This goy is my hero

this goy is my hero

how do i develop aspergers so i can go full cocoon mode and short the next bubble?

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Listen here you 'I just watched a movie about investing and want to become rich quick' guy. You can build moderate success from investments with hard and smart work but huge success like the guys in the big short had takes immense luck like everything in life. Moderate success is what someone anyone ambitious enough can achieve while extreme success is mostly about luck.

same here i just want to lock myself in a room and do market analysis until i get so fucking good investment firms put up with my autism and pay me boatloads of cash

literally my dream

>cut your own hair
>meet qt waifu online
>get sick job working at hedge fund
>blast songs with killer riffs while you crush some spreadsheets
>wear flip flops every day
>make hundreds of billions of dollars

Is he /ourguy/?

>Implying you can get good at analyzing the markets without putting your own capital and ass on the line.

do what vitalik buterin is doing right now

Are we posting god tier financial analysts?

>tfw no one would listen
>tfw SEC wouldn't return your calls or look at your analysis

It's funny that the movie protrayed him as having aspergers when he's obviously just another studious gay gay. Cracks me up that they made him out to be an aspie.

t. faggot

you probably don't have the sack game to do what he did, kid. he remained steadfast while bleeding out money bigtime on his short positions before he got rich. that takes brass balls. even with his aspie power, he couldnt time the market. like other poster said there is an element of luck too. they don't make movies about all the schlubs that bet big and were wrong (ie the VAST MAJORITY>

you probably don't have the IQ either. this guy was a medical doctor. meanwhile you probably havent even read the book and you're asking bizanons to tell you how to get rich.

what you need to do is short EURUSD, because the Euro is going to get fucked whem the neo nazi candidate is elected president of Le France on May 7. you're welcome.

This thread is maximum autism.

Autists don't pick the thing their brain decides to be obsessed about, you dumbass. You probably be back to square one, but with burgers.
>tfw /v/ is enough of a shithole that you'd rather go on other boards.

The guy was a medical doctor and knew a fuckton of advanced physics. The movie even shows him with a shirt that has the schrodinger equation on it

Buffet sez: insulate yourself from public opinion.

Find out where you are when people influence you, then avoid those places.

you should look into it.

schrodinger is pop science you pleb

well, i have read the book. which is why he's my hero. he's also mentioned a bit in 'the greatest trade ever' which is a great book too.

i have a STEM degree from a top 10 uni worldwide so i'm p intelligent and have a job as an accountant at a big 4 bank.

i just want to be.. more

you know?

where do i start. i need to get autism so i can just pile over spreadsheets for hours on end and find something.

how do i do this

Get reading. When you're done I have more books for you.

Shit, the madcunt is also a legit doctor of medicine? FFS some people

Yep. He's one smart guy.

>tfw been in cocoon mode since I was born

Faggot detected.

He's not an aspie.

thankfully my aspergers is locked into algo trading and i've gotten pretty dang good at it.

Who cares. Better question, who had the better haircut, Paul Allen, Marcus Halberstram, or Pat Bateman?

Follow up question, best place to get dinner, Dorsia, Texarkana, or Barcardia?

Nobody goes to Dorsia anymore.

They go to Nobu now.

>algo trading
Want to know how I know you're lying? Because you can't even begin to explain how to go about backtesting data with an algo you built much less make a forward-functioning/trading one.

So that's where all of the poors eat nowadays? It must be hard not being able to get a reservation at Alta.

This cycle has seen a ridiculous number of bubbles inflated (way, way worse in total than the Housing Bubble of the prior decade) but one of the larger ones is the auto-sector. Look into sub-prime auto loans and see which financial companies have the biggest exposure to these loans - I'll give you some hints: SC, CACC, ALLY and KMX.

i could give a dissertation on robust backtesting practices and walk-forward optimization works fine for my simpler strategies.

Nobu was a referenced several times in The Big Short, it was intended to be a twist on your American Psycho reference.

If you can't sperg at my level then get off my board. Reee.


>i need to get autism
>how do i do this
Flu vaccine

Tips on backtesting practices? Whats the first step to begin as an algo builder?

first step? take a look at Interactive Brokers' API, it's the only choice IMHO.

> evaluation and optimization of trading strategies by robert pardo

start hoarding data. EoDdata dot com is a great place to start.

would you like to know more? > discord gg 2gh8j

This is what successful people never fucking tell anybody else when they give advice but it's completely true.

To be fair for the movie at least, they basically showed how they all got lucky in the end, even though he was right all the people in his fund were flipping their shit at him and had the collapse happened a few weeks/months later half of them might of just lost all their money before the collapse.

>i have a STEM degree from a top 10 uni worldwide so i'm p intelligent
you reaaalllyyyy dont come across that way