/tesg/- The Elder Scrolls General

DovahBear Edition

Is Skyrim Special Edition worth it?
Soon™. SKSE is in Alpha and not intended for all users, but SkyUI 5.1 is working without bugs and more mods will come with SKSE.

>Should I play Skyrim Special Edition or Legendary Edition?
Legendary Edition for mods now, but SE is the focus of future mods (Beyond Skyrim among others)

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kill elves


i repost my question
who can create the new TES or TES-like game?

Bethesda doesn't want to make it

This general is sponsored by waifu INC

>JUST finished killing Duhneviir
>"We heard you're dragonborn"
This should've been set after the quest for Jurgen Windcaller's horn.

Crush their pelvises right then and there

I'm not really that into gaming nowadays, but I don't think there are any other franchises other than Bethesda's that have as much quest/story content released freely as mods.

Other games such as Minecraft and maybe GTA has a lot of mods from what I can tell, but that seem like something completely different from what I think us in /tesg/ want.

would need a game engine built by the scratch up and not use shit like Unity or Unreal.

Yeah, I just tabbed out and beheaded both of them.

what armor my man

Sound great.

I'm time traveler from the future

i will tell you what will happen with TES:
>2002 - Morrowind
>2003 - Tribunal
>2004 - Bloodmoon
>2005 - (first Oblivion trailer)
>2006 - Oblivion
>2007 - Knights of the Nine
>2008 - Shivering Isles
>2009 - Fallout 3
>2010 - Fallout 3 GOTY
>2011 - Skyrim
>2012 - literally fucking nothing
>2013 - literally fucking nothing
>2014 - literally fucking nothing
>2015 - literally fucking nothing
>2016 - literally fucking nothing
>2017 - paid mods for Skyrim are introduced via creation club
>2018 - more paid mods for Skyrim
>2019 - even more and more paid mods for Skyrim
>2020 - Bethesda bankrupts and sells TES licence to Ubisoft
>2021 - literally fucking nothing
>2022 - literally fucking nothing
>2023 - literally fucking nothing
>2024 - TES VI: Skyrim II is released by Ubisoft and gets 2.2 userscore on Metacritic

Todd the Godd Howard is gonna make it. He's just busy making Starfield first, so all the ass-blasted Mass Effect fags can mod the hell out of it to make a proper sequel. Also, modded space adventures are gonna be fucking awesome.

What's the consensus on SkyDie? WildCat?

What combat/difficulty overhauls do you recommend?

>forgetting ESO aka the reason why we're not getting TES:VI anytime soon
>thinking Bethesda will go bankrupt when they're literally swimming in money thanks to consoles

I use ultimate combat+wildcat+advanced adversary encounters+realistic archery+asis

>reverse image search
>images of her getting gangbanged by orcs
Sasuga Japs.

oh well

>sells TES licence to Ubisoft
See that tower? You have to climb it to unlock parts of the map.

I lol'd

see that Oblivion tower? you need to climb it and take the sigil stone to close Oblivion gate

So guys which Armour should i use for my Warlock character, Contractor or Good old nightingale one?

>those fucking comments
Jesus holy I knew consolecucks are dumb as animals but to see them be this relentlessly retarded and numerous is frightening. I rarely venture out of this place so it was shocking. Especially that one delusional fuck who insists that it will totally come to consoles because why not.

These people are the reason why Creation Club is a thing.

>thanks to consoles
>implying it wasn't raining money from Oblivion
>with Skyrim's release they start collecting mythical relics like the hide of a nemean lion

wut mod

>Browsing the alt account of a pixiv artist I follow
>Find out he browses /tesg/ because he's drawn a few characters posted here
Nice work

Is it the guy that drew Kaasi a few times?

You can't say that and not post a link to said pixiv artist


He just did tho.

From /fog/
>isn't elder scrolls the one with the spaceships fighting each other with math in the deep lore?
Is it?

If you consider MK's ramblings canon, yes.

I don't know how to feel about MK desu

It is.

Reman era high tech, space moths, lunar bases, air ships, mananauts, and incomprehensible metaphysical bollocks are all canon senpai.


He's like cocaine. Fun in small, well regulated doses.

Where does it say that it is, though? I wanna read up on this shit.

>Armour (British English)

What if i told you not everyone is american?

Pocket Guide to the Empire is the best place to start.

If you're not from the US you should get off this US site, tbqh.

Hahahaha, nein.

>If you're not from the US you should get off this US site, tbqh.

Starting with you

This is an English speaking Japanese site though.

But the owner of the site is a gook.

That name sounds familiar. Is that the Wolf Queen bitch that those fuckers are trying to resurrect under Solitude?


>directly on the next page
Thank you, though.
This Cephorus fellow sounds cool.

Notice how nothings gotten better but only worse since Moot left

Will gomaposer work with SSE?


God forbid someone rule a kingdom with a just hand and no war, these cavemen are obsessed with blood purity.

if the Stormcloaks take Markarth via the negotiations in Season Unending, and later you side with the Imperials and take it back, do the green Markarth guards come back?

Anyone else waiting for monster hunter, mount and blade, and an eventual new elder scrolls. As their top anticipated releases?

What's the Nirn equivalent of Amazon?


Who is the best waifu 2017?

I'm trying to make the hair from nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71672/? playable, and I'm able to select it in game but not all of it reacts to colour changes. I've opened up the three parts in NifSkope and the ManeFull.nif will not show textures no matter what I do.


I laffed

I'm really excited for MH World. I love the franchise and it looks all around nice but the main reason is because I know for a fact that it's actually getting released.
On the other hand I've been waiting for Butterlord for so long I'm practically burnt on waiting.

As for TES I don't expect new game anytime soon nor am I looking forward to it. I'd rather have a new Fallout game by Chris Avellone mostly because I crave for a new decent FO game since 4 was so shit I uninstalled it after couple of hours.

Other than that I'm pretty hyped by Code Vein and Ace Combat 7 too.

p...please respond...

>I'd rather have a new Fallout game by Chris Avellone
>A Fallout headed by the worst writer
I can only imagine the awful characterization and soapboxing. Why would you want an entire game of that.

Ayleids were just a faction of altmer?

You rather want bioware?

If my options are nuObsidian and Bioware I'd rather it stay with Bethesda.

I think I'm beginning to understand the obsession with who rules the empire.

>faggot just keeps spamming his 2-3 mb .png's

take a big guess why nobody responds you fucking retard

I like his bleakness. The Lonesome Road was kino.

Also he's a freelance working for Bethesda which means he's the best you can currently get seeing how Bethesda is not willing to outsource their IPs anymore and the current Obsidian is a shell of its former self anyway.

>Ace Combat 7
My nigger. It's the first time in years I'm actually excited about an upcoming game

clones please stop

does anyone know

anyone know how to help?
This is what it looks like

I-Is he telling the truth? Am I reading heresy? Does Talos achieve divinity solely through CHIM (from what I've heard), because if this book is for real he doesn't sound like a swell guy. Was the Falkreath king a shit person? It seemed like he wanted to unite Tamriel, too?

Toasterfag stop spamming your shit.

No idea, user. Try to look for "how to make hair" tutorials.

>mount and blade
I wonder if it even comes out while I'm still breathing.

Fuck you for telling me to read this.
I can't ever play a post-Daggerfall game again without being reminded of how badly they fucked up the lore.

does anyone know if I copy an unsafe container using Jaxonz positioner, will the copy I place be unsafe or safe for storage?

im late but

Wow I actually fixed this with no knowledge of Nifskope at all. I just compared two of the headparts with each other and the ManeFull had no colour value. I changed it to the same as the other headparts and now it works.

Bravo user


I'm reading the description of the Imperial City and it makes me weep.

Also the approximately three hundred kinds of dragons they imported from Akavir.

Why the fuck am I willing to do this? I have no motivation in my normal life, but when I'm modding Skyrim I'll download programs I've never used before and spend hours fiddling with shit I don't understand.

How's it going /tesg/? Having a good day?

I cope by knowing that games aren't 1:1 representations of the lore. Everything is compacted, toned down, downscaled and donwplayed. Even Todd said so in an Oblivion fan interview.

Modding is pretty fun. Definitely more fun than actually playing the game.

Yes, but fucking up this bad.
Like they didn't even know the lore.

>I have no motivation in my normal life, but when I'm modding Skyrim I'll download programs I've never used before and spend hours fiddling with shit I don't understand.
Are you men, user?

Yeah, Emil Pagliarulo just doesn't give a fuck anymore.

Can anyone recognize these heels?

Almost midnight and up studying for a crappy exam in Object Oriented Programming.

>tfw vain and egotistic
Does Moonshadow have any downsides, what the hell? You can even just talk to her.
>tfw imagining a giant leggy dunmer in laced sandal heels
Does Dibella have a spiritual realm or are the only "heavens" that of regional religion?

Looks like the heels from this outfit from gomapero land but with different worse textures

>This Tumblr may contain sensitive media.
>Safe mode is on

Sorry you can't read.

>Does Dibella have a spiritual realm or are the only "heavens" that of regional religion?
I don't really know. Are'nt the aedras tied to Nirn? But we still have place like Sovngard so I really don't know.

hi tesg
who dis?