Best Waifu edition
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Best Waifu edition
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>new patch changing nothing
>another week of sprykin and perma-slow Iggy
no thanks cya next week
why can't euros just keep a thread alive for 3-4 hours
not a cough, but the word cough
lol good question
why is our comfy general dying? for months we consistently hit bump limit, even post 42 we always had full and active threads that only required mas bumping during the universal dead hours of 3-7am. this isn't a mass exodus because of the overhaul.
we now struggle to go back to back threads without dying. how do we fix this bushbros
>Expecting a good update on the x. x updates
44 bro didn't you get the memo?
>just found out the api is disabled
what the fuck happened? did silver shitters really get that pissy at agora?
replay system didn't work so they had to shut it down to fix it
Game is going down the goddamn shitter and I have no idea but for some reason people are absolutely horrible lately, legit retarded. You have people that's horrible, "smurfs" that use a separate account when not stacking, and people who just want to play but can't because people are retarded.
the only way i can enjoy the game is when i smurf because sevarog is dogshit at high elo and i dont stack
and even then its near impossible to carry THREE retards
Imo I think it's a combination of the lag issues and the spyrkin meta being aids. They also didn't fix plague lord's issue of having a fuck huge radius so casters are still picking it up. Stagnant dominion is still hella busted on Iggy and Gadget too. Riktor is super broken rn too since they buffed the he'll out of him. Shinbi going full tank and never dying while killing everything..
I dunno if this is a problem in lower mmr but for me, all this shit is aids on top of sitting in queue for 10 minutes only for someone to dodge.
hopefully the jungle rework is soon because the game is just stale right now. they've removed so much that theres truly just nothing to do except set a lane and then fight. raptors are worthless, theres nothing on the map at all to fight over, theres no reason to invade, theres nothing to do after you get a kill or two except push or prime. the game is just way too bland right now. i still have fun when i play, but i play 3 or 4 matches and then im burnt out for a week. 44 needs to add something to the game other than a few reworks, a few new abilities will be fine to check out but after a match or two its right back to being a boring grind
Good question, my humble normie.
This lack of /parag/ made me go on an odyssey to most /parag/ general there was from this one to the sixth paragon general:
I found out many great memes, thing, and i've discovered that /parag/ always loved Legacy, and Steve Superville himself, even back then, peace be upon him ;
Thread dying were always a problem for /parag/, but we always survived. Monolith was never liked.
Aids like the real disease has it's way of spreading and it's usually by stupid fucks that don't give a shit, so it the same in paragon, yesterday went up against the phase x narb sprykin shit, our offlaner was worthless and I didn't have enough dps as jungle to stop them. there was also a fucking lvl 20 countess that kept fucking up this retarded ass BR or RUS. I can admit i'm gold according to the last time agora was working. Sprykin is too strong vs Volstok or devastation, anyone decent will stop with it before Woundseeker or PLM come online to counter
Looking back in time too, i asked myself about that guy Steve Superville, and i found out that he was literally the face of Paragon in every media and material he was in.
While Cameron Winston, by opposition, is actually a pretty unknown figure and has not done many interview or anything that show him to the public, except the community corners of course.
What went WRONG bro?
God bless, ironically CC was just Mooney and KL and whatever random Artist for that current hero at that time, it seems like CAM forced his way in randomly or was forced in by EPIC upper management. Probably felt it'd be more official kinda like how Jeff Kaplan does all the Overwatch update videos. Only it doesn't feel that way because Jeff gives reasons for nerfs and doesn't treat the community like idiots like Cam.
damn that pic brings back memories.
i nearly shit fuck you
remember the passion arctyc had for Paragon?
it's here, and it's in the next video of the Open Beta Launch. Also worth a watch if you feel like you want to see a little bit of legacy because it miss you, just think like you're the one playing
Riktor the way he is now is kind of better but at the same time he's also super fucking braindead, his combo is way too easy to do now. All you need to do is land hooks.
I think Riktor just needs to be punished a lot more for spamming spells and not be as tanky, he's a giant wall of CC
when will they learn?
How would you guys feel if Paragon straight up copied Dota 2s jungle?
>river buff that doesn't need to be killed, you just pick it up (also includes a "buff" that grants gold and XP)
>A shitload of unique creep camps, having their own look, feel, and abilities
>Camps consist of 4 different "types", each being stronger than the last and all having their own unique set of minions
>Creep camps spawn in randomly so you never get bored fighting the same creeps over and over
>Shitload of camps (due to the jungle being fucking huge, which is how it should be in paragon)
>Creeps have a better agro system, one that has a lot of depth and strategy with how it's used (if you've watched dota you might have seen people aggro a camp and make it chase them to another camp to fight or have them come into lane and fight)
>Jungle has more than just camps, has shops (which is something paragon needs but probably won't get) and Shrines, which are like mini-base fountains that have a universal cooldown for the team.
What pisses me off most about the assholes that stack, is that they play the most cancerous team comps on top of it while I'm stuck with some subpar meme shit team.
Fuck the people that do this, seriously.
i want them to change raptors to 3 multicolored raptors, purple, red, gold and killing one of them grants you a color buff, the river and current gold buffs always exist on the map at all times and can only be killed while carrying one of the dropped raptor buffs, which then gives you a supercharged version of the buff.
Purple: Invis and a stacking bleed effect on your attacks for 5 seconds after breaking stealth
Red: Increased ability damage and a slow on all ability hits
Gold: increased gold gain and a DoT on all basic attacks.
the color buffs wouldn't expire but would drop on death and raptors would spawn more often meaning teams could decide if they want to burn down only 1 raptor and get a quick buff or if they're feeling cocky and want to go through 2-3 rotations of raptors and try to set up their entire team to stack multiple buffs at the risk of the opposing team getting the same set up if they die while going for it.
>yin offlane
>iggy mid
>phase safe
>rev safe
>iggy decides to off for some reason
>yin switches to mid
DODGERINO, got 5 minutes to kill seems like you fucks are putting up with the same nonsense.
I've just haven't had the urge to play. Even when I try to play something wacky like intellect Khaimera I just feel bored. If I want to spice it up I'm completely gimping my team and then I go up against the sweatiest 5 stacks on the enemy team all with sprykin and green item comps.
I love the but I just lost all passion for it.
One buff at a time al-la SMITE
spawn the mini creeps at the same time the giant creep is now unique looking, keep green
Green - shield = offlane right camp
Red - dmg = offlane far left camp
Blue - speed = safe lane left camp
purple - sealth = safe lane main camp
Gold - XP = safe lane upper camp
White - Regen = safe lane bottom camp
one buff at a time all universally last 1:35 (obviously sealth will break once you attack or use ability still but it's full duration can be held if needed)
How did you manage to misspell stealth twice, impressive.
I don't mind playing low population games but how long are the queue times? Is there ranked?
The population is fine friend you will get sub one minute queues in hydrogen elo.
this man summed the state of the game up for me. pretty much not playing much anymore for these reasons.
this you'll actually have to play multiple games at the same time because of how low queue times are you'll be getting into lobbies faster than games can end.
What Gruxs re-work should've been
>bleed now stacks (don't think it did before)
>double pain now has a 5 second cooldown and higher mana cost
>double pains bleed does 1% health max health as TRUE damage for 5 seconds lvl 1 and 2 then 2% health then 3% at level 4
>Pull now has longer range but a more narrow cone (somewhat similar to legacy but makes more sense to monoliths size), slower startup
>Ult now applies and immediate stack of 1/2/3% bleed to anyone caught in it's radius, still applies a mini-stun.
>Ult reduces AS by X% (would be cool if he straight up got a new animation while in ult-mode) and applies a 1% bleed stack per auto, ult lasts for at max 10 seconds?
>old dash replaced by a shorter ranged leap ability (kinda similar to that one red card), shorter CD but high mana cost.
>Alternatively dash is replaced by a passive that heals Grux X% based on bleed but not a 1-1 exchange, idk. Grux really already does have everything he needs outside of some kind of engage tool but I really hate his old/current dash as it looks stupid, makes no sense, and isn't very fluid to use at all
>Carrying a game hard as Grim
>One of the best games I've played lately
>Suddenly the game just freezes and I have to restart the game altogether
>Back at the title screen without even the left a match warning
>Check with other players and it just kicked us all
you were playing cam's smurf
grux should of gotten the gideon treatment, a second pull.
Can we have a pattern of 1 passive/3 ability/1 ult on each character please? stop replacing ability with passive Epic, Murdock and Wukong are example of what i'm talking about. So boring and honestly i think it decreases the skill level needed to play a character.
This has happened to me a few times, and not just recently.
me too. its usually right before they roll out an update
>get all my daily quests, level up a hero, and get my vault token all in one game
feels good
we shall survive at least for now
>Got one Shadow's Eve chest the first week
>Mastery Token
>No more after 20-25 games played
>Don't wanna PvE farm because it's boring
>Tonight I win a game as Sevarog and am awarded a Shadow's Eve Chest
>Infernal Wukong
>Use that skin the next game and win
>Get another chest
>Surely this is something worthless since I just got a skin
Just when I'm about to leave the game for a few weeks again, they reel me back in. These devs know how to let you get to the edge of despair and hatred and salt and pull you back from the brink at the last moment.
>only want the sparrow cat skin
>its not up for sale
>only got 2 chests in over 30 games and i got hellboy monkey and an XP boost
>only way to get the sparrow skin will be paying for the surely massively overpriced bundle featuring 15 other skins i dont want
bad feel
what does it even look like with her new face i wonder
her new face is qt and i love her rival skin. her makeover was a complete success
Other than Native American Sparrow having no eyelids.
I think even the cloak Sparrow has no eyelids right now. It's a bug they're gonna fix I think.
Fucking fuck I hate people who don't attempt to communicate in any way during draft, and then they pick fucking Howitzer for safe lane when we needed a carry.
And they were last pick, we didn't even have any tanks.
Servers are laggy as shit right now see
I just played DDLC and finished the first arc.
I’m going to stare at shinbi’s ass And masturbate until I forget
>shinbi's ass
>drop 10 of my last 15 drop down to low plat
>have won probably 12 of my last 15 since the API quit working
I've been getting nothing but shit teams so steady losing here
What's more alive, this game or smite?
is this the end?
seems like it
If you didn't know, everyone originally used to have a passive like LoL that didn't take up an ability slot but, at least at that time, Epic wasn't creative enough to have everyone have meaningful passives and just dropped it altogether and integrated the ones that were good into heroes kits.
I think at this point they could totally give every single hero a passive now since a lot of heroes have passives that are integrated into an active ability or take up a slot but the problem lies within characters that have passives as abilities, they would have to come up with an active ability to take up that slot and some characters actually don't need a 4th ability (like Khai for example) though most of the heroes that passives that take up a slot are older heroes that are probably getting reworked anyways
bushbros help how the fuck do you play steel
>playing paragon at all
The game is dying. Day 1 legacy player. I hate to admit it, but we all said it was going to happen at the rate of these "GAMECHANGING" updates. Please don't bring back the bush shit, it was cringe from the start. This game and general will either die off or EPIC will fix it. There's nothing we can do at this point other than comment on it. If a game with a player base the size of SMITE's can't have a good general, then who could expect us to?
stun someone, beat on them until they get out of range, ult them, beat on them more until they die. obviously ult first if your team is around so you can wipe people
>tfw Steel is now one of the most absolutely braindead characters in the game
Why Cam, just why?
every character in this game is braindead and always has been. every single hero is just a choice between
-big AOE ult
-CC drone
-hold m1
i mean really at what point was anyone in this game ever hard to play or not braindead? maybe iggy when he first came out on legacy? but every other hero has followed this pattern which is why the viability of them all undergoes such massive shifts based on even slight adjustments since they're just replaced by the one that does whatever they use to do only better
There are plenty of braindead heroes but there are heroes that actually take some sort of skill
>Gideon (somewhat)
>Kallari (somewhat)
>Pre-mono Belica
>Pre-buff Riktor
These are just ones I can think of rn and i'm not really thinking about the ones that took skill in legacy since the game was a lot different back then
barely any of those take any skill beyond the "you have to aim a little bit" skill that every ranged hero has. maybe sev, and riktors hook is hard to hit. kallari only takes skill because she's always horrible bottom tier trash so you have to be good to do anything at all with her, for the 2 weeks she wasn't you saw how much skill she actually takes to play. everyone else hell no. especially rev wtf are you on
wtf kind of skill are you looking for? It's a moba clone. Mobas were made for people who weren't skilled enough to play rts games.
thats kinda my point moba's are inherently a low skill genre. paragon having a bunch of braindead heroes isn't really anything uncommon. the game has the most skill required of any moba based on the fact you have to aim
30 minute queue in korea. Nice game
no matter what happens its been a good run. good night bump
I'm playing with the idea of creating some "top10 newbie mistakes" video or something like that
Do you think it would be useful? Would it reach the retards? What if I post in on reddit?
What should be included other than stuff like basic roles and lane comp, lane control, respecting pick order, wards?
wow that's never been done before
I don't feel like I ever saw anything that actually explains basic things beyond
>playing support, try to keep your adc alive ;)
>as adc, try getting those last hits ;)
No one seems to mention how pushing lanes up on safelane makes you easier to gank, or bullying the enemy offlaner out of xp range
I'm at the point where I hate playing carry because I know that 80% of the time my support will start pushing like a madman, and then flaming me for "doing nothing besides last hitting"
Well yea, that's because videogames are low skill activities in general.
Smite exist my dudes, it doesn't even need a Z axis to have a better and steeper learning curves and skill level needed than Paragon ever had
Why isn't there a Smite general?
It died once hirez made it clear they abandoned Smite as a moba and now just keep it around as a meme mode skin seller.
Smitegen was pretty comfy in 2014-2015, but looking back now the game had been going downhill fast.
Smite general died a long time ago because of Discord, people moved in to the Discord, the general became a place for drama where discordfag never talked about the game but what happened in the discord and told their love for X discordfag and gossip that aren't even videogame.
Discordfag are on the same level as Tripfag in my opinion. ruins thread for nothing else because they're attentionwhore.
Discord didn't kill smitegen you delusional indian. People barely used it. The game was shit and people stopped playing because hirez has had the same no-jungler meta for 3 years now.
I played Smite since alpha but quit about 5 months ago for the exact thing you described. I loved playing mid, but more and more every season turned into "3v3 in the mid lane" where the support, mid, and jungle all camped mid and did all the buffs together. I wanted to play mid to play a central role and rotate and shit, not get double babysat because it's optimal.
Exactly. Hi-rez had the chance to fix the problem for so long now that's it sad they still can't figure it out. All they had to do was nerf the jungle xp and give bumbas mask a bonus experience boost so that the role actually awarded you for farming the camps solo and people without bumbas would have to fuck off.
So many heroes became useless in the retarded "durr everyone mid" meta because you had to compete with Thor and his bullshit. I absolutely hated it.
What's wrong with Thor?
No idea what's wrong with the faggot now but for the 3 years I played he was top tier. Once the shit meta settled he basically forced you to run a strong early game 'jungler' because you had to sit mid and 2v2 with him.
>never hear about game
>friend tells me about it and convinces me to try it
>it's awesome
>play vs AI for a few days
>Ready to get stomped in PVP
>Stomp in PVP
We are not good at games, why does no-one good play? It seems like everyone we play against doesn't understand the fundamentals of both the game and their characters, A support kept trying to 1v1 me as a DPS in the right lane for example. Why is this?
welcome to low elo
Oh, so there is actually a system like that then?
Is it hidden? Or are we retarded? Because we assumed there wasn't an ELO system since we couldn't see a rank or anything.
its hidden yeah
The fact that because of early game itemization and he sat unnerfed so long that his power was just "normal" made him able to kill you with 2 skills plus an auto. On top of that, his level 5 is guaranteed death if you don't have someone with hard CC to get him off of you, even under the tower he can 100-0 you and get out before dying. This leads to having to shape the whole meta around that with babysitting.
>dominating offlane, enemy Aurora is level 4 when I'm level 10 because I force them to back a few times, then freeze while their carry cowers in the tower
>they send their Shinbi to finally make an example of me
>die once
>get Plague Lord and Thorned Yomi
>Shinbi is less than nothing and practically deletes herself whenever she tries anything
Incidentally, I can't help but think that Thorned Yomi would be good on Countess: she can already 100 to 0 any squishy with one rotation, but her weakness is tougher fighters. If she can do half their health in one rotation, surely Thorned would be enough to finish them off?
Jeez, page 8 already. Fast day on Veeky Forums. I'm heading into a game now, so I hope there's someone around to keep us bumped.
So is it okay to end a round of 25 minute as Dekker with 19 900 gold (when my carry had 18 850), as level 11 (while most of my teammate were level 14 - 16), with 1 kill 2 death and 7 assist, and i tried to ward everything like behind the fog wall in right lane at beginning, behind fog wall of mid, and behind fogwall close to our t2?
Also, jewmaster & font of experience are useless, take highwayman. It's your job to poke the offlaners anyway. in silver elo where i am tho it's terrible, those last ten round there was 2 offlaners, it's seriously cancerous sometimes and i have difficulty rotating beyond ten minute. Last thing tho, how the fuck do you manage your card and point attribution? i can never get it right, so first i'm filling for greenspring and buying lamplighter then going right onto protective sentry (ward) that i will not remove during the game (should I? it still feel like ward are useless beyond the 20 - 15 minute mark), then i don't know wtf i should take to support well (Mallenk prayer i took who give hp and armor.. but the cooldown is so long it feel like it's useless).
i've mostly been playing wow on a vanilla server i'd rather grind in a 13 year old mmo to level up than play paragon rn.
saw someone post about it before, but i want to try red zone + thorned yomi.
also possibel on gideon to shore up his ulting weakness.
How are you guys not discussing this shit? Wtf
>china has epic by the balls
>they made the game easier and changed sparrow and muriel for our chinese overlords
>shitbi phase lore week
>ui changes
>nobody acknowledging any of this in /parag/ even though it's been hours since the chinese leaks
Nothing we don't already know
this just confirms it man
Not surprising at all that chinese player love garbage and don't like their videogame being challenging.
This can only makes me side with Steve Superville and it is making me legitimately believe that he was fired after consecutive order to simplify the game, after he snapped and refused to simplify it further during monolith development, then got chinese assassins on his ass to kill him after he got fired. I fucking hate third world player.
It's funny because if you go to the Chinese site with the leaks, there's like pictures and some videos of Superville discussing the game and looking happy