Hello ladies edition
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Essentials: deathsnacks.com
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WF news: semlar.com
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THE JORDAS VERDICT: pastebin.com
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: lunv.io
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22)
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this game fucks
xth for Nerf spud guns, they are too much fun
For new thread
Do people even use the Stradavar?
nth for worm is CUTE
vauban is fucking glorious
>Valkyr has been tied up against the Arsenal for an hour now and her angry thrashing has died down
What do you do?
Where is this fucking endo whore
pee in her butt
>general chat arguing whether or not anime is a cartoon
This game is incredible
Keep my distance, because I know it's just a ruse.
she's gone until next hotfix
jail for illegal traffic of brilliants eidolon shards.
This thing is driving me nuts.
It won't even be that good.
no sculptures until then?
This whole time I thought I need to throw the dye and then the bait.
But dye activates upon selecting it.
This means I always threw two baits.
Does every MR test after 9 take as much effort?
Agreed. Fits my perception of him as well. Other frames are flashier, or can wade into combat, but Vauban knows what he likes, sticks to it, and gets shit done.
Also, stay the fuck off his property.
not from her mission
you can find them randomly laying around
or get them from fucking sortie
What the fuck is the point of doing the Archwing stuff? Are there even any Archwing endgame missions?
post latrons
>Cetus seems to be located North of the Caspian sea
So they are either Kazakhs or Russians
>Good decision, because she suddenly starts thrashing again. Looks like you'll need to find another way to calm her down.
What method do you use?
What are the top 5 most invincible frames? Bonus points if they're also fun to play.
Where do you guys farm for void keysrelics?
Can't, I'm poor and sold them all for about 2mil creds
alredy sold them all
sold them but my guess is about 220 so far
Not in order
Nth for posting cute operators and whining about Amp colors not working
You get to save a little time flying back to the start of a bounty without being knocked out of the air instantly jk you still get knocked out of the archwing if something sneezes in your direction
Jordas golem
Already sold everything, but I can post my affinity booster timer
Generic anime girl with a coating of edge at best.
what game is this? looks like a shitty korean rehash of GunZ or something
Thats the gun that made me quit the game waay back
>sweet they finally added some kind of semi auto weapon instead of all these hold down firebutton ARs
>oh my I spent 50k credits on it and it does less damage than my pistol what the fuck is this shit
If this is the first picture of Warframe you've seen, it's not at all representative.
Well, it was black or white and I'm not a fan of how white looks on the operators.
Nekros is pretty casual, I like that.
I'm really buttmad there's no doublebarrel shotguns. I know the tigris exists as probably the closest fit but the visual design on it is so overdone. It's fuckin ugly.
Just give me a normal-ass shotty
Goddamn I hate Limbo shitters. It's like constantly playing 1 man down but with more annoyance
I do. It's god awful but if you roll good stats i'll buy from you for 1000+ plat if it's real good.
Lith - Tikal, Earth.
Meso/Neo - Io, Jupiter.
Neo/Axi - Hieracoh, Pluto.
Thanks user.
latron prime worth crafting?
>tfw always 0 squads on Io
Solo is so lonely..
Everything is worth crafting for MR
Haven't played in a hot minute but all my friends started playing again because of the big update so I figured I'd give it another go? Is it still just fun mindless grinding to get stuff to 30 and then move on to the next one?
Are the best/most fun weapons still Tonk/Sonic/Redeemer?
Infested defense because they don't send explosives or speedy tiny faggots that can zap the target when you're not looking
Limbo with his default kit and patience
Booben with Repelling Bastille
Firequake Chicken
Frost if you're fast at killing them
Slownova if you're a different kind of fast (and have pizza to spare)
Alternatively if you're feeling a little bored, technically a sortie defense could be easier with a Limbo around because you can directly banish the NPC.
What's the point to getting above mastery rank 10 or so if I can already use all the weapons? For some shitty loadout slot I'll never use?
>got to sleep
>come back to this
t-thanks twitch?
fucking MR eh
Not at all.
Which one?
Remember to thumbs down anything made by Yatus
Rly? I'm always running on Ember with 3 shitters on my back, rarely some good Banshee.
dont you want to see all the weapons in the game? i know i doodly
>on Lua trying to learn the spy mission
>take to long and a time limit pops up until mission failure
I didn't even know this was a thing.
share the links man
if you need to ask then you need glasses
right of fucking course
Jesus Christ
pop that fucking zit
Anyone got the redhead with the blue eyes from a couple threads back?
not your personal army
>Multi-streaming 100 Twitch does not trigger an autoban
>buying Endo using in-game NPC trade does
Fuck DE, and fuck you for supporting Twitch committing fraud. Their bullshit could be considered an SEC violation by creating a botnet of "viewers" to increase Ad value.
Drop that multitwitch link my dude.
go.twitch tv/directory/game/Warframe
Love you too user, I get the feeling most of you lads got a hate boner for us out of ignorance more than behaviour though.
>banish a 4 to kill everything focus farm banshee
>"Nooo Limbo STOP THAT"
>Have to explain how its helping him and how he can just roll to disable it
>ignores and keeps killing everything anyways, leaving everyone else fiddling thumbs
Comes a time I am just expecting you people to burst a blood vessel at my mere sight but Ill keep being a bro anyways.
Mr14 Euphona Prime
Mr16 highest Riven
More daily standing
More free mod points on freshly forma'd weapons and mastery fodder
should i roll?
strangely enough its for the weapon i just took out of the foundry to level
>fuck you for supporting Twitch committing fraud.
what are you, 60 years old? who the fuck cares? No one is getting hurt, I'm sure those fucking ad companies are so victimized by this whole ordeal the absolute fucking state of the human race, jesus fucking christ
Explain how that is helping
Reminder that bitching about Limbo is amusing to anyone who understands Limbo.
Its at the same level as kill steal complaints during hydron.
Why is Lua the only map with anything interesting going on in it?
Defense objective keeps falling through the floor
Spy missions have puzzles and shit to solve
Random ass acrobatics challenges
Random ass puzzles with simon says
Rescue has you fighting a sentient before you can rescue the prisoner
I know you wanted us to do this instead
what did he do?
Who /comfy/ here?
Im currently hovering over the plains and sniping some grineer from far away
I think I'm the most comfy of all because I'm not playing the game right now.
ETA on Maroo?
>Go through tons of weapons but they all feel lackluster
>end up going back to my first prime ever
Who is your primaryfu? Mine is Latron Prime.
>60 years old
>they know
Cancer by it's nature is repulsive. Watching Twitch go down this route is like watching F2P enter the market. It's just sleazy tactics and marketing.
Very /comfy/. Going dayfishing at the Geyser as I work on my Valkyr fapfic.
>4 to winners need tons of energy
>4 abilities dont get affected by the warframe being banished, so you still kill shit fine if banished
>banishing passively gets you energy regen and paired with a energy regen mod can get you going for quite a while if you have any efficiency, which banshee would have considering its a 4 to afk farm sort of build
>hence energy regen for active energy draining skill, damage unafected, extra of needless invincibility
doin the cozy grind
Neat. The way you phrased it made it sound like the banish interrupted the 4 or something, so I was confused. But that sounds good.
It's a good feeling to snipe Grineer from far away, it's also a good feeling to fish, but I'd like just a little more going on in the fields, treasures, secrets, something (I've done nearly everything at this point)
>Watching Twitch go down this route is like watching F2P enter the market. It's just sleazy tactics and marketing.
I will give you that
>Void Dash creates a zone of energy for 4 / 4 / 5 / 5 / 6 / 8 seconds. Allies passing through the zone gain 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 5 / 5 energy/second for 10 / 15 / 20 / 22 / 25 / 30 seconds.
>totals are: 30, 45, 80, 88, 150, 240
>relative increase: N/A, 50%, 77%, 10%, 70%, 60%
what the fuck is up with rank 4 being such hot fucking garbage?
>these clan weapons that take a Forma to build
multitwitch tv/DimitriV2/Demonvox/QueenMisrule/LoK_King_Macho/UpperEchelonGamers/MoistBean/Orbital_Star/RubyTrue/Hornisse86/Ashic0rn/SwissCheesy_ez/TheoTheLeo/NoSympathyy/Tygastripe/Makarimorph/valkyrassbot/WiseyGaming/NandoFireX