>>LIVE EVENTS Royal Pools > Calus
Nightfall: The Pyramidion - Torrent // Timewarp: Zero Hour
Flashpoint: Titan
Xur: Titan - Sweet Business // Winter’s Guile // Doom Fang Pauldron // Raiden Flux
Trials: LOL?!?!
>>LIVE EVENTS Royal Pools > Calus
Nightfall: The Pyramidion - Torrent // Timewarp: Zero Hour
Flashpoint: Titan
Xur: Titan - Sweet Business // Winter’s Guile // Doom Fang Pauldron // Raiden Flux
Trials: LOL?!?!
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>tfw no Holliday gf
Go to sleep guardians.
Bungie described D2 “new wide open world” like it was comparable to BOTW but really all they added was fast travel. I know it was just speculation but I was under the impression that the farm would seamlessly merge with the dangerous wilderness. For example in my picture I could run straight to the shard (ala BOTW, GTA, Ass Creed) instead of getting TURN BACK as soon as I cross the fence.
Edz is beautiful but it gives you no reason to explore
Titan is tiny and the best part (arcology) is meaningless beside the story mission and strike
Nessus and Io are the exact same planet. Vex worlds that the Cabal occasionally visit.
TL;DR the fix is just giving us what they advertised.
But I just woke up
Any guides/tips for PC launch?
I know you're meant to save some certain engrams for some certain light level, or something?
I have an exam in 6 hours I wish I could
Reminder sonynyggers last thread was your last one. Don’t show your face.
-Don’t do any quests until after the beat the story
-Don’t turn in any tokens until after you beat the story
-When you make a second character get to level 20 before beating the story and give your best guns to second character for light boost.
Nope, pretty sure it's bedtime.
So no FotL and no new content probably for the foreseeable future. The heck am I supposed to do until like November?
but I'm not tired
we’re early brother let the peasents hang on to the little they have left for 9 more hours
Which race has the best emotes?
Look like some bootleg legoman
what is a counter to last hope
nope it’s time to cram for biochem
Best warlock sub-class for pvp?
the only one that’s hideous is the hunter
"the foreseeable future" is 2 weeks for you?
And I don't think we're getting much of anything till December when season 2 starts, and the first dlc drops.
1. Not being 1 inch away from a last hope user
2. Antipope-D
3. Last Dance
I’ve been waiting too long to be disappointed by this shit
well, I forgot it's october already but yea what I meant was we're probably not getting anything until season 2
Sucks to be you then
Tough shit.
The fastest way to level up is to get a buddy (I did it with a fellow level 15) and grind the heroic public events on titan with fast travel. You will be +200 light by time you fight Ghaul.
So all my normie friends play on consoles, gonna need to find chill people who just like to have fun.
I'm a Titan main, but warlock is my 2nd class and I say Devour voidwalker. Having a nearly instant full heal that rewards multi-kills and a shutdown AoE super is awesome for pvp. Pair it up with some Karnstein Armlets and you'll fucking wreck in standard crucible.
9 hours for me.
Recovery is the only stat that matters, so when you are grinding for purple gear focus on restorative pieces, all other gear is irrelevant except exotics
Yeah was looking in to Devour, thanks for the info man
for all of us
>tanks spawn in strikes
East coast here, 6 hours for me, hype af.
I too watch unknown player
no it launches at 1PM for you
>pc brainlets still can’t read an infographic
and I thought you guys were the mater race
>tfw 1am for me here in singapoor
Bungie hates us SEA monkeys
1300 gmt is 1p.m.
Standard 10 a.m. west coast deal.
fuck that don’t know how you guys deal desu I need my sleep
Yeah it's crazy, I'm just gonna wake up really early
smart thing is to farm lvl 20 first in edz and then do the campaign
>friendship is endgame
>no clan chat
>no proximity chat
>no general chat
plz user masochism is unhealthy for the body
>friendship is endgame
The fuck is this shit? If I wanted friends I'd go out and meet with fellow spergs
come on we both know you don't leave the house
Sir, I leave my house THRICE a week.
No, farm heroic events once you get to titan the frequency of public events there is ridiculous
how does one go about making these public events heroic?
>tfw no gallyhorn like exotic to chase
Only exotic i was super stoke to get was the orpheus rig
>we have to endure people not knowing how to heroic PEs again
>friendship is endgame
Kinda boggle my mind a paid professional from a company would actually try to slap that anime crap on their community with a straight face
for some it's kinda obvsious; shoot the tank until it drops orbs then put those orbs in the slots that are shielding the fallen guns, or shoot the glimmer extractor during the glimmer mining event
others you have to shoot crystals that spawn in the hive ritual
the taken blight is the hardest I think because you have to shoot the big ball in the middle and no one ever does
>the taken blight is the hardest I think because you have to shoot the big ball in the middle and no one ever does
just wardcliff it faggot
It's not a matter of DPS.
All the other PE are easy because its just destroy X.
The Taken Blight one you actually have to put one and one together.
fuck you and your virus
I usually end up unloading my shotgun into the blight
How long till pc version drops?
Same. Need to do a water change in my turtles tank, and she needs her shell scrubbed. Something to keep me occupied for a couple hours.
Save blue and better quality scout rifles for the MIDA quest, since you need to shard 15 of them for it.
Are we getting a PC clan?
>It's not a matter of DPS
yes it is so just solo it with wardcliff
>Servers going live 1pm est
Why can't they just go live at midnight like every other online game ever?
6PM here m8
Because they are still rectally ravaged from a few threads ago that people said they had bad fashion sense and proceeded to have an autistic meltdown for 50 posts.
no fuck off
So lads, since you can't get a sparrow (except by luck) until you beat the campaign, should I get the poptarts one to tide me over, or is it not really that big a deal?
because they were too lazy to have 3 people stay overnight to launch the servers and watch them in case something happened
Its not a big deal
any ausfags here, jb hi-fi has the game for $59 is that the cheapest in australia?
How come pvp was more tryhard when you had to farm for weapons and everything killed in seconds
Groovy, thank you.
any boners doing reset shit
How else are kids going to skip school to play it?
It wasn't.
Can I run it on PC? I've preordered it already. My processor concerns me the most.
Cheers lads.
dono seems like your screen has some black spots
that might be problematic
when is the next stream
It was more than whatever we have in d2 atm
I don't want boxes or gay porn sent to me, is all :(
is that bad? :I
can I run it or not bois. Some sites say I can run it at medium, but I don't trust them
Easily 40-60fps on lowest setting (which looks better than d2 on consoles)
>on /v/ in a secret world thread
>guy with bad english asked if he could have my account if I wasn't going to play
>asked for email, he gave it to me
>signed him up for black gay HIV+ dating service
>username "PozdBottomBoy"
Is there any real difference in which class/subclass is 'best'? (i.e are there any clear outliers when it comes to class performance?)
Is there anything special I need to know before I jump in or things I should save for a certain point? Played warlock on ps4 for destiny 1, fairly sure I'm just going to warlock for PC, any reason I shouldn't?
That's not too bad I guess. Even with my processor?
Bruh I once banged a bug chaser. Those guys are fucked up. The whole poz thing isn't even just a meme
who dis
>First crucible match for the call to arms.
>Get warlock crucible gauntles.
I'm free. I did it, I actually managed to grind out every single armor piece for all three classes and all weapons. See ya fellas in a month.
Every one does something, but there are some skills to not put points into.
For hunters, don't put points into six shooter if you only pvp, your super usually doesn't last long enough to get all 6 shots off with any accuracy. For void hunter, don't put a point into mobius quiver. More tethers sounds better, but really you can tether more enemies, cover more area, and generate more orbs with the one big ass arrow than several smaller ones.
For void warlocks, don't put a point into cataclysm. It breaks your massive fuck you bomb into smaller homing fuck you bombs, but they travel even slower and the tracking is horrible. Can be out run in pvp and in pve it'll hit a wall half the time instead of the enemy its tracking.
>banged a bug catcher
U gay bro
how long did it take you to figure that one out?
Seems he figured it out in the end.