Veeky Forums how much should you be making at 28?
I feel like I am way behind at 50k.
What can I invest it to improve my situation?
Veeky Forums how much should you be making at 28?
I feel like I am way behind at 50k.
What can I invest it to improve my situation?
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I then should kill myself scoring in at 80k end of 2017 at 37, right?
I made ~ $5,000 this morning. I'm 27 btw.
I guess you should kill yourself now.
25k in netflix
Are you a pattern day trader? Is that your full time mode of income?
>pattern day trader
nope, I trade on the news.
Takes me between 1 minute and an hour per day when there is a good news.
No need to waste more time looking at the markets all day long like a dumbfuck.
best news site? best news topics? (company joinings)
Im assuming you rode JNUG after the fed balance sheet announcement.
Also, how do you predict things like PLUG and amazon contract. Doesn't that come out of nowhere?
I'm making 36k @ 27, but I have about 150k in the bank, which pretty good.
It's a bit disconcerting that most of my investments regularly swing more than I make in a single day @ work.
pretty damn risky though (assuming you're not LARPing and assuming you aren't using an HFT algorithm) - the reactions to any data points like these are "instant" nowadays so you either have to have very good insight into what the data will be before it appears or you'll end up losing just as much as you make averaged over long periods of time.
I use myfxbook and dailyfx
but sometimes one have news and the other doesn't have them, so better keep several websites to be sure to see everything.
>the reactions to any data points like these are "instant" nowadays
that's the good part, I trade a minute before the news, put my stop loss, so in case I'm wrong I lose like nothing. But most of the time I anticipate the news correctly.
You need balls of steel when you start but after a few months it's alright.
Making $56k at 20. I'm pretty sure in your 20s, your work environment and potential for advancement is more important than your salary.
Can i have an example of some specific news you ride? I can see how this could take an hour everyday, it all looks like bullshit. Hard to believe theres a gem in here and how you can get it. Do you just wait for livefeed here?
Also, what time do you look at the news.
Feel lighyears ahead at 50k at 31. Wages are shit here and im into real estate.
He probably looks at data like pic-related, those are the points which cause market reactions (especially in FX and commodities).
that's on here btw:
although they tend to a bit slow, so it's better to use one which has faster direct access to the data (I use the CMC markets calendar).
That the hard part, it took me several months to see what news move the market, but when you see that, then you can pretty make money nearly everyday.
for example, take this news AUD, the graph will be in the next picture.
The interest rate was anticipated to stay unchanged.
So the AUD would drop and what happened...
it dropped against the GBP, EUR, CAD, USD...
but mainly against the GBP.
On the graph the bars go up because it's the GBP that appreciates against AUD falling.
On this one 58 pips profit (really easy) in less than 30 minutes, with what I trade (10 volumes) it's ~ 5600$ (2 pips spread or $200 spread)
You can put your stop loss at 10 or 15 pips depending on you risk aversion.
And that's how it works for me. No magic, just logic.
Another example.
3rd april, small news on the GBP again.
Bad for the GBP, so it drops.
look what happened (next picture)
took about 3 bars or less than 45 minutes to make ~ $ 2,900
For example, I can tell you something will happen on the GBPUSD and EURGBP the 7th April.
Not all news move the market, if you take one news or two per week it's way more than enough, at least for me.
I hope I make myself clear.
If you're still a wagecuck at 28 you've failed regardless of how much money you're making.
Are you enjoying your tendies?
Absolutely genius. Im a bit overwhelmed. Im pretty much just used to the basics. im glad that it takes months to learn and im not just retarded
I make 140k a year but I still hate being a wageslave.
Yeah start with a demo account, see what moves the market and then,
you will learn that the markets are somewhat really stupid. and thanks to this stupidity you can make money and stop being a wagecuck
I forgot, when you realize the potential and the REAL freedom it gives you, you will be so happy.
Become a NEET!
$80k at 25.
Also for all of you foaming over the trader in this thread: they never share their losses
I have a friend who day trades and has for a long time. I've never heard him talk about major losses before, and only talks when he makes $2k-10k in a day. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
thank you, user
fuc normies
I told them I put a stop loss, retard. I never said I never lose and always win. But the more you trade the better you anticipate the news. Hence your % of profit is reaching 100%.
I hope I can make you live a better life than this:
>I feel like I am way behind at 50k.
I'm 33 and I only make $13000 a year on benefits
Its pretty good. Dont have to work.
>25 years old
>make 40k/year driving a forklift
Feels bad man
When I was 28 I made 0 dollars. I'm 31 and made 230K last year at an actual job.
What do you do for a living, user?
Okay I get that you made a big win today and are posting about it.
But what did you net last year?
what do you want to hear
What's the job?
I do work in Business Intelligence.
been bouncing around account management/saas sales type stuff - any recommendations for getting into decent paying B.I work?
Honestly, for the most part they don't get paid as well as I do. I got pretty lucky.
My main recommendation would be to do a stint as a consultant in either analytics or corporate strategy. That really gets your foot in the door at a lot of places and can look very impressive on a resume. It also teaches you how to speak to executives if you happen to be more of an analytical type like I am.
The technical bar isn't actually that high: while I know about a dozen tools/programming languages at this point, I basically work with Tableau, Excel, and SQL 95% of the time, and could probably get away with it 100% of the time.
hi there bro. ive never worked under contract in my life, always small biz, freelancing, etc. been fine. but now its getting slow, im getting older and i have some savings.
between going the normal job at this age and learning how to is it. your info is valuable, but im a noob to all this world. any advice on stuff to read or other sites i should check? any tips on how to get started the smart way. beeing from a normal family and knowing shit bout this world? thonks honk.
btw i refuse to be a normal life pleb, to hell with a normal working life. i like to live.
Does it require good communication skills?
Jeez, which industry / position?
Games and Entertainment. I work for a relatively small private firm so I can't get too specific.
Thanks man
Better than 40 years old making 25k/year driving a forklift
kek @ your support and resistance, kys
Explain me one thing:
Wages seem so much higher in the Us then here in Europe, yet your companies stay competitive? How come?
We have very highly educated people in my country, yet median wages is 45k and average 29k.
I myself am much better off than most my aged (27) and I earn only 57k which is shit compared to the Us.
I've always wondered the same.
They aren't: the median household income in the US is around 50k.
There are, however, a lot more tech, finance and fintech jobs than in most European countries, and those pay well (at least low 6 figures.)
What did I told you two days ago?
Look what happened.
24 pips or more if you wait to make this morning.
if you just waited and did nothing since this morning trade you would be at 60~70 pips profit.
28 making 22k a year
Feels bad man
And that's usually on a double income, man and wife scenario.
OP making 50k a year at 28 puts him way ahead of most of his peers, in fact, it puts him way ahead of most people in the US in general.
But it's all relative to your money in and money out. I make 38k a year while my GF makes 45k. I save $1500 a month and she lives paycheck to paycheck because of student loans, car, etc, whereas I didn't take loans, etc.
I know people making 100-120k a year that don't save as much as I do, so it's all relative.
My parents give me about 30k/year and my crypto net me 200/day
After i finish college, I'l have access to 1mil to invest in real state.
>invest in real state.
With 1 mil on forex, I can make 30k to 50k a day.
just saying
real estate might be more stable than forex which could be what he is looking for
>stable ???
I want to make money, not earn pennies in a year.
>Gambling savings on forex
Yeah man, you do that one day, I just doubt you will ever have 1 mil considering your bright ideas.
>on forex
if you think you gamble on forex then you are mentally retarded
What trading platform do you use?
Thanks, I've been interested in this type of thing but had never seen anyone with something to back up their claims. Is this just options trading or is it something entirely different?
>options trading
nope, purely news trading or also called fundamental analysis
Fantastic. I'll look further into this. Any advice on a good starting capital?
update 2
if you, again, just waited, and did not close the trade yet: ~ 83 pips profit
With 10 volumes it's ~ $8,100 profit in a day.
if you want to trade for a living you want to start with 30k ~ 50k. people who say they started with $1,000 and made 10k in a week are complete bullshit.
What you want to do is keep on making a few thousands every week, and then you see your capital grow slowly but nicely.
Appreciate the info.
You're welcome.
PS: start with a demo account with 100k and when you manage to double that account, i.e. made 100k in profit you can start with real money.
best site to do a demo trade acc on ?
what program are you using for trades ?
Metatrader5, just download the software, it's free and create a demo account with fake info.
It takes you 5 seconds.
ty user
>$75k as engineer
>work in nyc
Life is suffering. I live on the island with my mom but even if I saved every penny a down payment on a house is at least 5 years away. Taxes take up 1/3 of my paycheck and that is after 20% into 401k.
Fuck NY. If I didnt have personal reasons to stay id be gone instantly.
Answer my question.
What did you net last year?
I make that at 22 and feel like utter peasant trash
This thread is pretty worthless unless you state your location.
$x is much different in bum fuck nowhere Nebraska than it is in San Francisco California.
Some of us don't wake up until we're in our thirties.
Better late than poor forever ever.
I'm 26 making about 100k with overtime and bonuses, and I lag wayyyy behind everyone else in my circle. Friend of mine is 22 making 140k, no debt, and on his second house. God damn it. Learning shit used to be so much easier when I was younger.
>29 years old
>make 16k/year driving a forklift
You don't even understand what bad feels like.
23, 19k a year as a janitor:(
>23, 19k a year as a janitor:(
>45, 190k a year as a janitorial contractor :)
Best skill I ever learned is how to shine a hard floor
thanks Marine Corps
bro are u still there ? man i learned so much from this thread, thank you . got any other tips, or area where i can learn more? where did u get started on ? school college? youtube videos ? books ?
so do i just donlowad mt5 and deposit money or does that require a broker?
Around 3x(your countries average salary) if you want to be considered successful (this amount not being the ceiling).
I make 80k/year before taxes, social security, health insurance etc.
All you talking about your salaries: Are u talking before or after taxes and shit?
Can't speak for everone but I'm talking about pretax including any performance bonuses.
Does the price ever blow past the stop loss. Let's say your trading jnug for example and you assume the adp non farm payroll is really good and the dollar goes up and gold plummets. So say a minute before this comes out you buy 1000 shares of jnug at 6.50 and set your stop loss at let's say 6.40. Is there ever a time where it wouldn't sell at 6.40 and say it would sell at like 6.00 or something like that?
i'm not that guy, and i don't know what jnug is but, if there isn't enough liquidity in a particular market/stock the price can jump through your stop, yes.
In your example, since your stoploss is at 6.40 if there is no one willing to buy your shares at 6.40 you will be quoted the next price there are buyers. in your example buyers come in at 6.00
benefits tho?
Decent health plan
15 days vacation
No vacation pay but we get 6% for vacation on each cheque
7 sick days(unpaid)
$500 for massages and shit
There were other benefits too like pension contribution matching and a yearly bonus but they got cut when the oil industry went to shit
I'm 21, making 21k, no sympathy for faggot op
How do I into forex? These graphs look like an alien language to me.
t. 19 year old who opened a TD ameritrade account & an IRA a few months ago.
Curious how do you have enough knowledge to open a td ameritrade but not know what candle stick graphs are
Algorithmic HFT basically exists to assrape the day traders in this thread.
Wow a very limited amount of unpaid vacation days and limited amount of unpaid sick days... what a joke.
60k - 70k € a year at 27
Running my own small business (onlineshop)
Index funds, the answer is always index funds. The sooner you start, the longer it has to grow and do something more.
Do you have a signal subscription available on MQL5?