be good but I don't like it so I go evil again". She was evil in Extella before being corrupted by Velber.
>plus it's probably been retconned Yeah that'ss why she still has the Torture Technique skill
Christopher Howard
shit, that means i cant burn liz next year.
Jayden Robinson
Cleo is the only one I have leveled. Do we know if this is an attack-up bonus or a drop-up bonus?
Jaxon Smith
You people still about Parvati 2.0?
Robert Evans
Liz still has torture techniques in FGO and it has same rank as Wu.
Benjamin Gray
Tbf when the result of 'going good' is getting tortured to shit by Tamamo, anyone would turn bad.
Besides she got velber'd.
Just look at the last halloween event where Vlad goes out of his way to say Liz is an entity who can't be called evil. It's clear Nasu thinks she's dun nothin' wrong.
Parker Robinson
Hudson White
I thought people were already fucking around with it? SMT5 is far away, seems pretty likely it'll be made eventually.
Jackson Garcia
There's still no 3DS or Vita Emu too, give it up and buy them.
Parker Thompson
>Her character arc is literally "I try to be good but I don't like it so I go evil again" What? No it's not. >b-but she has torture techniques They didn't bother making up a new skill for her and she was released before any of her events, nothing particularly strange about that.
Carson Richardson
No,the reason is Nasu is NOT the writer in charge for Carmilla you stupid fuck. Why would he write more of character that he doesn't write in the first place?
Mason White
> 3DS Google Citra
Jacob Nguyen
Did we read the same event? Vlad says that she did fucked up shit in her life and that she has to atone for it.
>What? No it's not. Yes it is. Try playing Extella.
Christian Brown
Liz has Migraine (which is already present in GO) in CCC and Extella. They could have easily replaced TT if needed.
Jose Reyes
SMT IV was a 3DS exclusive and we already knew there was a SMT in production for Switch, it was to be expected. You have only yourself to blame.
William Hill
Begone heathen.
James Garcia
Who gives a fuck about extella , FGO is the core and the only canon that will matter