Old thread: Underrated waifu Edition
Old thread: Underrated waifu Edition
Lulu crushing TESTICLES
>tfw hit promos on a 4 win streak so i'm gonna fail it
xth for my wife Syndra
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
>tfw no cancer deer champ
Reminder Overwatch League is a scorched earth operation designed to kill esports
Which skins should I try to keep? I don't own Gragas or Jinx.
which jhin skin should I get?
Are they gonna fix Kindred during the preseason?
When will Riot cave in and give Skarner an actual decent lore?
any drawfags here? if so could you doodle Janna hugging Bard?
i-its for a friend...
Blood moon
When is Riot going to cave and release those skin models to purchase?
This would be okay because then only the good games would remain
Speaking of which, Flash vs Mind is on in 12 hours. Heart wants Mind to win, head says Flash will likely 3-0 or 3-1
been away for a while, what happened to her?
Battle boss Veigar is the best one, and i like the Chogath one too even if it's old. The others are just trash imo
I hate Camille
where are my fucking Illaoi buffs
what do I take on her in preseason? Phase Rush?
it's been a year and a half and it's still impossible to watch because there's shit camera direction and the teams are indiscernible with their tiny faded outlines. the game is in a massively shit state.
coming from someone who put a lot of their useless life into that shit and now coming back to league, you guys don't realize how good riot actually is. compared to blizz they're like a loving, caring, cow titted mommy. lmao if you think this game has any competition from overshit, it's already pretty dead
That would be okay, they need to make an actual void corrupted Skarner skin too.
Does what role you play affect LP gains? This guy got Plat in a week with these support win rates and it took me 2 weeks straight grinding and ending up with a 70% w/r jungle and 65% mid and I'm getting salty just thinking about it
>buffing cancer
what for tho
>tfw no qt petite gf
Still draws, you should look at her twitter
>ults away from fight
Also this is evident in the picture but his MMR is through the roof and he hasn't played ranked since he got Plat
I mean it's weird that they haven't
They had their artists and modelers work on giving those champs unique particles and textures, but haven't capitalized on it
oh good, just checked her tumblr and was worried for a sec
>get my S chest
>free from shitpicking until next week
Thank god reset is in a few weeks so I'll be able to go back to my champions for chests
>lil aloha
>is neither strong nor unfair, having neither mobility or hard CC and being 99% skillshots
>omg rakan wrong hole
they just need to work on her passive somehow. a tentacle that spawns immediately wherever it pleases every 14 seconds is really fucking awkward when you're trying to set up for a teamfight considering it's the core of her kit
best couple
Friendly Reminder that Lulu is a CHILD.
If you have sexual fantasies that involve lulu you are on a government watchlist.
You should also KYS.
Deviantart never disappoints
Skarner is also tied (within 2 weeks) with Leona for oldest base splash art in the game
It's about time they gave him a new one
Illaoi's passive is just a shoddy attempt to accommodate League's limited control scheme. In a deeper game like DotA Illaoi's passive would be an active sub skill.
Probably Meteor, if you want damage.
That looks cute really
Is this a secret champion?
You're actually allowed to have sexual fantasies about her because thought crime is not illegal yet
xth for finishing work due tomorrow at 00:45 AM.
And still feeling like going for a match or two. I've been in such a fucking good streak.
Meteor even though I have no CC to guarantee it lands?
How big is Ezreal
>You are stunning and beautiful
Hehe ecs dee
He's the new void jungler
how much money should I spend on a mouse
i have a cheaper razer mouse 80$ but my brothers comp broke so he let me use his 200$ mouse and it actually makes quite a difference
how much money have you spent on a mouse? and how much do you think I should? for strictly league of course
She wants ekko to move her earth if you know what I mean
I want a corrupt Ionia official champ just so he can have a taunt where he calls Xayah and Rakan subhumans.
Bastet champion when?
>overwatch announced
>cool release video
>this might be good
>see first gameplay videos
>oh no
>another no-physics fps free-for-all clusterfuck
>disguised as a team strategy game
Next SG event along with the third SG batch. They want to wring out everyone's wallets.
>hit promos after winning 11/13 of my past games
>playing with people 5-6 divisions above me
it was kind of funny the first time but come on
you seem to misunderstand how mmr works. no one gives a shit about your wr over your whole season. only thing that matters is whether you've been winning or losing lately.
Play your champion with the highest winrate
I want them to go full autism cash grab next time
SG Riven
SG Annie
SG Vayne
SG Sona
another SG Ahri skin except this time it's an ultimate because ahrifags will buy anything
may as well release another Jhin skin while they're at it
>highest winrate
>the one time i got autofilled support and won
I think I'll stick to my most played
t. 47% winrate Yasuo main
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
Right here senpai
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
moshi moshi sion desu
>Plat in a week
It's just below a 50% win rate, which is plenty enough to put yourself in the upper brackets of this game's shitty player base. The only concerning thing is if all those games are in one week; that's a lot of games for a non-bot.
>a 70% w/r blah blah blah
HOW MANY games did you play? 70/65 ain't shit if it's a low amount.
excluding champions that you have played one game, moron
>can't even watch the C9 vs WE vods cause of the horrid audio desynch
fucking epic
Post memes
SG Sona will most definitely be in the next batch. Not sure about the others but personally I want SG Irelia, SG Vi, SG Cait, SG Sona and First Star A.Sol
I want to rape Lulu.
All of those sound pretty likely especially if Irelia rework is a success
>can't save mastery changes on PBE
>reverted the runes change
what's even the point of playing this shit right now
she left us for the Overwatch general
Wait till the next cycle.
Is there somewhere to make these without PBE?
You have 33 points to add on masteries but you can only add 30. Try that
>no option to double dip into only one tree instead of taking a primary and secondary
like anybody who produces content of value here, the resident autists chased her off. some of them deserve it, but she was basically always on topic and drew nice yordle butts
the next time somebody complains that we have no OC we can just post yordlebro as a reason why.
>some trash team running a protect the kog comp
>obviously a premade given how they group
>they get their shit stomped in by a pub team running a Vayne
Hahaha, niggers.
I tried adding 30, 21 and 5 just to test that out
nothing worked, keeps giving me an error message
xth for Cute Ashe
$10-20 on wired mouse
$20-50 on wireless
It's 99% marketing bullshit, all in your head. You were probably more conscience of your brother's mouse BECAUSE it was $200, not because it had any in-game performance benefits. Professional of many different fields are fooled all the time in blind studies where price tags are obfuscated.
Just don't buy some chinese bullshit from amazon.
Wemb poster where are you
extremely desperate autists chased her away, like anything of quality that once appeared in these threads.
>tell people infinite stacking should be capped instead at 200
>people laugh and tell me i'm shit
>20 minutes later the veigar/nasus they "shut down" actually has 500+ stacks and is raid boss mode before mid-game
They'll never learn. Nobody will ever listen to reason because they think nasus and veigar are still bad.
>Just remembered that I won't have AS runes anymore for my Lux.
Damn, that's actually gonna impact me a lot, I think I'll need to spec into Precision.
So something like:
>Arcane Comet / Nullifying Orb, Transcendence, Scorch
>Presence of Mind, Coup De Grace
I really like Electrocute and Cheap Shot, but the rest of Domination is so bad.
On the other hand Arcane Comet looks awful and I don't like the idea of having a flaming orb following me around, but it's so good with Lux since she can cut 30% of it's cd with just one ability and an AA.
Any better theorycrafts?
bitch used us to get a little efame that went to her head and now shes a patreon NEET
>$80 mouse
>$200 mouse
unless your mouse is broken or severely nonstandard, it doesn't give you any performance advantage or disadvantage. go buy a bog standard $20 ordinary desktop mouse from microsoft or whatever and use it until a button breaks.