League of Legends General - /lolg/

Fuzzy ears edition!


Other urls found in this thread:

euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=dream high

>Have a slight gambling addiction
>Spent around 400~ bucks on chests and random skin rolls in the past 2 weeks


>tfw no qt petite gf

I bet you won't even see a doctor about this.

>tfw no cute girl (male) who is getting bullied by evil demon

>tfw no tight half-dragon gf

xth for Syndra

>need to be working on a project
>still no Illaoi buffs
>still no Illaoi skin
>still unsure about what masteries to take in the preseason

Well did you get anything good?

Reminder that if i can do it, you have no excuse

Reminder that Ahri does not wear panties

reminder that if you play support your actual rank is 2 league's lower than your stated rank
reminder that you aren't even actually playing League while you're playing an ardent support, you're literally just in spectator mode

How do I get an S on Kayn? I need to get the mastery icon

but im not a NEET

But you are wrong, user

Powerfarm jungling top with smite+support and mage bot. Two laners and a jungler works too.

I got to plat 3 with a 9/1 score playing only Veigar, so if you're really good with some mage that's able to 1v3 you can probably screw the meta.

she's wearing a c-string here


what even is the point of this when you can just buy the skins you want


>my lee sin just built ardent censer
Is this some sort of hot new meme?

American males.png

Vlad takes a lot of practice because his kit is super unique, sort of like Sol. If it wasn't it wouldn't be so hard to balance. Idiots see a straightforward skill description and think "noob champ" when the ceiling and even the floor are high up.

>point and click skills
>high skill floor

i want a petite half dragon RIGHT NOW!

At one point Riot had an idea for a champion that had an ability that turned them into a projectile.
They had to scrap the champion because Yasuo would just windwall and completely delete the champion from the match. Not dead, just deleted.
Let's not forget that a shitload of champions right after Yasuo's release had knock-ups shoved into their kits just so CertainlyT's baby could be a bit more broken, either.

should I take grasp of undying on ornn or courage of the colossus?

I've been trying grasp but it feels a bit underwhelming, the only thing I don't like about CotC on ornn is that sometimes people stand on the pillar and proc it when you don't need it

Lux Ultimate, Udyr Ultimate, a bunch of trash legendaries, a lot of skins which are worse than the ones I already have and a couple really bad legacy skins. So absolute garbage :^)

Lots of blue essence tho.


>still no Illaoi buffs
>still no Illaoi skin
Good, that character need to be deleted

>>Let's not forget that a shitload of champions right after Yasuo's release had knock-ups shoved into their kits just so CertainlyT's baby could be a bit more broken, either.

they need to gut the range on yasuo's ult, it's damn stupid

my wife

I still cannot understand why didn't rito made Kayn girl (female). It would be much more entertaining, especially when she gets penetrated by the scythe and grows a huge spiked dick when Rhaast takes over.
Also less edgy because sexy girls are allowed to be like that.

They actually buffed it lol

are you me?

I honestly can't get an S or S+ to save my life. I can go 23/9/12, secure rift, barons, 4 dragons and 186 CS and STILL get an A+

nope, go away thanks

Cheap bait.

Adios hardstucks who will never know the joy of being a real man battlemage I'm going swimming

I wanna hold Lulu VERY tightly in my arms!

I love Camille

>Einstein helped derive some of the most impressive equations in modern physics
>everyone just remembers e=mc^2 for some reason
>it's not even the full version of the equation, E^2=(mc^2)^2+(pc)^2
this upsets me

>tfw no qt petite half dragon to cuddle with after she empty your balls

Shit's hard, my man. I've gotten an S- on him before, but I don't even know how I managed that. Also, it's on Blue Kayn that I did it, I usually round out at A+ or A.
Jihn is my favorite ADC

Same problem. Even playing 10-0 games I still keep getting A+.
At some point I just said fuck that, played a game with friend, ganked him so hard he got fed as fuck so he got S and I my chest (I got A there)

I wanna build a poro farm with Lulu!

>Jhin is everyone's favorite ADC

fixed that for ya m8

I honestly just want it to place him in tower range if he ults into tower range instead of the bullshit it currently does

I've gotten a couple S grades on him in the past, but of course this was before I had mastery 6 with him.

we're edgy bois with the composed psychopath and the anime edgemeister as our most played

But that's not Koggles

>Ryze walks up your lane and clears it instantly and never goes oom because he builds mana

They're both perfect, aren't they?


I hate lebonk and ryze for this reason alone
>minions get near him
>he marks them somehow
>uses one spell
>entire wave explodes

thats about 80% of midlaners.

>0 LP
Boosted trash

>when you're horrible at the game but get lucky as shit anyway

>teammate goes for a really bad dive
>follow up thinking he know what he's doing
>we both die

I need to stop this

Um NO?

I can't be the only one who gets to diamond then quits until decay hits...

name one other mid that instantly kills the entire wave with one spell cast

>bunch of scrubs think they know how to gank and get rekt by the minionwave

hashinshin is so fucking washed up, its sad to watch

LeBlanc and Ryze at least have to get sort of near the wave and spend ~2 seconds
shit like Orianna does it from further away in an instant

Can I get gold if I spam chogath?
T. Just placed in silver 5

43 minutes to win a game with infinity edge can I do it

Xin is a champ I hated the most. He is so fucking simple and yet does so much damage, its just retarded.

But since I know how to play against him, he is just peanuts, yet a horrible experience for new players

>euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=dream high
How do I get good again? When I was playing regularly I reached plat of a huge win streak and have really high mmr plat 3. I've only been playing 1 game a month and I am hot trash but getting lucky and winnning, making some okay plays and my team just carries. I want to make the push for Diamond but I feel i'm gold level.

Pic of Irelia for your time

theres a difference between spell cast and a spell rotation, stay silver my friend.

i got placed in silver 5 this season
>got out of silver by playing exclusively garen
>got out of gold by playing exclusively cho
yes, you can

seems farm is the most crucial criteria for getting an S, at least in my experience. I've gotten S for shitty KDA games with tons but A+ on magnificent KDA games where I didn't really have time to farm because I was so huge and had to go around bullying everyone

>people who don't play cancer are silver

Ahri, you fucking mong.

What is the best support I can play to win the last few games needed for Gold? Really don't wanna fuck up now.

That's really frustrating. Why would I farm more when I have full build and 1k+ gold sitting in my inventory because I'm stomping everyone. Why starve my team more than they already are... wtf


how can anyone hate xin zhao?

Goddamn they need to rebalance that shit for junglers.

I can do this too.

Janna, Lulu, Karma, Sona.
That's what i used

let me help you here silver surfer,
malz, asol, ahri, ekko, azie, vlad, velkoz, ziggs, xerath, zil, morg, taliyah and i could name many more.

most midlaners can clear waves as soon as they get level 5.

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3


the perfect cumdump

maybe but it could be kinda slow since cho is about having a competent team to front-line for and you're just going to run into tards who hold you back.

i recommend a split pusher instead.

Will the champion get shown today or maybe wednesday?

>one spell

just take Veigar/Vel'koz/Brand and build like a mid laner with the sightsone+spellthief's item

Pretty sure the real one has a trip now.

>playing leblanc
>both 0/0/0
>brand bursts harder than me
what is this bullshit

*tumbles behind u*

It will be out tuesday on pbe if it is this patch

So preview monday

Why was Xayah designed with those dick sucking lips?

friendly reminder that annoying talkative cunty girls can't be annoying if they have a cock in their mouth.


uhhh... EUWbabs?

You aren't dedicated to his discipline enough.
Do you ward? Do you CS? Do you take turrets? Do you take drakes / baron / rift?
I just hit lvl 6 with Kayn right after hitting lvl 5.
But then again, I love him and I play him at peak performance. Anything less would be an insult.

Also a big thanks to you, Blue Kayn enthusiasts, for not killing Kayn every single match.

Mechanically you probably haven't lost much and what you have lost will come back with practice. Focus on macro play, decision making, back timings, objective focus. Worlds has been extremely good at showing how different approaches towards the game coexist in the meta currently even in the highest level of play. Obviously further down the spectrum is even broader, with dozens of viable strategies. Go back to basics and watch your own replays whenever you feel like you didn't impact the game positively. Focus on what you were doing and what your lane opponent was doing better in terms of macro. Hope that helps.

>taking a picture of your screen

>Risking your account to show people how edgy you are

>Xayah wearing panties
this picture is not canon

rate my masteries you redditeers!

t. niggerjew

brands damage is literally stage 5 terminal cancer

>shoulders wider than hips
>man jaw
>pencil thin legs
post a better picture please