World of Warships General - /wowsg/

Tiny feminine guns Edition

Tell us your server and get a referral code from a fellow /wowsg/ to get

extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one

after you play a T6 ship).

>Newbie guide (embed) (embed) (embed)

>0.6.12 update version

>0.6.11 Smug moetel mod

>Captain Skill calculator

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for "Veeky Forums" (by antibullyranger)
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel" (by Varzov)
SEA Channel: "Veeky Forums"

[KUMA] on EU - contact one of the deputies/recruiters
[HOTEL] on EU - contact Rex1121
[BOTES] on SEA - contact Benlinsquare
[BOTES] & [HOTEL] on NA - contact JakeNS

ded bread:

Other urls found in this thread:

You fucked it up.

>making a thread 14 posts early just to get KUMA in the OP


Reminder to new players to try to complete operations as soon as they can. Getting 10 points captain for their respected nation will ease up the grind by a lot.

Mutsuki or Minekaze line for Jap DDs? I don't really know what those do differently.

Do you want normal torpedo boats or torpedo boats with slightly worse torpedoes and slightly less shitty guns?


Clearly a false flag.

>be br*tish cruiser
So this... Is the power... Of power creep...

the okt rev is such a garbage ship. I fucking hate having to play it to get these stupid crates. I enjoy the god damn krasny krym more than I do this shit.

>hotelfags still butthurt and grasping


Nah, that also happened when bong CLs had just been released.

Yeah, she's pretty awful.

Just get the daily win in co-op, much less annoying.

Regular torpedo boats, thanks. I'm fine with the popguns since I fire them about twice a match and usually I'm just trying to start fires.
I presume that's the line that goes up to T10?

Every time I face that fucking ship I end up burning to ashes. What's the fire chance on those soviet HE?

I'm from NA I just think it's funny that you're so desperate to get into the OP when you're not really a Veeky Forums clan. After all I remember seeing Rex post epic Yamato games here way before I ever saw anyone like Luger or Brenzen, lol



see me after class shitposter

did I at least get a chuckle tho


ironic shitposting is still shitposting

HOTEL the masters of 4D chess

You're still playing in the special children tournament, you know? Even if you win you'll still be retarded.

>dat pic

Are you sure this is halal?

No, this is jihad

>Rex post epic Yamato games
Indeed I did



I'm never going to get 1600 base. and even if I do the event will no doubt end before I can do the rest.

>rex namefagging

Yeah, it's like we didn't get you're an attentionwhore.

just get like konigsberg or something. cleveland works too. a high rate of fire long range cruiser that spams he

>unironically replying to this
top kek

On a scale of 0 to 10 how fun are clan battles in their current form?

>Two Bothers
>3 yamato div
>going mid
How the fuck do people do this shit? Like I get it is easier to do it when there are no CVs but how does the enemy not gang up on them at the exist? Surely they would have been spotted long before.

And fuck off, namefag/discordfag.

Enemy team probably wasn't the brightest.

I would say 5/10 if people cant get their shit together.
8/10 when you play with capable clan mates.

Wish I would fight those kind of teams more often.

It's nice compared to the potato est that is random.

>tfw I got my 1600+ XP in a Gnevny with a 6 point captain on my first attempt
git gud

I haven't seen a chessboard that stupid since the old Star Trek series.

So, I've been maining Cruisers and Battleships for now, really enjoying Kongo, but recently I've been feeling attracted towards Destroyers

Are they actually fun to use, or you just bug the enemy and annoy the hell out of them? (even though that might be fun too)

this is fine

I started playing destroyers after a game in the Caledon, where my team went full retard and I was forced to stay sneaky and use torps. We won and I almost got solo warrior. You should go for it, DDs are fun and you don't know what you are missing.

DDs are fun, but can be very hit or miss. sometimes you blast some BB who doesn't know how to turn, and rake the other DD with 5in gun fire crushing their health pool. other times RNG opens up gaps in torp volleys and a CV spends the entire game spotting you. very high variance, but due to smoke screen and area denial they are usually strong and have a big impact despite their size

what the fuck? british battleships are fucking insane, how the fuck is that allowed? how long have they been out? have they said anything about changing them?

how do you get your crosshair so detailed like that?

They've already nerfed the T9 and TX. I wouldn't hold my breath for the rest of the line though.

There are a few different types in the options and you mod in additional variants.

>select crosshair
>type 10 static
there you go desu


that sucks, maybe i just got unlucky but i took my konig into a t5-6 match. british bb set 2 fires on the first salvo, repaired, set 2 more on the second salvo. continued shooting me and was doing 15-20% chunks of my health with every salvo he hit with HE. seems crazy to me man

Cool! I'll give them a try then

I'll have to make my way through the lowtiers until I find something decent, but It'll be entertaining

You're not the only one. WG doesn't seem to give a shit about low-tier balance though.

hey guys

is there some kind of google docs or website where i can easily compare different cannon and ship shell velocities, damages, penetration values, fire chance and armor thicknesses? seems like a no brainer really useful type of website but i haven't found anything like it. it's hard to get detailed info from within the game.

>World of Tanks
>lots of information about eveything
>World of Warships
>Big gun > Small gun lmao
Literally why WG?



>see a Kawachi with ocean soul on
Why would you waste precious shimapan camo on such a shit bote?

To skip that shit bote faster.

>+20% to T3 earnings

Avatar-fagging is a bannable offence.

>I am thinkings we are of needing more RN portraits?
>Is plenty, tovarisch!

TEEEEEEEEEECHNICALLY, Yahagi and Hirado survived until April 1940, making them Japanese ships to participate in WWII (although before Japan went to war with the US)


What did they do?

No one talk about Premium tier 7 Stock Amagi?

Yahagi was stationed in China and patrolled the Yangtze to provide fire support for Japanese forces. Hirado was by the late 30s experiencing engine problems and did not activate in the fighting in China.

>literally recycled old Amagi Hull A
I think we're on to something here. . .

>2 × twin 15-inch (381 mm) guns
>2 × twin


delicious citadels.

How can other countries ever compete with the majesty and power of the Royal Navy carriers?

Is this lewd?

A mother feeding her young is perfectly natural, user.

post bote

Certainly no navy has ever come close to the RN for ship names.

>runs away
Amazing choice of names guys.

What about 'Hood' suggests that it shouldn't explode?

>Be museum ship
>Still get scrapped

>equip special flags
>get +2 with retarded team
I swear this shit is rigged

why are pre-dreds so comfy looking?

>no fancy pants electronics or range finders
>no messy AA guns all over the place
>Early construction techniques means blockier, simpler shaped ships

you like simple shaped ships. looks like you're autistic user

>yes, if you havent played for more than 3 months then the referal code will work

I haven't played in years. Need a SEAnigger code.

Who here isn't in some way?

Alright lads where's the hell?

Tier V stock? Tier VII stock?

Where does the matchmaking fuck you massively?

T8 cruisers

5 and 8.

almost everything stock from t5 up is hell.

some got slightly better. for example you are no longer a myogi in t7 with stock nagato.
but it's still not great.

never because grinding now is relatively less frustrating.

Every tier was fucking hell back then.

>play all nations, progressing most lines at a steady pace
>used to match up against t5s in my tenryuu
>get assblasted by Fusos sniping me from across the map in my T4 Phoenix
>time for T5! sniped by Nagatos in my stock Bongo
>get bullied in Farragut by fifty million T8 Fubuki torps while getting chased down by two more Bensons
>get Nagato but suddenly there are fifty million vs Taiho/Essex matches before CV nerfs. Also, enemy gets two CVs while we get one CV because slavs didn't have the foresight to lock CV numbers back then
>Every match in T8 was either vs TX or had fifty million He Spamming pre-nerf Mogamis
>T9 is weirdly comfy, Fletcher is a damn gud bote
>TX is fucking trash, every match is suffering because Shima torp spam and everyone is just bow-on camping

That's bullshit. Why can't MY grind be comfier like how it is now? Should have started this game later.

t5 is hell in general
t8 is being useless in mass t10 games or shitting on t6s
anyone playing a stock cv should be sent back to the t4 to start over again because they fucked up somewhere along the line.
>inb4 well i gots 2 play it 2 get the upgradz
no, you free xp that shit or you dont play it
>buh i dun hav enugh
then spend 5 buck to convert or save up your free xp to unlock the mods because people will report you for being a stock cv

>Giving this game money besides getting half off premium every year around Black Friday

The fuck is wrong with you.

>their CV is a unicum strike Hiryu
>your CV is a stock Ranger

>every cv you play against will be a unicum cv main
>your cv player will always be a stock, 42% win rate with a blood red wtr

>their CV is diamond league starcraft
>yours can barely turn his computer on and loses most of his planes in one strafe.

>play first game
>enemy team has a div of unicums
>yours is mostly average
>get trashed

>2nd game
>get same unicum div
>enemy team gets complete shitters
>lose because unicum BB detonates and the other 2 just get plain unlucky deaths

>get into two matches with a unicum Belfast division that just fucks your entire team up.
>play lower tiers
>up against unicum seal clubbing division instead.

They were right, Fletcher is a good girl!

Friendly Mahan hit my Gneis with four torpedoes and he still wasn't pink, what the fuck?


He's gotta actually kill you mate. Did you wander into his whole fucking salvo or something?

>being bad
>openly admit to being bad
