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Kool Krautz Klub edition

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>Official News
Weapon recoil overhaul
Patch Y2S3.1 deployed on all platforms on Tuesday, September 19th.

heartbreaking defeat:

first for old men

2nd for me being mad that they are taking away Kapkan's explosive traps because although making them invisible would allow them to be triggered more I still enjoy killing an overaggressive pusher because they entered a random entrance and got instagibbed

>Instakill traps
I should proofread my shit before posting


>they are taking away Kapkan's explosive traps


1st for the average Ela main.

I wanna hug IQ!


Did they change something about the aim? I feel like I'm WAY more slowed down when aiming down sights.

>Playing as Sledge in Cafe
>Beginning of the round, rapel from back of the building and start hammering the windows.
>While in the middle of doing this, the Fuze in my team shouts: WHAT ARE YOU DOING, I AM FUZE DON'T BREAK THE WINDOWS.
>I already broke 2/3 of them when he cried about this, so I saw no point in not breaking the 3rd one as the last 2 are literally one foot from another. It's casuals anyways, who gives a fuck.
>Get Tk'd for this.

The shocking thing about this is the fact that the worm who did this was a full grown adult as I could tell by his voice.

This is first game where I have ever been flamed more by adults than by kids. As a matter of fact, I haven't had any trouble with any at all, and this game is filled with them.

How do you think they're gonna nerf Ela?

Either nerf her SMG or nerf how her mines lock your dpi

Now that you mention it, every time I've played with a kid they've been pretty good natured. Always trying to communicate and call out enemies, and taking advice without getting pissed off. I was just teaching some squeaker how to place Jaeger traps effectively and he actually listened.

What the fuck is going on here?

When are they going to fix IQs guns

what happens if you get a direct hit with Ash's grenade launcher?
Does it down them?

Remove turnrate lock
Decrease magazine to 30 bullets

That would be the sensible way of doing it

We already know she lost a mine and got more recoil

I think it does 50 dmg if Ash's grenade collides with someone, but you don't get the explosion.


A Fuze autist did the same to me in casual when I was Buck, and it wasnt even a room worth fuzing. He screamed on the mic too and it was the voice of a teenager to young adult. Very sad.

I want ops from Kenya just so we can get the chance to use this beauty.
I want to legitimately blow people into chunks.


>Destroying everyone with this before it got Nerfed in CSGO

Fun times


What characters let me be useful if I suck at shooting?


5-shot-mag 12-gauge shotgun pistol? Sounds a bit deadly, although I'm sure Ubisoft's implementation will be barely better than GEO's ITA12s

Why those stocks look bigger than the gun

>I want to legitimately blow people into chunks
Is the real mag-7 capable of blowing holes into people? I know it was an issue about it being too powerful when it was first being tested or something. And from what I've heard Africa really doesn't care about designing weapons that are suited for "civilian" use

Ela. Just sweep.

They are big niggas making the SCAR-H look small.

south africa would be a good compromise. we can get a white guy and ubi can add a strong independent black woman to fill that particular diversity hole. also funny accents.

>implying civilian's don't have a use for a powerful compact shotgun

Nah, you can get a light skinned Assyrian with the Iraqi CTU

I meant that in the sense of They don't design weapons specifically for civilian use.
I'm under the assumption they sell slightly less lethal versions of military grade weapons to civilians. Only slightly though

>Black everything but khaki colored vests and helmets
Looks like shit

>believing civies should have access to firearms
fucking commie shits

>I'm under the assumption they sell slightly less lethal versions of military grade weapons to civilians
I just assumed every African has aids and an ak47

They don't live in a first world country. Shit is extremely dangerous
When the fucking Hippopotamus is native to your fucking region you fucking need all the firepower you can get.

>Firing from the hip means bullets leave your rifle at bizarre obtuse angles

Why do games keep doing this?

You take that back


>gun ownership is communist
what kind of leftypol propaganda is this

Pretty sure the Hippopotamuses aren't the biggest thread to Africans bro

you tell me you fucking red

Globalist gas lighting

they kill three times more than lions, "bro"

I understand that.
But imagine how dangerous your landmass is when someone can say "The hippo is not the most dangerous thing there"

>But imagine how dangerous your landmass is when someone can say "The hippo is not the most dangerous thing there"
Well yeah because its full of

you should put "fuck" in some more. really shows your maturity

fuck you

>start playing
>hey this is fun
>fun game
>nice, teamwork is fun
>Day 2
>every match has some teamkilling/teamdamaging idiot in it that actively play against his team
>or a bundle of squealing children that will NOT stop talking and run around the map like a CoD player and never get kills
>or some dude that only goes recruit and runs in suicidally every time and yells at everyone else if they don't do the same

Oh... Well... That was a short honeymoon.

Year 2 season pass is 17 bucks

I can't afford her yet. What about for the cheap operators?

>pick kapkan
>get two simultaneous trap kills from 3 speed tards rushing into doorways on the floor above us
god I'll miss it

>What about for the cheap operators?

Dont even fucking tell me you have Starter Edition...

GIGN so you can use the CQB and instagib people. Or any of the GSG9 defenders for the kraut canon

Then Jager or Bandit

is it even possible to upgrade from the starter edition to regular?

tachanka with acog when?

why would you even need an acog when the triangle sight exists

I bought the game a while ago during a weekend sale and got the cheapest version. I barely played it and and just coming back to it now. Last time I played the JTF2 guys were the hot new shit.

Roger that. Thanks.

does the vertical grip on the frenchie pump even do much?

The sights are different on the Russians


I know.
It's basically a 1x ACOG

it makes it look neat

>another fucking white guy
Replace that with a white woman and we got a deal.

all the white women in this game are garbage

No thanks. Literally nothing worse in this world than a white woman.


mira because she calls the attackers cocksuckers or something

>Defense round
>3 people run off to go roaming
>Get picked off one by one
>Me and the one guy that decided to actually defend get overrun 5v2

What the fuck is wrong with these people's brains?

I just use it so my hands don't stick out
Twitch looks so bad


>wanting more wh*te women

Try spending time around a white (American) woman. It's awful.


I have and I do. I live with them, I work with them, I went to school with them. I've long since given up on dating them.

The most decent ones have always been fat ones, because they didn't have uber-inflated egos probably.

I was just memeing you counter-culture virgin fucks.

Fat chicks are complete cunts what are you talking about

Someone called me a retard for putting a suppressor on my SMG (MP7)..

I love it, I think it's great
I constantly flank people and fuck people up from tricky corners because they can't see my bullet trails

Is there actually something wrong with putting a suppressor on my SMG or was that guy just an ass

>put a vertical foregrip on
>all animations end with the hand going to the normal barrel grip before snapping into the foregrip
ah yes

no you're just a retard

>generalizing a character trait of a huge demographic

yeah they really are fucking huge aren't they?

>I hate women
>Bro don't talk shit about fat chick

Huge demographic heh

Please explain

>Hate the look of vertical foregrips
>They're a straight upgrade for every gun so you need to have them

I hate this meme.

>hate the look of vertical foregrips
your gay

>Not angled

>Angled Grip
>Faster ADS
>Not just ADS all the time


>40% faster ads
>vs 25% recoil reduction
>not just gitting gud at recoil control

fuck you

yo dawg

>Scheduled maintenance on October 24th.
>During this maintenance, we will be moving the platform that handles the inventory and store to a cloud service. This platform also handles all purchases that you make in game, including currency purchases. We have made the decision to shift to cloud hosting to improve the stability and reliability of the service.
>The process of transferring our entire database to the cloud does not come without risk. We have tested this process internally, and we are ready to make the change on the live infrastructure. That being said, steps were taken to mitigate the impact of potential complications. We will save a copy of the entire database prior to the maintenance, and will roll back to that in the event of an issue. There will not be a risk of permanently losing any player data.
Please no fuck ups

Once again the left can't meme. If it wasn't for the water filtration shit I wouldn't even think that was Alex Jones

Because freeaim is too difficult and confusing for normies