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haha where do you come up with this stuff
Help me understand.
Why do people on the WoW forums and the WoW subreddit say legacy servers are a bad thing?
How, as a consumer, is having options ever a bad thing?
I get that Blizzard doesn't want to bother, but what fucking cucks defend extra content, even if it's old content?
look into my eyes while i kiss you
Why don't you ask there
remember to join the wowg discord!
Because they are mindless drones, thus blizzdrones. You don't see nintendo discontinue manufacturing Ocarina of Time with the excuse that Breath of the Wild exists. Same principle.
Rate my mog
Any female pandas here want to be my wife?
>having actual money and resources redirected from making new content into placating legacy fags who will from then on be a customer tumour making constant demands and bashing the actual game
please never ever
you can live without your selfie cams, cuck
draenei are cock sleeves
daily reminder to submit to your badass elf QUEENS and present your puny h*Man penises for inspection
What private server does /wowg/ play on nowadays?
Because they're mindless consumers who are enslaved to a developer aka a corporation. They act like they owe the developer their devotion.
Private servers are technically illegal use of Blizzard's IP but in an ethical sense they are fine because they're presenting a version of the game that is no longer available from a legal means.
Private servers do not threaten retail whatsoever but most Blizzdrones are so devote they view it as a threat to their 13 year old dead dragon slaying game
for the last time elves are breeding sows
people who post on the forums are literal fetal alcohol syndrome retards
remember to suffer no blood elves
But isn't that who Blizzard listens to, their forums and Reddit?
How the fuck do we get legacy servers, if those cucks say it's actually better that we don't have them?
I playeed Nost and loved it, I don't wannt go to another private server, just for it to get taken down or for donors to get item handouts.
i get it everytime a private server shuts down there's always a new person like you that wants answers but we've had this discussion for fucking YEARS now
you are thinking the playerbase would be new players
thats wrong, that would divide the playerbase heavily which blizzard doesn't want, as a company its better if your drones are at one game
pserver faggots wont be the ones joining because they are poorfags anyway
for example i'd change to vanilla faster than the speed of light if it was a retail version and dozens of my friends would too
this is no longer wow just a shadow of what it used to be
Repeating You guys are so fast. Where is the biggest lot of you, for Alliance players? Or are most of you Horde? I want a comfy place to be. Then again, still not sure to get out of Starter Ed.
There is one person pure enough to warm her oven back up. Only one person can do it.
So I'm a literal god that has been playing this game since release and have been owning face as a tank.
I recently made a protection paladin about a month ago and have been trying to get into mythic+ groups, with very little luck.
Recently I had this guy call me "noob" and say "you suck" because my wowprogress is "600"
Someone care to explain what this means?
How do you get this score higher? or lower? or what the heck am I supposed to do for people to see me as the God that I am?
why did it take you 61 minutes to do a +10 VotW
I had a hard time keeping aggro off the warrior, he pretty much tanked the whole thing.
run lots of high level M+s
mostly people will only care about checking it for M15+ though of course some people are fully autist (like the guy who went off on you)
one M+10 of each will give you a nice score
Why does that hurt Blizzard if we all still pay $15 per month?
Ok so you're a vet so I assume you were around for the Gearscore shit show in Wotlk. Its basically the same thing. Some autist is judging your skill/performance through an arbitrary number from an outside game resource
Just like the faggots who would equip shitty gear just to increase their GS, you have people who just run a lot of mythic +
People not knowing how to not get wrecked by the walls on the last boss.
It was mythic+12.
Question, if I run mythic+10 and do it in 5 min, then run the same mythic+10 instance and do it in 7 minutes this time, do I get points added, or does the second mythic run not change anything?
The thing is, I only run a high mythic+ once a week to get the chest since I'm in all 910+ so +12 only gives me 5 points if I even get an item and I hate dealing with pugs.
I'm asking if A: running the same mythic repeatedly gives you points, or if B: it's giving me points based on my best clear for that mythic, and another set of points for another.
I don't want to do the mythic+s I have not done before, I don't feel like learning that shit when I don't need to.
Cute. Don't make me start posting with a tripcode, again.
Ok so I want to make my rogue into a goblin but I'm having a hard time deciding between male or female.
On one hand I really like how the goblin female looks in most of the leather armor but I hate the face options for female goblins. Then on the other I really like how the male goblin looks in the Tier 21 red pvp gear.
I'm also self-conscious about being judged for playing a female character
Do it you fucking faggot, call me cute again and we'll see what happens.
cute again
yup you get points for every mythic
Wait a few days. Horde guild might pop back up on illidan, niggas tend to pop out of the woodwork around now.
For alliance, though, I can say sargeras
>I'm also self-conscious about being judged for playing a female character
you're already too weak to deserve fgobbo, just play a male
Fuck this shit.
>implying you can filter a god
it's only too bad he's a homosexual
>being judged for playing a female character
How do people still suffer from this? Half the playerbase probably plays female characters now. 90% of the Horde is blood elves
I've known some of the most normie, Chad tier faggots who's mains were female humans or draenei.
>female character
>get helmet that is a hate
>all my characters hair vanishes and apparently is bunched up under the hat
The NPC's with hats don't even do this. Whitemane's had her long hair since Vanilla yet when I equip the same exact hat she's wearing my character gets a shaved head
rate the legitimacy of the Tides of Vengeance leak
>Chad tier faggots
exactly our point.
got everything from hallows end except for the helm, should i even bother?
do you have the witch hats?
>Tides of Vengeance
>not The Dark Below
whats the respawn rate on Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling seriously, im losing my mind
blurry angled snap
its bullshit because the date is bullshit
fake as fuck
why would they just throw in a shitty naga npc
/wowg/ flex this saturday! We will be doing ToS Normal(or heroic?). US-Horde side like it's always been, starting earlier this week at 6pm cst. Everyone is invited! Minimum ilvl should be at least 900. Invites go out at 5:45. Add Froo#1664 for details and invite.
Hold me /wowg/ I just killed fallen avatar.
Not even sure if I'll bother with KJ though, guild's breaking down.
I really should be above snickering at shit like this.
that's the athissa art from the legion teaser site
you fucking suck at this
Probably the shittiest thing about Mythic plus, aside from Teeming Seat of the Triumvirate, is the rampant "will check Wowprogress" bullshit everywhere.
You can guarantee that the person hosting it is a fucking retard who lucked out/spammed the fuck out of mythic+ because he couldn't raid and now puts arbitrary barriers to entry up to make it feel more exclusive.
It's pretty much exactly like people who ask for curve and 930+ in HC KJ groups and then get Curve themselves when the boss goes down.
>new book is released in May '18
>implying expansion released before book
? user at least try..
are you actually shitting me with these timeless coin craps?
there are more than 100k worth at different vendors
what the fuck, fuck this game really
chink farmfest
Its been pretty bad this week too cause a lot of people are padding their ilvl with the crucible and argus gear. You see 935+ and expect a smooth run, nope they do 600k dps.
Thats why checking wowprog raiderio and warcraft logs is important.
Its also yoir duty to inspect the guy inviting you as it is for them to check you.
Furries and anime are welcome.
>cropping my name out of the image
Thanks, but why?
just do the 5 when it comes around and the BT timewalking
its not meant to be something you grind for a week to 100%
Man that avatar I have is so old, this was almost like a year ago right?
bad at wow human (f) mage lf good at wow dominant futa draenei gf
>Howbdo Ibfarm halloween sweets FAST?
Shut the heck up.
Are you having a stroke?
say that again to my face you moon (pronounced: alien windchime) worshipping freak
Fucking futa draenai, taking all the bitches. No one wants to ERP with my hyper futa gnome.
Are dks good in pvp
ye dude
well fuck . i really liked the name tides of vengeance
I read that as Fag moore
I wanna play again but none of my old buddies or Irl friends are playing.
Should I just make a character or two on a new server and dick around until level 20 and the trail ends? I last played when Emerald Nightmare was fresh and I cleared it once and did maybe the first couple bosses in the Nighthold on raid finder difficulty.
What would I have to look forward to if I resubbed versus got it out of my system maybe doing 1-20 a couple times? Is it that weird limbo between things right now?
>be me
>playing with my arms warrior
>going pretty underwherlming since it not our glorious days
>listening to some casual atreyu of wich i grew bored
>suddenly the playlist stops
>get overwhelemed by the horde niggers and their cuck healers
>the playlist on auto played changed its song to
>feel the anger boiling in my veins
>feel how my birthright as a warrior gets taken away from me
>cancel my defensive stance
>right click their healer and mount my always thrusty Rivendares Deatcharger (0,8% drop very rare)
>proceed to leave the bg and play an acutally good game
how fun is mistweaver monk? so far I only played priest, paladin and druid as healer (when levelling) but they don't seem to be really fun. MW looks fun to play in pvp
consider what you said i'd say do whatever the fuck you want
>ship from gilneas
yeah right as if blizzard is actually going to give alliance an extra capital
this doesnt seem to be working anymore
xu'fu blew my foxes the fuck out
pls respond
just use the good guide instead
yeah but i have the other guide's pets
Where can I find a cute fe(male) like Nagura?
sucks to be you then
every time a guide tells me to use a fox i end up being shat all over, including the darkmoon trainers
foxes are literal meme pets
What part of shut the heck up do you not freaking understand?
it worked pretty well in panda, just came back and wanted to get the last celestial pet but for some reason thats the only fight thats not wokring anymore
ill try actually the other guide's version later since i have all the pets for the xu-fu fight apparently
>trying to get last minute timewalking dungeons done
>que 4 times in a row with 1 person not accepting/declining
>it's usually the healer or dps
>finally get in
>tank leaves
seriously, what the fuck?
Yes. Help. SWEETS Fas.t
maybe that's because you're the one playing the hyper futa gnome
also macro/hyper is a shit fetish
i queue up for things like timewalking right before reset so i can deliberately fuck over scrubs like you who left it too late
p8ce out